Photo of mask-less Trump rally goers goes viral (very few wearing masks)

What did President Trump lie about?
He repeatedly said COVID-19 was like the flu and would go away in time. COVID-19 is not like the flu and he was warned and told it was not like the flu.
COVID is a VIRUS so it will follow the path of every pathogen... Time and herd immunity will weaken it over time, We are already seeing this happen as hospitalization rates and those requiring advanced life support have dropped by >85%..

Add in to this mix the fact that T-Cell immunity (this is the bodies memory of like viruses) has pushed the numbers of those who can be infected below 40% of the population and its on its way out.

All the left has is fearmongering as this virus has almost burned itself out here in the US. Countries that locked down and did not allow this virus to reach heard immunity levels are going to pay the price this fall.
Nothing in your post is accurate or correct.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


Too Funny;

All of the statistics are available on the CDC and Johns Hopkins web sites..

The number of "infections" means exactly squat.... It is the number of people requiring medical support that is the true metric of this virus and those are dropping like a rock.

The President came to visit us a month or so ago. Our Republican Governor wanted to greet him, so of course he had to be tested like everybody else that gets near the President. He tested positive for Covid therefore the meeting never took place.

Since he's the Governor, he had to be re-tested unlike a lot of people who don't have that option. His additional tests revealed the original test was flawed.

Question is, how many other people in our country got the same faulty results and just accepted they had the virus?
The CDC is reporting that almost 40% of the tests could be false positives.


My Uncle died last month at the age of 94 from colon cancer. When things turned for the worst, my cousin called family members to come over to his house to likely say their last goodbyes since hospitals will not allow visitation any longer. I'm sure there were lots of hugs and kisses. We are a very tight family.

When Uncle Gene got to the hospital, he tested positive for Covid, so the family members that were treating him at home had to be tested, and everybody that went there that day to say goodbye was quarantined including my 89 year old father.

When I called my cousin to express my sympathy two days after his death, he had a lot of questions about the Covid results. My Uncle could not walk and never went anywhere. Where did he get Covid from if no other family members treating him had it? As for the 11 people in the house with him the last day, not one person got it from him either.

I guess we are to believe my Uncle got it out of the blue. Either that, or something is really fishy here.

The tests have a pretty high false positive rate, and the way they process the tests varies even if it's in the exact same form.

Even the most accurate ones publicly available aren't anywhere near 100%

Reading up on our Governors situation, there are two kinds of tests. The one most frequently used gives results in just a few hours. Those tests have been known to be flawed, but at what percentage is anybody's guess. The second test is much more reliable, but it takes several days to get the results back, which personnel in the hospital don't have the time for when somebody rolls in at the ER.

Even the ones where they wait don't' have set standards

They have to spin the little samples to make the virus grow so they can find it. How many times they spin determines how accurate it is.

There is no agreed upon number. Spin it 30 times or 35 times (i don't understand all the specifics, general point was there was no agreed way to properly process these tests)

Notttttttt very useful
Yep.. repeat ability.... If the process is unclear then the outcomes are all in question...

I thought we were talking medical process not AGW....
And?? ... :dunno:
And..., it means Trump supporters are one of the main sources of spreading COVID-19 by promoting people to not wear masks and facilitating Trump's continuing crime of negligent homicide.
Everyone at the rally was an adult, and fully capable of deciding whether to wear a mask or not. ... :cool:
Obviously they are not capable of making intelligent adult decisions.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.
What did President Trump lie about?
He repeatedly said COVID-19 was like the flu and would go away in time. COVID-19 is not like the flu and he was warned and told it was not like the flu.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

You'd obviously be much happier living there.
A good response. You prove my point. Is your response supposed to be an insult? You're like a 4th grader.
For the sake of your credibility here, link us to your posts condemning the BurnLootMurder festivals. We need to know that we can take you serious. Thanks in advance.

Your own video shows marchers wearing masks.

I thought you commie Loons require a mask and six
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

I suggest you vote for Biden...multiple times.
What did President Trump lie about?
He repeatedly said COVID-19 was like the flu and would go away in time. COVID-19 is not like the flu and he was warned and told it was not like the flu.
COVID is a VIRUS so it will follow the path of every pathogen... Time and herd immunity will weaken it over time, We are already seeing this happen as hospitalization rates and those requiring advanced life support have dropped by >85%..

Add in to this mix the fact that T-Cell immunity (this is the bodies memory of like viruses) has pushed the numbers of those who can be infected below 40% of the population and its on its way out.

