Petition to Acquit Man for Killing Cop During Unjust No-Knock Raid Goes Viral

No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.
FYI - Anyone can buy and get their hands on a police uniform. Uniforms and badges are easy to get. Just because someone is wearing a uniform and has a badge doesn't mean they're cops. I'd shoot first and ask questions later if I saw them coming through a door or window. Cops can do the right thing and knock, and wait to be recognized by a homeowner. COPS aren't GOD.

If you can't show the local spate of gang members wearing police uniforms you're never gonan convince a jury you had a reasonable belief they weren't actual police officers. That's retarded to even try using.

Cops aren't God no. If a cop does something illegal you're free to file a complaint and win a million dollar lawsuit at trial. But there's next to no situation conceivable where a home owner is going to be justified shooting police conducting a raid. And certainly not in Texas. Ask the Davidians.
I am sorry, but in a free country, the warrant must be served before there is forced entry.

If suspects refuse to allow cops in to serve the warrant after they announce they have it, then forced entry is justified.

Not before.
AMEN !!!! There's a right way and a wrong way to do anything.

At trial sure. When the SRT guys are pointing their MP-5s at you you have to the right to remain silent, and that's all.
To hell with a trial if you have a chance to shoot first. Let GOD sort it out afterwards. Again, trials do not determine justice when it's a cop's word against yours.
No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.
FYI - Anyone can buy and get their hands on a police uniform. Uniforms and badges are easy to get. Just because someone is wearing a uniform and has a badge doesn't mean they're cops. I'd shoot first and ask questions later if I saw them coming through a door or window. Cops can do the right thing and knock, and wait to be recognized by a homeowner. COPS aren't GOD.

If you can't show the local spate of gang members wearing police uniforms you're never gonan convince a jury you had a reasonable belief they weren't actual police officers. That's retarded to even try using.

Cops aren't God no. If a cop does something illegal you're free to file a complaint and win a million dollar lawsuit at trial. But there's next to no situation conceivable where a home owner is going to be justified shooting police conducting a raid. And certainly not in Texas. Ask the Davidians.
You live in a conservative mid-Western state, and post views on sexual freedom contrary to the beliefs of most cops.

Suppose a poster took your posts to mean you probably engage in practices contrary to MO law, and contacted the police, who then got a warrant.

Would you be comfortable with a no-knock raid on your house based on suspicion you might be engaging in an unlawful sex act?

Or, would you think they should announce that they have a warrant before entering your home?
Suspicion is NOT guilt. Proof positive is guilt. That should be the rule regardless of where one lives. A warrant allows them to enter and search, nothing more. An arrest warrant allows them to take you into custody. But, entering a home without proof of wrong doing is akin to what the Germans did during WWII.
Warrants are issued on suspicion by vindictive neighbors and others all the time.

No knock is just absolutely wrong unless there is a reasonable suspicion that lives are in jeopardy.
No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.

First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.
No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.

First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.
Yes, it's very bad. It's a slap-in-the-face to freedom, justice, and civil rights.
No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.

First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hint. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.
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No such thing as an unjust no-knock raid. All raids are no-knock. "Hi it's the police, we're raiding your home, may we come in please?" That never happens.

If the police were in someone's home, but the home owner hadn't yet seen them, got a weapon, and fired the moment a target presented itself, you might convince a jury it was defensive. But you have no affirmative defense based on the lawfulness of the raid itself since you wouldn't know whether the search warrant was lawful or what law they used to conduct the raid when it's happening. You don't learn about that until much later. And you certainly have no right to shoot recognized police under any state 'castle amendment' type law. The assumption is if police are in your home it's lawful for them to be there.

The home owner's facing execution and rightly so unless he fired immediately upon seeing a target not knowing they were police.

First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hit. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.

So what, you got a speeding ticket once and now hate the police? Or you prefer how it is in many African countries where whoever has the most guns and soldiers sets the stage and police are a fantasy?

Your arguement is trying to say having civilians able to veto police powers is somehow preferable to simply playing by the rules. If you obey the law you have nothing to worry about from the police. And in the freak instances where police knock your door down by mistake, you have a big lawsuit to look fowards to you'll almost certainly win.

Only criminals hate the police.
First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hit. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.

