Phoenix mosque to be target of Muhammad cartoon contest

hey Kiwiman , yeah sure they insult by claiming offense because of American style Freedom of Speech . He11 Freedom of Speech and Free Expression is an American Right and tradition and their whining against it is offensive . Let them stay in their third world he11holes rather than advocate for sharia over American law Kiwiman . See my link where 'somali' muslims in Minnesota are advocating for sharia as I find that to be very offensive . -------------------------------------- Lets get those Jesus cartoon shows going , I'll sell them the paper to draw the cartoons on Kiwiman !!
seems like they don't understand Free Speech and Free Expression . As an aside , many muslims advocate for sharia law over American law . See my link to Minnesota muslims and see what they say in their own words . I posted a link Kiwiman !!

I live in Minneapolis and I'm 100% sure I know more than what's going on in Minneapolis than you do.
The link you posted tells people who know what's going on that it's pure exaggerated bullshit written by people who have an agenda. I wonder how many people they asked questions to until they found a few who say something so they could implicate thousands of others who don't think that way at all? It reminds me of the bad rap the Tea Party got based on interviews of a tiny percentage of Tea Party members. All of a sudden the Tea Party was labeled racist. Well, here we go again.
The fact that there have been about ten young people who were successfully recruited out of several thousand, did catch most people's attention. The media in Minneapolis has been very active in covering this phenomenon and have done several stories/reports/investigations. I have seen much more thorough reports than that little tidbit driven by sensationalism you posted, including interviews with the FBI and other governmental officials.
hey Kiwiman , yeah sure they insult by claiming offense because of American style Freedom of Speech . He11 Freedom of Speech and Free Expression is an American Right and tradition and their whining against it is offensive . Let them stay in their third world he11holes rather than advocate for sharia over American law Kiwiman . See my link where 'somali' muslims in Minnesota are advocating for sharia as I find that to be very offensive . -------------------------------------- Lets get those Jesus cartoon shows going , I'll sell them the paper to draw the cartoons on Kiwiman !!

I just thought I'd tell you, that I'm not wasting anymore of my time with you. Hater's are incapable of an intelligent conversation. The fact you drank the kool-aid of your sorry link, tells me that you're a waste of time.
you are just an advocate for somalis or muslims as far I'm concerned . All I know is my link plus the national news that reports that lots of 'somalis' from Minnesota are going overseas to fight for the Islamic state . [maybe I'll get some links] Reports are also on the news at least every other day and Minnesota has quite a reputation for terrorist suspects . Big deal , so Kiwiman lives in Minnesota , well so do many turncoat 'somalis' that live in America . For all I know you may be 'somali' or some other type of fureigner . See my link , hear from their own mouths how some 'somalis' prefer sharia over American law Kiwiman !!
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I support American Law , fact that much of it is derived from Chritianity...
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
Yes, exactly the same. Those Christians in flyover country won't even bake cakes for a gay wedding, reminds me of how ISIS trapped the Yazidis on that mountain in Iraq.
A difference by degree only. The mentality is exactly the same.
No not really.
I think public opinion polls reflect the greater realities amongst Muslims far more than you think - and given these polls are include countries where Sharia is the law, they have nothing to hide. Pew did a poll of countries with significant Muslim populations.

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia Pew Research Center
Among Muslims who support making sharia the law of the land, most do not believe that it should be applied to non-Muslims. Only in five of 21 countries where this follow-up question was asked do at least half say all citizens should be subject to Islamic law.

I didn't have a quarrel with that. My experience has been much the same. But did Pew ask the same folks if they thought that eventually everybody will be brought under Islamic law? That the entire world will be subject to Allah's law? I'm pretty sure it didn't. If it had, the response might have been an eye opener.

I think the answer would be as varied and as similar as if the same were asked of Christians - many of whom believe eventually, the entire world will be brought under God's law. They are both proselytizing religions.

And yet insulting one is tolerated and even celebrated, and insulting another is called "stupid". Often by the same people.

Well....kind of a funny thing. From what I've read, the intent of Pisschrist was not to insult the religion at all but to make a statement about how modern culture has insulted religion. It wasn't intended to insult Christians, but it did and some reacted violently and some reacted politically.

