Philippines president calls Obama "son of a whore"

Okay what did Obamatard screw up now? The Philippines president announces a military and economic separation from the US and calls Obama a "son of a whore". To further distance themselves from the US President Duterte traveled to China and secured a $13.9 billion dollar economic agreement, announced "China has been a friend of the Philippines and the roots of our bonds are very deep and not easily severed,"

So Obama WTF did you do to screw this up?

Duterte is doing the same thing we should be doing.....murdering drug dealers on the street corners of Manilla. Barry decided to throw the "human rights" card at him and we've lost a vital friend an ally for it. They do the same thing in Riyadh but Barry won't badmouth other muslims.
Okay what did Obamatard screw up now? The Philippines president announces a military and economic separation from the US and calls Obama a "son of a whore". To further distance themselves from the US President Duterte traveled to China and secured a $13.9 billion dollar economic agreement, announced "China has been a friend of the Philippines and the roots of our bonds are very deep and not easily severed,"

So Obama WTF did you do to screw this up?

Duterte is doing the same thing we should be doing.....murdering drug dealers on the street corners of Manilla. Barry decided to throw the "human rights" card at him and we've lost a vital friend an ally for it. They do the same thing in Riyadh but Barry won't badmouth other muslims.

Filipinos are done with American Imperialism. They're going in a different direction. And i respect that. Let's leave their nation as soon as possible.
In a statement Friday, Duterte's office said the Philippines had no intention to renege on treaties or agreements with allies.
The President's comments were "an assertion that we are an independent and sovereign nation, now finding common ground with friendly neighbors with shared aspirations in the spirit of mutual respect, support and cooperation," the statement said.
How many of our allies has Obama insulted at this point? Philippines, Israel, UK, are three I know of.

obama's turned out to be a very bad, and possibly a traitor for a president. Looks like the voters haven't paid attention though, and seem to want 4 to 8 more years of this. But hey, think of all the fun we'll have posting about clinton if she becomes prez.

It looks like you need to fact check. Obama has done an amazing job putting right the mess that Bush left. If you turned off right wing radio, and started fact checking, you'd know it.

A traitor - that would be that asshole Donald J. Trump, who manufacturers his good offshore, and calls Republicans "stupid", while paying no taxes in the US, and stiffing contractors. US banks won't even loan money to his lying carcass because he screws everyone over who deals with him.
How many of our allies has Obama insulted at this point? Philippines, Israel, UK, are three I know of.

obama's turned out to be a very bad, and possibly a traitor for a president. Looks like the voters haven't paid attention though, and seem to want 4 to 8 more years of this. But hey, think of all the fun we'll have posting about clinton if she becomes prez.

It looks like you need to fact check. Obama has done an amazing job putting right the mess that Bush left. If you turned off right wing radio, and started fact checking, you'd know it.

A traitor - that would be that asshole Donald J. Trump, who manufacturers his good offshore, and calls Republicans "stupid", while paying no taxes in the US, and stiffing contractors. US banks won't even loan money to his lying carcass because he screws everyone over who deals with him.

The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Well, that alliance has been sketchy for a minute. The ongoing sentiment has been trying to not make a move to side with either but knowing that at some point they were going to have to choose with the knowledge that it would suck either way. There were going to be repercussions no matter what they did. They really are caught in the middle.

China was gaining in power and influence by helping build infrastructure in countries nobody wanted anything to do with and drilling in places that were politically unstable and dealing with water issues.

Duterte plans to reopen Mamasapano investigation

He explained that this "separation" merely means to “chart another way” in terms of foreign policy from the Western power.

"Separation of my foreign policy, that it need not dovetail the foreign policy of America. That's what I meant actually…Separate is just to chart another way of doing it," he said.

"What I was really saying was, separation of a foreign policy. In the past, and until I became president, we always follow what the US would give the cue. What he would give, the cue, that we are there, we are there, we follow. Pasunod-sunod tayo. 'Di ako magsunod (We always follow. I won't follow)," said Duterte.

But asked if American companies like business process outsourcing companies should worry about the economic aspect of the "separation," Duterte said, "I worry that they would not get out of this country, that you have to force them. That is my worry."

On whether or not his "separation" would affect defense agreements with the US like the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Duterte said, "Maybe."
Duterte says he will not sever U.S. ties

The big thing in many of these countries is to operate as sovereign nations. The US does not like that.
The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Well, that alliance has been sketchy for a minute. The ongoing sentiment has been trying to not make a move to side with either but knowing that at some point they were going to have to choose with the knowledge that it would suck either way. There were going to be repercussions no matter what they did. They really are caught in the middle.

