Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

and muslims would like their rules and laws to apply to Americans Coyote !!

I won't hold my breath because there has never been any evidence to support it but here goes - do you have any evidence that Muslims in America want to impose sharia?

I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.
Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

Phoenix, AZ – Lost amongst a sea of Toyota Camrys, Honda Accords, and other Japanese imports is an island of Harley-Davidsons and chopper motorbikes belonging to armed protestors. This is the scene at todays anti-Islam protest in a Phoenix area mosque parking lot. The demonstrators, largely comprised of local area biker gangs, have had their motorcycles boxed in by Muslim latecomers oblivious to conventional parking protocol.

“I’m late for work!” exclaimed Jon Dougin, a frustrated protestor and self-proclaimed patriot. “My damn bike’s surrounded by three cars and I can’t go nowhere! Never seen these many Camry's in my life!”

The anti-Islam protestors maintain they are peaceful, as many brandish semi-automatic weapons while families with children walk past.

“There I was gripping my Tec-9, sneering at some raghead toddler,” said a peaceful protestor who goes by the name Haterade.

Haterade was shocked to witness such blatant disregard of parking etiquette, remarking, “Who are these savages?!?”

Demonstrators were further frustrated by the Muslims’ lack of punctuality, having to endure the congregation’s hour-long delay. Inside the mosque, leaders could be heard over the PA system announcing a long list of makes, models and license plates of cars allegedly blocking protestors’ motorcycles.

Delayed, confused and hungry, some protestors succumbed to their hunger and bought food being sold for a mosque fundraiser, including tea and middle-eastern shwarmas.

As of 4PM, a small group of demonstrators could still be seen sitting on their bikes waiting for the remaining congregants to move their cars. Out of the estimated 30 participants, six are believed to have converted to Islam.

Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

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Why does it "hurt" them? How does a contest that they are not part, and of not forced to be part of, hurt them?

It's pure and simple and noble because it is defiance of oppression. It is bravery in the face of threats of violence from a barbaric cult.

It is bad manners just as sticking your middle finger in somebody's face is bad manners. I would like to think we Americans are better than that. And that bad manners would be something discouraged and condemned instead of applauded whether it is directed at Christians or Jews or Muslims or people of different races or accordian players.

I am as angry and appalled as anybody at Islamic militancy that physically hurts people. That should be tolerable nowhere. But that should be dealt with via the law--either the Muslims adopt a live and let live attitude and behave themselves as honorable and decent citizens or they should be in jail or deported. And if we expect Muslims to demonstrate good manners related to the rest of society, we should expect the rest of society to demonstrate good manners toward Muslims.

It is as wrong for us to taunt and insult peaceful Muslims as it is wrong for Islam to punish the innocent for some perceived offense.

Bad manners, got it.

We are going to fight radical Islam with good manners. Oooookaaaaayyy.

If that is what you got out of my post, I truly do think we are all doomed to ignorance and more stupidity instead of seeing the wisdom of becoming the grown ups in the room. But oh well. . .

No, but you did talk about being civil, I exaggerayed your part about manners to make a point.

So people who don't agree with you opinion are ignorant, stupid, and immature? Oh well....

To accuse me of saying what I didn't say or to deliberately mischaracterize what I say is to be generally ignorant, stupid, and/or immature. Okay? And it was that I was complaining about.

Lol, you obviously have no clue what the hell you are saying. ROTFLOL
good move if its legal , depends on whose side the cops are on I'd guess . Looks like illegal type car parking but I don't know the details .
Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

Phoenix, AZ – Lost amongst a sea of Toyota Camrys, Honda Accords, and other Japanese imports is an island of Harley-Davidsons and chopper motorbikes belonging to armed protestors. This is the scene at todays anti-Islam protest in a Phoenix area mosque parking lot. The demonstrators, largely comprised of local area biker gangs, have had their motorcycles boxed in by Muslim latecomers oblivious to conventional parking protocol.

