Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!
FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!

Tell that to all those people who were offended and emotionally hurt by Westboro Baptist church. This is no different... yet, America worships soldiers, so of course they will stick up for us against Westboro. But America hates Muslims, so very few people will stick up for the Muslims against this hateful bigotry.

It disgusts me that there are people who use their freedoms this way. Their "rights". Why must they do this right outside of a holy place during a large gathering of worshippers where there will be plenty of innocent men and women and families and children just peacefully worshipping?

One needn't inflict physical pain on another in order to hurt them.

perfectly legal in both cases I guess !! Nothing to do with emotionally driven words like so called ' hate ' . As long as there is no violence then its all cool and proper , has been for the last couple hundred years in the USA Goddess !!
What are you going to do when unveiled women in short skirts are offensive? The restaurant opening right next door to a mosque isn't halal. That's offensive and insulting.

The same thing I do when when confronted by offensive muffintops in spandex and inadequately covered butt cracks.
FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!
FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!

Tell that to all those people who were offended and emotionally hurt by Westboro Baptist church. This is no different... yet, America worships soldiers, so of course they will stick up for us against Westboro. But America hates Muslims, so very few people will stick up for the Muslims against this hateful bigotry.

It disgusts me that there are people who use their freedoms this way. Their "rights". Why must they do this right outside of a holy place during a large gathering of worshippers where there will be plenty of innocent men and women and families and children just peacefully worshipping?

One needn't inflict physical pain on another in order to hurt them.

perfectly legal in both cases I guess !! Nothing to do with emotionally driven words like so called ' hate ' . As long as there is no violence then its all cool and proper , has been for the last couple hundred years in the USA Goddess !!

No one is arguing the legality of it - it is legal.
Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

For the same reason democrats have to put Jesus in a jar of piss, and fabricate the virgin Mary from elephant shit.

Of course leftists have no problem with that...
It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.
Just a comment but pizzchrist was funded by forced taxpayer funding so we all funded it Coyote . Thankfully this art exhibition is free to attendees I think !!
It's defiance. Pure and simple and noble.

Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.

You did if you pay taxes. Fair is fair, they deserve tax money as well. They should get funds for their exhibit like when the taxpayer funded Brooklyn Museum of Art had pornographic images with the Virgin Mary on them.

The Holy Virgin Mary - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No outrage from the Left there. So spare me the sanctimonious attitude on "respect for other faiths".
FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!
FREE speech and expression hurts no one Coyote !!

Tell that to all those people who were offended and emotionally hurt by Westboro Baptist church. This is no different... yet, America worships soldiers, so of course they will stick up for us against Westboro. But America hates Muslims, so very few people will stick up for the Muslims against this hateful bigotry.

It disgusts me that there are people who use their freedoms this way. Their "rights". Why must they do this right outside of a holy place during a large gathering of worshippers where there will be plenty of innocent men and women and families and children just peacefully worshipping?

One needn't inflict physical pain on another in order to hurt them.

perfectly legal in both cases I guess !! Nothing to do with emotionally driven words like so called ' hate ' . As long as there is no violence then its all cool and proper , has been for the last couple hundred years in the USA Goddess !!

No one is arguing the legality of it - it is legal.
LEGAL is all that's needed by the MC club then .
Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.

You did if you pay taxes. Fair is fair, they deserve tax money as well. They should get funds for their exhibit like when the taxpayer funded Brooklyn Museum of Art had pornographic images with the Virgin Mary on them.

The Holy Virgin Mary - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No outrage from the Left there. So spare me the sanctimonious attitude on "respect for other faiths".

Sorry bub. Just because my tax money went for shit, doesn't mean I support shit. Do you support everything your taxes go for is is this a double standard?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.

You did if you pay taxes. Fair is fair, they deserve tax money as well. They should get funds for their exhibit like when the taxpayer funded Brooklyn Museum of Art had pornographic images with the Virgin Mary on them.

The Holy Virgin Mary - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No outrage from the Left there. So spare me the sanctimonious attitude on "respect for other faiths".

Sorry bub. Just because my tax money went for shit, doesn't mean I support shit. Do you support everything your taxes go for is is this a double standard?
Doesn't matter if you support it or not, fair is fair and they equal funding should be applied. And spare us the phony outrage about offending, there was no such outrage from the Left over serrano's piss christ or the anti-Christian exhibit in Brooklyn degrading the Virgin Mary.

You need to realize edgy irreverent art goes both ways and learn to deal with it.
and muslims would like their rules and laws to apply to Americans Coyote !!

I won't hold my breath because there has never been any evidence to support it but here goes - do you have any evidence that Muslims in America want to impose sharia?

I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

Tell that to all those people who were offended and emotionally hurt by Westboro Baptist church.​

The leftists, the ones demanding that free speech be denied to those who offend their allies in radical Islam, are the ones behind the Westboro Baptist fraud, and behind Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Family Guy, etc.

I know, some are far more equal than others.​
Why is deliberately hurting innocent people who've done nothing to you "pure and simple and noble"?
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.
Just a comment but pizzchrist was funded by forced taxpayer funding so we all funded it Coyote . Thankfully this art exhibition is free to attendees I think !!

You need to recheck your facts. I looked it up out of curiousity because I'm only superficially familiar with it. Pizzchrist was not funded by anyone.

It was the winning photograph in the Southeastern Center for Conteporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition. The competition was partly sponsored by the NEA which supports and funds competitions but has no control over the content. Of particular note - this wasn't a "Draw Christ Cartoon Contest".

"Sister Wendy Beckett, an art critic and Catholic nun, stated in a television interview with Bill Moyers that she regarded the work as not blasphemous but a statement on "what we have done to Christ": that is, the way contemporary society has come to regard Christ and the values he represents."

The artist: "Serrano has not ascribed overtly political content to Piss Christ and related artworks, on the contrary stressing their ambiguity. He has also said that while this work is not intended to denounce religion, it alludes to a perceived commercializing or cheapening of Christian icons in contemporary culture"

It's actually a rather interesting piece of work for several reasons. If you had no idea what the medium was it was submerged in - it's a beautiful photograph. It's message also strikes a chord. And - like the Mohammed cartoons, it's has been attacked by protestors.

What's also noteworthy is that the artist did not post this in front of a church, or gather a gang of anti-Christian demonstrators to draw anti-Christian cartoons in front of a church in an attempt to insult Christians worshipping there..
my argument is simply that they are destructive to a free and open western style society . If allowed to immigrate it should be by the ones and twosies but that's it . No more till after they've learned to assimilate to western / USA ways . See England , France , Germany , the Netherlands to see what I mean about them being a problem . Heck , checkout their supposedly advanced homeland like iran to see what the USA is going to get Foxfyre .
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

are you ok with the piss christ "artwork"? are you ok with all the meme's about jesus?

it is funny, because i have never seen a liberal have a problem about mocking jesus, but have a huge problem mocking muhammad....why is that?
NEA is publically funded so that's the rub in my opinion Coyote .

Funding anti-Christian art is fine, just as long as offense to the democrats terrorist allies is outlawed!

Coyote finds some FAR more equal than others...

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