Philadelphia and the Soda Tax.

So, if a state decides it won't levy taxes to pay for Obamacare that's their prerogative right?

No not at all.

Obamacare is constitutional. It clearly says in the constitution that the government can levy fees or taxes to pay for services.

Obamacare implements taxes to pay for itself. Which isn't unconstitutional no matter what you say.

The supreme court has already ruled that it is constitutional. Just ask the bush boy appointed supreme court Chief Justice John Roberts.

He'll tell you.
Did you know your precious Obama care stole nearly a trillion dollars from money the seniors paid in for Medicare?
I wasn't the person who brought up marijuana.

I was the person who spoke up to tell the truth about medical marijuana.

If you don't like that the subject was changed, look no farther than your fellow conservatives who brought it up.

As for not living in where this tax might be implemented, why in the world do you care? It won't have any effect on your life and who do you think you are that you have the right to tell someone else how they can live and run their city? Especially when you don't live there.

What happens in DC affects everyone. What happens in PA affects those who live there only. So your comparison isn't the same thing.

I don't agree with countless laws they have in other states and cities but i don't live there and I believe in freedom. I don't believe I have the right to take freedom from anyone.

You obviously do.
So, you are on record for being for states rights. Correct?

I'm for all states rights that don't violate out constitution.

Taxing soda isn't a violation of the constitution. In fact, the constitution clearly says that the government can wage levies and taxes to pay for services.

So since PA isn't violating the constitution, I have no problem with them being free to impose any tax they want.

It's like smoking or alcohol. If you don't want to pay the tax you're very free to not consume those products.

You know? Freedom.
So the Feds have no say in what states do. Correct?

Wow you read my post and replied with that?

I clearly said that I support any state law that doesn't violate the constitution.

Which since I must clearly spell it out for you, means, NO I don't believe that the feds don't have any say in what the states do.

Our constitution is federal law and if you violate it, the feds can prosecute you to make you stop violating the constitution.

If it doesn't violate the constitution then the feds shouldn't have jurisdiction.
Well, just so you know, the sale and use of marijuana is against federal law. And your state is violating federal law.


We both weren't talking about federal law. We were talking about the constitution.

That's two very different things.

Please tell me where in the constitution it says that marijuana is unconstitutional. Or anywhere in the constitution that says it's unconstitutional for the people of a state to sign an petition then vote on an issue.

You can't.

Stop trying to change the subject.
So, you are on record for being for states rights. Correct?

I'm for all states rights that don't violate out constitution.

Taxing soda isn't a violation of the constitution. In fact, the constitution clearly says that the government can wage levies and taxes to pay for services.

So since PA isn't violating the constitution, I have no problem with them being free to impose any tax they want.

It's like smoking or alcohol. If you don't want to pay the tax you're very free to not consume those products.

You know? Freedom.
So the Feds have no say in what states do. Correct?

Wow you read my post and replied with that?

I clearly said that I support any state law that doesn't violate the constitution.

Which since I must clearly spell it out for you, means, NO I don't believe that the feds don't have any say in what the states do.

Our constitution is federal law and if you violate it, the feds can prosecute you to make you stop violating the constitution.

If it doesn't violate the constitution then the feds shouldn't have jurisdiction.
Well, just so you know, the sale and use of marijuana is against federal law. And your state is violating federal law.


We both weren't talking about federal law. We were talking about the constitution.

That's two very different things.

Please tell me where in the constitution it says that marijuana is unconstitutional. Or anywhere in the constitution that says it's unconstitutional for the people of a state to sign an petition then vote on an issue.

You can't.

Stop trying to change the subject.
So, the state's can decide for themselves which product to sell and levy taxes on? Is that the gist of it? Cause we in Florida voted no on marijuana. And you must respect that decision. Correct. We voted. We did so because we know marijuana is against Federal law and not a healthy substance to use recreationally.
All this great nation's probs and Fox & Friends tells its watchers (Wiwwow in this case) to whine about carbonated sugar water

It"s not Fox's fault you don't give a shit about the poor.
the poor cant survive w/o carbonated sugar water? Is that what Fox TV is telling you retard?
No you fucking pussy. It tells me the poor enjoy soda right along with the rest of us and Philadelphia is going to raise taxes on the poor. Got it now moron?
its called a sin tax you Rightard. When a product has negative effects on society, it is taxed to dissuade its use and offset those costs

Unnerstand now hack grl?
Please tell me what ER will give me my medication everyday for 10 years?

Please tell me what ER does mammograms to find out if the cancer had returned?

Please tell me what ER has an oncologist that treats cancer?

