Photo of mask-less Trump rally goers goes viral (very few wearing masks)

Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

The leftyvirus is the flu. How big a deal is the flu? It isnt any more deadly that is a hoax.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

No other single country is responsible for nearly 25% of the global fatalities.

It takes all of EU, UK and the EEA, a population more than double the US to equal the number of deaths in the US.

There is no way to spin it.
Google any ANTIFA BLM protest or rioting and looting event and you will see upwards of 40 percent of the people not wearing masks. If you didn’t call your own out, you look foolish for calling out Tump and his supporters. The Woodward audios are irrelevant.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

A THOUSAND? Well, it is way it is! :(

And?? ... :dunno:

So you're good with a POTUS lying, saying it was airborne and much more deadly than the flu and then turns around and insists on holding rallies with no rules.
To the detriment of friends and supporters.


I wonder what Herman's last words were.
I hope it was, "Fuck Donald."
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

No other single country is responsible for nearly 25% of the global fatalities.

It takes all of EU, UK and the EEA, a population more than double the US to equal the number of deaths in the US.

There is no way to spin it.

There is nothing to spin. The only possible way of calculating how good or bad this is is by counting how many people are dying per 100,000. It doesn't matter if your country has 5 million people or 325 million. We are no doubt doing better in Covid deaths compared to several other countries.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

Moron, U.S. constitutes 4.5% of the world's population.
Look it up.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

Moron, U.S. constitutes 4.5% of the world's population.
Look it up.

Yes it does, so how does that change the per capita rate of Covid deaths?
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

Why wear masks, they are stupid like democrats.
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

The leftyvirus is the flu. How big a deal is the flu? It isnt any more deadly that is a oax.

After all these months you still think influenza is the same as COVID-19 and expect anyone to respect your knowledge on the pandemic?
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

The leftyvirus is the flu. How big a deal is the flu? It isnt any more deadly that is a oax.

After all these months you still think influenza is the same as COVID-19 and expect anyone to respect your knowledge on the pandemic?

He's a medical professional now as well as a habitual liar.
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

No other single country is responsible for nearly 25% of the global fatalities.

It takes all of EU, UK and the EEA, a population more than double the US to equal the number of deaths in the US.

There is no way to spin it.

There is nothing to spin. The only possible way of calculating how good or bad this is is by counting how many people are dying per 100,000. It doesn't matter if your country has 5 million people or 325 million. We are no doubt doing better in Covid deaths compared to several other countries.

Like which countries.
List them.
All you're doing is repeating bullshit talking points from Donald's doofusses and Fox Noise.
Here's who is handling it the best, because the VP of Taiwan is an epidemiologist who went into action immediately, didn't lie or pussyfoot around like Trump.
Quarantined the infected and then did rapid-fire contact tracing and quarantined THOSE people, 250K in all.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

Why wear masks, they are stupid like democrats.

No, stupid is you because you do not know how a filter works. Masks are like any other kind of filter. So, you do not know how an oil filter works or a water filter works, or an air filter on your car or home air conditioner works, or a face mask for when a person is painting or using any kind of chemicals works. Breathing bad and dirty things or allowing bad things in engines and machinery is foreign and mysterious for you. Really, who sounds stupid?
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

But leftists rioting, no risk there
Even the third world and shit hole countries have learned to bring COVID-19 under some semblance of control by wearing masks and social distancing. America continues to lead the world in pandemic cases and deaths thanks to an idiot immoral liar who leads his followers and facilitators to what will forever be known as the dumbest most irresponsible political cult in American history.

Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually.
Except for the fact you and your ilk lie. We are not the leader of Covid deaths. Several countries including those in Europe are ahead of us in deaths per 100,000 people.

When you add in that most of our Covid deaths were not really caused by the virus in the first place, but listed as such, we are doing pretty well actually
There's no way to spin how bad the US is with Covid.
The US has 4% of the world's population but 20% of all cases worldwide and nearly 25% of deaths.

However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.

President Trump's only mistake in making the calls on this was providing federal money to facilities that treat Covid patients. If not for that, our numbers would be much lower. Now.....I usually don't participate in conspiracy theories, but since I had a personal experience in this with a family member, I'm more convinced than ever it's happening.
However there are several countries above us in deaths per capita. You can check that out yourself.
Per capita is useless. Europe has more than twice the population of the US. We are by far worse. There really is no way to spin it. It's exactly that type of conspiratorial bullshit thinking that perpetuates our problem. An estimated 250k cases came out of the freedomy Sturgis event. Nearly 20% of new cases last month. But..hey, freedom 'murica.

1000 dying daily. Let that sink in.

WTF do you mean per capita is useless? Of course we have more deaths than a lot of other countries due to our population. Per capita is the only fair way to judge who is in better or worse shape. In the instances provided, it's measured per 100,000 people.

No other single country is responsible for nearly 25% of the global fatalities.

It takes all of EU, UK and the EEA, a population more than double the US to equal the number of deaths in the US.

There is no way to spin it.

There is nothing to spin. The only possible way of calculating how good or bad this is is by counting how many people are dying per 100,000. It doesn't matter if your country has 5 million people or 325 million. We are no doubt doing better in Covid deaths compared to several other countries.

Lol, so we're doing better than countries like Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru?
MAGA!! :rolleyes:
Their leader lied to them for months telling them that coronavirus was no big deal. Them came the Woodward tapes period and now we know he was lying . Trump is on tape saying Coronavirus is a deadly disease, worse than the flu.
But it's too late period his supporters have been led to where no masks, endangering others and themselves:

The leftyvirus is the flu. How big a deal is the flu? It isnt any more deadly that is a oax.

After all these months you still think influenza is the same as COVID-19 and expect anyone to respect your knowledge on the pandemic?

He's a medical professional now as well as a habitual liar.

It's common knowledge and been discussed for seven months. Middle school science. Available on any search engine. People like you are why we call trumpoholics brainwashed morons.

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