PEW: Trump less trusted than Germany's Merkel, China's Xi Jinping and Russia's Vladimir Putin


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.
I don't think I'd trust any of them with my lunch money.
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A couple of interesting points, notice how the British were the leaders of choosing Xi in this poll? THAT'S scary (followed right behind with 30% from neo-communist Canada). Churchill is turning in his grave. Second, notice how there was no polling of the Chinese themselves! I suppose they didn't get permission from the dictator Xi"

President XI do the right thing for global affairs? I want to meet the poorly informed, communist ass kisser who cast that vote. Please, for the love of God, someone explain to me when China, a supposed super power has done ANYTHING for the global good.

Where was China when confronting ISIS? Where are they when other states are aggressive? Which Communist sob's are expanding into the Sea, flipping the bird at global norms and threatening their neighbors? i could go on and on. What a sham.

In some ways I suppose I am glad I at least lived my childhood in the 80's, because frankly, that was the last stand by the West, capitalism and real world dignity for doing what is right. Germany from time to time engages, but rarely. Xi is a Communist with no term limits who destroys creativity, freedom of religion and many other liberties that people should have simply by their birth as a human being. There is a young generation who aren't just stupid, as all generations are when they are young and naive; they are thoroughly uncurious about history and the implications their decisions have on their OWN liberty.

Merkel has done f all, sorry but she is the classic "all talk, no action, I will screw my own citizens over for my global masters" kind of politician. We need leaders. Leaders confront the truth, often in brash, direct manner, and they push for solutions knowing their time isn't infinite. Trump is doing what I hope the next president after him and the one after them does, he is working for America, it's sovereignty and the Right of Individuals. As I've said, if you fail, liberty fails. You can't say the same of any other nation on earth.
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3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

Here's a poll on your poll...

A Poll Finds Most Americans Donā€™t Trust Public Opinion Polls | HuffPost

A new McClatchy/Marist poll finds that only 37 percent of registered voters have a great deal or a good amount of trust in public opinion polling. Only seven percent say they have a great deal of trust in comparison to 22 percent of voters who donā€™t trust polling at all and 38 percent who donā€™t trust it very much.

To spare you a calculator -- that's 60% who think polls -- including Pews are junk status. AND they are probably right given what I see lately on USMB as opinion...
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

You do realize that folks in countries that hate us NO MATTER WHO is President had more votes than we did right?
Trump less trusted

Yep. Trump less trusted by the same idiots that never trusted him before he even got elected, MORE TRUSTED THAN EVER by the nation's people who elected him President of the United States.
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

Holy Crap Deanie --- That poll is from June 2017.. Trump had barely DEALT with any world leaders at that point.

How desperate are you for "good news" right now?? :ack-1:
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

If this keeps up, he'll never become President!!!
I wonder if Putin trusts Trump.

We know Trump trusts Putin.
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

Holy Crap Deanie --- That poll is from June 2017.. Trump had barely DEALT with any world leaders at that point.

How desperate are you for "good news" right now?? :ack-1:
It's the obsessed dean dolt so whadaya expect?
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

Holy Crap Deanie --- That poll is from June 2017.. Trump had barely DEALT with any world leaders at that point.

How desperate are you for "good news" right now?? :ack-1:
It's the obsessed dean dolt so whadaya expect?
Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Everyone knew what was coming.

And they were right.
3. Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders

The Centerā€™s 2017 survey asked about confidence in the leaders of three other major powers besides the U.S.: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of the four, President Donald Trump is the least trusted to do the right thing when it comes to world affairs. Overall, a global median of 74% express no confidence in the U.S. leader, while only 22% express confidence in him.


Sad what Trump and the GOP has done to our country.

22% worldwide trust Lying Trump. So next time your doctor says you need emergency heart surgery and you ask "how accurate are your diagnoses doctor?" and he says "yeah about 1 out of 5 ". "You're lucky though, sometimes I just walk right up and grab a woman by the pussy and diagnose her that way."

Ahhhh, modern conservatism on display.
Just about everyone knows trump is a dishonest liar, cheat and thief. Not everyone has the moral character to care. Three or four Americans out of ten lack that moral character.

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