Philadelphia and the Soda Tax.

Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
Does that extend to those who indulge in unhealthy sexual activities?
Please tell me what ER will give me my medication everyday for 10 years?

Please tell me what ER does mammograms to find out if the cancer had returned?

Please tell me what ER has an oncologist that treats cancer?

Please tell me of an ER that treats a person who doesn't have an emergency?

All the law requires of an ER is to stabilize the patient and refer them to the proper doctor to treat their condition.

So you're wrong. I will die if the preexisting condition clause returns because I won't be able to afford the medication, treatment, mammograms and all that comes with fighting for your life with cancer.

Learn about things before you post instead of relying on the lie you posted above.

I did not say the ER would give you your medication for years. I said the ER would treat you in a medical emergency, that you would not die. That OF COURSE does not apply to conditions like stage 4 cancer.

The requirement for insurance companies to cover pre-existing illnesses could have been added without the draconian effort to replace the entire existing health care system with the 'FAILED' Obamacare system. When you 'grade' the ACA based off the goals and PROMISED results Barry himself made - which turned out to be nothing but LIES (some award-winning lies) it is a 'FAILURE'!

'It won't cost a dime'
- No, it cost a helluva lot more than 'a dime'.

'It will pay for itself.'
- No govt program ever put into existence has done this. To believe this at any point reflects on the stupidity and level of being gullible of the person who did believe it.

'It will lower the cost of health care.'
- Based on what. From the very start Insurance companies negotiated for subsidies to offset expected losses and REAL experts accurately predicted the rise in costs.

'It will not cause people to lose their insurance / jobs'.
- McDonalds was the 1st to warn the WH if the ACA mandates was implemented it would immediately have to cut employee insurance programs AND fire employees. Before the ink on his signature on the law was even dry Obama was signing thousands of waivers to try to prevent massive employee loss of insurance and jobs...which happened anyway.

The Award-Winning 'If You Like Your Plan / Insurance You Can Keep Your Plan'
- Almost everyone who had insurance 'LOST' their insurance because what the ACA did was mandate a government-defined minimum level of insurance EVERY policy had to have. This basically meant everyone who had a policy that did not include those mandated minimums had to buy new programs that DID have the mandated coverage.

Instead of address the problems regarding health care coverage - like making Insurance Companies cover pre-existing conditions' and allowing citizens to shop for coverage across state lines - Liberals destroyed the existing health care system, created a new one that forced liberal agendas/ mandates to be included, and then legally FORCED 'free US citizens' to comply...NO CHOICE.

And while Vets are still neglected and die waiting for health care the same govt that brought you all of this above is providing 'free' (tax payer-funded) health care to millions of illegals who hate this country / have so little respect for our laws and this country that they break those laws to come here. Instead of using some of those hundreds of millions to help vets or you to get those mammograms you need, the money is going to provide health care to criminals who are in this country illegally.

That's sort of like a criminal breaking into your house. The govt steps in and says you can't kick them out, they will not prosecute them, they get to stay, and YOU have to pay for their lodging, food, and health care...even though you are already struggling to pay for your own health care and medication. Yeah, the guy who brought you Obamacare is also bringing you THAT.

I started to read your reply but can't get past the lies in the first paragraph. I know the rest is going to be lies and excuses so I didn't waste my time to read it all.

You said I wouldn't die because I can go to the ER.

Well I can't get my medications through the ER. Nor can I get a mammogram or any of the other medical services that are needed to beat cancer.

So you're saying I should go without medical help until I'm debilitated and close to death?

Sure the ER will stabilize me and refer me to a doctor. A doctor I can't see because I can't get insurance.

I will DIE.

That's what you and people like you are advocating. That those of us who through no fault of our own lost our insurance and have a history of cancer or any other medical condition should just suck it up and go without.

I don't know why you want to do this. It won't cost you one penny for me to be able to buy insurance.

