Pfizer says COVID-19 pill almost 90% effective preventing severe illness, death

Phizer working hand in hand with government eh ? Wonder if phizer is the lead vaccine given on military installations and etc ?? The connection and actions should be interesting to bookmark for later review based upon connection's.
With National Institutes of Health funding Moderna’s rushed trials and production of the falsely labeled “vaccine” (same with Pfizer’s fake label) it’s a toss up which pharma is considered most valuable to NIH, Fauci, investors awaiting their continuous windfalls from forced boosters.

Does the US NIH determine the value by the number of jabs distributed? If so, why do they consider it a successful outcome since neither one works like a vaccine? What is NIH’s response to the basic question that deserves a full answer- what IS successful in this mass failure of ineffective products, does it boil down to profit margin for corrupt pharma heads and political investors who went all-in?
China won't take a position that could cause great harm to their citizens. They gambled on heeding all known precautions right from the beginning and they won the bet!

China will continue to gamble appropriately on the costs, instead of gambling with the lives of its citizens.

China's communist government that leads a moderated capitalist system isn't chained to the dictates of unrestrained American style capitalism.

Comrad Xi and his bureau simply says, we will do what if right for our people!
I'm x military. took 7 shots in about 2 minutes boot camp. Had the shots as a kid but this is not the same.

This is new tech and I have no reason to trust the Gov't given what we know and what I've read. I'm pretty sure I've had Covid anyway. So why should I get the shot. or the second one. third..........4th.....

There is NO PERMANENT VACCINE for this virus. It is mutating and finding away to survive and many say you can't vaccine your way out of pandemic. We have destroyed our economy and the world economy for NOTHING. It hasn't changed a thing.

Except ceding more power to a gov't that already had too much power.
The worst part is that we allowed the Democrat's to get into power giving them the ability to put the icing on the cake for our demise. Yeah they stole the election I am convinced, but what screwed this nation over was these republicrats and never Trumper's who cared more about destroying Trump because he was a real live America backing president with a habit of bragging about it, instead of a coward globalist sell out crook from hell that will go along with any devilish scheme that they can throw at him.

Did you see him attempt to draw emotion's in the room when trying to blame Trump for separating the migrants at the border from their children, otherwise when pressed again about the payouts they are pondering for those who came here to break our laws, and us not knowing if the kids were their children or not ?? So it's Obama 2.0 with this cat, wherefore it's blame America, blame America, blame America for everything. He is a lying, traitorous, race baiting, opportunistic corrupt human being, and he's hiding behind this senile old stumbling bumbling image trying to get away with it all.
With National Institutes of Health funding Moderna’s rushed trials and production of the falsely labeled “vaccine” (same with Pfizer’s fake label) it’s a toss up which pharma is considered most valuable to NIH, Fauci, investors awaiting their continuous windfalls from forced boosters.

Does the US NIH determine the value by the number of jabs distributed? If so, why do they consider it a successful outcome since neither one works like a vaccine? What is NIH’s response to the basic question that deserves a full answer- what IS successful in this mass failure of ineffective products, does it boil down to profit margin for corrupt pharma heads and political investors who went all-in?
Yes these are question's that we the people need to have answers too.
Yes these are question's that we the people need to have answers too.
Yes, and the current puppet masters behind the scenes are in for a great surprise that we the people will keep fighting the good fight, much longer than the next 3 years. The leftist agenda will be the downfall of corporate Democrats.

More centrists are now aware of the current take-down of personal freedoms. Business owners don’t like what they’re seeing either nor do their customers. Freeloaders who believe all people are entitled to receive government handouts to not work will not be rewarded. Biden’s/ Harris’ handlers efforts must fail so severely (as they’re doing) that the US lives to see another day. What’s on the horizon is another chapter, polar opposite to the current fiasco. The more that pendulum swings left the farther right it’s going to go in the near future. Leftists are not just asking for that scenario to play out, but demanding it.
I'm x military. took 7 shots in about 2 minutes boot camp. Had the shots as a kid but this is not the same.

This is new tech and I have no reason to trust the Gov't given what we know and what I've read. I'm pretty sure I've had Covid anyway. So why should I get the shot. or the second one. third..........4th.....

