PHOTO: The 2000 US Census Asked Citizenship Question — Obama Deleted it in 2010 — Why?

"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.
"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.

You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.

You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

Only in the case when the vote is denied to any male citizen age 21 or older except for a crime.

And citizenship data is already collected more frequently and more accurately than the census.
"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.

You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

Only in the case when the vote is denied to any male citizen age 21 or older except for a crime.

And citizenship data is already collected more frequently and more accurately than the census.

Selective reading, guess you missed the part where it said "inhabitants" and "or otherwise abridged". But then you commies never were ones for full context.

Fuck you people are stupid. But that is what bullshit merchants like the Fakeway pundit counts on.

That is not the Census, that is the American Community Survey. The 2010 Census was one page and had 10 questions.

2010 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

The American Community Survey goes out to less than 5% of the households and will still contain that question this year.
And, why do we need to know the answer to questions 8 & 9?
Hypocritical jackass.
Fuck you people are stupid. But that is what bullshit merchants like the Fakeway pundit counts on.

That is not the Census, that is the American Community Survey. The 2010 Census was one page and had 10 questions.

2010 - History - U.S. Census Bureau

The American Community Survey goes out to less than 5% of the households and will still contain that question this year.
And, why do we need to know the answer to questions 8 & 9?
Hypocritical jackass.

That is a good question. I guess so we know what the demographics of the nation are. I would not mind if they did not ask.
"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.

You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

Only in the case when the vote is denied to any male citizen age 21 or older except for a crime.

And citizenship data is already collected more frequently and more accurately than the census.

Selective reading, guess you missed the part where it said "inhabitants" and "or otherwise abridged". But then you commies never were ones for full context.

I didn’t miss them. Didn’t think it made any difference if I mentioned them or not. How do you think including those two phrases would have changed my point?
"undocumented citizens" is that the cousin of unicorns or pixy dust? And citizenship is very germane to the issue, read Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.

Not really. The census says to count all persons, not just citizens.

You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

NO, it does NOT say that... You are reading the entire section wrong if this is the section of the 14th you are referring to?

But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

In short, this section is telling the States, that if they prevent citizen black men of 21 years of age and older, abridge their legal right to vote, then the federal government can and will reduce the number of Congressmen they were allotted by the census, by the number of men they disenfranchised of their vote, proportionately.

The Southern States were trying any which way but loose, to prevent Black citizen men given the right to vote, from their vote... (with things like poll taxes, reading tests, etc)

This section, gave Congress, federal power over the States to punish them, if they continued their shenanigans...
I personally do NOT want illegals counted, I want fair congressional representation and Federal dollars.
But that just screws the rest of the citizens in your state, and it is not your fault or my fault or even the States fault for having crappy federal immigration laws and enforcement... they would not be in the united states and living in your or my state at all, if the federal government were doing their jobs, before they ever ended up in your state or my state... more than half is letting legal visas expire and allowing those who had them, stay here.

Anyway... the money allotted to your or my state comes from the number of residents that your or my state has in their jurisdiction... that the State has to police, and school, and provide emergency healthcare for, and fire fighters for, and roads for and food stamps for, on meeting federal mandates, and so on and so forth...

Without every permanent resident being counted, your state and my state gets less of the money back, that the people in our states send the federal gvt in income taxes, while STILL having the wear and tear and usage on infrastructure/programs etc in these states... this gives less money back for our States to provide for us citizens.
In Manassas, before the big switch from a Republican Gov to a Liberal Gov, illegals weren't allowed to seek sanctuary there. So it was a pretty good mix of all types of people. But then Terry McAweful got in charge, turn the state over to illegals, which ended up chasing most of the blacks away, which then in turn had anchors dropping and filling up the schools. So overcrowding happened, stores that had been around a long time, closed up and little shops that only had Latino only signs became the norm. So now with Ralphie the Racist(KKK member) in charge, he had to put a 45 dollar toll on I-66 because there is a revenue shortage. Va, is now going like Californication, a lot of rich people are leaving, and more Latinos are coming in. Yeah, not having the money for US citizens hurts the citizens, but having illegals suck up most of the money just isnt fair. I thought liberals were all about FAIRNESS. Not to US citizens.
You're right, but the 14th says the count for representation should be reduced by the number of people who aren't eligible to vote for electors. That would include non-citizens, legal or not.

It says nothing of the sort...

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