Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

Unwarranted fear of muslims? 9/11 warrants it. ISIL warrants it. And if people want to get out their crayons and doodle a picture of Allah in front of a Mosque, nobody is being hurt so what is the big deal?
It's the arrogance and disrespect of the Muslim world by Americans that brought on 9/11. Expect more karma.
One group is peacefully praying in their mosque

Another armed group is outside taunting and trying to provoke them

What would Jesus do in this situation?

one group is reading their bible. The other group rapes, burns people alive and beheads....
The bible readers raped, burned Muslims at the stake, and beheaded them for a thousand years, just because they didn't bow to the christian god. How ironic.
Crusades were defensive wars , islam was invading Christian lands . See Spain which they called 'andalusia' , see their war with the French as they were at the doorstep to France. Muslim aggression was turned back at various times but the muslims started the wars . Any way , that was a long time ago and modern muslims are doing the carnage now in modern times Hungover !!
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and the MC club did pretty well , no problems that I know about and more art contests are planned Hangover !!
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Crusades were defensive wars , islam was invading Christian lands . See Spain which they called 'andalusia' , see their war with the French as they were are the doorstep to France. Muslim aggression was turned back at various times but the muslims started the wars . Any way , that was a long time ago and modern muslims are doing the carnage now in modern times Hungover !!
Pis for brains^^^^^Catholics not only burned Muslims at the stake, but also Jews and anyone else that didn't bow to the Catholic doctrine. The Catholic church also imprisoned Galileo for claiming the world was round and went around the sun. Your ignorance and stupidity are ASStounding.
It's the arrogance and disrespect of the Muslim world by Americans that brought on 9/11. Expect more karma.

Wrong as usual you piece of was U.S. boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia AT THE REQUEST OF THE HOUSE OF SAUD to defend the kingdom against a rampaging Saddam Hussein.
and the MC club did pretty well , no problems that I know about and more art contests are planned Hangover !!

A rabble of apostate carpet monkeys showed up....the cops stood in formation between the two groups and nothing was passed except middle fingers and hot air.
Crusades were defensive wars , islam was invading Christian lands . See Spain which they called 'andalusia' , see their war with the French as they were are the doorstep to France. Muslim aggression was turned back at various times but the muslims started the wars . Any way , that was a long time ago and modern muslims are doing the carnage now in modern times Hungover !!
Pis for brains^^^^^Catholics not only burned Muslims at the stake, but also Jews and anyone else that didn't bow to the Catholic doctrine. The Catholic church also imprisoned Galileo for claiming the world was round and went around the sun. Your ignorance and stupidity are ASStounding.

Pismoe is correct, the Crusades were defensive, the Muzzies pushed too far and the Christians said that's enough....and kicked muzzie ass :)
muslims are on a crime spree ever since the wars of the past and muslims started the Crusades . Like I said , Spain was invaded and they were only kicked out in the 1480s [about] , France was under threat of invasion and all that was done by muslims . Course that's the past mrobama , err Hangover and the muslims are still killing , murdering and destroying . Problem nowadays is with muslims , see 911 trade tower attacks and the attack in 1993 . Gotta reduce muslim numbers in the western world and especially in the USA .
good video , muslims tell you what they prefer , sharia or American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- saw it on another thread , think that it fits in here !! And these things being interviewed live in Minnesota . Good video , who you going to believe , some silly 'pew' survey or your own eyes and ears ??

Yes, there is a sizable Somali population. Yes, the ISIL have recruited in Minneapolis, just like they have recruited world wide in Muslim communities outside traditional Muslim countries.
The rest of the report is highly exaggerated, which is not surprising considering those involved in this "SHOCK VIDEO" and report.
A good example of the complete bullshit would be, "More recently, I reported here on the failed jihadist deradicalization program set up by the chief federal judge of the District of Minnesota." What a crock of shit. I would guess weekly on one of the six television have a report about the goings on within the Somali community's efforts to protect their youth from radical Muslim recruitment as do other major media outlets.. It is a highly visible effort.
Crap like article is made for those who already hate and particularly fear Muslims. It's made to stir their gullible audience up and of course scare the shit out of them. Naturally, the audience who regularly subscribe to to the hate and fear approach are those who are very easy to manipulate, just like any recruit of radical Islam..
hey Ladies Gents or anyone else that stumbles into this thread . Checkout the link that I posted , see what you think . Its 'somalis' on the streets in Minnesota telling you in their own words what they think of 'sharia' when compared to American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- its a pretty interesting thread and video . Its some 'somalis' telling what they think in their own words while the live in Minnesota . Better than a 'pew' survey . Thanks for bumping this this up and reminding me 'kiwiman' !!
I wonder what rationale people use to justify Islamic terrorism, extremism, kidnappings, beheadings, etc. because "American is arrogant and insults them and intrudes on them or whatever". . . .

