Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

my examples are 'iran' and 'isis' and lately 'turkey' although I've suspected that turkey is also a problem filled country for the western world . One or those 3 are going to the winners if allowed to continue Coyote . turkey is sunni' with good military so they would align with 'isis' I think .

ISIS is a radical extremist group, like the LRA. None of the Muslim nations are aligning with it.
fortunately others on the board can also 'see' muslim acions and conversions Coyote . They are happenng righ know to yazidis , Christians and other in isis controlled ands .
The moron Marine is trying to provoke another 9/11. He doesn't care how many he gets killed, so long as he gets to show his hate. America won't like the karma.
heard that the turks are aiding isis Coyote . Couse , eventually they will if not doing so now . I mean , turkey sunni , isis sunni . They both want the caliphate back in place . turkey has a moden military , large population so YOU will see Coyote .
I don't know all Muslims in America and there aren't enough Muslims in my state to even register as a demographic. But the few I have had this discussion with both locally and on line all do support Sharia law as the way Allah intends the world to be. They do having varying understandings of what Sharia law should be, but all the various interpretations would be unacceptable to non-Muslims.

But the Muslims who classify themselves as peaceful expect this to be accomplished by attrition and attracting people to Islam until it achieves a sufficient majority to make Sharia Law the law of the land. And those who go out of their way to denigrate and ridicule and diminish our JudeoChristian heritage are inadvertently aiding and abetting Islam in that goal. Wherever a vaccum is created, Islam is more than happy to rush in to fill it.

But if we believe in liberty, the Muslims among us are as entitled to believe what they believe as we non-Muslims are entitled to believe what we believe. But Muslims should not be able to act out their beliefs to the detriment of other people's person or property any more than any of the rest of us should be able to do with with impunity.

We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so. I have never EVER heard a Christian say that the whole world will be subject to Jesus Christ, at least until Armageddon, only that our responsibility is to give it that opportunity. It is not up to us to make it so. And therein lies the difference.

Quran 8:39 YUSUFALI: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

I believe most Muslims translate this that it is Allah's will that the entire world will be brought under Allah's law.
fortunately others on the board can also 'see' muslim acions and conversions Coyote . They are happenng righ know to yazidis , Christians and other in isis controlled ands .

Yes. ISIS controlled.

“But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so.”

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

However many Muslims you've 'gotten to know well' are not representative of all Muslims and all of Islam.
We have a small but fluctuating Muslim community representing people from a variety of cultural backgrounds that include multi-generational American citizens, immigrants, and foreign students - so what they feel and think varies considerably.

What they feel about Sharia also varies - in particular, how it's interpreted. Many of them feel "sharia" should be the law for practicing Muslims, not for non-Muslims, in the same way that Orthodox Jews follow Jewish law. They apply this to civil matters like marriage, contracts and daily life like Halal and the way they worship. None of the Americans I've talked to feel it should supercede the Constitution. We have a few students from England and Canada that range from fairly secular to fairly observent, none of whom said that Sharia overrules English law or Canadian law.

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so. I have never EVER heard a Christian say that the whole world will be subject to Jesus Christ, at least until Armageddon, only that our responsibility is to give it that opportunity. It is not up to us to make it so. And therein lies the difference.

Quran 8:39 YUSUFALI: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

I believe most Muslims translate this that it is Allah's will that the entire world will be brought under Allah's law.

None of the Muslim's I know feel religion should be forced - they are actually pretty much like Christians. Belief is a choice - a free choice and to force it is wrong. I'm sure there are a variety of viewpoints from fire and brimstone to gentle persuasion.
and being attempted here in he USA by trying to quash freedom of speech Coyote . Like I say , everyone can see . Checkout the Armenian genocide to see how muslims work but that's about 100 years ago but they are the same as always .
heard that the turks are aiding isis Coyote . Couse , eventually they will if not doing so now . I mean , turkey sunni , isis sunni . They both want the caliphate back in place . turkey has a moden military , large population so YOU will see Coyote .
Not gonna happen Poindexter.

Turkey's military is totally secular and would never allow a return of the Caliphate. ...... :cool:
Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so. I have never EVER heard a Christian say that the whole world will be subject to Jesus Christ, at least until Armageddon, only that our responsibility is to give it that opportunity. It is not up to us to make it so. And therein lies the difference.

Quran 8:39 YUSUFALI: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

I believe most Muslims translate this that it is Allah's will that the entire world will be brought under Allah's law.

None of the Muslim's I know feel religion should be forced - they are actually pretty much like Christians. Belief is a choice - a free choice and to force it is wrong. I'm sure there are a variety of viewpoints from fire and brimstone to gentle persuasion.