Please tell me of an ER that treats a person who doesn't have an emergency?

All the law requires of an ER is to stabilize the patient and refer them to the proper doctor to treat their condition.

So you're wrong. I will die if the preexisting condition clause returns because I won't be able to afford the medication, treatment, mammograms and all that comes with fighting for your life with cancer.

Learn about things before you post instead of relying on the lie you posted above.

I did not say the ER would give you your medication for years. I said the ER would treat you in a medical emergency, that you would not die. That OF COURSE does not apply to conditions like stage 4 cancer.

The requirement for insurance companies to cover pre-existing illnesses could have been added without the draconian effort to replace the entire existing health care system with the 'FAILED' Obamacare system. When you 'grade' the ACA based off the goals and PROMISED results Barry himself made - which turned out to be nothing but LIES (some award-winning lies) it is a 'FAILURE'!

'It won't cost a dime'
- No, it cost a helluva lot more than 'a dime'.

'It will pay for itself.'
- No govt program ever put into existence has done this. To believe this at any point reflects on the stupidity and level of being gullible of the person who did believe it.

'It will lower the cost of health care.'
- Based on what. From the very start Insurance companies negotiated for subsidies to offset expected losses and REAL experts accurately predicted the rise in costs.

'It will not cause people to lose their insurance / jobs'.
- McDonalds was the 1st to warn the WH if the ACA mandates was implemented it would immediately have to cut employee insurance programs AND fire employees. Before the ink on his signature on the law was even dry Obama was signing thousands of waivers to try to prevent massive employee loss of insurance and jobs...which happened anyway.

The Award-Winning 'If You Like Your Plan / Insurance You Can Keep Your Plan'
- Almost everyone who had insurance 'LOST' their insurance because what the ACA did was mandate a government-defined minimum level of insurance EVERY policy had to have. This basically meant everyone who had a policy that did not include those mandated minimums had to buy new programs that DID have the mandated coverage.

Instead of address the problems regarding health care coverage - like making Insurance Companies cover pre-existing conditions' and allowing citizens to shop for coverage across state lines - Liberals destroyed the existing health care system, created a new one that forced liberal agendas/ mandates to be included, and then legally FORCED 'free US citizens' to comply...NO CHOICE.

And while Vets are still neglected and die waiting for health care the same govt that brought you all of this above is providing 'free' (tax payer-funded) health care to millions of illegals who hate this country / have so little respect for our laws and this country that they break those laws to come here. Instead of using some of those hundreds of millions to help vets or you to get those mammograms you need, the money is going to provide health care to criminals who are in this country illegally.

That's sort of like a criminal breaking into your house. The govt steps in and says you can't kick them out, they will not prosecute them, they get to stay, and YOU have to pay for their lodging, food, and health care...even though you are already struggling to pay for your own health care and medication. Yeah, the guy who brought you Obamacare is also bringing you THAT.
All this great nation's probs and Fox & Friends tells its watchers (Wiwwow in this case) to whine about carbonated sugar water

It"s not Fox's fault you don't give a shit about the poor.
the poor cant survive w/o carbonated sugar water? Is that what Fox TV is telling you retard?
No you fucking pussy. It tells me the poor enjoy soda right along with the rest of us and Philadelphia is going to raise taxes on the poor. Got it now moron?

So, if a state decides it won't levy taxes to pay for Obamacare that's their prerogative right?

No not at all.

Obamacare is constitutional. It clearly says in the constitution that the government can levy fees or taxes to pay for services.

Obamacare implements taxes to pay for itself. Which isn't unconstitutional no matter what you say.

The supreme court has already ruled that it is constitutional. Just ask the bush boy appointed supreme court Chief Justice John Roberts.

He'll tell you.

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Its called a sin tax you Rightard. When a product has negative effects on society, it is taxed to dissuade its use and offset those costs Unnerstand now hack grl?
So the same federal government politicians who have elevated themselves above the Constitution and laws they pass - who do not pay their taxes . engage in tax fraud, who engage in human trafficking, who steal, accept bribes, engage in sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape - have decided THEY are going to impose a 'sin' tax on US?

