Philippines president calls Obama "son of a whore"

If he isn't careful..........there will be a regime change. He isn't a nice guy to begin with. The US doesn't give a damn unless it doesn't go there way. The media will start all kinds of human interest stories and the Dems will pretend to give a fuck and "spread democracy".

Why? Has liberalism infested the Philippines, too?

Disenfranchised folks everywhere. Just the pick the one that is most likely to be obedient.
Go ahead and let them get extorted by the Red Chinese; if they think we were 'imperialists' they haven't seen anything yet. Just ask those African countries and Tibet how wonderful they are as 'allies' and 'trading partners'.
In a statement Friday, Duterte's office said the Philippines had no intention to renege on treaties or agreements with allies.
The President's comments were "an assertion that we are an independent and sovereign nation, now finding common ground with friendly neighbors with shared aspirations in the spirit of mutual respect, support and cooperation," the statement said.

Philippines not really severing ties with US, Duterte says -
Their 'friendly neighbor' is the neighbor who loans you money each month to pay your mortgage then one day shows up with the deed to your property he bought from the bank that gave you the mortgage because you neglected to read the 'small print' on the documents you signed.
The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Well, that alliance has been sketchy for a minute. The ongoing sentiment has been trying to not make a move to side with either but knowing that at some point they were going to have to choose with the knowledge that it would suck either way. There were going to be repercussions no matter what they did. They really are caught in the middle.

China was gaining in power and influence by helping build infrastructure in countries nobody wanted anything to do with and drilling in places that were politically unstable and dealing with water issues.

Duterte plans to reopen Mamasapano investigation

He explained that this "separation" merely means to “chart another way” in terms of foreign policy from the Western power.

"Separation of my foreign policy, that it need not dovetail the foreign policy of America. That's what I meant actually…Separate is just to chart another way of doing it," he said.

"What I was really saying was, separation of a foreign policy. In the past, and until I became president, we always follow what the US would give the cue. What he would give, the cue, that we are there, we are there, we follow. Pasunod-sunod tayo. 'Di ako magsunod (We always follow. I won't follow)," said Duterte.

But asked if American companies like business process outsourcing companies should worry about the economic aspect of the "separation," Duterte said, "I worry that they would not get out of this country, that you have to force them. That is my worry."

On whether or not his "separation" would affect defense agreements with the US like the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Duterte said, "Maybe."
Duterte says he will not sever U.S. ties

The big thing in many of these countries is to operate as sovereign nations. The US does not like that.

It's nothing but the same game these countries played during the Cold War, when they found out the U.S. will throw money at them if the made noises about switching to the Soviets side. The silly propaganda that the U.S. is some 'evul imperialist invader and oppressor' is just old Pravda nonsense popular with idiots and conspiracy nuts.
The importsnt thing is, we have lost an alliance. China has gained in power and influence. All overseen by the democrats.

Here's the precious part, the US gets kicked out, marginalized and isolated and Democrats actually think they are bitchslapping republicans! Historians will study this for decades. Psychologists will study it for centuries.

Well, that alliance has been sketchy for a minute. The ongoing sentiment has been trying to not make a move to side with either but knowing that at some point they were going to have to choose with the knowledge that it would suck either way. There were going to be repercussions no matter what they did. They really are caught in the middle.

China was gaining in power and influence by helping build infrastructure in countries nobody wanted anything to do with and drilling in places that were politically unstable and dealing with water issues.

Duterte plans to reopen Mamasapano investigation

He explained that this "separation" merely means to “chart another way” in terms of foreign policy from the Western power.

"Separation of my foreign policy, that it need not dovetail the foreign policy of America. That's what I meant actually…Separate is just to chart another way of doing it," he said.

"What I was really saying was, separation of a foreign policy. In the past, and until I became president, we always follow what the US would give the cue. What he would give, the cue, that we are there, we are there, we follow. Pasunod-sunod tayo. 'Di ako magsunod (We always follow. I won't follow)," said Duterte.

But asked if American companies like business process outsourcing companies should worry about the economic aspect of the "separation," Duterte said, "I worry that they would not get out of this country, that you have to force them. That is my worry."

On whether or not his "separation" would affect defense agreements with the US like the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), Duterte said, "Maybe."
Duterte says he will not sever U.S. ties

The big thing in many of these countries is to operate as sovereign nations. The US does not like that.

It's nothing but the same game these countries played during the Cold War, when they found out the U.S. will throw money at them if the made noises about switching to the Soviets side. The silly propaganda that the U.S. is some 'evul imperialist invader and oppressor' is just old Pravda nonsense popular with idiots and conspiracy nuts.