But no one sided with the Christians and blamed the artist. What if I did that to Mohammad?

Yes...they did. He recieved death threats and hate mail for years after and other works of his have been vandalized and death threats made against galleries and museums that showed his work. So much for tolerance :lol:
'"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.'

This idiocy has clearly gotten out of hand, the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hatred of Islam and Muslims.

It sounds like they are encouraging if not calling for violence.
good video , muslims tell you what they prefer , sharia or American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- saw it on another thread , think that it fits in here !! And these things being interviewed live in Minnesota . Good video , who you going to believe , some silly 'pew' survey or your own eyes and ears ??
Right. I would prefer that muslims acclimated and realized that Sharia law violates every principal of the country they willingly immigrated too. You Muslims give us 9/11. Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, we kick their ass and end them. Islam? Islam? What do we do? Accept YOU with open arms? No AK 47 or fear of stoning KEEPING you muslims here. You are afraid? Go back to were you came from, see how much better that was.
Japan is ended?
Really? Nit pickers. No need to be sarcastic. You get the overall picture. Or do you? Islam is OK, despite their "religion" is totally anti western and is bent on destroying free thought and the west, and that is ok WHY, exactly?
Since it isn't, it doesn't.

And Huck wants Christian law. He's the same as ISIS, just a different version.
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
Yes, exactly the same. Those Christians in flyover country won't even bake cakes for a gay wedding, reminds me of how ISIS trapped the Yazidis on that mountain in Iraq.
A difference by degree only. The mentality is exactly the same.
No not really.
Yes, really.
good video , muslims tell you what they prefer , sharia or American law . --- SHOCK VIDEO Widespread Support for Sharia and Blasphemy Laws in Minneapolis The Counter Jihad Report --- saw it on another thread , think that it fits in here !! And these things being interviewed live in Minnesota . Good video , who you going to believe , some silly 'pew' survey or your own eyes and ears ??

Pew is reputable.

You're taking a video of a few people and trying to use it to represent a much broader range than it does? That is called silly.

Hey....does that mean abortion clinic bombers show what many Christians prefer?
Exactly, in fact more menacing in my opinion. I see ISIS on TV enslaving women for sex and mass murdering those of other faiths. But then I am reminded of the horrors here at home, like an 80 year old grandma not wanting to make a bouquet for a gay wedding, and it puts in perspective how similar they are.
The mentality is exactly the same, and wrong, and dangerous.
Yes, exactly the same. Those Christians in flyover country won't even bake cakes for a gay wedding, reminds me of how ISIS trapped the Yazidis on that mountain in Iraq.
A difference by degree only. The mentality is exactly the same.
No not really.
Yes, really.
No, not a difference by degree, more like a totally different universe.
One group is peacefully praying in their mosque

Another armed group is outside taunting and trying to provoke them

What would Jesus do in this situation?

one group is reading their bible. The other group rapes, burns people alive and beheads....

I must have missed it in the news, can you show me where these folks peacefully worshipping at this mosque have been burning people alive and beheading?
to some people free speech and expression is an insult but not to me or Pam Geller or the club that did their Art show in Phoneix last night . To people like me the Art show was just freedom of speech and free expression . muslims and their rules and laws have recently been imported into the USA and they should enforce them amongst themselves as they leave Americans alone Foxfyre .

What laws have recently been imported?
I'm not a 'huck' supporter but Christian derived law as practiced in the USA as American law [Bill of Rights] is much superior to third world sharia law . See iran and isis as both practice sharia law Paint .
Wouldn't matter a damn which is better, neither are allowed, for good reason.
I like words right out of the somalis mouths when I can get them Coyote , Also like the links / news showing the somalis that are going overseas to fight for 'Islamic state' .
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Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Muslims being taunted, what a bloody shame. Boo hoo. Despite Muslims killing Christians, kidnaping little girls and boys and selling them off as slaves, destroying Buddhists, Christian or Muslims shrines or churches, the list goes on and on of all the outrages muslims have committed , let alone 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo. Amazing anyone can perceive islam as "victims" anymore.
Just religion at work...

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