Please explain to me why the preexisting clause should return and force millions of Americans to die because they can't get proper health care?
Please tell me what ER will give me my medication everyday for 10 years?

Please tell me what ER does mammograms to find out if the cancer had returned?

Please tell me what ER has an oncologist that treats cancer?

Please tell me of an ER that treats a person who doesn't have an emergency?

All the law requires of an ER is to stabilize the patient and refer them to the proper doctor to treat their condition.

So you're wrong. I will die if the preexisting condition clause returns because I won't be able to afford the medication, treatment, mammograms and all that comes with fighting for your life with cancer.

Learn about things before you post instead of relying on the lie you posted above.

I did not say the ER would give you your medication for years. I said the ER would treat you in a medical emergency, that you would not die. That OF COURSE does not apply to conditions like stage 4 cancer.

The requirement for insurance companies to cover pre-existing illnesses could have been added without the draconian effort to replace the entire existing health care system with the 'FAILED' Obamacare system. When you 'grade' the ACA based off the goals and PROMISED results Barry himself made - which turned out to be nothing but LIES (some award-winning lies) it is a 'FAILURE'!

'It won't cost a dime'
- No, it cost a helluva lot more than 'a dime'.

'It will pay for itself.'
- No govt program ever put into existence has done this. To believe this at any point reflects on the stupidity and level of being gullible of the person who did believe it.

'It will lower the cost of health care.'
- Based on what. From the very start Insurance companies negotiated for subsidies to offset expected losses and REAL experts accurately predicted the rise in costs.

'It will not cause people to lose their insurance / jobs'.
- McDonalds was the 1st to warn the WH if the ACA mandates was implemented it would immediately have to cut employee insurance programs AND fire employees. Before the ink on his signature on the law was even dry Obama was signing thousands of waivers to try to prevent massive employee loss of insurance and jobs...which happened anyway.

The Award-Winning 'If You Like Your Plan / Insurance You Can Keep Your Plan'
- Almost everyone who had insurance 'LOST' their insurance because what the ACA did was mandate a government-defined minimum level of insurance EVERY policy had to have. This basically meant everyone who had a policy that did not include those mandated minimums had to buy new programs that DID have the mandated coverage.

Instead of address the problems regarding health care coverage - like making Insurance Companies cover pre-existing conditions' and allowing citizens to shop for coverage across state lines - Liberals destroyed the existing health care system, created a new one that forced liberal agendas/ mandates to be included, and then legally FORCED 'free US citizens' to comply...NO CHOICE.

And while Vets are still neglected and die waiting for health care the same govt that brought you all of this above is providing 'free' (tax payer-funded) health care to millions of illegals who hate this country / have so little respect for our laws and this country that they break those laws to come here. Instead of using some of those hundreds of millions to help vets or you to get those mammograms you need, the money is going to provide health care to criminals who are in this country illegally.

That's sort of like a criminal breaking into your house. The govt steps in and says you can't kick them out, they will not prosecute them, they get to stay, and YOU have to pay for their lodging, food, and health care...even though you are already struggling to pay for your own health care and medication. Yeah, the guy who brought you Obamacare is also bringing you THAT.

I started to read your reply but can't get past the lies in the first paragraph. I know the rest is going to be lies and excuses so I didn't waste my time to read it all.

You said I wouldn't die because I can go to the ER.

Well I can't get my medications through the ER. Nor can I get a mammogram or any of the other medical services that are needed to beat cancer.

So you're saying I should go without medical help until I'm debilitated and close to death?

Sure the ER will stabilize me and refer me to a doctor. A doctor I can't see because I can't get insurance.

I will DIE.

That's what you and people like you are advocating. That those of us who through no fault of our own lost our insurance and have a history of cancer or any other medical condition should just suck it up and go without.

I don't know why you want to do this. It won't cost you one penny for me to be able to buy insurance.

Please explain to me why the preexisting clause should return and force millions of Americans to die because they can't get proper health care?

Because, just like in the totalitarian systems left and right, the system counts more than life.
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?