“I’m late for work!” exclaimed Jon Dougin, a frustrated protestor and self-proclaimed patriot. “My damn bike’s surrounded by three cars and I can’t go nowhere! Never seen these many Camry's in my life!”

The anti-Islam protestors maintain they are peaceful, as many brandish semi-automatic weapons while families with children walk past.

“There I was gripping my Tec-9, sneering at some raghead toddler,” said a peaceful protestor who goes by the name Haterade.

Haterade was shocked to witness such blatant disregard of parking etiquette, remarking, “Who are these savages?!?”

Demonstrators were further frustrated by the Muslims’ lack of punctuality, having to endure the congregation’s hour-long delay. Inside the mosque, leaders could be heard over the PA system announcing a long list of makes, models and license plates of cars allegedly blocking protestors’ motorcycles.

Delayed, confused and hungry, some protestors succumbed to their hunger and bought food being sold for a mosque fundraiser, including tea and middle-eastern shwarmas.

As of 4PM, a small group of demonstrators could still be seen sitting on their bikes waiting for the remaining congregants to move their cars. Out of the estimated 30 participants, six are believed to have converted to Islam.

Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers


Ha ha! Islamic America News???

Probably 100% fake.

What a dumbass.
What gives, I thought the Left likes and supports edgy and irreverent art.

How come you won't give government funding to these cartoons like you did to Serrano's "Piss Christ" piece?

Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.
Just a comment but pizzchrist was funded by forced taxpayer funding so we all funded it Coyote . Thankfully this art exhibition is free to attendees I think !!

You need to recheck your facts. I looked it up out of curiousity because I'm only superficially familiar with it. Pizzchrist was not funded by anyone.

It was the winning photograph in the Southeastern Center for Conteporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition. The competition was partly sponsored by the NEA which supports and funds competitions but has no control over the content. Of particular note - this wasn't a "Draw Christ Cartoon Contest".

"Sister Wendy Beckett, an art critic and Catholic nun, stated in a television interview with Bill Moyers that she regarded the work as not blasphemous but a statement on "what we have done to Christ": that is, the way contemporary society has come to regard Christ and the values he represents."

The artist: "Serrano has not ascribed overtly political content to Piss Christ and related artworks, on the contrary stressing their ambiguity. He has also said that while this work is not intended to denounce religion, it alludes to a perceived commercializing or cheapening of Christian icons in contemporary culture"

It's actually a rather interesting piece of work for several reasons. If you had no idea what the medium was it was submerged in - it's a beautiful photograph. It's message also strikes a chord. And - like the Mohammed cartoons, it's has been attacked by protestors.

What's also noteworthy is that the artist did not post this in front of a church, or gather a gang of anti-Christian demonstrators to draw anti-Christian cartoons in front of a church in an attempt to insult Christians worshipping there..

Gentle correction. Piss Christ was funded by National Endowment for the Arts, a U.S. government agency, that offers support and funding for artistic projects. Andres Serrano received an initial $15,000 plus an additional $5,000 later for the work. I don't know how much he has received for additional showings or whether any of that came from public funds. But we the taxpayer absolutely did pay for the original work.
Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

Phoenix, AZ – Lost amongst a sea of Toyota Camrys, Honda Accords, and other Japanese imports is an island of Harley-Davidsons and chopper motorbikes belonging to armed protestors. This is the scene at todays anti-Islam protest in a Phoenix area mosque parking lot. The demonstrators, largely comprised of local area biker gangs, have had their motorcycles boxed in by Muslim latecomers oblivious to conventional parking protocol.

“I’m late for work!” exclaimed Jon Dougin, a frustrated protestor and self-proclaimed patriot. “My damn bike’s surrounded by three cars and I can’t go nowhere! Never seen these many Camry's in my life!”

The anti-Islam protestors maintain they are peaceful, as many brandish semi-automatic weapons while families with children walk past.

“There I was gripping my Tec-9, sneering at some raghead toddler,” said a peaceful protestor who goes by the name Haterade.

