Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

Actually my day is going pretty good...just laughing at the stupidity of the amurican jarhead pissed he can't go shoot some more mooslims....maybe he should go to Dearborn,Michigan and see how peaceful and nice it is....but nah he is just a brainwashed christozionist assclown causing problems for people who don't want problems and causing the cops to put extra resources in place to make sure this trigger happy jackass from starting a fucking war in downtown Phoenix.

I'm from Livonia which is near Dearborn and you don't have a clue about Dearborn when Orville Hubbard was mayor and how his cops handled blacks. From what I hear, the mosques there have more undercover FBI agents than real muslims. I get it that you hate the USA but live here for our protections....feel free to get the fuck out if we have another strike on American soil.
Local problem sounds like to me certainly not a terrorist problem AND if there was a "terrorist problem" those undercover FBI agents would have made an arrest widely broadcast all over the media to keep the portrayal of ALL Muslims as bad people. I don't hate America the land I hate its form of government,its government and pretty much Americans in general for being such pathetic easily led blind sheep.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?

Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?

Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.
Where is this oppression? There is no oppression in our country.
I'm Christian by birth but not particularly religious. I find it sadly ironic that the people who think it's wrong to mock Muhammad are the same people who tell Christians to lighten up when Christianity is mocked. It's also funny how these left wing nutters develop amnesia all of a sudden so they can't seem to remember Christianity ever being mocked.

What also pegs the Irony Meter is that Islam is everything that the left is supposed to hate, only twice so. They are violent, homophobic in the extreme, misogynist to a fault, and they have no quarrel with the belief that others should be forced to obey their laws.

Kudos to those brave and defiant souls who demonstrate to Islam that they don't intimidate everyone. The day that they hold a drawing contest here in Orlando, I will enter. I'm a pretty good cartoonist myself.

Why? Because fuck them and fuck Muhammad.

There is a difference between mocking a religion and choosing to insult a follower. One is general, on is specific and designed to be hurtful. Printing anti-religious cartoons in a publication known for it's irreverence is an example of the former. Demonstrating in front of a place of worship with signs designed to hurt, inflame and demonize is an example of the latter.
the oppression would be allowed if the MC allowed it by not having their art show Granpa .
I'm Christian by birth but not particularly religious. I find it sadly ironic that the people who think it's wrong to mock Muhammad are the same people who tell Christians to lighten up when Christianity is mocked. It's also funny how these left wing nutters develop amnesia all of a sudden so they can't seem to remember Christianity ever being mocked.

What also pegs the Irony Meter is that Islam is everything that the left is supposed to hate, only twice so. They are violent, homophobic in the extreme, misogynist to a fault, and they have no quarrel with the belief that others should be forced to obey their laws.

Kudos to those brave and defiant souls who demonstrate to Islam that they don't intimidate everyone. The day that they hold a drawing contest here in Orlando, I will enter. I'm a pretty good cartoonist myself.

Why? Because fuck them and fuck Muhammad.

There is a difference between mocking a religion and choosing to insult a follower. One is general, on is specific and designed to be hurtful. Printing anti-religious cartoons in a publication known for it's irreverence is an example of the former. Demonstrating in front of a place of worship with signs designed to hurt, inflame and demonize is an example of the latter.

Not true. The mosque is a symbol of the religion, demonstrating in front of a symbol is mocking a religion and NOT a follower.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".
manners are free expression and can be exercised at a persons discretion unless the person is bossed around by his bosses Coyote . Americans have no bosses on their free political speech Coyote . [yet]
I'm Christian by birth but not particularly religious. I find it sadly ironic that the people who think it's wrong to mock Muhammad are the same people who tell Christians to lighten up when Christianity is mocked. It's also funny how these left wing nutters develop amnesia all of a sudden so they can't seem to remember Christianity ever being mocked.

What also pegs the Irony Meter is that Islam is everything that the left is supposed to hate, only twice so. They are violent, homophobic in the extreme, misogynist to a fault, and they have no quarrel with the belief that others should be forced to obey their laws.

Kudos to those brave and defiant souls who demonstrate to Islam that they don't intimidate everyone. The day that they hold a drawing contest here in Orlando, I will enter. I'm a pretty good cartoonist myself.

Why? Because fuck them and fuck Muhammad.

There is a difference between mocking a religion and choosing to insult a follower. One is general, on is specific and designed to be hurtful. Printing anti-religious cartoons in a publication known for it's irreverence is an example of the former. Demonstrating in front of a place of worship with signs designed to hurt, inflame and demonize is an example of the latter.

Not true. The mosque is a symbol of the religion, demonstrating in front of a symbol is mocking a religion and NOT a follower.