Show me where I said marijuana smoke was worse than cancer? Show me. If you want me to listen to you, then don't put words in my mouth and lie to make a point.

With that said, if you want to smoke marijuana in the privacy of your home go right ahead. I don't care. But those of us who don't want to inhale someone else's smoke in public have that right also. It's why cigarette smokers are losing more and more rights every year. The same will happen with marijuana if and when it becomes legal in all states. People will want to regulate the smoke for good reason.

Your post was saying that inhaling marijuana smoke is bad for people.

I showed you that it's not bad for me. In fact I showed you how it's helping to save my life.

Your problem is that you painted all situations with the same broad brush. This isn't a one size situation. Life isn't that way, there are shades of gray that most people can see. I guess you aren't one of them.

If you looked at the actual laws that govern marijuana the same laws that regulate where you can smoke a cigarette are applied to smoking marijuana. In fact, it's even more restrictive. You can smoke a cigarette almost anywhere outside. Not so with marijuana. A person can be arrested for smoking marijuana in public in my state. It's very illegal to smoke marijuana openly in any public place.

Read the laws before you post.

It's illegal in my state so I don't need to read the laws. I don't plan on smoking marijuana in legal states, so again I don't need to read the laws. I already said in the post you responded that if you want to smoke in the privacy of your home I don't care. If it helps you with cancer then good for you. Have at it. But given a healthy person, which I was referring to, I don't buy the "it's not bad for you" line. It's a bunch of bullshit.

You didn't say one word about healthy people. You just said a flat statement which paints a broad incorrect brush on everyone.

Cigarettes, alcohol, sodas and a long list of things we human consume are legal. So to say that it's bad for you and make it illegal for even adults to use recreationally is hypocritical.

I don't know of any report that has factual proof of anyone being killed by marijuana or it's effects.

The same can't be said about tobacco and alcohol. Soda is also bad it causes a long list of diseases that are expensive to treat and easily avoided. Soda is fine. In moderation. The problem is there isn't much moderation with a lot of people in America and we have ended up with a very over weight population who have a very long list of health conditions. Conditions that wouldn't have occurred if moderation had been applied.

Your comment on the smoke from marijuana was unwarranted. Do you smell marijuana smoke where you live? I'm sure it's just like mine. I don't smell that smoke anywhere but in my own home or a friend's home. I wanted you to use your own brain to find the answers to your statements BEFORE you make them. Because when you don't look for the facts, you're making incorrect statements and it's nearly impossible to take you seriously.
Please tell me what ER will give me my medication everyday for 10 years?

Please tell me what ER does mammograms to find out if the cancer had returned?

Please tell me what ER has an oncologist that treats cancer?

Please tell me of an ER that treats a person who doesn't have an emergency?

All the law requires of an ER is to stabilize the patient and refer them to the proper doctor to treat their condition.

So you're wrong. I will die if the preexisting condition clause returns because I won't be able to afford the medication, treatment, mammograms and all that comes with fighting for your life with cancer.

Learn about things before you post instead of relying on the lie you posted above.

I did not say the ER would give you your medication for years. I said the ER would treat you in a medical emergency, that you would not die. That OF COURSE does not apply to conditions like stage 4 cancer.

The requirement for insurance companies to cover pre-existing illnesses could have been added without the draconian effort to replace the entire existing health care system with the 'FAILED' Obamacare system. When you 'grade' the ACA based off the goals and PROMISED results Barry himself made - which turned out to be nothing but LIES (some award-winning lies) it is a 'FAILURE'!

'It won't cost a dime'
- No, it cost a helluva lot more than 'a dime'.

'It will pay for itself.'
- No govt program ever put into existence has done this. To believe this at any point reflects on the stupidity and level of being gullible of the person who did believe it.

'It will lower the cost of health care.'
- Based on what. From the very start Insurance companies negotiated for subsidies to offset expected losses and REAL experts accurately predicted the rise in costs.