Haterade was shocked to witness such blatant disregard of parking etiquette, remarking, “Who are these savages?!?”

Demonstrators were further frustrated by the Muslims’ lack of punctuality, having to endure the congregation’s hour-long delay. Inside the mosque, leaders could be heard over the PA system announcing a long list of makes, models and license plates of cars allegedly blocking protestors’ motorcycles.

Delayed, confused and hungry, some protestors succumbed to their hunger and bought food being sold for a mosque fundraiser, including tea and middle-eastern shwarmas.

As of 4PM, a small group of demonstrators could still be seen sitting on their bikes waiting for the remaining congregants to move their cars. Out of the estimated 30 participants, six are believed to have converted to Islam.

Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

in_phoenixprotest.gif almost had me going until that last line. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

Phoenix, AZ – Lost amongst a sea of Toyota Camrys, Honda Accords, and other Japanese imports is an island of Harley-Davidsons and chopper motorbikes belonging to armed protestors. This is the scene at todays anti-Islam protest in a Phoenix area mosque parking lot. The demonstrators, largely comprised of local area biker gangs, have had their motorcycles boxed in by Muslim latecomers oblivious to conventional parking protocol.

“I’m late for work!” exclaimed Jon Dougin, a frustrated protestor and self-proclaimed patriot. “My damn bike’s surrounded by three cars and I can’t go nowhere! Never seen these many Camry's in my life!”

The anti-Islam protestors maintain they are peaceful, as many brandish semi-automatic weapons while families with children walk past.

“There I was gripping my Tec-9, sneering at some raghead toddler,” said a peaceful protestor who goes by the name Haterade.

Haterade was shocked to witness such blatant disregard of parking etiquette, remarking, “Who are these savages?!?”

Demonstrators were further frustrated by the Muslims’ lack of punctuality, having to endure the congregation’s hour-long delay. Inside the mosque, leaders could be heard over the PA system announcing a long list of makes, models and license plates of cars allegedly blocking protestors’ motorcycles.

Delayed, confused and hungry, some protestors succumbed to their hunger and bought food being sold for a mosque fundraiser, including tea and middle-eastern shwarmas.

As of 4PM, a small group of demonstrators could still be seen sitting on their bikes waiting for the remaining congregants to move their cars. Out of the estimated 30 participants, six are believed to have converted to Islam.

Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers


Ha ha! Islamic America News???

Probably 100% fake.

What a dumbass.
Nothing gets by you, Sherlock.
and muslims would like their rules and laws to apply to Americans Coyote !!

I won't hold my breath because there has never been any evidence to support it but here goes - do you have any evidence that Muslims in America want to impose sharia?

I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.
and muslims would like their rules and laws to apply to Americans Coyote !!

I won't hold my breath because there has never been any evidence to support it but here goes - do you have any evidence that Muslims in America want to impose sharia?

I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.
Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers

Phoenix, AZ – Lost amongst a sea of Toyota Camrys, Honda Accords, and other Japanese imports is an island of Harley-Davidsons and chopper motorbikes belonging to armed protestors. This is the scene at todays anti-Islam protest in a Phoenix area mosque parking lot. The demonstrators, largely comprised of local area biker gangs, have had their motorcycles boxed in by Muslim latecomers oblivious to conventional parking protocol.

“I’m late for work!” exclaimed Jon Dougin, a frustrated protestor and self-proclaimed patriot. “My damn bike’s surrounded by three cars and I can’t go nowhere! Never seen these many Camry's in my life!”

The anti-Islam protestors maintain they are peaceful, as many brandish semi-automatic weapons while families with children walk past.

“There I was gripping my Tec-9, sneering at some raghead toddler,” said a peaceful protestor who goes by the name Haterade.

Haterade was shocked to witness such blatant disregard of parking etiquette, remarking, “Who are these savages?!?”

Demonstrators were further frustrated by the Muslims’ lack of punctuality, having to endure the congregation’s hour-long delay. Inside the mosque, leaders could be heard over the PA system announcing a long list of makes, models and license plates of cars allegedly blocking protestors’ motorcycles.