All the left has is fearmongering as this virus has almost burned itself out here in the US. Countries that locked down and did not allow this virus to reach heard immunity levels are going to pay the price this fall.
Nothing in your post is accurate or correct.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


Too Funny;

All of the statistics are available on the CDC and Johns Hopkins web sites..

The number of "infections" means exactly squat.... It is the number of people requiring medical support that is the true metric of this virus and those are dropping like a rock.

The President came to visit us a month or so ago. Our Republican Governor wanted to greet him, so of course he had to be tested like everybody else that gets near the President. He tested positive for Covid therefore the meeting never took place.

Since he's the Governor, he had to be re-tested unlike a lot of people who don't have that option. His additional tests revealed the original test was flawed.

Question is, how many other people in our country got the same faulty results and just accepted they had the virus?
The CDC is reporting that almost 40% of the tests could be false positives.


My Uncle died last month at the age of 94 from colon cancer. When things turned for the worst, my cousin called family members to come over to his house to likely say their last goodbyes since hospitals will not allow visitation any longer. I'm sure there were lots of hugs and kisses. We are a very tight family.

When Uncle Gene got to the hospital, he tested positive for Covid, so the family members that were treating him at home had to be tested, and everybody that went there that day to say goodbye was quarantined including my 89 year old father.

When I called my cousin to express my sympathy two days after his death, he had a lot of questions about the Covid results. My Uncle could not walk and never went anywhere. Where did he get Covid from if no other family members treating him had it? As for the 11 people in the house with him the last day, not one person got it from him either.

I guess we are to believe my Uncle got it out of the blue. Either that, or something is really fishy here.

The tests have a pretty high false positive rate, and the way they process the tests varies even if it's in the exact same form.

Even the most accurate ones publicly available aren't anywhere near 100%

Reading up on our Governors situation, there are two kinds of tests. The one most frequently used gives results in just a few hours. Those tests have been known to be flawed, but at what percentage is anybody's guess. The second test is much more reliable, but it takes several days to get the results back, which personnel in the hospital don't have the time for when somebody rolls in at the ER.

Even the ones where they wait don't' have set standards

They have to spin the little samples to make the virus grow so they can find it. How many times they spin determines how accurate it is.

There is no agreed upon number. Spin it 30 times or 35 times (i don't understand all the specifics, general point was there was no agreed way to properly process these tests)

Notttttttt very useful

To be honest, I would rather see us invest in quicker technology towards antibody tests. We have them, but again, not near 100% reliable. Antibody tests would tell us who can and cannot catch this virus. This is particularly true for people that recovered which currently is about 2 million people. They would also tell us who is asymptomatic which I'm sure there are tens of millions in our country.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

In raw numbers, we lead the world, assuming you believe the numbers coming out of China, but we are also one of the most populated nations on the planet. Deaths per capita, we ranked 11th as of yesterday evening. Still probably not the greatest place to be, but most of the countries ranking higher than us or on par with us had far more draconian measures than we did and still do and it doesn't seem to be making much difference. Cases in Spain, Britain, France, and I just read this morning in eastern Europe are spiking all over again. In hindsight, results may suggest the lockdowns made things worse, not better.
What did President Trump lie about?
He repeatedly said COVID-19 was like the flu and would go away in time. COVID-19 is not like the flu and he was warned and told it was not like the flu.
COVID is a VIRUS so it will follow the path of every pathogen... Time and herd immunity will weaken it over time, We are already seeing this happen as hospitalization rates and those requiring advanced life support have dropped by >85%..

Add in to this mix the fact that T-Cell immunity (this is the bodies memory of like viruses) has pushed the numbers of those who can be infected below 40% of the population and its on its way out.

All the left has is fearmongering as this virus has almost burned itself out here in the US. Countries that locked down and did not allow this virus to reach heard immunity levels are going to pay the price this fall.
Nothing in your post is accurate or correct.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


Too Funny;

All of the statistics are available on the CDC and Johns Hopkins web sites..

The number of "infections" means exactly squat.... It is the number of people requiring medical support that is the true metric of this virus and those are dropping like a rock.

The President came to visit us a month or so ago. Our Republican Governor wanted to greet him, so of course he had to be tested like everybody else that gets near the President. He tested positive for Covid therefore the meeting never took place.

Since he's the Governor, he had to be re-tested unlike a lot of people who don't have that option. His additional tests revealed the original test was flawed.