So what, you got a speeding ticket once and now hate the police? Or you prefer how it is in many African countries where whoever has the most guns and soldiers sets the stage and police are a fantasy?

Your arguement is trying to say having civilians able to veto police powers is somehow preferable to simply playing by the rules. If you obey the law you have nothing to worry about from the police. And in the freak instances where police knock your door down by mistake, you have a big lawsuit to look fowards to you'll almost certainly win.

Only criminals hate the police.
I don't hate the police.

I want them to act like Americans, not like NKVD or Gestapo.

Why do you find that unreasonable?
FYI - Anyone can buy and get their hands on a police uniform. Uniforms and badges are easy to get. Just because someone is wearing a uniform and has a badge doesn't mean they're cops. I'd shoot first and ask questions later if I saw them coming through a door or window. Cops can do the right thing and knock, and wait to be recognized by a homeowner. COPS aren't GOD.

If you can't show the local spate of gang members wearing police uniforms you're never gonan convince a jury you had a reasonable belief they weren't actual police officers. That's retarded to even try using.

Cops aren't God no. If a cop does something illegal you're free to file a complaint and win a million dollar lawsuit at trial. But there's next to no situation conceivable where a home owner is going to be justified shooting police conducting a raid. And certainly not in Texas. Ask the Davidians.
I am sorry, but in a free country, the warrant must be served before there is forced entry.

If suspects refuse to allow cops in to serve the warrant after they announce they have it, then forced entry is justified.

Not before.
AMEN !!!! There's a right way and a wrong way to do anything.

At trial sure. When the SRT guys are pointing their MP-5s at you you have to the right to remain silent, and that's all.
To hell with a trial if you have a chance to shoot first. Let GOD sort it out afterwards. Again, trials do not determine justice when it's a cop's word against yours.
I don't want to kill a cop, or, be killed by a cop.

That is why no-knock should be unconstitutional unless there are TWO warrants, one justifying the search, and a separate one justifying no-knock.
First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hit. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.

So what, you got a speeding ticket once and now hate the police? Or you prefer how it is in many African countries where whoever has the most guns and soldiers sets the stage and police are a fantasy?

Your arguement is trying to say having civilians able to veto police powers is somehow preferable to simply playing by the rules. If you obey the law you have nothing to worry about from the police. And in the freak instances where police knock your door down by mistake, you have a big lawsuit to look fowards to you'll almost certainly win.

Only criminals hate the police.

I have gotten speeding tickets without issue. I have gotten parking violations without issue. What I have issue with is your desire to see police elevated to level of knights, untouchable by the rest of us, their mistakes covered by taxpayer monies, and without consequence to their own livelihood or personal wealth.

In this case they found ZERO evidence of what he was accused of.

Fuck the lawsuit, I want the asshole who fucked up the warrant out of a job.
I don't want to kill a cop, or, be killed by a cop.
I don't want to be killed by a cop but I'd kill a cop if I feel enough hatred.
Only criminals hate the police.
And others are just lambs of god like you? You're wrong, cops earned their reputation themselves!

You realize of course your IP is your real-world address and threatening to kill police online is just like saying it in public? You're not anonymous online. Not by any stretch of your infantile mind.
First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hit. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.

So what, you got a speeding ticket once and now hate the police? Or you prefer how it is in many African countries where whoever has the most guns and soldiers sets the stage and police are a fantasy?

Your arguement is trying to say having civilians able to veto police powers is somehow preferable to simply playing by the rules. If you obey the law you have nothing to worry about from the police. And in the freak instances where police knock your door down by mistake, you have a big lawsuit to look fowards to you'll almost certainly win.

Only criminals hate the police.
FYI - I'm NOT a criminal, by any stretch of the imagination, and I GREATLY dislike cops, police. ( hate is an ugly word ) No, we're not like Africa, nowhere even close. One can play by the rules and still be targeted by police. Police abuse their power and authority with the innocent as well as with the guilty. The daily news and headlines are filled with examples. I obey the laws and have been harassed by cops in the past. Behaving oneself is no guarantee that one will escape police brutality, murder at the hands of cops, or being arrested for no reason. We read the stories all the time. FYI - The 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia didn't live to take the cops to court for entering her home, shooting, and killing her simply because they had the wrong address and was acting as they usually act. Your argument is null and void of reality. Do some research and brush up on police misconduct and cold blooded murder. I think you'll be surprised at what you find.
I don't want to kill a cop, or, be killed by a cop.
I don't want to be killed by a cop but I'd kill a cop if I feel enough hatred.
Only criminals hate the police.
And others are just lambs of god like you? You're wrong, cops earned their reputation themselves!

