Pew Research Center asks the wrong people


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in mid-February asking respondents what aspects of federal spending they would prefer to see cut. The poll confirms past surveys that show that although Americans prefer to cut government spending in abstract terms, there aren't many specifics they want slashed.
The poll comes as the cuts known as the sequester begin to start kicking in this week. Under sequestration, every non-exempt aspect of government spending will see a cut. This will generate $1.2 trillion worth of savings over the next 10 years.
But the Pew poll found that respondents were relatively content with the size and scope of most aspects of the government, despite a general urge to cut spending in broad terms.
As the chart shows, the only aspect of government spending respondents wanted cut was foreign aid. Still, USAID is a relatively small portion of the grand federal budget, accounting for a total of only $50.7 billion in fiscal year 2012.
The least controversial portions of government spending were Social Security, veterans' benefits, and education. The latter two are both subject to cuts as a result of the sequester, but only one-tenth of respondents wanted them to be slashed.

All of the liberal polls ask the wrong questions and they ask the wrong people to make sure their liberal agenda is served. Informed Americans are always conservative and we know why the government is in such debt. The liberal spending that supports the lazy and shiftless has been taking this country down the toilet since Franklin Roosevelt. Getting rid of the democrat's socialist policies that have been ruining this country since the 1930s will have the US prosperous again. Making people responsible for themselves will stop the need for welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and all of the other socialist programs liberals love. Put the lazy to work or let them starve because patriot Americans don't need or want these lazy losers. I want to see any liberal refute this.
The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in mid-February asking respondents what aspects of federal spending they would prefer to see cut. The poll confirms past surveys that show that although Americans prefer to cut government spending in abstract terms, there aren't many specifics they want slashed.
The poll comes as the cuts known as the sequester begin to start kicking in this week. Under sequestration, every non-exempt aspect of government spending will see a cut. This will generate $1.2 trillion worth of savings over the next 10 years.
But the Pew poll found that respondents were relatively content with the size and scope of most aspects of the government, despite a general urge to cut spending in broad terms.
As the chart shows, the only aspect of government spending respondents wanted cut was foreign aid. Still, USAID is a relatively small portion of the grand federal budget, accounting for a total of only $50.7 billion in fiscal year 2012.
The least controversial portions of government spending were Social Security, veterans' benefits, and education. The latter two are both subject to cuts as a result of the sequester, but only one-tenth of respondents wanted them to be slashed.

All of the liberal polls ask the wrong questions and they ask the wrong people to make sure their liberal agenda is served. Informed Americans are always conservative and we know why the government is in such debt. The liberal spending that supports the lazy and shiftless has been taking this country down the toilet since Franklin Roosevelt. Getting rid of the democrat's socialist policies that have been ruining this country since the 1930s will have the US prosperous again. Making people responsible for themselves will stop the need for welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and all of the other socialist programs liberals love. Put the lazy to work or let them starve because patriot Americans don't need or want these lazy losers. I want to see any liberal refute this.

Liberals are always afraid to confront the truth. It takes the wind out of their sails.
The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in mid-February asking respondents what aspects of federal spending they would prefer to see cut. The poll confirms past surveys that show that although Americans prefer to cut government spending in abstract terms, there aren't many specifics they want slashed.
The poll comes as the cuts known as the sequester begin to start kicking in this week. Under sequestration, every non-exempt aspect of government spending will see a cut. This will generate $1.2 trillion worth of savings over the next 10 years.
But the Pew poll found that respondents were relatively content with the size and scope of most aspects of the government, despite a general urge to cut spending in broad terms.
As the chart shows, the only aspect of government spending respondents wanted cut was foreign aid. Still, USAID is a relatively small portion of the grand federal budget, accounting for a total of only $50.7 billion in fiscal year 2012.
The least controversial portions of government spending were Social Security, veterans' benefits, and education. The latter two are both subject to cuts as a result of the sequester, but only one-tenth of respondents wanted them to be slashed.

