Phoney Sick Notes From WI MDs

Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

Link it, Ravi. Because I thought they were sticking at having to pay a tiny percentage of their premiums. So please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about?

I think she's correct, Allie. They have conceded most of what the governor says he wants, and the real issue is the right to bargain collectively.
See, I just want to see what the definition of "bargain collectively" means. If it means they want to continue to not work and still get paid, fuck that. If it means they want to get paid indefinitely while they refuse to bargain, fuck that too.

I need to see the wording and the context of "collective bargaining".
Why do they need a doctor's note anyway?

They shut down the schools, mani. Mass walk out. MD notes are being demanded by their supervisors.

Yeah, so?

Why can't they simply say I didn't go to the doctor?

Are you telling me their not allowed to make any decisions about their own health without getting a doctor's opinion first? Not buying it.

Most employers reserve the right to demand proof of medical treatment, especially if that absence is under suspicious circumstances.

Failure to make prior arrangements (such as a pre-scheduled doctors appointment or contacting your supervisor in prior to work) can be viewed suspiciously. While sick leave is a benefit, it is typically up to the employer to grant the time taken.

In addition, by law they can be dismissed, suspended, or fined if found to be on strike. Providing fraudulent doctors certification of illness for sick leave at the least could result in time off without pay. At the most it could be considered job abandonment and result in termination.

Link it, Ravi. Because I thought they were sticking at having to pay a tiny percentage of their premiums. So please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about?

I think she's correct, Allie. They have conceded most of what the governor says he wants, and the real issue is the right to bargain collectively.
See, I just want to see what the definition of "bargain collectively" means. If it means they want to continue to not work and still get paid, fuck that. If it means they want to get paid indefinitely while they refuse to bargain, fuck that too.

I need to see the wording and the context of "collective bargaining".

The issue is actually a tad different. Walker has proposed limiting collective bargaining to pay, and excluding benefits and pensions from it. Pay increases would also be limited to the Federal CPI index unless approved by (either voters or a super majority in) another vote.
Why do they need a doctor's note anyway?

They shut down the schools, mani. Mass walk out. MD notes are being demanded by their supervisors.

Yeah, so?

Why can't they simply say I didn't go to the doctor?

Are you telling me they're not allowed to make any decisions about their own health without getting a doctor's opinion first? Not buying it.

Do the words fraud, liar, cheat, medical those things mean anything to you, Mantard?

Do you think it's okay for drs. to lie and prescribe meds to patients based on something other than medical need? For example...morphine? Marijuana?

Do you think it's okay for drs. to *pay* for votes with prescriptions and false statements that they are seeing a patient for medical reasons?

Are you okay with bribery? "You support this cause, we'll give you something..."?

Well I know the answer. Yes, you do. You're okay with all that.
Why do they need a doctor's note anyway?

You finally making the connection?

So they don't get penalized for taking the time off.

If they have sick days to use, why would they be penalized?

per Madeline's link....

Because of the staff shortage, Madison schools were closed much of last week and on Monday.

Workers were told they would need to provide a form from a medical professional for any absence after Feb. 16, according to Ken Syke, a spokesman for the school district.
I think she's correct, Allie. They have conceded most of what the governor says he wants, and the real issue is the right to bargain collectively.
See, I just want to see what the definition of "bargain collectively" means. If it means they want to continue to not work and still get paid, fuck that. If it means they want to get paid indefinitely while they refuse to bargain, fuck that too.

I need to see the wording and the context of "collective bargaining".

The issue is actually a tad different. Walker has proposed limiting collective bargaining to pay, and excluding benefits and pensions from it. Pay increases would also be limited to the Federal CPI index unless approved by (either voters or a super majority in) another vote.

I'd still like a link.

Regardless. Let the fuckwads walk.
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

Link it, Ravi. Because I thought they were sticking at having to pay a tiny percentage of their premiums. So please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about?

I posted this on another thread.

Collective Bargaining – Given the above changes, the bill also makes various changes to limit
collective bargaining to the base pay rate. Total increases cannot exceed the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
unless approved by a referendum. Contracts will be limited to one year and wages will be frozen until
the new contract is settled. Collective bargaining units will have to take annual votes to maintain
certification as a union. Employers will be prohibited from collecting union dues and members of
collective bargaining units will not be required to pay dues.
These changes take effect upon the
expiration of existing contracts. Local police and fire employees and State Patrol Troopers and
Inspectors are exempted from these changes
If one is well enough to go to a protest rally, one is well enough to show up for work.

That is the legal and ethical obligation for the protesting teachers, one which they chose to shirk.
See, I just want to see what the definition of "bargain collectively" means. If it means they want to continue to not work and still get paid, fuck that. If it means they want to get paid indefinitely while they refuse to bargain, fuck that too.

I need to see the wording and the context of "collective bargaining".

"Collective Bargaining" does not mean being able to strike and still get paid and it does not mean to get paid indefinitley while they refuse to bargain. (Although right now it is the union that has offerred to bargin and it is Walker that is refusing.)

Under Wisconsin Law, collective bargaining is defined as...

"“Collective bargaining” is the negotiating by an employer
and a majority of the employer’s employees in a collective bargaining
unit, or their representatives, concerning representation or
terms and conditions of employment of such employees, except
as provided under ss. 111.05 (5) and 111.17 (2), in a mutually genuine
effort to reach an agreement with reference to the subject
under negotiation."

Teachers do not get random vacation time nor are they permitted unpaid leave. They had to use sick time. I am not excusing it, but that's the only way they could have gone to the protest.

The doctors committed fraud by handing out notes to people who clearly were not sick.

Its still Fraud. The proper way would to basically go to the protest, and deal with the consequences afterwards. No one ever said your right to protest had to be compensated.
We have a right to assemble. I dont think we have a right to *protest* though of course that comes under the freedom of speech umbrella.

Regardless, a *right* does not imply that the rest of the nation has to subsidize it, or that you should be paid to do it, or that your job is protected if you opt to exercise that right.

The teachers have the right to skip work and hit the picket lines. We are not obligated to hold their jobs for them until they feel like coming back. We can and should oust them and hire people who appreciate their jobs, and who actually do care about what happens to the kids.
OK, I actually believe that you believe that, so I won't call you a liar.

But I do think you're fooling yourself.

I think fewer people than you believe are willing to commit perjury for a buck, mani.
:confused: Who committed perjury?

Ravi, every government time sheet I ever signed said right over the sig line "signed under penalties of perjury". Mebbe theirs does, mebbe not -- in which case, claiming a week of sick leave when they were not sick would just be fraud, embezzlement, falsifying an official record, etc.

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