Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

seems like they don't understand Free Speech and Free Expression . As an aside , many muslims advocate for sharia law over American law . See my link to Minnesota muslims and see what they say in their own words . I posted a link Kiwiman !!
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seems like they don't understand Free Speech and Free Expression . As an aside , many muslims advocate for sharia law over American law . See my link to Minnesota muslims and see what they say in their own words . Iposted a link Kiwiman !!
Huckabee says God's Law is above Man's Law. You make sure and give him a talking to, that's fucking un-American, and it is BTW.

As an aside, God's law is above Man's law, which is why we are secular nation and highly religious people shouldn't be elected or appointed officials defending the Constitution. God or Country, pick one?
think that 'huck' was talking about mans inalienable / unalienable Rights that are enumerated in Americas original Bill of RIGHTS 'Paint' . I don't know but if that's what he was talking about then I agree with him .
think that 'huck' was talking about mans inalienable / unalienable Rights that are enumerated in Americas original Bill of RIGHTS 'Paint' . I don't know but if that's what he was talking about then I agree with him .
He was stating, as a fact, that one could ignore Man's laws if they were in conflict with God's laws. Very Sharia of him don't you think? Now you just run off and spank him good...
think that's what the Founders said about 'unconstitutional laws' , so if I'm correct 'huck' is following pretty good authority Paint .
I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity must pizz you off [hopefully] !! Anyway sharia sucks and many muslims would like to see it replace American law . ----------- repeat , sharia law sucks [wink] !!
think that's what the Founders said about 'unconstitutional laws...
Nope. And stop bashing Sharia Law then, since your support Christian Law.

The United States of America was founded on concepts of Christian teachings including a concept of liberty with natural (unalienable) rights that are God given or inate in the human species if the non religious prefer to look at it that way. Even for the Atheists and the areligious, our sense of right and wrong and good and evil come out of that JudeoChristian heritage. It has served us well. But it was not and has never been 'law' nor was the federal government given authority to enforce any part of it as 'law'.

It does not go against the Constitution for those in government to believe that God's law is the only way to go, and that may guide the votes of those in Congress. But Huckabee knows very well and teaches quite clearly that government is not allowed to require that anybody follow such dictates as 'God's law' and they cannot reward or punish anybody who chooses to do that or not do that.

And therein is the difference between God's law and what Shariah Law would be if Shariah Law was ever adopted as the law of the land.
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I'm not a 'huck' supporter but Christian derived law as practiced in the USA as American law [Bill of Rights] is much superior to third world sharia law . See iran and isis as both practice sharia law Paint .
I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity...
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity...
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
and , I don't really mind sharia for you guys Paint , I just want to avoid it for my lifetime . I figure that sharia would be a fine reward for you lefties , dems . progs !!
I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity...
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
Yes, exactly the same. Those Christians in flyover country won't even bake cakes for a gay wedding, reminds me of how ISIS trapped the Yazidis on that mountain in Iraq.
and , I don't really mind sharia for you guys Paint , I just want to avoid it for my lifetime . I figure that sharia would be a fine reward for you lefties , dems . progs !!
I'll be dead long before you. As for the Children of God slaughtering each other trying to prove which God is better, so be it because that is what they have always done, it's always just a matter of time.
not going to be slaughtering except for 'isis' if we ever get a decent American President . Boots on the ground and short work killing 'Islamic state' Paint . And whats wrong with you , you just old , bad genes and sickly or wot ?? When can I count on your demise Paint ??
not going to be slaughtering except for 'isis' if we ever get a decent American President . Boots on the ground and short work killing 'Islamic state' Paint . And whats wrong with you , you just old , bad genes and sickly or wot ?? When can I count on your demise Paint ??
Ten to twenty years. I'll have killed myself by then.
when muslims start whinging and complaining about Pam Geller Art shows Kiwiman !!

Do you see American-Muslims insulting/inciting Christians in America?
Geller is playing to the easily manipulated and not too smart hate crowd. When the American-Muslims start having public art show contests with degrading pictures of Jesus, then you'll have two feet to stand on.
Can you comprehend that?
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

Agreed. Muslims who move here should live their own lives as they see fit and leave everybody else alone. So why isn't it simple good manners on our part to leave them alone to live their lives as they choose and to not go out of our way to insult their way of life?

I do not expect a Muslim to embrace Christianity or to condone or approve however I choose to live my life. But so long as I do not require him/her to participate in or contribute to my choices, I do expect him/her to leave me alone to live as I choose. And I expect to do the same for him/her. And that includes not going out of my way to provoke and insult him/her.

Isn't true that Islam is attacked much more than Christianity in this country?
I haven't seen much of American-Muslims belittling Christianity. Those who mock Christianity are atheist.
Speaking as a pretty strong Christian, I find quite disgusting when I see alleged Christians acting in un-Christian ways.
Regarding Muslim rules, Pismoe. When are those rules forced on you? Secondly, why should any group who migrates to the US be forced to adapt to White Christian ways? Your spiel sounds like what Muslim countries approach is like, so in a sense, you're no different.
To 90% of the people in the world, heritage is important.

It has nothing to do with Muslims belittling Christianity. Try to keep up here please.

It DOES have to do with a live and let live mentality. I have every right to call a black man the 'n' word or an Asian the "c" word or a Hispanic the "s" word or a gay person the 'f' word or somebody on a message board a pompous idiot or to picket an abortion clinic and verbally assault the employees and customers there and to sponsor a contest specifically to mock a particular religion.

But such things can be hurtful, even cruel, to people. They coarsen our society and diminish us as a people of character and moral values. And they should not be encouraged or condoned or deemed acceptable in a civil society.

It is not a matter of what is legal. It is a matter of what decent people do.

You know what?
I misread your posts. Trying to read posts on a iPhone can do that sometimes.
Please accept my apology.
I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity...
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
Yes, exactly the same. Those Christians in flyover country won't even bake cakes for a gay wedding, reminds me of how ISIS trapped the Yazidis on that mountain in Iraq.
A difference by degree only. The mentality is exactly the same.

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