'It will not cause people to lose their insurance / jobs'.
- McDonalds was the 1st to warn the WH if the ACA mandates was implemented it would immediately have to cut employee insurance programs AND fire employees. Before the ink on his signature on the law was even dry Obama was signing thousands of waivers to try to prevent massive employee loss of insurance and jobs...which happened anyway.

The Award-Winning 'If You Like Your Plan / Insurance You Can Keep Your Plan'
- Almost everyone who had insurance 'LOST' their insurance because what the ACA did was mandate a government-defined minimum level of insurance EVERY policy had to have. This basically meant everyone who had a policy that did not include those mandated minimums had to buy new programs that DID have the mandated coverage.

Instead of address the problems regarding health care coverage - like making Insurance Companies cover pre-existing conditions' and allowing citizens to shop for coverage across state lines - Liberals destroyed the existing health care system, created a new one that forced liberal agendas/ mandates to be included, and then legally FORCED 'free US citizens' to comply...NO CHOICE.

And while Vets are still neglected and die waiting for health care the same govt that brought you all of this above is providing 'free' (tax payer-funded) health care to millions of illegals who hate this country / have so little respect for our laws and this country that they break those laws to come here. Instead of using some of those hundreds of millions to help vets or you to get those mammograms you need, the money is going to provide health care to criminals who are in this country illegally.

That's sort of like a criminal breaking into your house. The govt steps in and says you can't kick them out, they will not prosecute them, they get to stay, and YOU have to pay for their lodging, food, and health care...even though you are already struggling to pay for your own health care and medication. Yeah, the guy who brought you Obamacare is also bringing you THAT.

I started to read your reply but can't get past the lies in the first paragraph. I know the rest is going to be lies and excuses so I didn't waste my time to read it all.

You said I wouldn't die because I can go to the ER.

Well I can't get my medications through the ER. Nor can I get a mammogram or any of the other medical services that are needed to beat cancer.

So you're saying I should go without medical help until I'm debilitated and close to death?

Sure the ER will stabilize me and refer me to a doctor. A doctor I can't see because I can't get insurance.

I will DIE.

That's what you and people like you are advocating. That those of us who through no fault of our own lost our insurance and have a history of cancer or any other medical condition should just suck it up and go without.

I don't know why you want to do this. It won't cost you one penny for me to be able to buy insurance.

Please explain to me why the preexisting clause should return and force millions of Americans to die because they can't get proper health care?
See? There's that Obama lie again. It won't cost you a penny. While that may be true of you who's is going to pay for the millions who get it free? That's exactly why our premiums, co- pays, and deductible have risen to where it is unaffordable. That's right darlin, we the middle class are paying out the ass for those people who get it free. Oh, and do not forget the trillion he stole from the seniors.
Repubs are about to lose ANOTHER Presidential election and all hacks like willow can think about is sodie pop.

No wonder you people lose so often
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.

My point is not so much that the money would be used for healthcare,but rather if you expect others to pay your way in life then you are subject to the restrictions and taxes they impose. Give up personal responsibility, and you give up personal freedom.

I'm sorry but if we didn't have Obamacare I DIE.

I'm getting divorced. I've had private insurance most of my life through employers. Just like most people. The insurance I've had for the last 28 years was through my ex's employer. When the divorce is final, I can stay on that insurance through cobra for 3 years which I'm going to do. After that I'm on my own.

I've paid premiums, co-payments and deductibles most of my adult life.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts.

Without Obamacare, even though I have the money to pay and want to buy insurance, NO INSURNACE COMPANY WILL COVER ME.

Because of the preexisting clause that will return if Obamacare is repealed.

Which means that I have a life expectancy of about maybe 4 or 5 years after that cobra runs out.

Can you afford the cost of cancer medications, treatment and prevention alone or do you, like everyone else, need help from an insurance company to do it?

I'm not looking for anyone to pay my way. I've paid my way all my life and will with Obamacare. I don't qualify for any help from the government and I'm not looking for any.