No long as we establish a MANDATORY 100% enforced 'Sin Tax' or 'perjury', 'fiscal irresponsibility', tax evasion, tax fraud, refusal to enforce all existing law, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, posting pictures of your junk on the internet, accepting bribes, etc....
All this great nation's probs and Fox & Friends tells its watchers (Wiwwow in this case) to whine about carbonated sugar water

It"s not Fox's fault you don't give a shit about the poor.
the poor cant survive w/o carbonated sugar water? Is that what Fox TV is telling you retard?
No you fucking pussy. It tells me the poor enjoy soda right along with the rest of us and Philadelphia is going to raise taxes on the poor. Got it now moron?
its called a sin tax you Rightard. When a product has negative effects on society, it is taxed to dissuade its use and offset those costs

Unnerstand now hack grl?
No pussy man.
The guy who brought you the ACA, 'that would pay for itself', just reported it 'LOST' $596 MILLION it took from the 'Ebola Fund' that it was going to use for fighting the Zika Virus. That was last week! That has to be a record - In approx. 7 days Obama simply 'LOST' $596 Million tax dollars. (Of course Hillary as Sect of State 'lost' $6 BILLION US tax dollars...which has not been found...and no effort is being made anymore to find it...).
Don't drink that crap and you won't have to pay the tax.

Problem solved.

But you still have to absorb the health cost for those who do drink that crap.
Correct and you want to legalize marijuana. Point made.

Again a foolish comment. MJ laws are ineffective, costly, have create a billion dollar black & criminalized market, and those who can learn from history understand that prohibition does not work.

The propaganda machine is used by the power elite - in the case of MJ, it is the adult beverage and the pharmaceutical industries - protecting their business interests. It is also opposed by the DEA, which receives funds to fight the war on drugs, a war which has been lost for decades. If people such as WT really believed in fiscal responsibility they would understand that the cost to keep MJ as a schedule I drug is wasteful. Of course that concept is to abstract for her.

The greater drug issue is a lack of regulation on homeopathic substances (see: What is Homeopathy? ) and the abuse of antibiotics creating super bugs (see: Stop the Spread of Superbugs - NIH News in Health, February 2014 ).
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?

Show me where I said marijuana smoke was worse than cancer? Show me. If you want me to listen to you, then don't put words in my mouth and lie to make a point.

With that said, if you want to smoke marijuana in the privacy of your home go right ahead. I don't care. But those of us who don't want to inhale someone else's smoke in public have that right also. It's why cigarette smokers are losing more and more rights every year. The same will happen with marijuana if and when it becomes legal in all states. People will want to regulate the smoke for good reason.

Your post was saying that inhaling marijuana smoke is bad for people.

I showed you that it's not bad for me. In fact I showed you how it's helping to save my life.

Your problem is that you painted all situations with the same broad brush. This isn't a one size situation. Life isn't that way, there are shades of gray that most people can see. I guess you aren't one of them.

If you looked at the actual laws that govern marijuana the same laws that regulate where you can smoke a cigarette are applied to smoking marijuana. In fact, it's even more restrictive. You can smoke a cigarette almost anywhere outside. Not so with marijuana. A person can be arrested for smoking marijuana in public in my state. It's very illegal to smoke marijuana openly in any public place.

Read the laws before you post.

It's illegal in my state so I don't need to read the laws. I don't plan on smoking marijuana in legal states, so again I don't need to read the laws. I already said in the post you responded that if you want to smoke in the privacy of your home I don't care. If it helps you with cancer then good for you. Have at it. But given a healthy person, which I was referring to, I don't buy the "it's not bad for you" line. It's a bunch of bullshit.
Don't drink that crap and you won't have to pay the tax.

Problem solved.

But you still have to absorb the health cost for those who do drink that crap.
Correct and you want to legalize marijuana. Point made.

Again a foolish comment. MJ laws are ineffective, costly, have create a billion dollar black & criminalized market, and those who can learn from history understand that prohibition does not work.

The propaganda machine is used by the power elite - in the case of MJ, it is the adult beverage and the pharmaceutical industries - protecting their business interests. It is also opposed by the DEA, which receives funds to fight the war on drugs, a war which has been lost for decades. If people such as WT really believed in fiscal responsibility they would understand that the cost to keep MJ as a schedule I drug is wasteful. Of course that concept is to abstract for her.

The greater drug issue is a lack of regulation on homeopathic substances (see: What is Homeopathy? ) and the abuse of antibiotics creating super bugs (see: Stop the Spread of Superbugs - NIH News in Health, February 2014 ).
So you libtards are free to pick and choose which laws you like? Is this correct?
The guy who brought you the ACA, 'that would pay for itself', just reported it 'LOST' $596 MILLION it took from the 'Ebola Fund' that it was going to use for fighting the Zika Virus. That was last week! That has to be a record - In approx. 7 days Obama simply 'LOST' $596 Million tax dollars. (Of course Hillary as Sect of State 'lost' $6 BILLION US tax dollars...which has not been found...and no effort is being made anymore to find it...).

