Philadelphia and the Soda Tax.

All this great nation's probs and Fox & Friends tells its watchers (Wiwwow in this case) to whine about carbonated sugar water

All this great nation's probs and Fox & Friends tells its watchers (Wiwwow in this case) to whine about carbonated sugar water

It"s not Fox's fault you don't give a shit about the poor.
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
This seems like a bizarre approach to financing education. If it were for cleaning up disposable containers, it would be more logical.
Soda is crap. Bad for you. If they were smart they'd apply that tax to booze and tobacco too. Those three best-sellers (ask any store or gas station clerk) would fund a healthcare program for that city. And the addicts will still buy those products without a blip on the radar screen. Stuff that kills you funding stuff that makes you better. That's just poetic logic right there.

Way to go Philly. :clap2:
More government is the way right ? All we need after banning everything is the thought police, cuz bad thoughts are bad for you to.
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
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Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
Who are you then to tax soda?
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.

My point is not so much that the money would be used for healthcare,but rather if you expect others to pay your way in life then you are subject to the restrictions and taxes they impose. Give up personal responsibility, and you give up personal freedom.
Federal, State, and local governments can pretty much legislate a tax on anything almost any time...and do...but WHEN IS 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH'?

At what point does the American people say 'Enough'?!

At what point will YOU say 'I am taxed enough already'?!
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
Who are you then to tax soda?

Where in my post did you see me mention soda?

I don't care if soda is taxed or not. It's up to the people who are actually going to pay that tax to decide. Not me or anyone else who doesn't live there and use the commons in that area.

If you don't want to pay that tax then don't buy soda in that city.

It's very simple really. You know, freedom? You're perfectly free to buy soda and to buy it anywhere you want. No one is stopping you.

Do you live in that area and will you be paying that tax?
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
Who are you then to tax soda?

Where in my post did you see me mention soda?

I don't care if soda is taxed or not. It's up to the people who are actually going to pay that tax to decide. Not me or anyone else who doesn't live there and use the commons in that area.

If you don't want to pay that tax then don't buy soda in that city.

It's very simple really. You know, freedom? You're perfectly free to buy soda and to buy it anywhere you want. No one is stopping you.

Do you live in that area and will you be paying that tax?
It you don't wish to discuss the Philadelphia soda tax leave the thread. I don't live in DC either but I discuss what goes on there all the time.
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?

Show me where I said marijuana smoke was worse than cancer? Show me. If you want me to listen to you, then don't put words in my mouth and lie to make a point.

With that said, if you want to smoke marijuana in the privacy of your home go right ahead. I don't care. But those of us who don't want to inhale someone else's smoke in public have that right also. It's why cigarette smokers are losing more and more rights every year. The same will happen with marijuana if and when it becomes legal in all states. People will want to regulate the smoke for good reason.
Philadelphia set to pass 1.5 cent-per-ounce soda tax | Fox News

1.5 cents per ounce can get expensive. Libtards will tax your BM's if they could.

Frankly I agree with the tax, and I am a fiscal conservative. If the government is going to foot the bill for healthcare then those who partake in unhealthy lifestyles like smoking or consuming things which cause health issues, then they should also tax those products to recover the cost of the related healthcare. When you concede personal responsibility, you also concede personal freedom.
I take an opposing view. It's uncalled-for, similar to "Big Gulp" Bloomberg's shenanigans. Bloomberg spent thousands of dollars in support of this measure, too.
Nothing was said in the article about the money being used for healthcare at all. The Mayor proposed it (he originally wanted $0.03/oz) solely "to pay for universal prekindergarten, community schools and park improvements". Diet soda was included in the compromise that dropped it to $0.015/oz, by the way.
I can't see them getting the nearly $91M that they're expecting, since anyone with any smarts that lives within a reasonable distance of the city border will simply cross the border to get their soda.

My point is not so much that the money would be used for healthcare,but rather if you expect others to pay your way in life then you are subject to the restrictions and taxes they impose. Give up personal responsibility, and you give up personal freedom.

I'm sorry but if we didn't have Obamacare I DIE.

I'm getting divorced. I've had private insurance most of my life through employers. Just like most people. The insurance I've had for the last 28 years was through my ex's employer. When the divorce is final, I can stay on that insurance through cobra for 3 years which I'm going to do. After that I'm on my own.

I've paid premiums, co-payments and deductibles most of my adult life.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts.

Without Obamacare, even though I have the money to pay and want to buy insurance, NO INSURNACE COMPANY WILL COVER ME.

Because of the preexisting clause that will return if Obamacare is repealed.

Which means that I have a life expectancy of about maybe 4 or 5 years after that cobra runs out.

Can you afford the cost of cancer medications, treatment and prevention alone or do you, like everyone else, need help from an insurance company to do it?

I'm not looking for anyone to pay my way. I've paid my way all my life and will with Obamacare. I don't qualify for any help from the government and I'm not looking for any.

All I'm looking for is for that preexisting clause to never return so that I can buy insurance.