China was gaining in power and influence by helping build infrastructure in countries nobody wanted anything to do with and drilling in places that were politically unstable and dealing with water issues.

Duterte plans to reopen Mamasapano investigation

He explained that this "separation" merely means to “chart another way” in terms of foreign policy from the Western power.

"Separation of my foreign policy, that it need not dovetail the foreign policy of America. That's what I meant actually…Separate is just to chart another way of doing it," he said.

"What I was really saying was, separation of a foreign policy. In the past, and until I became president, we always follow what the US would give the cue. What he would give, the cue, that we are there, we are there, we follow. Pasunod-sunod tayo. 'Di ako magsunod (We always follow. I won't follow)," said Duterte.

But asked if American companies like business process outsourcing companies should worry about the economic aspect of the "separation," Duterte said, "I worry that they would not get out of this country, that you have to force them. That is my worry."

On whether or not his "separation" would affect defense agreements with the US like the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Duterte said, "Maybe."
Duterte says he will not sever U.S. ties

The big thing in many of these countries is to operate as sovereign nations. The US does not like that.
You mean Obama and democrats....
Duterte vows to wage war on crime and the Philippine people elect him president in a landslide. Then Obama an admitted drug abuser and cop hater, attempts to lecture Duterte on his war on crime and Duterte tells Obama he will not be lectured to by him. That's where this pissing match began.

I can see Duterte's point, over 4,000 have died in Chicago alone under Obama while he sat on his throne in DC with his thumb up his ass.
Not his thumb. Valerie's fist..........if it's a Wednesday night.
Reggie's "love" on Friday nights.

The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Well, that alliance has been sketchy for a minute. The ongoing sentiment has been trying to not make a move to side with either but knowing that at some point they were going to have to choose with the knowledge that it would suck either way. There were going to be repercussions no matter what they did. They really are caught in the middle.

China was gaining in power and influence by helping build infrastructure in countries nobody wanted anything to do with and drilling in places that were politically unstable and dealing with water issues.

Duterte plans to reopen Mamasapano investigation

He explained that this "separation" merely means to “chart another way” in terms of foreign policy from the Western power.

"Separation of my foreign policy, that it need not dovetail the foreign policy of America. That's what I meant actually…Separate is just to chart another way of doing it," he said.

"What I was really saying was, separation of a foreign policy. In the past, and until I became president, we always follow what the US would give the cue. What he would give, the cue, that we are there, we are there, we follow. Pasunod-sunod tayo. 'Di ako magsunod (We always follow. I won't follow)," said Duterte.

But asked if American companies like business process outsourcing companies should worry about the economic aspect of the "separation," Duterte said, "I worry that they would not get out of this country, that you have to force them. That is my worry."

On whether or not his "separation" would affect defense agreements with the US like the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Duterte said, "Maybe."
Duterte says he will not sever U.S. ties

The big thing in many of these countries is to operate as sovereign nations. The US does not like that.
You mean Obama and democrats....

Our foreign policy hasn't changed in at least 100 years. That said, this group has been the most arrogant, self entitled, hypocritical bullshitters I have ever seen in foreign policy.
If he isn't careful..........there will be a regime change. He isn't a nice guy to begin with. The US doesn't give a damn unless it doesn't go there way. The media will start all kinds of human interest stories and the Dems will pretend to give a fuck and "spread democracy".
If he isn't careful..........there will be a regime change. He isn't a nice guy to begin with. The US doesn't give a damn unless it doesn't go there way. The media will start all kinds of human interest stories and the Dems will pretend to give a fuck and "spread democracy".

Why? Has liberalism infested the Philippines, too?
Let's get out of the Philippines. Most Filipinos want us out. Let's oblige. 70yrs is long enough.
I'm sure the Chinese are more than happy to take over the Philippines.
The Philippines are a treasure trove of minerals and the Chinese are patiently waiting to own them.
The chinese OWN Africa already.
There isn't an ounce of minerals in Africa the Chinese don't own.
Duterte is doing the same thing we should be doing.....murdering drug dealers on the street corners of Manilla. Barry decided to throw the "human rights" card at him and we've lost a vital friend an ally for it. They do the same thing in Riyadh but Barry won't badmouth other muslims.

Exactly. The Iranian vermin consider him one of their Mullahs, he's done so much to advance their cause.

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