Philosophical Musings

how could he possibly have looked at things the same way I did.....

Why not?
because the list of the things he experienced that I did not, and the things I experienced that he did not.....would fill two books.....

Do you believe in honesty and hard work? Do you love your family? Do you want what is best for yourself, your neighbors, and your country? Do you value life? Do you believe in the principles upon which this nation was founded?
doesn't everyone?.........

So you share the same values as his generation?

no....I place little value on draft horses.......
.....does doing what is best for my family mean buying a good team of draft horses?.....

Does it mean buying anything?
am I to provide for my family?.....

Generations before you didn't provide for their families, and for the same reasons? You look at things the same way.
you know we are both just want to be philosophically amusing......

a young man a hundred fifty years ago would have considered how many wives he would outlive in the process of providing for his family......
I'm saying that increased 'global' connectivity is likely to result in regionalism, not universalism.

I disagree. The more interaction between society, the less regionalism there is.

However, I have to admit that regionalism is trying to evolve at this moment due to a radical interpretation of a religious cult. Will this reach a peak and die out? I think that's a strong possibility -- if we don't end up nuking ourselves back to the Stone Age.

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