There is NO PERMANENT VACCINE for this virus. It is mutating and finding away to survive and many say you can't vaccine your way out of pandemic. We have destroyed our economy and the world economy for NOTHING. It hasn't changed a thing.

Except ceding more power to a gov't that already had too much power.
I don’t care if the shot is 100% saline, government orders for me to take it means I’ll fight to not take it. In the military you surrender a lot of rights, but not as John Q Public.
As already shown on another thread, there is the suspicion of a connection to the subcutaneous injection itself having something to do with thrombotic reactions. Pills may alleviate this reaction.
China won't take a position that could cause great harm to their citizens. They gambled on heeding all known precautions right from the beginning and they won the bet!

China will continue to gamble appropriately on the costs, instead of gambling with the lives of its citizens.

China's communist government that leads a moderated capitalist system isn't chained to the dictates of unrestrained American style capitalism.

Comrad Xi and his bureau simply says, we will do what if right for our people!
Perhaps that is why, according to some, the streets of Wuhan were deserted as participants were arriving for the Military Games in Oct 2019. All cases of sports-related SARS-CoV-2 infections should be scrutinized for copper homeostasis due to sick people returning to their countries after the Games. SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative virus came from a copper mine, and the communists know more about their viruses than others know.
I can't find the thread now, but that was my hunch as well, and I did voice it somewhere on this forum, when this news came out.

It is now confirmed.

Of course it is.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it...just tweek the molecular structure slightly.

Drug companies do it all the time.

Create drugs, patents expire after x years.

Create a molecularly similar compound with the identical action, new patent issued, back on the market at 300% mark up.

I mean...look at statins...
I can't find the thread now, but that was my hunch as well, and I did voice it somewhere on this forum, when this news came out.

It is now confirmed.

I had the exact same thought as soon as I read about it, if confirmed it shows they knew from the beginning that those drugs worked. All those who demonized their use and kept them from being used have blood on their hands.
I can't find the thread now, but that was my hunch as well, and I did voice it somewhere on this forum, when this news came out.

It is now confirmed.

I can't find the thread now, but that was my hunch as well, and I did voice it somewhere on this forum, when this news came out.

It is now confirmed.

Dr. Campbell never mentions the physical attachment of ivermectin to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That is only one of the many misleading pathologies of the video. There is much more to say and do about ivermectin. Duh
Sniffy Joe is purchasing 10 million pills for 5 billion dollars. DANG...this man is not much of a shopper is he?? WHAT an idiot. That's about 550 per pill. President Trump would not have allowed that.
Sniffy Joe is purchasing 10 million pills for 5 billion dollars. DANG...this man is not much of a shopper is he?? WHAT an idiot. That's about 550 per pill. President Trump would not have allowed that.
Hes a money Laundering SOB. They will all get a cut for it. Its probably a $5 pill like treatments in India.
Weatherman2020 said:
In my decades I’ve never heard of anyone terrified of getting polio. Because we all have received the vaccine that went thru the normal approval process.

They did screw up briefly giving polio to a large number of people in an area...and something like 53 suffered serious injury and death. I don't remember all the specifics at this time. Posted somewhere on this site. It was an accident,,it was said, the live polio virus was IN this particular batch. There have been forced vaccinations in this was an ugly picture. There has been forced sterilization. There has been terrible mistreatment of mental patients and Children. Children in orphanages under state care. As late as the 70s. Here and Australia, the authorities forcibly took children from their parents to 'educate' them...or destroy their culture. you decide.
Sniffy Joe is purchasing 10 million pills for 5 billion dollars. DANG...this man is not much of a shopper is he?? WHAT an idiot. That's about 550 per pill. President Trump would not have allowed that.
Remember Trump and Boeing building the Airplane, and how he told them to either bring the Price down or no deal ?? Your point is a good one... Thanks.

These democrat's are useless to the American working tax payer.
Hes a money Laundering SOB. They will all get a cut for it. Its probably a $5 pill like treatments in India.
That kind of stuff needs desperately the government watch dogs to be on top of such things... No American should be above the law, and that goes for the president no matter who he is.
That kind of stuff needs desperately the government watch dogs to be on top of such things... No American should be above the law, and that goes for the president no matter who he is.
This Walking Tall territory on why. They own every aspect of govt and its agencies. They will never give up the ring of power.

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