But there is no justification for picketing an abortion clinic or attacks on an abortion doctor by people who think abortion is murder?

Are not both attacks on an abortion doctor or attack on an innocent American equally evil? Or if one is understandable and/or justifiable, then why are not both understandable and/or justifiable?

At the same time, what justification is there for deliberately provoking people in a way that we KNOW will most likely incite a violent response and thereby put innocent people at risk? Simply stating our point of view or expressing our opinions are a very different thing from deliberately going out of our way to insult somebody.

Admittedly on message boards, many people have a very difficult time making a distinction between those two things.
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

While I agree with your premise, I sure am having a hard time remembering when an art show's theme was hate and intolerance.
But I do recall art work that was a slap in the face of Christianity and naturally Christians were upset. In those cases, the artists weren't part of another religious group, they were atheist and it wasn't a anti-Christian themed art show but was part of a very diverse art setting.
Finally, for an allegedly Christian nation, we sure have a lot of hate. Much of the hate uses defending Christianity as an excuse, yet the Bible equates hate with murder and comes down on intolerance also.
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

Agreed. Muslims who move here should live their own lives as they see fit and leave everybody else alone. So why isn't it simple good manners on our part to leave them alone to live their lives as they choose and to not go out of our way to insult their way of life?

I do not expect a Muslim to embrace Christianity or to condone or approve however I choose to live my life. But so long as I do not require him/her to participate in or contribute to my choices, I do expect him/her to leave me alone to live as I choose. And I expect to do the same for him/her. And that includes not going out of my way to provoke and insult him/her.
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seems to me that good manners is a matter of opinion and is open to interpretation . muslims will say that Gellar type art shows are offensive while I say that muslim rules are offensive . ----------------------------------- Best thing to have been done woulda been to keep weird groups that didn't want to assimilate into the USA in their he11holes . A few GENIUSES or special types at a time might have been alright as they could have been TAUGHT to be Americans . Too late now I think , too bad for the coming younger generations Foxfyre .
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to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

Agreed. Muslims who move here should live their own lives as they see fit and leave everybody else alone. So why isn't it simple good manners on our part to leave them alone to live their lives as they choose and to not go out of our way to insult their way of life?

I do not expect a Muslim to embrace Christianity or to condone or approve however I choose to live my life. But so long as I do not require him/her to participate in or contribute to my choices, I do expect him/her to leave me alone to live as I choose. And I expect to do the same for him/her. And that includes not going out of my way to provoke and insult him/her.

Isn't true that Islam is attacked much more than Christianity in this country?
I haven't seen much of American-Muslims belittling Christianity. Those who mock Christianity are atheist.
Speaking as a pretty strong Christian, I find quite disgusting when I see alleged Christians acting in un-Christian ways.
Regarding Muslim rules, Pismoe. When are those rules forced on you? Secondly, why should any group who migrates to the US be forced to adapt to White Christian ways? Your spiel sounds like what Muslim countries approach is like, so in a sense, you're no different.
To 90% of the people in the world, heritage is important.
when muslims start whinging and complaining about Pam Geller Art shows Kiwiman !!
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

Agreed. Muslims who move here should live their own lives as they see fit and leave everybody else alone. So why isn't it simple good manners on our part to leave them alone to live their lives as they choose and to not go out of our way to insult their way of life?

I do not expect a Muslim to embrace Christianity or to condone or approve however I choose to live my life. But so long as I do not require him/her to participate in or contribute to my choices, I do expect him/her to leave me alone to live as I choose. And I expect to do the same for him/her. And that includes not going out of my way to provoke and insult him/her.

Isn't true that Islam is attacked much more than Christianity in this country?
I haven't seen much of American-Muslims belittling Christianity. Those who mock Christianity are atheist.
Speaking as a pretty strong Christian, I find quite disgusting when I see alleged Christians acting in un-Christian ways.
Regarding Muslim rules, Pismoe. When are those rules forced on you? Secondly, why should any group who migrates to the US be forced to adapt to White Christian ways? Your spiel sounds like what Muslim countries approach is like, so in a sense, you're no different.
To 90% of the people in the world, heritage is important.

It has nothing to do with Muslims belittling Christianity. Try to keep up here please.

It DOES have to do with a live and let live mentality. I have every right to call a black man the 'n' word or an Asian the "c" word or a Hispanic the "s" word or a gay person the 'f' word or somebody on a message board a pompous idiot or to picket an abortion clinic and verbally assault the employees and customers there and to sponsor a contest specifically to mock a particular religion.

But such things can be hurtful, even cruel, to people. They coarsen our society and diminish us as a people of character and moral values. And they should not be encouraged or condoned or deemed acceptable in a civil society.

It is not a matter of what is legal. It is a matter of what decent people do.

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