Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

I don't see the problem with these events if they bring islamic terrorists out of the woodwork to be killed every couple weeks, sounds like a good deal to me.

Solid trolling.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

I agree with you that there's little need to provoke other faiths while maintaining our right to free speech. I think the problem lays with muslim sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice shariah law. Every european country who've let them do that has regretted it. We Christians have had to endure the left's vile attacks on our beliefs so why shouldn't the muslims get the same treatment from the right? If America is still the melting pot, let's melt them along with everybody else and pull the sled together.
As opposed to Christian sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice christian shariah law?
I'm no historian but seems to me that muslims have been around since the 700s . Seems to me that the Romans , Greeks and others ruled the world long before the muslims were even invented . This talk that the WEST owes much to the muslims is BS as far as I'm concerned . Course , I'm all ears when someone has any history to spout . Course , like I say , muslims have only been around for 1400 years [about] . Think that my above post is aimed at Brian , post number 34 .
As opposed to Christian sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice christian shariah law?

"Christian sharia law"? :rolleyes-41: Did you have a distant witch relative at Salem by any chance?

Then lets hold a burning of their jeebus or better yet bibles! Now that I can support...nothing but useful idiots of the christozionist right trying to stir up trouble as usual.
Calm down Wuff....we all have a bad morning on occasion. :itsok:
Actually my day is going pretty good...just laughing at the stupidity of the amurican jarhead pissed he can't go shoot some more mooslims....maybe he should go to Dearborn,Michigan and see how peaceful and nice it is....but nah he is just a brainwashed christozionist assclown causing problems for people who don't want problems and causing the cops to put extra resources in place to make sure this trigger happy jackass from starting a fucking war in downtown Phoenix.
The Phoenix mosque is just like hundreds of other mosques scattered across our country.

The buildings actual name is the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, and It's as much of a community center as it is a mosque.

Founded in 1982 It serves a diverse muslim community and has many family oriented programs and classes.

So it must be quite disheartening for the members and their families to have a bunch of crazy hate filled bikers protesting across the street.


PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?
Ignorant nonsense.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or "free speech."

No government is seeking to prohibit anyone from expressing himself, including displaying cartoons.
Out of ALL religions I have the least problems with Islam. I wish Islam would stay out of Europe along with the rest of non Europeans but other than that I think the vast majority of "islamic terrorism" is CIA/MOSSAD funded,designed,armed etc.
I'm Christian by birth but not particularly religious. I find it sadly ironic that the people who think it's wrong to mock Muhammad are the same people who tell Christians to lighten up when Christianity is mocked. It's also funny how these left wing nutters develop amnesia all of a sudden so they can't seem to remember Christianity ever being mocked.

What also pegs the Irony Meter is that Islam is everything that the left is supposed to hate, only twice so. They are violent, homophobic in the extreme, misogynist to a fault, and they have no quarrel with the belief that others should be forced to obey their laws.

Kudos to those brave and defiant souls who demonstrate to Islam that they don't intimidate everyone. The day that they hold a drawing contest here in Orlando, I will enter. I'm a pretty good cartoonist myself.

Why? Because fuck them and fuck Muhammad.
The Phoenix mosque is just like hundreds of other mosques scattered across our country.

The buildings actual name is the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, and It's as much of a community center as it is a mosque.

Founded in 1982 It serves a diverse muslim community and has many family oriented programs and classes.

So it must be quite disheartening for the members and their families to have a bunch of crazy hate filled bikers protesting across the street.



Aww...are their poor little feelings hurt?

Waaa waaa!
So it must be quite disheartening for the members and their families to have a bunch of crazy hate filled bikers protesting across the street.

Nah, if they didn't want to be around crazies they'd have never come to Phoenix and stayed through summer. We ain't afraid of them and vice-versa.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

I agree with you that there's little need to provoke other faiths while maintaining our right to free speech. I think the problem lays with muslim sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice shariah law. Every european country who've let them do that has regretted it. We Christians have had to endure the left's vile attacks on our beliefs so why shouldn't the muslims get the same treatment from the right? If America is still the melting pot, let's melt them along with everybody else and pull the sled together.

