Pfizer says COVID-19 pill almost 90% effective preventing severe illness, death

Not sure why your response to the poster caused his post to disappear when I responded to you, but anyways he said that the Covid vaccines were just like many others in a sense, that allowed break through cases to come through, and you responded to him by basically saying like which ones do that (like what), meaning what vaccine does that ?

And I responded to you below with -

Exactly.. I don't know of any that allow break through infections to occur, especially three months after the full whack. Sounds to me that these aren't vaccine's, but rather they are just shots that help the individual from maybe being taken out by a specific virus, and this is all due to his or her immune system being compromised. Thousands have kicked Covid Ace naturally, but because the dimmycrats feel that they are somehow looked down upon because they might be in danger if they get it, and this because they couldn't fight it off naturally and someone else could.

So they jumped on the government bandwagon in order to pull the levers to force everyone into their world by forcing everyone to get the jab whether they need it or not.

Ok, so now who is going to be responsible if damage to one's health occurs, otherwise after they are forcefully injected by a medicine that they have no idea whether it will help them or not, and then they develope some sort of health issue from it ??????

Will the government be paying for the damages or will the government force companies to pay for the damages ??????? One things for sure, somebody is going to pay.

I remember the left attempted to say that if people got the COVID because they wouldn't wear a mask, and because they wouldn't stay in doors, that they could get long term damage from the Covid if they got it. That was a bold face lie, because million's got it, survived it naturally, and have no long term effects from it at all. I know because I'm one of those million's. I'm as healthy as a horse, and now they want to force medicine into me that is something that can effect my health in a bad way, although I survived the COVID with no problem ? I'll be waiting.

So get ready government or corporations, because if you forcefully administer medicine that I don't need into my body, and it has some kind of bad effect on me, then get ready to pay out big time the both of you.
They rigged that debt in 1985. You can't Sue them. They created the Vaccine Court which is basically owned by pharma. And yet again they changed it and don't allow compensation for Covid as it isn't on the list. Thousands have filed there and don't get jack squat.

Our Gov't gave them a get out of jail free card in 1985.
Apologies for asking but . . . now Pfizer is the good guy? Uh-uh. Nope.
Seems to me that right when the media released Merck’s plan that’s already in process the articles flew out from the shelves about Pfizer having one. Yeah, seems shaky. Why didn’t they come out with it the day before or last week even? They must’ve been worried that it would stop forced booster mandates out in progress.
You're kidding, right? The pill.doesnt even have emergency use approval yet. It's experimental.
For that matter, we do not have data on people who took the vax 20 years ago as many of them enter old age. You are most welcome for me noticing what you are saying.
They rigged that debt in 1985. You can't Sue them. They created the Vaccine Court which is basically owned by pharma. And yet again they changed it and don't allow compensation for Covid as it isn't on the list. Thousands have filed there and don't get jack squat.

Our Gov't gave them a get out of jail free card in 1985.
Oh really, then how did our Republican's not fight for us on the issue back in the day, and make sure that we as conservatives or any American for that matter aren't being bamboozled in these ways ??

I'm to the point where we need to figure out who the political enemies of American's are, and who is getting filthy rich off of all of this bullcrap, and especially regardless of party.

We need to start strategically un-electing these bad politicians in order to defeat them politically on these bad ideas, and un-elect them with our solid votes for removal in these up and coming election's. At least until this damned mess is cleaned up. We must keep going.

We must always be peaceful, and it is that good people are always peaceful. We do it at the ballot box, so just like it went in Virginia, hopefully it will continue in the right direction. Rand Paul needs to continually have meetings and hearings on these matter's. At least he is standing up.

If I develope some kind of problem or damage to my body after taking something that is forced on me, then I garantee you that they will pay me or my family member for what they've done, otherwise whether it is to me or my family member if they are involved in these forced mandates as well.

They can hide behind their wall of shame/corruption in these false unconstitutional laws or directives they unlawfully created, and hide behind them in their illusions that they are right, but these proverbial walls are made to be broken back down sooner or later by good Patriot citizen's who will lend their expertise in the areas of litigation and justice in such cases, because they will know a wrong has been done to the innocent American people for political reason's and/or in regards to us being used as experimental lab rats.

The virus is weakening or is moving on finally. Keep an eye on the data as of late, it's looking good or a whole heep better, and this is all over, but yet that doesn't matter to these government duds/demo authoritarians, because they are working against the American people by not following the science, and we all know why this is.

