Pew March 15: "Romney Wins(?)! Non-Participant Boomerang Generation Is At Home(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Romney claim of special knowledge about the economy: Reduces to a claim that the ObamaCrats actually created a stalling recovery. The McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-Tea Party agenda: Actually said "No!" to any lubrication of the economy at all. Cantor famously opposed the natural disaster stimulations, subsequent the main lubrication.

And so anyone notes that Rep. Barney Frank may have a better understanding of how the U. S. economy works. Various film, magazine, and video entrepreneurs: Probably have a better understanding of how the economy works. Various wholesale and retail entrepreneurs probably have the better understanding. Then there are the people! Romney so far has not entered into the "discourse" regarding how the economy works.

March 15, 2012, updated Pew Research online shows one of two other concepts that the RomneyCult fails to understand. Young adults stay at home in droves, and may not be responding at all the the federal unemployment surveys(?) They also may be working on-line at new home-centered, fortune-making businesses.

Pew Research Center

The second great misunderstanding of the RomneyCult is the matter of state and local government, massive layoffs: At the worst possible time. State and local bureaucrats--aka teachers especially--Essentially, basicially care diddly-squat about the economy, or the apparent hard times. That comes after Bush-Cheney. Cheney made it even especially hard on lawyers, one of whom he shot. What was to come after the Reagan Revolution was, "The 1996 Default Of The U. S. Federal Government," except that the Clintons won, along Gore the Inventor.

Possibly others have had occasion to fill out the household unemployment survey. A lot of the current new labor force has moved back in with mom and dad, and seem content. If they are at the computer all day: It's not just about the old people, anymore.

Labor Force participation data may be under-reporting some new events.

The Santorum agenda, for example, is actually touting more Obama-Biden-like solutions to the economy, and to health care. In the Santorum agenda," a Cash-For-Meds" plan is actually a centerpiece, of the alternative, being proposed. Unlike the Affordable Health Care Act, no direct cost control mechanisms are proposed at all(?). "Stoke The Rich" is all about Santorum types of Socialist plans. Santorum probably knows about what is running Europe, which is different from Haiti, and drought-stricken, East Africa.

Romney, however, has expanded his lead in the polling regarding the Republican Presidential nomination.

"Stoke The Rich," at any rate: Is likely to remain at the heart of anything GOP, to be proposed anytime soon. That may occur even if it looks something on tablets found in Central Park(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better meds for Lands of Many Nations: May at least help with any lack of nearby, practicing medical professionals. . .Busy. . .Creating a personal experience of all the meds then at-the-marketplace(?)!) A Hunting and Gathering Economy, complete with a Shaman-directed medical plan: Could become launched as the throwback, Strictly constructed, Constitutional America!)
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There are gaming casinos, even on the Indian Reservations. Who will deny that gaming is now fun for everybody, even at home(?)?!

Or even at. . .The Home(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Doonsbury is even on LA Times OpEd this week: All about Texas, female things! Now, shouldn't that be on the cartoon pages: Where everyone can learn about America, firsthand(?)! School is like, so wrong: Anymore! It's even in the job statistics(?)!)

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