Question is, how many other people in our country got the same faulty results and just accepted they had the virus?
The CDC is reporting that almost 40% of the tests could be false positives.


My Uncle died last month at the age of 94 from colon cancer. When things turned for the worst, my cousin called family members to come over to his house to likely say their last goodbyes since hospitals will not allow visitation any longer. I'm sure there were lots of hugs and kisses. We are a very tight family.

When Uncle Gene got to the hospital, he tested positive for Covid, so the family members that were treating him at home had to be tested, and everybody that went there that day to say goodbye was quarantined including my 89 year old father.

When I called my cousin to express my sympathy two days after his death, he had a lot of questions about the Covid results. My Uncle could not walk and never went anywhere. Where did he get Covid from if no other family members treating him had it? As for the 11 people in the house with him the last day, not one person got it from him either.

I guess we are to believe my Uncle got it out of the blue. Either that, or something is really fishy here.

The tests have a pretty high false positive rate, and the way they process the tests varies even if it's in the exact same form.

Even the most accurate ones publicly available aren't anywhere near 100%

Reading up on our Governors situation, there are two kinds of tests. The one most frequently used gives results in just a few hours. Those tests have been known to be flawed, but at what percentage is anybody's guess. The second test is much more reliable, but it takes several days to get the results back, which personnel in the hospital don't have the time for when somebody rolls in at the ER.

Even the ones where they wait don't' have set standards

They have to spin the little samples to make the virus grow so they can find it. How many times they spin determines how accurate it is.

There is no agreed upon number. Spin it 30 times or 35 times (i don't understand all the specifics, general point was there was no agreed way to properly process these tests)

Notttttttt very useful

To be honest, I would rather see us invest in quicker technology towards antibody tests. We have them, but again, not near 100% reliable. Antibody tests would tell us who can and cannot catch this virus. This is particularly true for people that recovered which currently is about 2 million people. They would also tell us who is asymptomatic which I'm sure there are tens of millions in our country.
It probably a whole lot more than that..T-Cell immunity will also show the antibodies and we know now that roughly 40% of the US populace has T-Cell immunity. Add both the direct and indirect immunities and were about 55-60% immune. We are approaching herd immunity very quickly. This virus has pretty much run its course already. We might get some hot spots but they will disperse very quickly.
So all those "peaceful demonstrations" did nothing to spread the plague, but healthy Trump supporters peacefully and joyfully experiencing the President's charisma is a threat.

You are a fucking moron.
Trump supporters are as reckless, irresponsible, and reprehensible as Trump.
So all those "peaceful demonstrations" did nothing to spread the plague, but healthy Trump supporters peacefully and joyfully experiencing the President's charisma is a threat.

You are a fucking moron.
Trump supporters are as reckless, irresponsible, and reprehensible as Trump.

Funny, I didn't see you posting that same sentence when it was black lives matter joe biden voters marching around.......except they aren't just reckless, irresponsible and reprehensible, they are violent, racist haters who are burning, looting, beating and murdering Americans on an almost nightly basis......
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

In raw numbers, we lead the world, assuming you believe the numbers coming out of China, but we are also one of the most populated nations on the planet. Deaths per capita, we ranked 11th as of yesterday evening. Still probably not the greatest place to be, but most of the countries ranking higher than us or on par with us had far more draconian measures than we did and still do and it doesn't seem to be making much difference. Cases in Spain, Britain, France, and I just read this morning in eastern Europe are spiking all over again. In hindsight, results may suggest the lockdowns made things worse, not better.
The lockdowns stopped the populace from getting herd level immunity. So they will get hit with a bad second spike. The lockdowns were a very bad choice beyond the inital two weeks to slow the spread. After that they should have opened back up and allowed those least affected to get it and get over it.
What did President Trump lie about?
He repeatedly said COVID-19 was like the flu and would go away in time. COVID-19 is not like the flu and he was warned and told it was not like the flu.
COVID is a VIRUS so it will follow the path of every pathogen... Time and herd immunity will weaken it over time, We are already seeing this happen as hospitalization rates and those requiring advanced life support have dropped by >85%..

Add in to this mix the fact that T-Cell immunity (this is the bodies memory of like viruses) has pushed the numbers of those who can be infected below 40% of the population and its on its way out.

All the left has is fearmongering as this virus has almost burned itself out here in the US. Countries that locked down and did not allow this virus to reach heard immunity levels are going to pay the price this fall.
Nothing in your post is accurate or correct.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


Too Funny;

All of the statistics are available on the CDC and Johns Hopkins web sites..