All I'm looking for is for that preexisting clause to never return so that I can buy insurance.

I'm not the only person with this problem. There are millions of Americans who want insurance, have the money to buy it but with the preexisting conditions clause, were never able to do so before Obamacare.

Your story is not unique to be sure, and I am happy you are getting the care you need.

However a national healthcare plan for all citizens is not necessary in order to provide for catastrophic care for the reletively few who need it. I could get behind a system that provided care, perhaps thru the VA system, for people like you, but providing insurance for people who take no personal responsibility is a recipe for high cost and poor service.
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.

My point is not so much that the money would be used for healthcare,but rather if you expect others to pay your way in life then you are subject to the restrictions and taxes they impose. Give up personal responsibility, and you give up personal freedom.

I'm sorry but if we didn't have Obamacare I DIE.

I'm getting divorced. I've had private insurance most of my life through employers. Just like most people. The insurance I've had for the last 28 years was through my ex's employer. When the divorce is final, I can stay on that insurance through cobra for 3 years which I'm going to do. After that I'm on my own.

I've paid premiums, co-payments and deductibles most of my adult life.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts.

Without Obamacare, even though I have the money to pay and want to buy insurance, NO INSURNACE COMPANY WILL COVER ME.

Because of the preexisting clause that will return if Obamacare is repealed.

Which means that I have a life expectancy of about maybe 4 or 5 years after that cobra runs out.

Can you afford the cost of cancer medications, treatment and prevention alone or do you, like everyone else, need help from an insurance company to do it?

I'm not looking for anyone to pay my way. I've paid my way all my life and will with Obamacare. I don't qualify for any help from the government and I'm not looking for any.

All I'm looking for is for that preexisting clause to never return so that I can buy insurance.

I'm not the only person with this problem. There are millions of Americans who want insurance, have the money to buy it but with the preexisting conditions clause, were never able to do so before Obamacare.

Your story is not unique to be sure, and I am happy you are getting the care you need.

However a national healthcare plan for all citizens is not necessary in order to provide for catastrophic care for the reletively few who need it. I could get behind a system that provided care, perhaps thru the VA system, for people like you, but providing insurance for people who take no personal responsibility is a recipe for high cost and poor service.

There are millions of Americans just like me.

One of my best friends is one. She had a benign growth removed from one of her breasts in the 1980s.

In 2005 she and her husband divorced after 20 something years of marriage. She lost her insurance because it was through her ex husband's employer. Because she had a non cancerous growth removed from one of her breasts in the 1980s, she was never able to buy insurance for herself. So from 2005 until 2014, she didn't have insurance and only saw a doctor when she ended up near death from diverticulitis. She was admitted to the hospital and stayed there for nearly a month. She had a few surgeries and didn't die. However because the law doesn't require hospitals to cure anyone without insurance but only make sure they don't die, her problem wasn't fixed yet she ended up with over 200 thousand dollars in hospital bills.

It wasn't until 2014 when she could finally buy insurance because the preexisting clause was removed that she was finally able to see a doctor for her health problems. She's since had more surgery but now it's covered.

She and I are not unique. Most responsible adults buy insurance whether it's through their employer or on their own. Most of the people who didn't have insurance were either those who weren't offered it by their employer and couldn't afford to buy it themselves or people like my friend and myself. People who want to buy insurance but no insurance company will take our money because we got sick sometime in our lives.

No one should be denied the right to buy insurance just because they got sick sometime in their lives.

Obamacare got rid of the disgusting and deadly preexisting conditions clause. It's the reason I will NEVER vote or support anyone who wants to repeal it. All they're doing is saying they want to kill me and millions of other Americans.

Obamacare isn't a national health plan for all citizens. All Obamacare is finally responsible and proper regulations on the insurance companies. Also, it made insurance affordable for those who couldn't afford it and it imposed some taxes to pay for the tax subsidies to those who need help to pay for insurance.
Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.

