Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?
Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why?

Because it's true?
"These are the measures that we have to take to expose the true colors of this religion," Ritzheimer continued. "Unfortunately, we have to hold the cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds, to be able to show the true colors of Islam."

what he is saying we are going to do our best to instigate and rile them up with hopes that a couple of them get so mad to react.
I hope they just ignore the cartoonist.
Yes, a Constitution-given right.

Good sense trumps rights every time, however.
He is free to act. That little word, 'free', however has hidden inside a longer word, 'responsibility'. Freedom must be used responsibly. To be free means to accept responsibility.

Is inciting excitable people really the battle one wishes to chose? If so, have at it. It's on that person.
good for the cartoon show , just showing my support , get them used to it is my opinion . Hope that there is another one next week .
the mosque oughta learn respect for the RIGHTS that Americans have August West !
If he demonstrated with distorted images of the Pope across from Sunday Mass, wouldn't you at least think him 'strange'?
and the guys that put him in the hospital are in jail or same condition as the jihadis that attacked Pam Gellers art show '4eye'
yeah '4eye' but I wouldn't care , none of my business unless I supported or disliked his view on the pope . And then I could verbally do some crying or cheering if I wanted .
There is no one more in favor of the First Amendment, nor more opposed to censorship, than I.
My understanding of the Koran convinces me it is contrived and woven together from various sources in order to build a power base.
The kind of activity of people like the one being discussed here helps no one and nothing.
all it does is assert RIGHTS plus its interesting , might be fun , a get together for a motorcycle club and associates '4eye' !!
agreeing to the CONTRIVED nature and comment concerning the 'koran' 4eye !!
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

I agree with you that there's little need to provoke other faiths while maintaining our right to free speech. I think the problem lays with muslim sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice shariah law. Every european country who've let them do that has regretted it. We Christians have had to endure the left's vile attacks on our beliefs so why shouldn't the muslims get the same treatment from the right? If America is still the melting pot, let's melt them along with everybody else and pull the sled together.

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