All of the liberal polls ask the wrong questions and they ask the wrong people to make sure their liberal agenda is served. Informed Americans are always conservative and we know why the government is in such debt. The liberal spending that supports the lazy and shiftless has been taking this country down the toilet since Franklin Roosevelt. Getting rid of the democrat's socialist policies that have been ruining this country since the 1930s will have the US prosperous again. Making people responsible for themselves will stop the need for welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and all of the other socialist programs liberals love. Put the lazy to work or let them starve because patriot Americans don't need or want these lazy losers. I want to see any liberal refute this.

Idiots want us to believe the country was this wonderful place in 1929 under conservative leadership, lmafao. Conservative policies destroy our economy, and then conservatives blame poor people.

This shit is as funny as can be. We cut taxes and we cut taxes more, allowing the wealthy and super wealthy to keep more of their money so that they will invest back into the economy. When they decide instead to take their money out of the country, we then turn around and blame it on poor people because they are getting government benefits rather than finding work. Of course there is no work to be found even if they want to work, because we allowed the rich fucks to take their money out of the country while they continue to earn more and more here off of those who are lucky enough to still be working. Then stupid conservatives tell us we just need to cut taxes more for those wealthy people, but to do so we need to quit giving any support to the poor who can't find a job. It's a sick demented mentality to say the least. Suck the cock of a rich man so he can piss down your throat, then smile about it and tell everyone how much you enjoy it.
The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in mid-February asking respondents what aspects of federal spending they would prefer to see cut. The poll confirms past surveys that show that although Americans prefer to cut government spending in abstract terms, there aren't many specifics they want slashed.
The poll comes as the cuts known as the sequester begin to start kicking in this week. Under sequestration, every non-exempt aspect of government spending will see a cut. This will generate $1.2 trillion worth of savings over the next 10 years.
But the Pew poll found that respondents were relatively content with the size and scope of most aspects of the government, despite a general urge to cut spending in broad terms.
As the chart shows, the only aspect of government spending respondents wanted cut was foreign aid. Still, USAID is a relatively small portion of the grand federal budget, accounting for a total of only $50.7 billion in fiscal year 2012.
The least controversial portions of government spending were Social Security, veterans' benefits, and education. The latter two are both subject to cuts as a result of the sequester, but only one-tenth of respondents wanted them to be slashed.

All of the liberal polls ask the wrong questions and they ask the wrong people to make sure their liberal agenda is served. Informed Americans are always conservative and we know why the government is in such debt. The liberal spending that supports the lazy and shiftless has been taking this country down the toilet since Franklin Roosevelt. Getting rid of the democrat's socialist policies that have been ruining this country since the 1930s will have the US prosperous again. Making people responsible for themselves will stop the need for welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and all of the other socialist programs liberals love. Put the lazy to work or let them starve because patriot Americans don't need or want these lazy losers. I want to see any liberal refute this.

Idiots want us to believe the country was this wonderful place in 1929 under conservative leadership, lmafao. Conservative policies destroy our economy, and then conservatives blame poor people.

This shit is as funny as can be. We cut taxes and we cut taxes more, allowing the wealthy and super wealthy to keep more of their money so that they will invest back into the economy. When they decide instead to take their money out of the country, we then turn around and blame it on poor people because they are getting government benefits rather than finding work. Of course there is no work to be found even if they want to work, because we allowed the rich fucks to take their money out of the country while they continue to earn more and more here off of those who are lucky enough to still be working. Then stupid conservatives tell us we just need to cut taxes more for those wealthy people, but to do so we need to quit giving any support to the poor who can't find a job. It's a sick demented mentality to say the least. Suck the cock of a rich man so he can piss down your throat, then smile about it and tell everyone how much you enjoy it.

You are crude and do not know the truth. Conservatives have always worked for the good of the country. Liberals have let the poor steal from the rich for too long and until this stops the rich will not invest in this country.
The Pew Research Center conducted a poll in mid-February asking respondents what aspects of federal spending they would prefer to see cut. The poll confirms past surveys that show that although Americans prefer to cut government spending in abstract terms, there aren't many specifics they want slashed.
The poll comes as the cuts known as the sequester begin to start kicking in this week. Under sequestration, every non-exempt aspect of government spending will see a cut. This will generate $1.2 trillion worth of savings over the next 10 years.
But the Pew poll found that respondents were relatively content with the size and scope of most aspects of the government, despite a general urge to cut spending in broad terms.
As the chart shows, the only aspect of government spending respondents wanted cut was foreign aid. Still, USAID is a relatively small portion of the grand federal budget, accounting for a total of only $50.7 billion in fiscal year 2012.
The least controversial portions of government spending were Social Security, veterans' benefits, and education. The latter two are both subject to cuts as a result of the sequester, but only one-tenth of respondents wanted them to be slashed.

