Petroleum based economy

p kirkes

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2006
NW Louisiana
It is my understanding that America must decrease it's dependence on oil, foreign first, then domestic.

The congress is considering upping the ante for insuring a drilling operation to unaffordable levels ostensibly in pursuit of this objective. The oil industry is understandably opposed.

Is this the method by which Uncle Sam is going to force America to exploit other technologies for energy production, by making oil production and associated products unaffordable and giveing incentives to non-fossil energy production?

I expect this will Probably come in a series of legislative acts over the next few decades until oil base products are too costly to buy for the majority of the population.

The public is not going to change over to clean energy sources themselves, people like the status quo. The loss of jobs and economies will not stop this train because the government sees a greater danger in continuing down the oil based economy track.

This transition will not be painless.
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yeah it ain't happening. Don't get me wrong, libtards get standing ovations from limosine liberals for this anti-oil comedy. Then they drive & fly away. do you know how much co2 flying burns? It's many times more than driving.
Alternatives are being worked on every day and sooner or later someone's gonna come up with a reliable and affordable alternative, or alternatives. It'll happen as there's a shit pot full of money to be made off whatever the option(s) might be.
Alternatives are being worked on every day and sooner or later someone's gonna come up with a reliable and affordable alternative, or alternatives. It'll happen as there's a shit pot full of money to be made off whatever the option(s) might be.

and this differs from the carter years how?
Yes, differs from the Carter years in a major way. There are big solar plants now producing panels for less than a dollar a watt. Wind power is cheaper to install, and then costs little to operate, when compared to even dirty coal. Geo-thermal is the next to be able to produce power for less than dirty coal.

And we now have batteries that are capable of delivering 250 miles on a single charge, for a seven passenger car. With power enough to accelerate to 60 mph in 5.9 seconds. At present very expensive because of the cost of the batteries. However, were the market to be for millions of vehicles a year, there would be a very steep decrease in prices as the inevitable cost savings from mass manufacture and competition kicked in.

What we lack, is a distributed grid, with legs to the places where the power is.
Yet, the Carter years are evident. Carter labeled the oil industry's profits "obscene" and instituted the Windfall Profits Tax- which was not based on profits, nor was it a tax. The result was a marked decrease in drilling and exploration as well as a drop in domestic production.

The "evil oil" label persists under Obama, and through his proposed budget will take tens of billions of dollars from the industry in order to plow funds into 'green' technologies.
They'll eventually put limits on what you idiots can use so their buddies can sell the rest to China and India.

In a couple of years the argument will be " The Gulf is dead and will never come back so why not drill baby drill.
It's in the best interest of Murka.

I can hear the dupes cheering already.
solar without subsidies would for all practicle purposes not even exist.
so it was uneconomical in the seventies and is still so.
Alternatives are being worked on every day and sooner or later someone's gonna come up with a reliable and affordable alternative, or alternatives. It'll happen as there's a shit pot full of money to be made off whatever the option(s) might be.

Well let us know when exactly someone invents the magical fuel that will replace gasoline. But until then we shouldn't make the assumption its right around the corner.

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