Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

Oh I agree that most peaceful Muslims, including those who are my neighbors and who are my friends and/or colleagues, will say that Sharia only applies to Muslims. But if you really scratch below the surface and get them to be honest with you, it is almost impossible to find a Muslim who does not believe that the entire world should be Muslim subject to Sharia Law and that will be the way it is some day.

Our belief and determination to be open minded, tolerant, and live and let live should not blind us to greater realities either. There are times that trust, however noble, can be misplaced to the detriment of all.

I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

And yet insulting one is tolerated and even celebrated, and insulting another is called "stupid". Often by the same people.

Well....kind of a funny thing. From what I've read, the intent of Pisschrist was not to insult the religion at all but to make a statement about how modern culture has insulted religion. It wasn't intended to insult Christians, but it did and some reacted violently and some reacted politically.

But no one sided with the Christians and blamed the artist. What if I did that to Mohammad?
thing is that 'edrogen' is going back to his roots , the old secular guy is dead . Military not allowing it , I don't believe that Sunni !! I read some info and comments that gives me the impression that I stated . Further more , isis and turkey are sunni , the coupling only makes sense to me . Both want a caliphate same as I would if I was muslim from those lands .
I don't really think this guy who organized the rally is looking to do much more than incite people to violence.

I mean...........talking about exercising your first amendment rights is one thing, but then telling everyone to make sure they exercise their second amendment rights in conjunction with this rally is another.

Me? I'm gonna be watching the news this evening between 7 and 9 pm CST so that I can see if something stupid happens or not.

Personally? I hope there is no violence or bloodshed.
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?
Isn't it just ALLAH portrayed graphically that is verboden by Muslims? Anyway, I think that if any religion that is so arrogant that it believes only IT understands the mind of God, (if they are that dogmatic), they deserve mockery and derision.
'"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.'

This idiocy has clearly gotten out of hand, the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.
Unwarranted fear of muslims? 9/11 warrants it. ISIL warrants it. And if people want to get out their crayons and doodle a picture of Allah in front of a Mosque, nobody is being hurt so what is the big deal?
Unwarranted fear of muslims? 9/11 warrants it. ISIL warrants it. And if people want to get out their crayons and doodle a picture of Allah in front of a Mosque, nobody is being hurt so what is the big deal?
This is an example of the ignorance, fear, stupidity, and hate that motivates the unwarranted hostility toward Islam.

9/11 and the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' were/are neither condoned by Islam and all Muslims nor representative of Islam and all Muslims – acts of terror are committed by criminals, not religions, where terrorists have misappropriated the tenets of Islam in an attempt to justify their acts of evil.
Ignorance on who's part, that is the question. Art transcends. People crashing planes into buildings , beheading innocents and taking up arms in the name of an imaginary made up supreme being, that is the problem here. Not Art. If I am not mistaken, Islam forbids the portrayal of ANY human figure. Period, which is why mosques are decorated with elaborate geometric forms, unlike the Vatican, that has paintings of saints and of God. Islam comes off like a bunch of anal retentive violent control freaks. I am sorry.

“But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so.”

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

However many Muslims you've 'gotten to know well' are not representative of all Muslims and all of Islam.
bullshit ! fuck all muslims ! it is a vile cult that needs to be destroyed ! islam is the fastest growing religion in a certain criminal ethnic group that is made up of fatherless bastards ! how many half brothers and sisters has your whore of a mother spawned ? how many criminal future muslim bastards have you spawned ?
Your hate is exceeded only by your stupidity.
fuck you and islam ! fuck your family as well.
all day long the left and their muslim buddies attack Christians and get away with it ! but when the truth is spoken about them they go crying to the mods ! fuck muslims and fuck treasonous leftists ! you are all fathered by deadbeat dads and whoring mothers.
Spoken like a true christian martyr.....bring on the lions!

“But all the Muslims I have gotten to know well have said the whole world be be subject to Allah and it is every Muslim's responsibility to make it so.”

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

However many Muslims you've 'gotten to know well' are not representative of all Muslims and all of Islam.
bullshit ! fuck all muslims ! it is a vile cult that needs to be destroyed ! islam is the fastest growing religion in a certain criminal ethnic group that is made up of fatherless bastards ! how many half brothers and sisters has your whore of a mother spawned ? how many criminal future muslim bastards have you spawned ?
Your hate is exceeded only by your stupidity.
fuck you and islam ! fuck your family as well.
all day long the left and their muslim buddies attack Christians and get away with it ! but when the truth is spoken about them they go crying to the mods ! fuck muslims and fuck treasonous leftists ! you are all fathered by deadbeat dads and whoring mothers.
Spoken like a true christian martyr.....bring on the lions!
what mosque did the 2 would be terrorist come from that got shot down in texas come from ?
good video , muslims tell you what they prefer , sharia or American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- saw it on another thread , think that it fits in here !! And these things being interviewed live in Minnesota . Good video , who you going to believe , some silly 'pew' survey or your own eyes and ears ??
Right. I would prefer that muslims acclimated and realized that Sharia law violates every principal of the country they willingly immigrated too. You Muslims give us 9/11. Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, we kick their ass and end them. Islam? Islam? What do we do? Accept YOU with open arms? No AK 47 or fear of stoning KEEPING you muslims here. You are afraid? Go back to were you came from, see how much better that was.
thing is that the USA imported them Mary , soon to import more plus those that were interviewed are legally 'amerikans' and were born here in the USA .
bullshit ! fuck all muslims ! it is a vile cult that needs to be destroyed ! islam is the fastest growing religion in a certain criminal ethnic group that is made up of fatherless bastards ! how many half brothers and sisters has your whore of a mother spawned ? how many criminal future muslim bastards have you spawned ?
Your hate is exceeded only by your stupidity.
fuck you and islam ! fuck your family as well.
all day long the left and their muslim buddies attack Christians and get away with it ! but when the truth is spoken about them they go crying to the mods ! fuck muslims and fuck treasonous leftists ! you are all fathered by deadbeat dads and whoring mothers.
Spoken like a true christian martyr.....bring on the lions!
what mosque did the 2 would be terrorist come from that got shot down in texas come from ?
good video , muslims tell you what they prefer , sharia or American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- saw it on another thread , think that it fits in here !! And these things being interviewed live in Minnesota . Good video , who you going to believe , some silly 'pew' survey or your own eyes and ears ??
Right. I would prefer that muslims acclimated and realized that Sharia law violates every principal of the country they willingly immigrated too. You Muslims give us 9/11. Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, we kick their ass and end them. Islam? Islam? What do we do? Accept YOU with open arms? No AK 47 or fear of stoning KEEPING you muslims here. You are afraid? Go back to were you came from, see how much better that was.
Japan is ended?
One group is peacefully praying in their mosque

Another armed group is outside taunting and trying to provoke them

What would Jesus do in this situation?
PHOENIX -- Local police and the FBI say they're aware that a man is planning a rally outside a Phoenix mosque during Friday prayer services that will include a contest of drawings depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest - CBS News

On the one hand, you have a Constitution given right to protect your freedom of speech. On the other hand, why do you need to be an asshole in order to enjoy this kind of freedom? Of course, you can call Muslims savages and portray their Prophet in a negative way but why? Why do you have to insult other people on purpose in order to express yourself and prove you are still free? I don't understand that. There are a lot of things you are allowed to do in this country. Yet, knowing that it can be insulting for your friends, relatives and other people, you don't do them. Why don't we treat Muslims the same way?

drawing a fucking picture!?

do not compare that to this savage "religion" whose book teaches murder, rape, beheading and lying.

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