Philippines president calls Obama "son of a whore"

How many of our allies has Obama insulted at this point? Philippines, Israel, UK, are three I know of.
The world leaders he hasn't insulted are all laughing their heads off at what a bunch of fucking idiots the American voters are to elect such a fucking dummy solely on the color of his skin and the whiteness of his teeth.
Obama's approval rating internationally is good, so I guess that you spout garbage without having any idea what you are talking about.

And yet a long time ally calls him a son of a whore. Another long time ally told the punk how it was going to be in Israel, on national tv, at the White House.
How can the truth be an insult?
How can you be such an asshole?

Now answer the question.
An opinion by a deranged person is not necessarily the truth. I am happy that you right wingers have a new hero.

Obama is prima facie evidence.
That would be known as an opinion.

Obama's mother and father married 2/2/61. Obama was born 8/4/61.
You do the math.
For right wing morons, henceforth there will always be hatred of whomever is in the oval office....WHY??
Because given the demographics, there will ALWAYS be a democrat in the WH until the GOP gets rid of the tacit racist and stupid supporters.
You have too much reliance on politics and not recognizing demographics.

Hispanics don't care about democrats. They want a completely hispanic government. Muslims don't care about democrats, they want an islamic government and sharia law. They can get that with their own demographics.

And you think it's democrats, the dying Democrat.
For right wing morons, henceforth there will always be hatred of whomever is in the oval office....WHY??
Because given the demographics, there will ALWAYS be a democrat in the WH until the GOP gets rid of the tacit racist and stupid supporters.

Not only does the GOP need to get rid of the racists, they need to totally disavow them.

Once again in your little head "racist" means ANYONE who dares disagree with ANYTHING a person who is not white" wants.

No a racist is someone who thinks this America is a white country, build by and for white people.
Well, it was built by white people even if some of the common labor was by other races.

We were doing just fine before we decided to become multicultural.
For right wing morons, henceforth there will always be hatred of whomever is in the oval office....WHY??
Because given the demographics, there will ALWAYS be a democrat in the WH until the GOP gets rid of the tacit racist and stupid supporters.

Not only does the GOP need to get rid of the racists, they need to totally disavow them.

I quit the democrats because of all the political correctness, stupidity, and also their, and obama's hatred for the America that is. And of course, because of their stirring up a war of racism and hatred of the American cops. If this isn't true, then why are they trying to fundamentally change America, like obama said he wanted too? He did warn us, didn't he.
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For right wing morons, henceforth there will always be hatred of whomever is in the oval office....WHY??
Because given the demographics, there will ALWAYS be a democrat in the WH until the GOP gets rid of the tacit racist and stupid supporters.

Not only does the GOP need to get rid of the racists, they need to totally disavow them.

Once again in your little head "racist" means ANYONE who dares disagree with ANYTHING a person who is not white" wants.

No a racist is someone who thinks this America is a white country, build by and for white people.

No, to you the fact that I detest Barack Hussein Obama makes me a "Racist".
Just ask you.
How many of our allies has Obama insulted at this point? Philippines, Israel, UK, are three I know of.
The world leaders he hasn't insulted are all laughing their heads off at what a bunch of fucking idiots the American voters are to elect such a fucking dummy solely on the color of his skin and the whiteness of his teeth.
Obama's approval rating internationally is good, so I guess that you spout garbage without having any idea what you are talking about.

And yet a long time ally calls him a son of a whore. Another long time ally told the punk how it was going to be in Israel, on national tv, at the White House.
That asshole is not a long time ally.
The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Do moronic right wingers know WHY Duterte cussed at Obama????
Do they know that the scum bucket Duterte is killing people without a trial?
Do they know that Duterte had to apologize to the US for his cussing?
Let's get out of the Philippines. Most Filipinos want us out. Let's oblige. 70yrs is long enough.
Okay what did Obamatard screw up now? The Philippines president announces a military and economic separation from the US and calls Obama a "son of a whore". To further distance themselves from the US President Duterte traveled to China and secured a $13.9 billion dollar economic agreement, announced "China has been a friend of the Philippines and the roots of our bonds are very deep and not easily severed,"

So Obama WTF did you do to screw this up?
Barry is fuck up
The Philippines is now moving towards closer ties with China. Filipinos have had enough of America. It's occupied their nation for 70yrs. They want change.
Looks like another disaster from Obama, the bumbling imperialist.

Obama's legacy is in tatters, both his foreign and domestic policy are an embarrassment.

Blunder: Panetta decries Obama ‘red line’ blunder on Syria

And check this out: 168 children killed in drone strikes in Pakistan since start of campaign


Even the Democratic leadership has given up on Obamacare!

Another mess from Obama: Obamacare +30% Price Increases Will be Dominate 2016 Elections
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Filipinos want their independence. They're tired of American Imperialism. I say, good on em. Let's leave their country. It's time.
How can you be such an asshole?

Now answer the question.
An opinion by a deranged person is not necessarily the truth. I am happy that you right wingers have a new hero.

Obama is prima facie evidence.
That would be known as an opinion.

Obama's mother and father married 2/2/61. Obama was born 8/4/61.
You do the math.

I don't know if Ms. Dunham was a whore or not, but her naked pics certainly would lend themselves to such charge

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