The number of "infections" means exactly squat.... It is the number of people requiring medical support that is the true metric of this virus and those are dropping like a rock.

The President came to visit us a month or so ago. Our Republican Governor wanted to greet him, so of course he had to be tested like everybody else that gets near the President. He tested positive for Covid therefore the meeting never took place.

Since he's the Governor, he had to be re-tested unlike a lot of people who don't have that option. His additional tests revealed the original test was flawed.

Question is, how many other people in our country got the same faulty results and just accepted they had the virus?
The CDC is reporting that almost 40% of the tests could be false positives.


My Uncle died last month at the age of 94 from colon cancer. When things turned for the worst, my cousin called family members to come over to his house to likely say their last goodbyes since hospitals will not allow visitation any longer. I'm sure there were lots of hugs and kisses. We are a very tight family.

When Uncle Gene got to the hospital, he tested positive for Covid, so the family members that were treating him at home had to be tested, and everybody that went there that day to say goodbye was quarantined including my 89 year old father.

When I called my cousin to express my sympathy two days after his death, he had a lot of questions about the Covid results. My Uncle could not walk and never went anywhere. Where did he get Covid from if no other family members treating him had it? As for the 11 people in the house with him the last day, not one person got it from him either.

I guess we are to believe my Uncle got it out of the blue. Either that, or something is really fishy here.

The tests have a pretty high false positive rate, and the way they process the tests varies even if it's in the exact same form.

Even the most accurate ones publicly available aren't anywhere near 100%

Reading up on our Governors situation, there are two kinds of tests. The one most frequently used gives results in just a few hours. Those tests have been known to be flawed, but at what percentage is anybody's guess. The second test is much more reliable, but it takes several days to get the results back, which personnel in the hospital don't have the time for when somebody rolls in at the ER.

Even the ones where they wait don't' have set standards

They have to spin the little samples to make the virus grow so they can find it. How many times they spin determines how accurate it is.

There is no agreed upon number. Spin it 30 times or 35 times (i don't understand all the specifics, general point was there was no agreed way to properly process these tests)

Notttttttt very useful

To be honest, I would rather see us invest in quicker technology towards antibody tests. We have them, but again, not near 100% reliable. Antibody tests would tell us who can and cannot catch this virus. This is particularly true for people that recovered which currently is about 2 million people. They would also tell us who is asymptomatic which I'm sure there are tens of millions in our country.
It probably a whole lot more than that..T-Cell immunity will also show the antibodies and we know now that roughly 40% of the US populace has T-Cell immunity. Add both the direct and indirect immunities and were about 55-60% immune. We are approaching herd immunity very quickly. This virus has pretty much run its course already. We might get some hot spots but they will disperse very quickly.

I can't make such a prediction. This thing is entirely new to all of us including our national health experts. Don't wear a mask.......wear a mask........ wash all surfaces of products you buy from the store.....don't worry about the virus being on products from the store......

I believe this thing has been here before we discovered our first case, which was a guy from China. Just prior to that, I was having some respiratory problems. At the time, I believed I knew what it was--bronchitis, since I've had it several times before and knew what the warning signs were.

I cut down on smoking and figured I'd give it time before I went to the urgent care center here for antibiotics. It eventually went away on it's own and I saved myself a few bucks by not seeing a doctor.

Did I have beginning stages of bronchitis or did I actually have this virus? I'll never know, and can't know because we have no reliable way to test for it.
Social distance and wash your hands often is what works. The verdict is still out on the masks, true story.
Unless you like to spit on people, the mask is useless. The virus is so small a mask does nothing
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

Better stay under your bed.
I find it amazing that not one poster as mentioned the obvious, it was RAINING. One, it's almost impossible to breathe with a wet mask, two, the rain and high humidity prevents the droplets containing the virus to remain in the air. Also the CDC says it's very hard to transmit the virus in an outdoor setting.

So just relax, you little commie snowflakes are safe.

Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

Fake News


The picture they included to "prove" their claim, disproves it. Everyone in that photo is wearing a mask.

Did They Not Look At Their Own Image?

Seriously? They couldn’t find some people in the crowd who weren’t actually wearing masks?

I've seem other pictures from the rally with some supporters of the President not wearing masks, but they will never shed the ‘fake news’ mantra by posting a picture that directly contradicts the reporting.
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

Freedom really pisses you off

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