Whatever happened to just plain old fashioned good manners? Why would people think it smart to deliberately provoke a group of people to anger for no other reason than they can do that? I don't appreciate it when it is done to Jews or Mormons or Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses or Christians in general. There are always the good natured harmless jokes--a Priest, a Rabbi, and a Preacher walked into a bar. . . .--but to intentionally go out of one's way to ridicule or demean or insult another person's religion is just plain mean spirited and hateful.

At the same time, Americans, including Muslim Americans, must stand up and condemn and deal extremely harshly with those who would commit murder and mayhem just because they feel insulted. And we should all hold in contempt those who deliberately insult others just because they can.

Good manners are always easier to accomplish when they are reciprocal.

The idea of manners seems to be a thing of the past :(
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?
Ignorant nonsense.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or "free speech."

No government is seeking to prohibit anyone from expressing himself, including displaying cartoons.
Pretty sure free speech covers these cartoons, unless you have some new gay court ruling you can cite to the contrary.

The point is that the islamic terrorists like the ones in Garland don't respect this right and will try to kill you for certain forms of expression.

But maybe this is too far over your head.
type anything that you like Coyote , actually I don't understand your comment . But let the mosque mind its own business and leave the Americans alone at the 'mo' art show or whatever it is . Hey Coyote , I don't believe or trust any muslims anywhere in the world , just that simple . I don't hurt or mess with them , course where I am at I never see them except on telly where I see them killing and destroying . Hopefully I will see no muslims for the rest of my days in my stomping grounds . Like I said , the mosques words are cheap and east to say Coyote !!

The Mosque is "the Americans".
Actually my day is going pretty good...just laughing at the stupidity of the amurican jarhead pissed he can't go shoot some more mooslims....maybe he should go to Dearborn,Michigan and see how peaceful and nice it is....but nah he is just a brainwashed christozionist assclown causing problems for people who don't want problems and causing the cops to put extra resources in place to make sure this trigger happy jackass from starting a fucking war in downtown Phoenix.

I'm from Livonia which is near Dearborn and you don't have a clue about Dearborn when Orville Hubbard was mayor and how his cops handled blacks. From what I hear, the mosques there have more undercover FBI agents than real muslims. I get it that you hate the USA but live here for our protections....feel free to get the fuck out if we have another strike on American soil.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

I agree with you that there's little need to provoke other faiths while maintaining our right to free speech. I think the problem lays with muslim sensitivity to criticism and their desire to practice shariah law. Every european country who've let them do that has regretted it. We Christians have had to endure the left's vile attacks on our beliefs so why shouldn't the muslims get the same treatment from the right? If America is still the melting pot, let's melt them along with everybody else and pull the sled together.

Whatever happened to just plain old fashioned good manners? Why would people think it smart to deliberately provoke a group of people to anger for no other reason than they can do that? I don't appreciate it when it is done to Jews or Mormons or Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses or Christians in general. There are always the good natured harmless jokes--a Priest, a Rabbi, and a Preacher walked into a bar. . . .--but to intentionally go out of one's way to ridicule or demean or insult another person's religion is just plain mean spirited and hateful.

At the same time, Americans, including Muslim Americans, must stand up and condemn and deal extremely harshly with those who would commit murder and mayhem just because they feel insulted. And we should all hold in contempt those who deliberately insult others just because they can.

Good manners are always easier to accomplish when they are reciprocal.

The idea of manners seems to be a thing of the past :(

I agree. It is part of the general coarsening of America coupled with disdain for traditional values that once inspired people to not go out of their way to be unpleasant or confrontational or otherwise obnoxious. People didn't try to hurt people verbally or physically and they didn't protest by destroying property and terrorizing people. It wasn't cool to be crude and unkind. I can remember when people would leave those that offended them alone and just gave them a wide berth--people didn't like the offensive any more then than they do now, but there was much more a live and let live attitude.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

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