Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine linked to rare blood disease - Israeli study

This is just another dangerous effect of these vaccines... there are so many... heart, paralysis and the list goes on and's so depressing what they are doing to the people....they are killing them.....a slow death....

It means the vaccine is “working”:

Surely you jest, no? Donald Trump was pushing the vaccine from day one, bright boy. Refusal to vaccinate has nothing to do with Biden or Trump and everything to do with the GLOBAL push to vaccinate as many living, breathing human beings as possible. The currently rising medical fascism is a worldwide issue, not just an American one. Too many of you fools are stuck in the infinite death loop of Left vs. Right to see what's really going down here.

So wanting to save lives is fascism?
You certainly are well read boy.

If anyone disagrees the vast majority of antivaxxers are republicans , you either not breathing or dead.
Yet that's not partisan ???
Surely you jest, no? Donald Trump was pushing the vaccine from day one, bright boy. Refusal to vaccinate has nothing to do with Biden or Trump and everything to do with the GLOBAL push to vaccinate as many living, breathing human beings as possible. The currently rising medical fascism is a worldwide issue, not just an American one. Too many of you fools are stuck in the infinite death loop of Left vs. Right to see what's really going down here.

They continue to mock people who question the vaccines for various reasons.... but still have zero contempt for the clowns like Fauci who promoted the very situation to where this thing could escape out of a lab and infect millions world wide. Then these same people lie to cover their tracks while they continue to profit from 'research'
Yes Fauci.... it was gain of function research, you killer clown.
This is just another dangerous effect of these vaccines... there are so many... heart, paralysis and the list goes on and's so depressing what they are doing to the people....they are killing them.....a slow death....

For thrombocytopenia, the trajectory links Alzheimer’s-like mutation of SARS-CoV-2, A222V. This is an epitope location, so would link to vaccines and antibodies. On 23 Feb 2021 we posted on thrombocytopenia and megakaryocytes from autopsies published in 2020.

Post #16

Thusfar, a good candidate for further investigation of these symptoms is that mutation, though it does not resonate with bats, but with a (marine source [italics]). SARS-CoV-2 mutates from alanine (A) to valine (V) at position 222: A222V. Thusfar, the only correspondence found for the valine (not mutated [it.]) is for white bream (Blicca): V222. Also for two other fish: chinook salmon bafinivirus: V222, and fathead minnow nidovirus: V222. Under certain circumstances the virus may think it’s in a fish. Indeed, “Patient Zero” at Wuhan was supposedly a shrimp seller. In Alzheimer’s, this mutation can go both ways: A-to-V or V-to-A. It also has relevance to the age of onset of AD, even below 30 years of age, shown in such places as Columbia and Japan.
In the story if SARS-CoV-2, we are uncovering more and more cancer links. We said that position 222 of the spike is an epitope (implicating B- and T-cells). Cancer links to B-cells here, and ivermectin is an inhibitor of nuclear import, while this drug, below, is an inhibitor of nuclear export that links thrombocytopenia. Caution: there is a paywall:

’....most common adverse events were thrombocytopenia....’
Ivermectin inhibits importin, a scientific fact. Therefore, not only does it physically attach to the filthy Chinese communist virus, again a scientific fact, it will improve thrombocytopenia:

Improved Thrombocytopenia / Importins Alpha-Beta 1-5
Errata: Ferret strain AoAoF7CYG7 spike without mutating is A222, as is fathead minnow, Atlantic salmon, and chinook salmon. The only correspondence to SARS-CoV-2 A222V, is, without mutating: white bream (Blicca) V222.
We can track this mutation across the world:

’....Spike A222V, S477N, and L18F variants were observed to have increased significantly in frequency between May and Nov 2020, weeks 23-40. A222V and L18F appear to have become entrenched in Europe reaching a total frequency of 70.6% and 31.6%, respectively. Moreover, A222V apears to be increasing in Asia and Oceania from week 41, and S477N has increased to >95% frequency across Oceania with a peak of 9,3% in Europe.’