HRC "lost" $6,000,000,000? A very large allegation and one which requires at least an explanation and some evidence. If I recall a large amount of money was "lost" in Iraq during the G.W. Bush Administration.

A quick check revealed this:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

And later much of it was found:

Government Finally Accounts For $6 Billion Worth Of Lost Cash In Iraq

Gee, who or what got the float?
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The guy who brought you the ACA, 'that would pay for itself', just reported it 'LOST' $596 MILLION it took from the 'Ebola Fund' that it was going to use for fighting the Zika Virus. That was last week! That has to be a record - In approx. 7 days Obama simply 'LOST' $596 Million tax dollars. (Of course Hillary as Sect of State 'lost' $6 BILLION US tax dollars...which has not been found...and no effort is being made anymore to find it...).

HRC "lost" $6,000,000,000? A very large allegation and one which requires at least an explanation and some evidence. If I recall a large amount of money was "lost" in Iraq during the G.W. Bush Administration.

A quick check revealed this:

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish
Oh I agree, WC. I mentioned Obama because he is currently 'in power', but the government has been fleecing citizens for years without fearing any repercussions.
Don't drink that crap and you won't have to pay the tax.

Problem solved.

But you still have to absorb the health cost for those who do drink that crap.
Correct and you want to legalize marijuana. Point made.

Again a foolish comment. MJ laws are ineffective, costly, have create a billion dollar black & criminalized market, and those who can learn from history understand that prohibition does not work.

The propaganda machine is used by the power elite - in the case of MJ, it is the adult beverage and the pharmaceutical industries - protecting their business interests. It is also opposed by the DEA, which receives funds to fight the war on drugs, a war which has been lost for decades. If people such as WT really believed in fiscal responsibility they would understand that the cost to keep MJ as a schedule I drug is wasteful. Of course that concept is to abstract for her.

The greater drug issue is a lack of regulation on homeopathic substances (see: What is Homeopathy? ) and the abuse of antibiotics creating super bugs (see: Stop the Spread of Superbugs - NIH News in Health, February 2014 ).
So you libtards are free to pick and choose which laws you like? Is this correct?

Thanks once again for proving you lack the capacity to think. Get back to me on the issue once someone you trust (Hannity, Limbaugh, Fox&Friends) tells you what to believe.
Don't drink that crap and you won't have to pay the tax.

Problem solved.

But you still have to absorb the health cost for those who do drink that crap.
Correct and you want to legalize marijuana. Point made.

Again a foolish comment. MJ laws are ineffective, costly, have create a billion dollar black & criminalized market, and those who can learn from history understand that prohibition does not work.

The propaganda machine is used by the power elite - in the case of MJ, it is the adult beverage and the pharmaceutical industries - protecting their business interests. It is also opposed by the DEA, which receives funds to fight the war on drugs, a war which has been lost for decades. If people such as WT really believed in fiscal responsibility they would understand that the cost to keep MJ as a schedule I drug is wasteful. Of course that concept is to abstract for her.

The greater drug issue is a lack of regulation on homeopathic substances (see: What is Homeopathy? ) and the abuse of antibiotics creating super bugs (see: Stop the Spread of Superbugs - NIH News in Health, February 2014 ).
So you libtards are free to pick and choose which laws you like? Is this correct?

Thanks once again for proving you lack the capacity to think. Get back to me on the issue once someone you trust (Hannity, Limbaugh, Fox&Friends) tells you what to believe.
You need some new material as warp. You've used this for ten years or more.
This seems like a bizarre approach to financing education. If it were for cleaning up disposable containers, it would be more logical.
Soda is crap. Bad for you. If they were smart they'd apply that tax to booze and tobacco too. Those three best-sellers (ask any store or gas station clerk) would fund a healthcare program for that city. And the addicts will still buy those products without a blip on the radar screen. Stuff that kills you funding stuff that makes you better. That's just poetic logic right there.

Way to go Philly. :clap2:
Who the fuck are you to tell people what they should or shouldn't eat drink or smoke?

It's none of your fucking business
This seems like a bizarre approach to financing education. If it were for cleaning up disposable containers, it would be more logical.
Soda is crap. Bad for you. If they were smart they'd apply that tax to booze and tobacco too. Those three best-sellers (ask any store or gas station clerk) would fund a healthcare program for that city. And the addicts will still buy those products without a blip on the radar screen. Stuff that kills you funding stuff that makes you better. That's just poetic logic right there.

Way to go Philly. :clap2:
Who the fuck are you to tell people what they should or shouldn't eat drink or smoke?

It's none of your fucking business
We can't get in her vagiba but they can get in our stomachs. Think of the outrage if we taxed abortions or condoms or birth control pills.

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