I'm not the only person with this problem. There are millions of Americans who want insurance, have the money to buy it but with the preexisting conditions clause, were never able to do so before Obamacare.
Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
Keep up the fight!! When I was in treatment,pot was the only thing that really worked for nausea.i would have to take a few puffs,just so I could keep the nausea meds my oncologist prescribed.
Bottom line it works,like you smoking works the York in its endless wisdoms have three places you can purchase in the whole state,its open one day a week,and you have to set up an appointment.makes is very difficult to product.the local guy is a much better value.
For those arguing that as long as the money is used for a 'good' reason then it's ok. REALLY?! Tax dollars went to a pool to help fight Ebola. Last week the Obama administration simply TOOK $596 MILLION tax dollars from that pot of money to - as they claim - fight the Zika Virus. NOW, approx. 7 days later, the Obama administration is reporting THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THAT $596 MILLION WENT / IS...IT'S JUST 'GONE'.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State 'LOST' $6 BILLION....and yet was never held accountable. I would bet my life that no one in the Obama administration involved in the handling of this $596 Million will be held accountable for it disappearing, either. This is CRIMINAL fiscal irresponsibility...a CRIME; yet, the govt treats it like a quarter ;lost between the proverbial seat cushions - not worth taking the effort to find it or hold anyone accountable.

Between the 2 incidents that is $6 BILLION 596 MILLION DOLLARS in hard-earned middle class tax dollars paid in TAXES that just 'evaporated' in the hands of the Obama administration.


EVERY DIME should be tracked down.

Those responsible for 'losing' the money should at the least be fired and potentially go to jail.
- They should be made an example of.

And if the federal govt was not so criminally fiscally irresponsible we would not have to keep raising taxes to pay for things. Again, that is $6 BILLION 596 MILLION tax dollars that could have gone to crumbling infrastructure, updating the outdated power grid, providing Vets with the health care they need, but instead you can bet it went into the pockets of crooked politicians and bureaucrats.

Liberals love to say that eliminating fraud, waste and abuse in programs and criminal fiscal ROBBERY like these 2 incidents won't make a difference. Yeah? Ask the burdened eroding Middle Class would difference NOT having to pay $6.6 BILLION in taxes would mean to them, if they got to keep that money instead.

If I had any confidence in government at any level to handle my / our money in a completely responsible fiscal manner I would have no problem paying a 'soda' tax for a good reason. Considering the billions lost in fraud, waste, abuse in social programs, giving billions to terrorists and groups / nations that hate us, and billions 'evaporating' in the hands of our elected politicians I am extremely skeptical and reluctant to agree to any increased / new tax until all that other cr@p is eliminated.

Libtards want to tax soda because it's bad for you and legalize marijuana! Too fucking funny.

C'mon man, lighting a plant on fire and purposely inhaling the smoke so your mind is altered isn't bad for you. :rolleyes:

It's not in my case. In fact in my case it's helping to save my life.

What I can't stand is people who don't get all information and make a blanket statement on things they don't like.

Cancer, carcinoma, was removed from both of my breasts. Two hormones that my body naturally produces is it's food to live and grow which means that my own natural body chemistry is programed to grow cancer.

Which means that without the proper medication, that cancer returns and kills me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past even though they had full mastectomies.

I have to take a form of chemo that blocks those hormones so that the carcinoma doesn't return and kill me like it did to 4 of my relatives.

It has many of the same side effects as traditional chemo. The worst one is that just about everything I swallow doesn't stay in my stomach very long.

I've tried all the pills. They don't work. The ONLY thing that keeps food in me is medical marijuana which is legal in my state. Without it I vomit even in my sleep. Without it, I can't take that cancer medication. Without that cancer medication I DIE.

I tried eating it. I tried taking the CBD pills. They only were vomited right back up before the medication could get into my system. My only option is smoking it.

Now, you tell me that inhaling marijuana smoke is worse for me than dying from cancer.

I just want to know who you and others think you are that you have the right to tell me and others like me that we don't have the right to live?
Who are you then to tax soda?

Where in my post did you see me mention soda?

I don't care if soda is taxed or not. It's up to the people who are actually going to pay that tax to decide. Not me or anyone else who doesn't live there and use the commons in that area.

If you don't want to pay that tax then don't buy soda in that city.

It's very simple really. You know, freedom? You're perfectly free to buy soda and to buy it anywhere you want. No one is stopping you.

Do you live in that area and will you be paying that tax?
It you don't wish to discuss the Philadelphia soda tax leave the thread. I don't live in DC either but I discuss what goes on there all the time.

I wasn't the person who brought up marijuana.

I was the person who spoke up to tell the truth about medical marijuana.

If you don't like that the subject was changed, look no farther than your fellow conservatives who brought it up.

As for not living in where this tax might be implemented, why in the world do you care? It won't have any effect on your life and who do you think you are that you have the right to tell someone else how they can live and run their city? Especially when you don't live there.

What happens in DC affects everyone. What happens in PA affects those who live there only. So your comparison isn't the same thing.

I don't agree with countless laws they have in other states and cities but i don't live there and I believe in freedom. I don't believe I have the right to take freedom from anyone.

You obviously do.

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