To further reinforce the vaccine link to the A222V Alzheimers-like mutation, there is

’An A222V mutation on the spike protein and the A220V in the nucleoprotein, the A222V mutation in the spike could be dangerous as its residue is located within the B-cell immunodominant epitopes, already previously identified. This could mean that this strain could have an immune-evasive advantage in terms of B- and T-cell responses, and may effect the structure of these epitopes.’
If after all this, people continue to have the vaccines.....well....I don't know what else to say.:confused:

October 4, 2021

First look at the stats show low-temperature phenomenon, which we’ll take note of considering low-temperature mutants already recorded in the collective coronavirus genome(ex. mouse hepatitis virus). For neurological links to the 222 mutation, above, there are 280 Parkinson’s references lined to SARS-CoV-2 to wade through.
What catches the eye is the RAG-1/importin binding link to ivermectin. No serious vaccine expert can dismiss this connection, for it does link to Fau Chi’s prima donna lead-guitar-player fantasies: HIV-1 is inhibited by ivermectin via importins alpha-beta, which ivermectin would throw a monkey wrench into the gears of vaccine development. The megakaryocyte link we already have for autopsies of COVID-19 patients links to thrombocytopenia and Runx1, due to maturation of megakaryocytes. The RAG-1 link iNcludes David Baltimore and note his lab leak theory:

David Baltimore
’....COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory....’

RAG-1 is a recombinant-activating protein, which links to GOF experiments in coronaviruses as well as HIV-1 retroviruses:

(1994) David Baltimore / RAG-1

But Fau Chi’s delirium comes in when a universally-distributed vaccine is supposed to cover those with potential susceptibilities, such as these, which include (cancer [italics]) predispositions:

Inherited Thrombocytopenia and Platelet Disorders with Germline Predisposition to Myeloid Neoplasia

RUNX1 Mutated Families

Recombination-Activating Protein (RAG-1) / RUNX1

There is not yet found a precise alanine-to-valine mutation or vice versa, though there are mutations that substitute valine and alanine blocks phosphorylation for the maturation of megakerycytes. Thus the next thing to do is reinforce the megakaryocyte trajectory for C-19 autopsies with the proper citation.
Thanks to OP for bringing up thrombotic events in this thread, leading to these facts:

1.) Chinese virologist Yong-Zhen Zhang, Chinese CDC, Beijing, trained at Kunming Institute of Zoology.

2.) Edward Hooper’s page mentions Edward Holmes who was at the Oxford University Department of Zoology, though does not say that the two authors collaborated, for example:

Jan 2015 Zhang and Holmes / Hantaviruses

The Origins man himself:

Edward Hooper, Latest Update on COVID Origins

Hooper does mention the conference between Fau Chi and Scripp’s Institute’s Andersen.

It was the Kunming Institute of Zoology that brought up the first contradiction about the Tongguan copper miners (the same mine that produced SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative), who were admitted to the Kunming Hospital on the day that Fau Chi published his testimony to the Senate, 26 Ap 2012, though Zhang YZ was apparently at the Beijing CDC at the time.

26 Ap 2012 Dual Use Research of Concern: Balancing benefits and Risks

Interestingly, just two months before the copper miners became ill with pneumonia, Zhang (CDC, Beijing) published this report on a fatal bunyavirus:

Feb 2012 Fatal Huaiyangshan Bunyavirus
’....severe fever with thrombocytopenia....’

Probably the last things Fau Chi wants American prisoners to know is the thrombocytopenia link to the Mojiang copper mine and its author’s link to Edward C. Holmes and Andersen.
Yong-Zhen Zhang’s fatal bunyavirus causing thrombocytopenia links to dogs in Wuhan:

Mar 2011 Huaiyangshan Bunyavirus / Hubei / Dog and CattleTicks Hemorrhagic fever caused by a novel tick-borne Bunyavirus in Huaiyangshan, China - PubMed
’....From Ap 2009 to Jul 2010 unexplained severe hemorrhagic fever-like illness in farmers....Fig. 4 Adult female Haemaphysalis longicornis collected from dogs in Xinzhou County, Wuhan, Hubei Province where confirmed patient was identified. In this hospital-based study, case fatality rate was 15%, with patients dying of hemorrhage or multi-organ failure.’

No doubt the Wuhan Experimental Animal facility had experience with this tick and virus.
Haemaphysalis longicornis has been found in New Jersey, Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. This is the tick that vectors the causal agent of thrombocytopenia in Wuhan humans:

(Scroll down to electron micrographs)
Thrombocytopenia links to why Sweden just suspended use of Moderna vaccine in those under 30 yrs. of age.

Sweden Moderna Vaccine Suspended

Evans Syndrome / Pericarditis / Thrombocytopenia
Here again we come come across RAG-1 linking to David Baltimore, mentioned earlier in the thread for the HIV-1 link to ivermectin‘s inhibition of that virus via inhibition of importin:

Evans Syndrome Mutations
’....Patients with RAG1 mutations developed naive T-cell lymphopenia, which was suggestive of a combined immunodeficiency.’

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