Phoney Sick Notes From WI MDs

I'm wondering how many people called out sick to celebrate the World Series.

I wonder how many MD's were at the ready to give them a five second false medical diagnosis for free?
How can you be sure it was false? If my governor was against teachers and I was a teacher I'd sure as hell be stressed.

Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
I wonder how many MD's were at the ready to give them a five second false medical diagnosis for free?
How can you be sure it was false? If my governor was against teachers and I was a teacher I'd sure as hell be stressed.

Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.
i wouldn't do the same in their shoes.

OK, I actually believe that you believe that, so I won't call you a liar.

But I do think you're fooling yourself.

I think fewer people than you believe are willing to commit perjury for a buck, mani.

Or fraud.

Though who knows, maybe everyone in his circle would. I know it's obviously common in Dem circles. And not just in high places.
How can you be sure it was false? If my governor was against teachers and I was a teacher I'd sure as hell be stressed.

Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

Link it, Ravi. Because I thought they were sticking at having to pay a tiny percentage of their premiums. So please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about?
I'm wondering how many people called out sick to celebrate the World Series.

I wonder how many MD's were at the ready to give them a five second false medical diagnosis for free?
How can you be sure it was false? If my governor was against teachers and I was a teacher I'd sure as hell be stressed.

The mere fact that an MD signed a note does not make it evidence of a bona fide diagnosis, Ravi.

Another agency, the Wisconsin Medical Society, also has begun to review the doctors' work over the weekend.

"If these reports are accurate, the Society does not condone these actions under any circumstances," the group said in a release issued Monday.

Doctors' excuses for protesting teachers in Madison draw scrutiny - JSOnline
How can you be sure it was false? If my governor was against teachers and I was a teacher I'd sure as hell be stressed.

Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

I was just watching O'Reilly and he called out one of the senators on that. That's the spin. The greedy teachers and their costly bennies - not the right to exist. If people want to rid the country of all public unions, fine. Then fucking own it. I'm tired of the lies.
Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

Link it, Ravi. Because I thought they were sticking at having to pay a tiny percentage of their premiums. So please provide a link so I can see what you are talking about?

I think she's correct, Allie. They have conceded most of what the governor says he wants, and the real issue is the right to bargain collectively.
Why do they need a doctor's note anyway?

They shut down the schools, mani. Mass walk out. MD notes are being demanded by their supervisors.

Yeah, so?

Why can't they simply say I didn't go to the doctor?

Are you telling me they're not allowed to make any decisions about their own health without getting a doctor's opinion first? Not buying it.
I was just watching O'Reilly and he called out one of the senators on that. That's the spin. The greedy teachers and their costly bennies - not the right to exist. If people want to rid the country of all public unions, fine. Then fucking own it. I'm tired of the lies.

There is a sinister side to all this, no doubt. Why are the Koch Brothers spending billions to get their candidates elected? Why are unions being demonized this way? It ain't to save on government spending.

The real target, IMO, is private sector unions.

But the public sector unions are doing themselves no favors, the way they're acting. They're alienating the very people they need to support them. They couldn't do a better job for the Koch Brothers if they were singing from the hymnal...and mebbe some union leaders are.

Wouldn't be the first time.
Why do they need a doctor's note anyway?

They shut down the schools, mani. Mass walk out. MD notes are being demanded by their supervisors.

Yeah, so?

Why can't they simply say I didn't go to the doctor?

Are you telling me they're not allowed to make any decisions about their own health without getting a doctor's opinion first? Not buying it.

You dun have to buy it...that's the way it is. The employers have a right to demand MD notes or treat the absence as unauthorized leave, and that's what they are doing.
Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.

I read it awhile ago and forgot where. Here's one where they've agreed to pay cuts and the one I read earlier said they also agreed to pay cuts and to paying 12.5% of their insurance premiums.

Public employees have said they would agree to concessions Walker wants that would amount to an 8% pay cut on average, but they want to retain their collective bargaining rights. One Republican senator also has floated an alternative that would make the elimination of those rights temporary.
Walker has repeatedly rejected both offers, saying local governments and school districts can't be hamstrung by the often lengthy collective bargaining process. He says they need to have more flexibility to deal with up to $1 billion in cuts he will propose in his budget next week and into the future.
Wisconsin governor warns of layoffs -
Then healthcare is cheap, fast and easy, why not pay for some out of their own pockets?
Like I said before, they've already agreed to every demand the governor has made of them EXCEPT the one where he wants to take away their ability to bargain.


I don't have a link but I saw the Governor on tv flat out say "no", the budget concessions aren't enough, they must also forfeit the right to ever collectively ask for any of it back.

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