Same with the Muslims I know. But they nevertheless believe that the entire world must be brought under Shariah Law and the authority of Allah. That is the ultimate goal. And if we are smart, we won't ignore that or let down our guard against those who intend to make it happen.
and being attempted here in he USA by trying to quash freedom of speech Coyote . Like I say , everyone can see . Checkout the Armenian genocide to see how muslims work but that's about 100 years ago but they are the same as always .
This is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

No one is attempting to 'quash' freedom of speech.

Again, the issue has nothing to do with 'free speech,' no government is seeking to prohibit any type of speech or expression.

And the notion of Islam 'taking over' the United States is paranoid, delusional idiocy.
I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so. I have never EVER heard a Christian say that the whole world will be subject to Jesus Christ, at least until Armageddon, only that our responsibility is to give it that opportunity. It is not up to us to make it so. And therein lies the difference.

Quran 8:39 YUSUFALI: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

I believe most Muslims translate this that it is Allah's will that the entire world will be brought under Allah's law.

None of the Muslim's I know feel religion should be forced - they are actually pretty much like Christians. Belief is a choice - a free choice and to force it is wrong. I'm sure there are a variety of viewpoints from fire and brimstone to gentle persuasion.

Same with the Muslims I know. But they nevertheless believe that the entire world must be brought under Shariah Law and the authority of Allah. That is the ultimate goal. And if we are smart, we won't ignore that or let down our guard against those who intend to make it happen.
More paranoid, delusional idiocy.
heard that the turks are aiding isis Coyote . Couse , eventually they will if not doing so now . I mean , turkey sunni , isis sunni . They both want the caliphate back in place . turkey has a moden military , large population so YOU will see Coyote .
Not gonna happen Poindexter.

Turkey's military is totally secular and would never allow a return of the Caliphate. ...... :cool:

I hope you are right. But for every story I read about a maturing Turkish secular government becoming ever a bigger tent for all points of view, I read two more about the political pressures to return the Caliphate to power. It's pretty hard to separate the fact from the fiction.

I do know that some friends of ours who had been living in Turkey left and came back to the states a few weeks ago due to growing concerns re their safety and that of their children there, increasing military presence in the wake of numerous riots and protests turned violent, restrictions on the media, and turmoil within the existing government that may or may not turn out well for the people as a whole (They do admit Turkey is as safe and accommodating a country as many others in Europe or Asia or in many areas of the USA for that matter.)

“But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so.”

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

However many Muslims you've 'gotten to know well' are not representative of all Muslims and all of Islam.
bullshit ! fuck all muslims ! it is a vile cult that needs to be destroyed ! islam is the fastest growing religion in a certain criminal ethnic group that is made up of fatherless bastards ! how many half brothers and sisters has your whore of a mother spawned ? how many criminal future muslim bastards have you spawned ?
Your hate is exceeded only by your stupidity.
Yanno..................I really don't have any problems with them having a rally depicting the prophet Mohammed. Free speech is one of the reasons I spent 20 years in the Navy defending this country and I think anyone has the right to say anything they want, but they DO have to stand by their words and be responsible for any outcomes those words may bring them.

I don't have a problem with them demonstrating in front of the mosque. You have a right to peaceful assembly wherever you wish, even if it's in front of a police station. However...............unlike the other rally that was held indoors and guarded by police, this one is going to be guarded, but it's going to be in open air, which means the likelihood of some idiot attacker actually killing someone is much higher.

I don't have a problem with this being organized by bikers either. Matter of fact, I was a patch holder for around 3 years, and rode a Harley for over 7.

Here's the part I have a problem with, it's a quote clipped from the CNN article quoted further up the thread:

"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.

I have a problem with telling people to bring guns to the rally, because now it sounds more like they're looking for a fight rather than just a peaceful demonstration.


“But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so.”

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

However many Muslims you've 'gotten to know well' are not representative of all Muslims and all of Islam.
bullshit ! fuck all muslims ! it is a vile cult that needs to be destroyed ! islam is the fastest growing religion in a certain criminal ethnic group that is made up of fatherless bastards ! how many half brothers and sisters has your whore of a mother spawned ? how many criminal future muslim bastards have you spawned ?
Your hate is exceeded only by your stupidity.
fuck you and islam ! fuck your family as well.
all day long the left and their muslim buddies attack Christians and get away with it ! but when the truth is spoken about them they go crying to the mods ! fuck muslims and fuck treasonous leftists ! you are all fathered by deadbeat dads and whoring mothers.

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