Pharmacist Denies Anti-Bleeding Medication Because Woman Might Have Had an Abortion

You are supposing that PP is relaying the truth about the how and why of the medication denial...

Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?

If the pharmacist had reason to think it was incorrectly prescribed they could ethically refuse to issue it.

We just don't know. From what I've read she called to find out what it was prescribed for, and when she couldn't get an answer, she refused to issue it.
If the pharmacist had reason to think it was incorrectly prescribed they could ethically refuse to issue it.

Yet after calling to confirm the validity of the perscription, then they would have known it was properly prescribed. WHY it was issued is irrelevant. Upon calling, the Pharmacist knew it was a valid prescription.

We just don't know. From what I've read she called to find out what it was prescribed for, and when she couldn't get an answer, she refused to issue it.

Actually, after recognizing the issuing authority, she called to find out if it was issued post-abortion. If the same prescription had been issued by a family practice doctor, you wanna bet the Pharmacist would have issued he medication with no phone call?

The medicine is prescribed post-abortion or post-birth, denial of service is not covered under the Conscience Law because it's after-the-fact.

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That's a lot of assuming going on there, based upon nothing but the information provided by one, biased, source...

and that source wasn't there.
You are supposing that PP is relaying the truth about the how and why of the medication denial...

Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?


How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.

The left did the same sort of caterwauling when the state took all those kids from the FLDS families. The assumption was that since they were FLDS they were perverted, and no proof was required.

The state quietly returned all the kids, and that little story slinked from the public consciousness...

Here we have the exact same thing. We have an allegation made by a VERY biased organization; so far we only have one version of a very questionable story. The only thing verified is that the kooks did indeed file a complaint, but we don't know who the pharmacist was, or who the patient was, or even why the pharmacist refused to fill the script. Maybe she refused because the scrip was being used INCORRECTLY (and it wouldn't be the first time the butchers at PP screwed up) or maybe she refused because she thought she could based on her objection to abortion.

We don't know. That's what it comes down to. And anything PP puts out there is highly suspect.
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You are supposing that PP is relaying the truth about the how and why of the medication denial...

Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?


How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.
then why did walgreens fire the pharmacist?
That's a lot of assuming going on there, based upon nothing but the information provided by one, biased, source...

and that source wasn't there.

Did a legally authorized medical practitioner issued a valid prescription for a non-abortion inducing drug? Yes or No.

Did the Pharmacist refuse to issue the prescribed medication upon verification of the prescriptions validity? Yes or No.

Did the medication used to control for post-abortion/post-birth/female-reproductive bleeding fall with-in the bounds of Idaho's Conscience Law regarding causing an abortion? Yes or No.

If the previous question's answer is "Yes", please explain how post-abortion medication can cause an abortion if one was already conducted?

What is being assumed here?

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once more reading into the articule something that isnt there

This is what the articule actually says

The prescription was for a Planned Parenthood patient for Methergine, a medicine used to prevent or control bleeding of the uterus following childbirth or an abortion.

“Methergine is not an abortifacient and it serves multiple purposes in postpartum care,” the practitioner wrote in her complaint. “I believe the pharmacist wrongly applied the conscience protections.


She MAY have had a abortion OR a birth or niether
either way its NOT the pharmacist business to judge .

Where does it say that, if the pharmacist actually did what is alleged, that the meds was denied because of an abortion? The article actually points out that the person who prescribed that wrote the prescription refused to tell the pharmacist why it was prescribed.

It is none of the pharmacists' business.
I would tell them to fuck themselves.

Fuckin A.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
You are supposing that PP is relaying the truth about the how and why of the medication denial...

Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?


How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.

Not even a good try...

The incident occurred on November 6, the complaint wasn't filed with the Idaho Board of Pharmacy until November 17th. When I go to the local pharmacy to get a prescription filled it normally takes about 20-minutes. Longest time, IIRC, was about 45-minutes.

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No, there's no confirmation.

PP said that they had taken corrective action, but no specifics..and again, it's from PP.

Probably the pharmacist is a figment of somebody's imagination. The next press release from PP will probably "affirm" that the pharmacist absconded to Guatemala, or has disappeared, the victim of an unsolved kidnapping, or committed suicide because of extreme guilt, and out of respect for the family, PP will refuse to release the name...
from the first link in the OP

It is both ridiculous and dangerous to allow women's medical care to be at the whim of the feelings of people like that Walgreen pharmacist. According to Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, who filed a complaint with Walgreens, the pharmacy in question has taken undisclosed "corrective action" in this case. That is not enough. Ask Walgreens to make sure that their pharmacists are trained on exactly what they do and do not have the right to opt out of and how to properly handle instances where they exercise that option, including providing referrals. It is what anyone with a conscience would do.
No, there's no confirmation.

PP said that they had taken corrective action, but no specifics..and again, it's from PP.

Probably the pharmacist is a figment of somebody's imagination. The next press release from PP will probably "affirm" that the pharmacist absconded to Guatemala, or has disappeared, the victim of an unsolved kidnapping, or committed suicide because of extreme guilt, and out of respect for the family, PP will refuse to release the name...
then wouldnt that open up PP to be charged with filing a false report?
and why wouldnt walgreens come out and say this never happened?
For the record, Walgreens is not going to say outright if they fired the pharmacist or not. That would go against their corporate policy on these matters.
Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?


How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.
then why did walgreens fire the pharmacist?

Because you are jumping to conclusions.

"To the best of our knowledge the Idaho Board of Pharmacy has not taken any adverse action against Walgreens or the pharmacist," Tiffany Washington, a spokesperson at Walgreens corporate offices in Illinois, told Citydesk this morning, When asked what, if any, disciplinary or corrective action was taken by Walgreens, Washington said, "I can neither confirm nor deny any corporate action. It's our company policy not to comment."

Walgreens Doesn't Confirm Nor Deny Corrective Action in Prescription Refusal Incident | citydesk

Funny what happens when you only have one side of the story, isn't it? Even PP did not say the pharmacist was fired though, they just said Walgreen's reported that they took corrective action. That is obviously a lie since Walgreen's doesn't comment on that type of thing. That makes me wonder what else they lied about.

The facts that are alleged is that a nurse practitioner called in a prescription, and that the pharmacist refused to fill the prescription. The complaint does not include the name of the pharmacist because the nurse practitioner did not get it. They only spoke over the phone, and we only have one side of the alleged conversation. The nurse practitioner cannot even state for sure she was talking to a pharmacist.

The story makes no sense.
The irony of this is the anti abortion people seem so much more destructive than the people who are ok with abortions.

How so?

By the way, I am pro-life.


The pharmacist turned a lady away who was bleeding because she thought the medication was because of an abortion, so this pharmacist hates abortion but is willing to let someone suffer?

She did not. If the allegation is true, and that is a big if, she refused to take a call in prescription.
Are you saying the Pharmacist did fill the prescription?


Did the Pharmacist not fill the prescription and under what grounds, under Idaho law, could the Pharmacist have refused to fill a valid prescriptions written by a medical professional duly authorized and licensed to do so?


How about this one, the pharmacist never had a chance to issue the prescription because the whole thing was fabricated. That makes more sense to me than the story I am reading.

Not even a good try...

The incident occurred on November 6, the complaint wasn't filed with the Idaho Board of Pharmacy until November 17th. When I go to the local pharmacy to get a prescription filled it normally takes about 20-minutes. Longest time, IIRC, was about 45-minutes.


It happened over the phone, not in person. How am I not making a good try when you aren't even talking about what allegedly happened?

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