Yes it is a serious wrong to the victim's who had no freedom of choice anymore in America, and especially when it didn't have to be that way.. It is not right ...They will most likely all rot in hell including these fecklace, weak Republican's that allowed these Democrat's so much power over us to begin with.
Seems to me that right when the media released Merck’s plan that’s already in process the articles flew out from the shelves about Pfizer having one. Yeah, seems shaky. Why didn’t they come out with it the day before or last week even? They must’ve been worried that it would stop forced booster mandates out in progress.
Phizer working hand in hand with government eh ? Wonder if phizer is the lead vaccine given on military installations and etc ?? The connection and actions should be interesting to bookmark for later review based upon connection's.
Oh really, then how did our Republican's not fight for us on the issue back in the day, and make sure that we as conservatives or any American for that matter aren't being bamboozled in these ways ??

I'm to the point where we need to figure out who the political enemies of American's are, and who is getting filthy rich off of all of this bullcrap, and especially regardless of party.

We need to start strategically un-electing these bad politicians in order to defeat them politically on these bad ideas, and un-elect them with our solid votes for removal in these up and coming election's. At least until this damned mess is cleaned up. We must keep going.

We must always be peaceful, and it is that good people are always peaceful. We do it at the ballot box, so just like it went in Virginia, hopefully it will continue in the right direction. Rand Paul needs to continually have meetings and hearings on these matter's. At least he is standing up.

If I develope some kind of problem or damage to my body after taking something that is forced on me, then I garantee you that they will pay me or my family member for what they've done, otherwise whether it is to me or my family member if they are involved in these forced mandates as well.

They can hide behind their wall of shame/corruption in these false unconstitutional laws or directives they unlawfully created, and hide behind them in their illusions that they are right, but these proverbial walls are made to be broken back down sooner or later by good Patriot citizen's who will lend their expertise in the areas of litigation and justice in such cases, because they will know a wrong has been done to the innocent American people for political reason's and/or in regards to us being used as experimental lab rats.

The virus is weakening or is moving on finally. Keep an eye on the data as of late, it's looking good or a whole heep better, and this is all over, but yet that doesn't matter to these government duds/demo authoritarians, because they are working against the American people by not following the science, and we all know why this is.

Yes it is a serious wrong to the victim's who had no freedom of choice anymore in America, and especially when it didn't have to be that way.. It is not right ...They will most likely all rot in hell including these fecklace, weak Republican's that allowed these Democrat's so much power over us to begin with.
You are preaching to the choir. Reagan signed that law.

We have 2 parties who are corrupt as hell. Career politicians who have been laundering money by doing the bidding of these industries forever. It is shocking that Reagan signed it I know. But it is the truth.

This is a branch off of the Vaccine Court. Specially made to cover cases like

The system used to keep data is the VAERS system. And thousands have filed complaints about Covid there. They aren't paying Squat and this court room is nothing more than a mickey mouse court room for the vaccine companies.

This is the REALITY of the situation.

You are preaching to the choir. Reagan signed that law.

We have 2 parties who are corrupt as hell. Career politicians who have been laundering money by doing the bidding of these industries forever. It is shocking that Reagan signed it I know. But it is the truth.
I know... It's a shame, because for years we've been played by the game of good cop - bad cop. Otherwise they were just switching roles in everything constantly, that way we ended up thinking we have no understanding of where the complaint office actually is. They learned some lesson's over the years, and they adjusted.
I know... It's a shame, because for years we've been played by the game of good cop - bad cop. Otherwise they were just switching roles in everything constantly, that way we ended up thinking we have no understanding of where the complaint office actually is. They learned some lesson's over the years, and they adjusted.
We thought Sessions was so great for far too long here in Alabama. Only during Trump did we learn we were chumps for thinking that. He was with the Globalist. We fixed that last election .......but I don't know Tuberville at all. Not really.

So is just another. I honestly don't know.

This is the data sight and how to report it. Expect to get nothing in return. Under the Vaccine Injury Court you pay 75cents for EVERY VACCINE SHOT. To pay for any claims if they even allow it.

Max payout is $250000 even if a vaccine kills you. Most in this country don't even know what I'm talking about. News doesn't cover it. They only cover what they are PAID TO SAY.

This is a branch off of the Vaccine Court. Specially made to cover cases like

The system used to keep data is the VAERS system. And thousands have filed complaints about Covid there. They aren't paying Squat and this court room is nothing more than a mickey mouse court room for the vaccine companies.

This is the REALITY of the situation.

Not afraid of the shot, but just can't understand why this has come to this when it didn't have to be this way ??

I'm going to tell ya that I can't stand the Democrat party, because they have way to much baggage, and they try to appease far to many people for their political power purposes, and they do this regardless of whether or not that they know that the groups or people they back, are wildly wrong on their issues big time, and even if they are just stupid.