What propaganda?
In a statement Friday, Duterte's office said the Philippines had no intention to renege on treaties or agreements with allies.
The President's comments were "an assertion that we are an independent and sovereign nation, now finding common ground with friendly neighbors with shared aspirations in the spirit of mutual respect, support and cooperation," the statement said.

Philippines not really severing ties with US, Duterte says -
Their 'friendly neighbor' is the neighbor who loans you money each month to pay your mortgage then one day shows up with the deed to your property he bought from the bank that gave you the mortgage because you neglected to read the 'small print' on the documents you signed.

They're just shakedown artists. Look how they squealed and cried for the Navy to come and save them from the Chinese gunboat diplomacy barely a year after they ordered our bases there closed. I think we should just cut a deal with the Chinese and for some of the debt they hold in US bonds agree to let them ravage the little turds country with no interference from us. It will be funny listening to their whining then , for sure. Nobody else seems to feel obligated to honor their sides of treaties with us any more, so why should we be the suckers? Most of the 'peace at any price' types seem determined to guarantee a third world war anyway, having some moronic hippie fantasies that the rest of the world is made up of pot smoking hobbits who are just misunderstood by evul white Xians n stuff, so let them repeat history over again. What's a few billion dead in a few years as long as the Prozac Munchers can feel good right now?
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Let's get out of the Philippines. Most Filipinos want us out. Let's oblige. 70yrs is long enough.
I'm sure the Chinese are more than happy to take over the Philippines.
The Philippines are a treasure trove of minerals and the Chinese are patiently waiting to own them.
The chinese OWN Africa already.
There isn't an ounce of minerals in Africa the Chinese don't own.

Filipinos are tired of American Imperialism. They want independence. It's about change. The US has been there telling them what they can and can't do for over 70yrs. Enough is enough. We should exit their country.
Some of you may not know that Ross Perot bought the former bases at Subic Bay and Clark Air Base on Luzon when the US closed them. Both were stopovers for US Armed Forces, then on to Japan and Vietnam. Perot said there would come a day when we'd be in another land war in Asia and both bases needed to stay in US hands.
Filipinos are tired of American Imperialism. They want independence. It's about change. The US has been there telling them what they can and can't do for over 70yrs. Enough is enough. We should exit their country.

We already did, moron.
Filipinos are tired of American Imperialism. They want independence. It's about change. The US has been there telling them what they can and can't do for over 70yrs. Enough is enough. We should exit their country.

We already did, moron.

Not a chance. We're not only still there, we feel we have the right to control their internal affairs. But that's not only the case in the Philippines. We're in many places around the world meddling in nations' internal affairs.

The US will likely carry out an illegal coup against Duterte. Or it will just kill him. It's what happens to anyone who stands up to US Imperialism. Duterte's in grave danger. He better watch his back.
Maybe president Duterte fears a war between USA and China and he wants Philippines stay neutral. :eusa_think:

That, and he's tired of US meddling. The US has been there for over 70yrs. Duterte's making some changes. And that's upsetting to the US. I fully expect the US to conduct an illegal coup against him, or kill him. It's what happens to all leaders who stand up to US Imperialism. Duterte's really stickin his neck out. He is in danger.
Maybe president Duterte fears a war between USA and China and he wants Philippines stay neutral. :eusa_think:

That, and he's tired of US meddling. The US has been there for over 70yrs. Duterte's making some changes. And that's upsetting to the US. I fully expect the US to conduct an illegal coup against him, or kill him. It's what happens to all leaders who stand up to US Imperialism. Duterte's really stickin his neck out. He is in danger.

You're getting hysterical....maybe you should collapse on to your fainting couch and turn the electric blanket up to "9".
Maybe president Duterte fears a war between USA and China and he wants Philippines stay neutral. :eusa_think:

Neither China or the USA want or will have a war.....we've given China most of our jobs and money and now their people love us (why wouldn't they?). The problem is Duterte can't stand Obama and neither can we. President Trump will sooth the hurt feelings and the Phils will be back on our side by summer. :)
Okay what did Obamatard screw up now? The Philippines president announces a military and economic separation from the US and calls Obama a "son of a whore". To further distance themselves from the US President Duterte traveled to China and secured a $13.9 billion dollar economic agreement, announced "China has been a friend of the Philippines and the roots of our bonds are very deep and not easily severed,"

So Obama WTF did you do to screw this up?

Vietnam, Philippines and China all have international rights to the South China Sea oil and should be split equally three ways. The President of the Philippines wants their fair share and Obama is Communist and The Philippines is a Republic.

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