Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

And yet insulting one is tolerated and even celebrated, and insulting another is called "stupid". Often by the same people.

Well....kind of a funny thing. From what I've read, the intent of Pisschrist was not to insult the religion at all but to make a statement about how modern culture has insulted religion. It wasn't intended to insult Christians, but it did and some reacted violently and some reacted politically.

But no one sided with the Christians and blamed the artist. What if I did that to Mohammad?

Yes...they did. He recieved death threats and hate mail for years after and other works of his have been vandalized and death threats made against galleries and museums that showed his work. So much for tolerance :lol:

You know what I mean. No one OTHER than the Christians themselves. Really dude? You can do better.
you can pay attention to 'pew all you like , I'll pay attention to real Somalis words Coyote .
Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
they would like to import their sharia law !! They woulda stopped Pams and this ART show if they could have . Hey , I just encourage people to decide between 'pew' and what they see with their own eyes and ears Coyote !!
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Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
they would like to import their sharia law !! They woulda stopped Pams and this ART show if they could have . Hey , I just encourage people to decide between 'pew' and what the see with their own eyes and ears Coyote !!
Get a grip........You are starting to sound more shrill and nutty than usual. ..... :cuckoo:
well they would have Sunni , he11 , a couple of your muslim people went to Pam Gellers ART show to start killing people at the ART show that was held in Texas 2 weeks ago . In fact the Garland attackers were both from this mosque in Arizona from what I heard . Otherwise , hows it going Sunni ?? :cool-45:
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'"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.'

This idiocy has clearly gotten out of hand, the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

It sounds like they are encouraging if not calling for violence.
an armed society is a polite society Coyote !!
besides that , concealed or open carry is 100% legal in Arizona and many other USA states Coyote !!
I think that all the muslim would be jehaists should get suckered into doing what those 2 did, with a swat team waiting, with AP rds and suppressors, and just send them to their virgins
Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
some people like talking in riddles or making statements that they either can't or won't back up MaryL !!
well they would have Sunni , he11 , a couple of your people went to Pam Gellers ART show to start killing people at the ART show that was held in Texas 2 weeks ago . In fact the Garland attackers were both from this mosque in Arizona from what I heard . Otherwise , hows it going Sunni ?? :cool-45:
I'm doing good pismoe except for the high pollen count which is driving my sinus allergy crazy.

Look, there are around 3 million muslims in America.

People here say "muslims need to fit into American society". OK then, we have muslims that are school teachers, doctors, lawyers, car mechanics, nurses, police officers, dentists, and of course taxi drivers.

They pay taxes, own businesses, own homes, have kids in public school, join the schools PTA, their kids play sports. Ya know, just regular American stuff.

Then a couple of muslims go off the deep end like the 2 in Texas did.. And suddenly every freakin muslim in the country is some how responsible for their actions!!

I feel sorry for the members of the mosque in Phoenix.

The Phoenix mosque is a large cultural center that is combined with a mosque. There are hundreds of families who attend that mosque. The mosque families are involved in the local community and trying to improve it.

But you have these idiot armed bikers protesting across the street acting a fool. And now the women and children are too scared to even attend services because of safety issues.

None of these innocent muslim families have done anything except be good citizens and obey the law,

Pretty damn pathetic........ :cool:
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Just religion at work...
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Islam is the poster child of "special", when it comes to religion. Suicide bombers and infiltrators into the west? What other "religion" is doing this?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Timing can be everything. Take the speck out of your eye first.
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Read the teachings of Jesus. He'll explain.
How about you save us the time and YOU explain what YOU meant.
Nope. Read the Gospels.
Cop out. No lectures, you need to be more succinct and tell us unwashed what you mean. Islam, they kill Xtians, you know that, right? Just for being Christian. What excuse is there for that?
Eye for an eye for an tooth for a tooth? Vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord. Love thy enemy as thy self. Still. Were are you going here? Muslims are the death of freedom of other religions. Bombs and foreign policy be damned, Islam can't stand freedom. Stonings and beheadings and shadow cells and crashing airliners. Islam. They hate cartoonists drawing pictures, they are that petty and mean. What do you take away from this?
thanks for the Reply Sunni , yeah look , many muslims might be nice people but I have no use for the religion and its sharia and would like to see all muslim , any immigration actually into the USA and western world stopped . I watch the USA , England and Europe and I don't like what I see being caused by muslims both legal and illegal in all the places I mention . I also know about iran where sharia is law of the land , I don't want to see that in the USA or west and iran is a relatively advanced society except for their religion and law . To sum up , I see islam as alien to western thought , law and just about everything else that I want for my kids and extended family . --------- the motorcycle clubs art show as well as Pams was legal and that's all that counts . I think [HEARD] that the shooters at Pams event were both from the mosque where YOU say that everyone is nice and sweet . And , sinuses , 2 shots of whiskey and a good night sleep may help !! ------------- checkout my links about muslims in Minnesota , I bet that everyone of them attends some nice sweet mosque somewhere in Minneapolis / Minnesota .
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