My point is not so much that the money would be used for healthcare,but rather if you expect others to pay your way in life then you are subject to the restrictions and taxes they impose. Give up personal responsibility, and you give up personal freedom.

I'm sorry but if we didn't have Obamacare I DIE.

I'm getting divorced. I've had private insurance most of my life through employers. Just like most people. The insurance I've had for the last 28 years was through my ex's employer. When the divorce is final, I can stay on that insurance through cobra for 3 years which I'm going to do. After that I'm on my own.

I've paid premiums, co-payments and deductibles most of my adult life.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts.

Without Obamacare, even though I have the money to pay and want to buy insurance, NO INSURNACE COMPANY WILL COVER ME.

Because of the preexisting clause that will return if Obamacare is repealed.

Which means that I have a life expectancy of about maybe 4 or 5 years after that cobra runs out.

Can you afford the cost of cancer medications, treatment and prevention alone or do you, like everyone else, need help from an insurance company to do it?

I'm not looking for anyone to pay my way. I've paid my way all my life and will with Obamacare. I don't qualify for any help from the government and I'm not looking for any.

All I'm looking for is for that preexisting clause to never return so that I can buy insurance.

I'm not the only person with this problem. There are millions of Americans who want insurance, have the money to buy it but with the preexisting conditions clause, were never able to do so before Obamacare.

Your story is not unique to be sure, and I am happy you are getting the care you need.

However a national healthcare plan for all citizens is not necessary in order to provide for catastrophic care for the reletively few who need it. I could get behind a system that provided care, perhaps thru the VA system, for people like you, but providing insurance for people who take no personal responsibility is a recipe for high cost and poor service.

There are millions of Americans just like me.

One of my best friends is one. She had a benign growth removed from one of her breasts in the 1980s.

In 2005 she and her husband divorced after 20 something years of marriage. She lost her insurance because it was through her ex husband's employer. Because she had a non cancerous growth removed from one of her breasts in the 1980s, she was never able to buy insurance for herself. So from 2005 until 2014, she didn't have insurance and only saw a doctor when she ended up near death from diverticulitis. She was admitted to the hospital and stayed there for nearly a month. She had a few surgeries and didn't die. However because the law doesn't require hospitals to cure anyone without insurance but only make sure they don't die, her problem wasn't fixed yet she ended up with over 200 thousand dollars in hospital bills.

It wasn't until 2014 when she could finally buy insurance because the preexisting clause was removed that she was finally able to see a doctor for her health problems. She's since had more surgery but now it's covered.

She and I are not unique. Most responsible adults buy insurance whether it's through their employer or on their own. Most of the people who didn't have insurance were either those who weren't offered it by their employer and couldn't afford to buy it themselves or people like my friend and myself. People who want to buy insurance but no insurance company will take our money because we got sick sometime in our lives.

No one should be denied the right to buy insurance just because they got sick sometime in their lives.

Obamacare got rid of the disgusting and deadly preexisting conditions clause. It's the reason I will NEVER vote or support anyone who wants to repeal it. All they're doing is saying they want to kill me and millions of other Americans.

Obamacare isn't a national health plan for all citizens. All Obamacare is finally responsible and proper regulations on the insurance companies. Also, it made insurance affordable for those who couldn't afford it and it imposed some taxes to pay for the tax subsidies to those who need help to pay for insurance.

Obamacare is dependent on the non-medical insured buying insurance and will eventually lead to all private insurers going out of business. They have national healthcare in Canada, and they have to ration the healthcare with very long wait times to see a specialist. Read this and tell me if you want this system in the US.

Waiting Your Turn: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2015 Report

But I do wish you the best and hope you receive all the care you need. After all, we are all Americans.
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
Does that extend to those who indulge in unhealthy sexual activities?

Wow, great question, hadn't thought of that. My knee jerk answer is yes. I would extend that and say if you are receiving some sort of government subsidy you shouldn't be bringing children into this world.

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