This is the data sight and how to report it. Expect to get nothing in return. Under the Vaccine Injury Court you pay 75cents for EVERY VACCINE SHOT. To pay for any claims if they even allow it.

Max payout is $250000 even if a vaccine kills you. Most in this country don't even know what I'm talking about. News doesn't cover it. They only cover what they are PAID TO SAY.
Not afraid of the shot, but just can't understand why this has come to this when it didn't have to be this way ??

I'm going to tell ya that I can't stand the Democrat party, because they have way to much baggage, and they try to appease far to many people for their political power purposes, and they do this regardless of whether or not that they know that the groups or people they back, are wildly wrong on their issues big time or even if they are just stupid.
I'm x military. took 7 shots in about 2 minutes boot camp. Had the shots as a kid but this is not the same.

This is new tech and I have no reason to trust the Gov't given what we know and what I've read. I'm pretty sure I've had Covid anyway. So why should I get the shot. or the second one. third..........4th.....

There is NO PERMANENT VACCINE for this virus. It is mutating and finding away to survive and many say you can't vaccine your way out of pandemic. We have destroyed our economy and the world economy for NOTHING. It hasn't changed a thing.

Except ceding more power to a gov't that already had too much power.
I bet those pills share a shitload of their structure with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.
I think Dennis Prager is spot-on.He relied exclusivley on Hydroxychloroqiune
as soon as he could find a doctor willing to prescribe it for him.Living outside
L.A. { the city } it was very hard to get a Prescription of a highly effective
therapeutic like Hydroxychloroquine which is also about as safe a drug as it
gets.Having been used for around 60 years.The Doctor who advised use of
Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid was recently awarded a Nobel Prize
this past April { Dr.Vladimir Zelenko.} I believe he helpoed in the development of
Ivermectin.The unbelievable Hysteria by the scum in the MSM and cable
scumbaggers of CNN and MSNBC who routinely made fun of those
even thinking about using Hydroxychloroquine is criminal.
Prager believes that Hysteria was Criminal.That it directly resulted in numerous
Deaths.He was right.We're finding out more and more almost Josef Mengele
style { angel of Death } crapola from the likes of this Fauci Fraud.
He gets paid more then Biden { $ 418,ooo annually }. The highest paid Government
servant in the land.
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I'm x military. took 7 shots in about 2 minutes boot camp. Had the shots as a kid but this is not the same.

This is new tech and I have no reason to trust the Gov't given what we know and what I've read. I'm pretty sure I've had Covid anyway. So why should I get the shot. or the second one. third..........4th.....

There is NO PERMANENT VACCINE for this virus. It is mutating and finding away to survive and many say you can't vaccine your way out of pandemic. We have destroyed our economy and the world economy for NOTHING. It hasn't changed a thing.

Except ceding more power to a gov't that already had too much power.
Plus we're blatantly being denied studies as to the downsides of these
Vaccines { which aren't Vaccines }.They are experimental drugs.
We were Told that once Vaccinated one would be protected.Gigantic Lie.
In fact,it may be that this Variant of Covid relies on getting an initial vaccine
jab.As if the Vaccines are helping pave the way for a Variant responce in those
vaccinated.Plus the huge pack of lies as to Kids under age 12 dying from Covid.
Plus the lies regarding masks.Also the 6 foot distance apart rule.
Even the N.Y.Times had an articlel saying that 6 foot apart requirement was
made-up.Out of thin air.
I think Dennis Prager is spot-on.He relied exclusivley on Hydroxychloroqiune
as soon as he could finf a doctor willing to prescribe it for him.Living ourside
L.A. { the city } is was very hard to get a Prescription of a highly effective
therapeutic like Hydroxychloroquine which is also about as safe a drug as it
gets.Having be used for around 60 years.The Doctor who advised use of
Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid was recently awarded a Nobel Prize
this past April { Dr.Vladimir Zelenko.} I believe he helpoed in the development of
Ivermectin.The unbelievable Hysteria by the scum in the MSM and cable
scumbaggers of CNN and MSNBC who routinely made fun of those
even thinking about using Hydroxychloroquine is criminal.
Prager believes that Hysteria was Criminal.That it directly resulted in numerous
Deaths.He was right.We're finding out more and more almost Josef Mengele
style { angel of Death } crapola from the likes of this Fauci Fraud.
He gets paid more then Biden { $ 418,ooo annually }. The highest paid Government
servant in the land.
Yes, and Zelenko’s trinity of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin was revealing the synergy that defeats the communist virus.

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