
The reasons for loss of support are so long I don't know where to start.

Article touches on some but I'll have to find some other links that give a long list.
People who are definitely going to vote in off year elections turn out to be misinformed, obsessive hater dupes lol....the GOP's main goal of making people sick of government and politics is working. 2 more years of disfunction, Senate Bengazi hearings, but also ACA working, then Dems kick your asses...
So in reading some of the study...dems have lost a little but not a lot, while the gop has only gained 4 points. 23 to 27%.

Meanwhile Latinos see both parties as basically the same and are not happy with government, but that falls in line with the rest of the nation being unhappy with congress.

The reality is this study shows the dems lost 7% of the latino picked up 4%....

There is no trend here yet...
The reasons for loss of support are so long I don't know where to start.

Article touches on some but I'll have to find some other links that give a long list.
The list isn't that long...the drop in percent isn't that big nor a trend yet. ..

This isnt much of a story...
How many countries would allow you to cross their border to help determine their elections? It's bizarre what our government has done.

So, support is now about where it was in 2008. woohoo, big tumble.
The loss of support comes from Democrats' inaction on immigration issues, making them look indistinguishable from the Republicans.
So the cheering GOP's chant will be "Latino's prefer the GOP almost half as much as they prefer the Democrats!"
Watch Boehner and McConnell work on a compromise with Obama on immigration early in the coming year.
The loss of support comes from Democrats' inaction on immigration issues, making them look indistinguishable from the Republicans.

Which should play to the Democrat's strengths - sell out Americans in order to win the votes of Hispanics.
How many countries would allow you to cross their border to help determine their elections? It's bizarre what our government has done.

The loss of support comes from Democrats' inaction on immigration issues, making them look indistinguishable from the Republicans.

Yep, Dem inaction on immigration....that's it...LOL
it was in the PEW study you linked as a factor...

Wow..well not really, its expected
So the cheering GOP's chant will be "Latino's prefer the GOP almost half as much as they prefer the Democrats!"

No, what the Republicans would be saying is, "We have a legal way for you to become a citizen. All those who avoided that route will need to go home. You will have the right to vote when you become a citizen."

Do you think that the horde of children that showed up at the border all of a sudden was a fluke? Illegals are a voting block and after this election Obama is going to give free reign of this country to everybody but it's own citizens. All the while telling us there is a Republican war on women. Concentrate on that.
Shut up. All Obama has to do is pull out his big executive pen and declare equal pay for equal work. How many years does that take?
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