The mosque is also a symbol of the community - it's a community center with family activities, children's activities, and worship. When you're demonstrating in front of it with hateful signs you are no more demonstrating against the religion than neo-nazi protestors protesting in front of a synagogue.
The mosque is a symbol of the religion, demonstrating in front of a symbol is mocking a religion and NOT a follower.
Please tell me that you really aren't this stupid...........on second thought.........never mind. ....... :cool:
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?

Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.

It is bad manners just as sticking your middle finger in somebody's face is bad manners. I would like to think we Americans are better than that. And that bad manners would be something discouraged and condemned instead of applauded whether it is directed at Christians or Jews or Muslims or people of different races or accordian players.

I am as angry and appalled as anybody at Islamic militancy that physically hurts people. That should be tolerable nowhere. But that should be dealt with via the law--either the Muslims adopt a live and let live attitude and behave themselves as honorable and decent citizens or they should be in jail or deported. And if we expect Muslims to demonstrate good manners related to the rest of society, we should expect the rest of society to demonstrate good manners toward Muslims.

It is as wrong for us to taunt and insult peaceful Muslims as it is wrong for Islam to punish the innocent for some perceived offense.
well , don't fund pizzchrist , problem is that taxpayers funds are used to fund pizzchrist . Anyway 'art' is open to interpretation and mo cartoons are art or political free speech in my opinion , same as the MC clubs opinion Coyote .
I'm Christian by birth but not particularly religious. I find it sadly ironic that the people who think it's wrong to mock Muhammad are the same people who tell Christians to lighten up when Christianity is mocked. It's also funny how these left wing nutters develop amnesia all of a sudden so they can't seem to remember Christianity ever being mocked.

What also pegs the Irony Meter is that Islam is everything that the left is supposed to hate, only twice so. They are violent, homophobic in the extreme, misogynist to a fault, and they have no quarrel with the belief that others should be forced to obey their laws.

Kudos to those brave and defiant souls who demonstrate to Islam that they don't intimidate everyone. The day that they hold a drawing contest here in Orlando, I will enter. I'm a pretty good cartoonist myself.

Why? Because fuck them and fuck Muhammad.

There is a difference between mocking a religion and choosing to insult a follower. One is general, on is specific and designed to be hurtful. Printing anti-religious cartoons in a publication known for it's irreverence is an example of the former. Demonstrating in front of a place of worship with signs designed to hurt, inflame and demonize is an example of the latter.

Not true. The mosque is a symbol of the religion, demonstrating in front of a symbol is mocking a religion and NOT a follower.

The mosque is also a symbol of the community - it's a community center with family activities, children's activities, and worship. When you're demonstrating in front of it with hateful signs you are no more demonstrating against the religion than neo-nazi protestors protesting in front of a synagogue.

Wrong. You can twist it any way you want it the Mosque is a symbol of Islam. See if you can answer this question honestly:

Do you think that those people who are protesting, are protesting against that community or against Islam?
manners are free expression and can be exercised at a persons discretion unless the person is bossed around by his bosses Coyote . Americans have no bosses on their free political speech Coyote . [yet]
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?

Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.

So...a "cartoon contest" - who's design is to insult Mohammed and Islam - held in FRONT of a house of worship is not "hurting" people?

Why must it be in front of a Mosque at Friday prayers?

Who is going to view it as they have to walk past it in order to get in?

Who are those worshippers "oppressing"?

Why is deliberately hurting these particular men, women, and children "pure and simple and noble"?
Although we rarely see "moderate" muslims speak out in public, they are no doubt a great source of intel for the FBI/DHS behind the scenes. How else could an administration that couldn't find it's ass with both hands have intercepted as many plots as they have? I don't care what muslims do around here as long as they don't start shooting up shopping malls.
desert southwest USA ehh , looks like someone close to the art show is nervous !!
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?

Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.

It is bad manners just as sticking your middle finger in somebody's face is bad manners. I would like to think we Americans are better than that. And that bad manners would be something discouraged and condemned instead of applauded whether it is directed at Christians or Jews or Muslims or people of different races or accordian players.

I am as angry and appalled as anybody at Islamic militancy that physically hurts people. That should be tolerable nowhere. But that should be dealt with via the law--either the Muslims adopt a live and let live attitude and behave themselves as honorable and decent citizens or they should be in jail or deported. And if we expect Muslims to demonstrate good manners related to the rest of society, we should expect the rest of society to demonstrate good manners toward Muslims.

It is as wrong for us to taunt and insult peaceful Muslims as it is wrong for Islam to punish the innocent for some perceived offense.

Bad manners, got it.

We are going to fight radical Islam with good manners. Oooookaaaaayyy.

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