Delayed, confused and hungry, some protestors succumbed to their hunger and bought food being sold for a mosque fundraiser, including tea and middle-eastern shwarmas.

As of 4PM, a small group of demonstrators could still be seen sitting on their bikes waiting for the remaining congregants to move their cars. Out of the estimated 30 participants, six are believed to have converted to Islam.

Bike Rally Participants Blocked-In Parking Lot by Mosque Latecomers


Ha ha! Islamic America News???

Probably 100% fake.

What a dumbass.
Nothing gets by you, Sherlock.

I'll bet he believes it.
I won't hold my breath because there has never been any evidence to support it but here goes - do you have any evidence that Muslims in America want to impose sharia?

I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.
I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

And yet insulting one is tolerated and even celebrated, and insulting another is called "stupid". Often by the same people.
my examples are 'iran' and 'isis' and lately 'turkey' although I've suspected that turkey is also a problem filled country for the western world . One or those 3 are going to the winners if allowed to continue Coyote . turkey is sunni' with good military so they would align with 'isis' I think .
Just because someone says it's art doesn't make it art. Who's this "you"? I don't support funding Piss Christ as "art".

The cat is already out of the bag, you gave funding to Piss Christ, the draw Muhammad cartoonists will be expecting their checks in the mail. If you could dial back to faux outrage and not be so prude about edgy art it would be appreciated as well.

Uh what? No. I did not give funding to Piss Christ. Try to get your facts straight. Strike that. Find some facts first.
Just a comment but pizzchrist was funded by forced taxpayer funding so we all funded it Coyote . Thankfully this art exhibition is free to attendees I think !!

You need to recheck your facts. I looked it up out of curiousity because I'm only superficially familiar with it. Pizzchrist was not funded by anyone.

It was the winning photograph in the Southeastern Center for Conteporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition. The competition was partly sponsored by the NEA which supports and funds competitions but has no control over the content. Of particular note - this wasn't a "Draw Christ Cartoon Contest".

"Sister Wendy Beckett, an art critic and Catholic nun, stated in a television interview with Bill Moyers that she regarded the work as not blasphemous but a statement on "what we have done to Christ": that is, the way contemporary society has come to regard Christ and the values he represents."

The artist: "Serrano has not ascribed overtly political content to Piss Christ and related artworks, on the contrary stressing their ambiguity. He has also said that while this work is not intended to denounce religion, it alludes to a perceived commercializing or cheapening of Christian icons in contemporary culture"

It's actually a rather interesting piece of work for several reasons. If you had no idea what the medium was it was submerged in - it's a beautiful photograph. It's message also strikes a chord. And - like the Mohammed cartoons, it's has been attacked by protestors.

What's also noteworthy is that the artist did not post this in front of a church, or gather a gang of anti-Christian demonstrators to draw anti-Christian cartoons in front of a church in an attempt to insult Christians worshipping there..

Gentle correction. Piss Christ was funded by National Endowment for the Arts, a U.S. government agency, that offers support and funding for artistic projects. Andres Serrano received an initial $15,000 plus an additional $5,000 later for the work. I don't know how much he has received for additional showings or whether any of that came from public funds. But we the taxpayer absolutely did pay for the original work.

Ah, ok - correction noted :) He received a Fellowship it looks like. It also looks like he and the NEA were politically persecuted for it.

A Brief History of Piss Christ In the Air BLOUIN ARTINFO Blogs
only big difference is that all Christian do is TALK as they seek to convert Coyote !!
We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

And yet insulting one is tolerated and even celebrated, and insulting another is called "stupid". Often by the same people.

Well....kind of a funny thing. From what I've read, the intent of Pisschrist was not to insult the religion at all but to make a statement about how modern culture has insulted religion. It wasn't intended to insult Christians, but it did and some reacted violently and some reacted politically.
he deserves the problems that 'nea' created for him . Persecuted [snicker] guy is a wusse !

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