Pfizer says COVID-19 pill almost 90% effective preventing severe illness, death

Don't worry. After they make vaccines that don't do shit but send spike proteins throughout your body clogging shit up.........mandatory........You can send your paycheck to Bill Gates for the vaccines they will require twice a year.........SAYING IT WILL WORK THIS TIME.

If you survive the next Strain from this as we drag it out and allow it to mutate til it spreads like the Flu and we are Fucked.........but they don't post those alarm bells.
Actually the jab is now required 4X a year. And no doubt next year you’ll have to pay full cost.
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Actually the jab is no required 4X a year. And no doubt next year you’ll have to pay full cost.
The money laundering behind this is MASSIVE..........Sure a bunch of relatives are now board members for companies like Moderna lol. Our the new feeding money they are trying to pass in Congress right now.

More money to the Millionaires club.
The so-called vaccine is experimental and that got approval. No doubt you folks will be popping these pills the second they hit the pharmacy.
Most of us won't need them, we've had our shots.

The original comment, made to the OP, was made because he/she is a rabid antivaxer and one of the excuses the person blindly parrots is that th now fully approved vaccines are "experimental" but has no issues with the pills that are actually still experimental.
The money laundering behind this is MASSIVE..........Sure a bunch of relatives are now board members for companies like Moderna lol. Our the new feeding money they are trying to pass in Congress right now.

More money to the Millionaires club.
I laughed out loud at this^.
I was under the impression that it was never about needles for those who refuse to vaccinate.
Well shame on you for not thinking that.. lol

Some folks would gladly take a pill, but they ain't going to take a shot unless their dragged kicking and biting at the leash in resistance of.
Most of us won't need them, we've had our shots.

The original comment, made to the OP, was made because he/she is a rabid antivaxer and one of the excuses the person blindly parrots is that th now fully approved vaccines are "experimental" but has no issues with the pills that are actually still experimental.
The pills are therapeutics like Tama flu and such, they are not a supposed vaccine. Hell even the vaccines aren't vaccines.. lol
Vaccines stop disease/viral issues in their tracks for years afterwards. These so called vaccine's aren't doing that.
Again, nope. There are many vaccines that still run the risk of breakthrough infections.
Well shame on you for not thinking that.. lol

Some folks would gladly take a pill, but they ain't going to take a shot unless their dragged kicking and biting at the leash in resistance of.
Not swallowing a new pill rushed thru to bypass the approval process either.
Not upgrading to Windows 11 either until a few hundred million are in front of me either.

I posted studies like this within a few months of the start of this BS. The studies were done for SARs 2003. Low and behold Johnson and Johnson use a synthetic common cold of Corona in their vaccine.

Give the common cold........NOT SYNTHETIC SPIKE BS. .........NOT EXPERIMENTAL mRNA BS....I said this at the BEGINNING OF THIS. I also realized early on that the PCR tests were BS. Using too many cycles.

BUT THOSE WHO WORK AT THE CDC didn't know this...........LOL. ...........Cool BS story of a pandemic planned by these assholes. Massive payouts in the Cares Act for calling everything Covid......And the destruction of our Economy and the Worlds supply system along the way.

That it’s a partial spike may have a bearing on why thrombocytopenia is coming through the vaccines. Note that there are two forms of TPO used, one is the complete endogenous form, the other is a partial sequence, and like some COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, also (pegylated [italics]).

Whatever Happened to Thrombopoietin?
Like what?
Not sure why your response to the poster caused his post to disappear when I responded to you, but anyways he said that the Covid vaccines were just like many others in a sense, that allowed break through cases to come through, and you responded to him by basically saying like which ones do that (like what), meaning what vaccine does that ?

And I responded to you below with -

Exactly.. I don't know of any that allow break through infections to occur, especially three months after the full whack. Sounds to me that these aren't vaccine's, but rather they are just shots that help the individual from maybe being taken out by a specific virus, and this is all due to his or her immune system being compromised. Thousands have kicked Covid Ace naturally, but because the dimmycrats feel that they are somehow looked down upon because they might be in danger if they get it, and this because they couldn't fight it off naturally and someone else could.

So they jumped on the government bandwagon in order to pull the levers to force everyone into their world by forcing everyone to get the jab whether they need it or not.

Ok, so now who is going to be responsible if damage to one's health occurs, otherwise after they are forcefully injected by a medicine that they have no idea whether it will help them or not, and then they develope some sort of health issue from it ??????

Will the government be paying for the damages or will the government force companies to pay for the damages ??????? One things for sure, somebody is going to pay.

I remember the left attempted to say that if people got the COVID because they wouldn't wear a mask, and because they wouldn't stay in doors, that they could get long term damage from the Covid if they got it. That was a bold face lie, because million's got it, survived it naturally, and have no long term effects from it at all. I know because I'm one of those million's. I'm as healthy as a horse, and now they want to force medicine into me that is something that can effect my health in a bad way, although I survived the COVID with no problem ? I'll be waiting.

So get ready government or corporations, because if you forcefully administer medicine that I don't need into my body, and it has some kind of bad effect on me, then get ready to pay out big time the both of you.
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Not sure why your response to the poster caused his post to disappear when I responded to you, but anyways he said that the Covid vaccines were just like many others in a sense, that allowed break through cases to come through, and you responded to him by basically saying like which ones do that (like what), meaning what vaccine does that ?

And I responded to you below with -

Exactly.. I don't know of any that allow break through infections to occur, especially three months after the full whack. Sounds to me that these aren't vaccine's, but rather they are just shots that help the individual from maybe being taken out by a specific virus, and this is all due to his or her immune system being compromised. Thousands have kicked Covid Ace naturally, but because the dimmycrats feel that they are somehow looked down upon because they might be in danger if they get it, and this because they couldn't fight it off naturally and someone else could.

So they jumped on the government bandwagon in order to pull the levers to force everyone into their world by forcing everyone to get the jab whether they need it or not.

Ok, so now who is going to be responsible if damage to one's health occurs, otherwise after they are forcefully injected by a medicine that they have no idea whether it will help them or not, and then they develope some sort of health issue from it ??????

Will the government be paying for the damages or will the government force companies to pay for the damages ??????? One things for sure, somebody is going to pay.

I remember the left attempted to say that if people got the COVID because they wouldn't wear a mask, and because they wouldn't stay in doors, that they could get long term damage from the Covid if they got it. That was a bold face lie, because million's got it, survived it naturally, and have no long term effects from it at all. I know because I'm one of those million's. I'm as healthy as a horse, and now they want to force medicine into me that is something that can effect my health in a bad way, although I survived the COVID with no problem ? I'll be waiting.

So get ready government or corporations, because if you forcefully administer medicine that I don't need into my body, and it has some kind of bad effect on me, then get ready to pay out big time the both of you.
In my decades I’ve never heard of anyone terrified of getting polio. Because we all have received the vaccine that went thru the normal approval process.

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