All of the liberal polls ask the wrong questions and they ask the wrong people to make sure their liberal agenda is served. Informed Americans are always conservative and we know why the government is in such debt. The liberal spending that supports the lazy and shiftless has been taking this country down the toilet since Franklin Roosevelt. Getting rid of the democrat's socialist policies that have been ruining this country since the 1930s will have the US prosperous again. Making people responsible for themselves will stop the need for welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and all of the other socialist programs liberals love. Put the lazy to work or let them starve because patriot Americans don't need or want these lazy losers. I want to see any liberal refute this.

Idiots want us to believe the country was this wonderful place in 1929 under conservative leadership, lmafao. Conservative policies destroy our economy, and then conservatives blame poor people.

This shit is as funny as can be. We cut taxes and we cut taxes more, allowing the wealthy and super wealthy to keep more of their money so that they will invest back into the economy. When they decide instead to take their money out of the country, we then turn around and blame it on poor people because they are getting government benefits rather than finding work. Of course there is no work to be found even if they want to work, because we allowed the rich fucks to take their money out of the country while they continue to earn more and more here off of those who are lucky enough to still be working. Then stupid conservatives tell us we just need to cut taxes more for those wealthy people, but to do so we need to quit giving any support to the poor who can't find a job. It's a sick demented mentality to say the least. Suck the cock of a rich man so he can piss down your throat, then smile about it and tell everyone how much you enjoy it.

You are crude and do not know the truth. Conservatives have always worked for the good of the country. Liberals have let the poor steal from the rich for too long and until this stops the rich will not invest in this country.

Who knows, one of these days you might wake up to the truth. I voted Republican and considered myself a conservative for 25 years. Wasn't until the last couple of years that I woke up. The truth is, ultra conservatives and tea party types have destroyed the Republican Party. The Party went from one that promoted responsible fiscal policy to one that promoted tax cuts as a cure for everything under the sun regardless of the cost to our economy and middle class. When the middle class wakes up, and they are starting to, it will be the end of the Republican Party. Either that, or the moderates will come back and put your right wing kooks back in your place.
Idiots want us to believe the country was this wonderful place in 1929 under conservative leadership, lmafao. Conservative policies destroy our economy, and then conservatives blame poor people.

This shit is as funny as can be. We cut taxes and we cut taxes more, allowing the wealthy and super wealthy to keep more of their money so that they will invest back into the economy. When they decide instead to take their money out of the country, we then turn around and blame it on poor people because they are getting government benefits rather than finding work. Of course there is no work to be found even if they want to work, because we allowed the rich fucks to take their money out of the country while they continue to earn more and more here off of those who are lucky enough to still be working. Then stupid conservatives tell us we just need to cut taxes more for those wealthy people, but to do so we need to quit giving any support to the poor who can't find a job. It's a sick demented mentality to say the least. Suck the cock of a rich man so he can piss down your throat, then smile about it and tell everyone how much you enjoy it.

You are crude and do not know the truth. Conservatives have always worked for the good of the country. Liberals have let the poor steal from the rich for too long and until this stops the rich will not invest in this country.

Who knows, one of these days you might wake up to the truth. I voted Republican and considered myself a conservative for 25 years. Wasn't until the last couple of years that I woke up. The truth is, ultra conservatives and tea party types have destroyed the Republican Party. The Party went from one that promoted responsible fiscal policy to one that promoted tax cuts as a cure for everything under the sun regardless of the cost to our economy and middle class. When the middle class wakes up, and they are starting to, it will be the end of the Republican Party. Either that, or the moderates will come back and put your right wing kooks back in your place.

The Tea Party will take over as the party of fiscal responsibility if the Republicans fail to stop the creeping socialism of Obama and the democrats.

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