You realize of course your IP is your real-world address and threatening to kill police online is just like saying it in public? You're not anonymous online. Not by any stretch of your infantile mind.
They can find any of us.
First, a no knock raid is when they break down the doors without any announcement. Warrants can be served by the police announcing themselves outside, then entering the premises.

And as for the 2nd one, bullshit. No person has an assumption to be in your house, and the police's right to enter is based on a valid warrant or life and death situations.

Starting to see why liberals get dissed so often, some of you are fucking ignorant as hell. Try addressing what I and other write instead of what you think you read when you're obviously incapable of reading an adult level.

Fuck you. Again, did the police announce their presence while effectively breaking into the guys house, and 2, NO the police cannot be "assumed" to be somewhere legally at any time. Thats a fucking police state.

Again, FUCK YOU.

Aww you say police state like it's a bad thing.

typical from someone who considers themselves the police.

Here's a hit. The police are no better than we are, they have no more rights than we do, and they do not deserve to go home safely more than we do.

They are citizens and civilians like the rest of us, they are not a new class of knights.

So what, you got a speeding ticket once and now hate the police? Or you prefer how it is in many African countries where whoever has the most guns and soldiers sets the stage and police are a fantasy?

Your arguement is trying to say having civilians able to veto police powers is somehow preferable to simply playing by the rules. If you obey the law you have nothing to worry about from the police. And in the freak instances where police knock your door down by mistake, you have a big lawsuit to look fowards to you'll almost certainly win.

Only criminals hate the police.
Nothing to worry about ?????

In today's news:
Debra Milke who spent 22 years on death row has murder case tossed -
Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on Arizona death row, has murder case tossed

Updated 2:11 AM ET, Tue March 24, 2015

No other witnesses or direct evidence linked Milke to the crime other than Saldate's testimony.

Milke's 'confession'

Saldate further said that Milke confessed to her role in the murder plot during interrogation and said it was a "bad judgment call."

There was no recording of the interrogation, no one else was in the room or watching from a two-way mirror, and Saldate said he threw away his notes shortly after completing his report.

Milke offered a vastly different view of the interrogation and denied that she had confessed to any role.

The trial became a he-said/she-said contest between the two.

Ultimately, the jury believed the detective and convicted Milke of murder.

Saldate's past

What prosecutors didn't tell the court was the detective's long history of lying under oath and misconduct.
Petition to Acquit Man for Killing Cop During Unjust No-Knock Raid Goes Viral The Free Thought Project
On Friday, May 9, 2014, just after 5:30am in Killeen, Texas, Marvin Louis Guy was the target of a no-knock raid.

The officers were looking for drugs, yet no drugs were found in the home.

Detective Dinwiddie was one of the SWAT officers who broke into Guy’s house on May 9th, based on a seemingly bogus informant tip off about drugs being dealt from the home.

Likely alarmed by the men climbing through his windows at 5:30 in the morning, unannounced, Guy and his wife sought to protect themselves and their property and fired on the intruders- in self-defense.
People protect thug from punishment? Or maybe he wasn't guilty? What do you think guys? Should the person who injured cop(of course he saw that these were policemen in his home, not burglars)be punished, or it is his property and he did everything right?
Good stuff. Cops better start triple checking their information. I've seen them do this plenty of times without a warrant. Time one of them got their asses smoked for illegal searches.
Did they change the freaking Constitution while nobody was looking? How the hell can a petition acquit a person for murder?
Did they change the freaking Constitution while nobody was looking? How the hell can a petition acquit a person for murder?
It's an effort at true justice. It's not meant to replace anything. It's meant to bring attention to what cops do. At least it's someone trying to speak up for us innocent people.
You realize of course your IP is your real-world address and threatening to kill police online is just like saying it in public? You're not anonymous online. Not by any stretch of your infantile mind.
Yes I wanna kill all the assheaded cops that usually make me hate them for their behavior, so what? Most cops need additional morality education.
Infantile mind? That's your words, not mine. Now think, aren't cops so infantile when they draw weapons on children?

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