Pfizer says COVID-19 pill almost 90% effective preventing severe illness, death

Pfizer can be made to look like the horse’s rear end once we begin to expose the communist propaganda linked to the Wuhan lab. In fact, Pfizer’s pill will be linked to “Patient Zero” supposedly a Huanan Seafood Market shrimp seller. There has never been a better opportunity to crucify the pimps of Big Pharma.
We’ll be comparing this plant chemistry with paxlovid, because it links to polioviruses, which in turn link to pork production plants in Minnesota and the porcine virus from Canada in 1962. It would be a good idea not to forget Edward Hooper’s online book about polio vaccination in Africa. When tracking the enzyme that Pfizer is focusing on, one will come to the Picornaviridae famiy, of which poliovirus is a member.

Jan 2021 Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) / Viral Respiratory Infections

There is chemistry in the genus Achyrocline that physically attaches to the Chinese communist virus, SARS-COV-2. Does the virus pretend not to notice when that happens in vivo?

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