PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

Completely irrelevant, Sunni. ( you are referencing mere geographical local - so what? ) Who do you think is speaking in Romans 1: 1? That is Paul. Paul the Apostle. Listen to him as he describes himself.

It is written:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid, For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew......Romans 1: 1,2 Yes. The words of Paul the Apostle. I wonder if it is not perhaps spiritual envy at the inheritance the Jews received and that salvation is of the Jews ( John 4:22 ) that troubles you, Sunni. Could that be the trouble? Spiritual envy is a very difficult matter and I will pray for you about that because I do not see many recover from it. Still if you would recognize the eternal loss you will incur over it perhaps you could by an act of your will turn from it at once? I will pray you do! - Jeri

Your interpretation of this Bible verse is in conflict with the words of Jesus Himself in John 3:16 . There ,Jesus clearly tells all that salvation is for whosoever believeth in Him. There is no preference there for one people above another people.

I must respectfully disagree with you on that, Sherri. You see it was Jesus Christ himself who said Salvation is from the Jews. He isn't in conflict with his own words, Sherri. Look it up. John 4:22 Salvation is from the Jews. Who was he speaking to? The woman at the well. He said that to her towards the end of their conversation. Jesus told her point blank...........Salvation is from the Jews. Am I grateful to the Jewish people for my salvation? You bet I am. I am very grateful and I never take for granted their kindness and graciousness either. The Jewish people have been very kind to me all my life. I thank G-d for them, Sherri. Which is why I have to tell you that earlier tonight I was feeling very undone over some things you and Sunni said over here. You know why? Because it was a trap that others fell into - something to draw them into anger over - it was wrong.. it was all wrong. The Lord showed it to me and I saw how the whole thing unfolded. In fact, Sherri, I'm asking those who read this that for the sake of their own peace with G-d that they do not respond to those type of threads here any longer because it only leads to sin and if that is what you and your friends desire then I cannot change that but you won't have any of my company. I cannot afford to be drawn into these type of discussions because what you are doing is leading people into temptation, Sherri. It is something the Lord people warns about and even says, Woe unto the one who does it. ( who tempts another to sin ) So I will withdraw myself from your company because I believe it is using wisdom to avoid this. I do feel that I should tell you that so that you can think about what it means to actually be active in trying to draw someone else into sinning. Ask the Lord, I'm telling you the truth, he showed me that tonight and that no such people would be in his presence. It is called reviling and revilers cannot enter heaven. - Jeri

Jesus did not say those words you attribute to Him. The word Jew did not even exist.

And if He had said it, that only addresses the historical background leading up to Jesus coming.

I have read the Samaritans only accept the first 5 books of The Old Testament as authoritative.

You need to read the whole story and what Jesus tells the woman of the time that is coming and has come.
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Another point, unless one claims to be a mind reader they have no expertise to make such a statement.

It was reiterating Rosie's post. See, Hiter and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem were buddies with the same aim but whereas nowadays the Germans go out of their way to avoid offending the Jews, understandably, the Islamists carry on with the same shit they had with Hitler.

Is it news to you two? Obviously it is.

[ame=]Nazi Collaborators - The Grand Mufti - YouTube[/ame]
Your interpretation of this Bible verse is in conflict with the words of Jesus Himself in John 3:16 . There ,Jesus clearly tells all that salvation is for whosoever believeth in Him. There is no preference there for one people above another people.

I must respectfully disagree with you on that, Sherri. You see it was Jesus Christ himself who said Salvation is from the Jews. He isn't in conflict with his own words, Sherri. Look it up. John 4:22 Salvation is from the Jews. Who was he speaking to? The woman at the well. He said that to her towards the end of their conversation. Jesus told her point blank...........Salvation is from the Jews. Am I grateful to the Jewish people for my salvation? You bet I am. I am very grateful and I never take for granted their kindness and graciousness either. The Jewish people have been very kind to me all my life. I thank G-d for them, Sherri. Which is why I have to tell you that earlier tonight I was feeling very undone over some things you and Sunni said over here. You know why? Because it was a trap that others fell into - something to draw them into anger over - it was wrong.. it was all wrong. The Lord showed it to me and I saw how the whole thing unfolded. In fact, Sherri, I'm asking those who read this that for the sake of their own peace with G-d that they do not respond to those type of threads here any longer because it only leads to sin and if that is what you and your friends desire then I cannot change that but you won't have any of my company. I cannot afford to be drawn into these type of discussions because what you are doing is leading people into temptation, Sherri. It is something the Lord people warns about and even says, Woe unto the one who does it. ( who tempts another to sin ) So I will withdraw myself from your company because I believe it is using wisdom to avoid this. I do feel that I should tell you that so that you can think about what it means to actually be active in trying to draw someone else into sinning. Ask the Lord, I'm telling you the truth, he showed me that tonight and that no such people would be in his presence. It is called reviling and revilers cannot enter heaven. - Jeri

Jesus did not say those words you attribute to Him. The word Jew did not even exist.

And if He had said it, that only addresses the historical background leading up to Jesus coming.

And you, being the typical Islamist, probably think the word Muslim did exist. :cuckoo:
Yes there was support from the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem for Hitler's aims.
And?? . :cool:

Who cares?

Isa-respecters care. Genocide is the main agenda of those who
worship "isa/allah" Isa/allah worshippers-----like ADOLF ABU ALI
and Al husseini and Genghis Khan and Hernan Cortez and Isabella
etc etc have murdered 100s of millions ------from India all the way to the
americas in the name of the "god" you worship. Your filth continues---
even today-----in many places-----Syria is one. The brothers Bostoni----
were isa-respecters just as you are. Isa-respect is 1700 years old-----
the good news is that your filth is likely to self destruct within the next few
centuries ----------it is represented in the New Testament as


Babylon has been a poetic symbol of evil ----in ancient jewish writings----
since the time of ABRAHAM-----who rejected babylonian "culture"
Those who actually read the bible understand that one of the main
themes of "GENESIS" is the rejection of "BABYLON"

In order to understand the bible----you have to know the poetic allusions.

Do you know the story of the TOWER OF BABEL? -----probably not---
even if you know that DISNEY version-----you are clueless as to its
Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.

Well there has been this one teensy weensy tiny little change. So minute that I'm not surprised you missed it. It is this: Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. Go on - face up to reality.

International legal authorities say Israel still occupies Gaza.

On the one hand we have the real world. On the other the fantasy dystopia of the 'International Legal Authorities', venal, partisan and corrupt tools of Islamic barbarism.

In the real world Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. But why should you care? There will always be people to believe your pathetic little lies.
Can someone tell me just what WORDS ----jesus said which is recorded
in JOHN 3:16??? I am having trouble figuring it out. Does anyone
know in what language JOHN was written? I googled and found---
that no one seems to know what JOHN wrote JOHN

ancient writings cannot be interpreted casually like a superman comic

The poet prophets of ancient times often ATTRIBUTED actual sentences
to this or that person or-----other entity-------but entirely in a kind of
symbolic manner

prophets like Jeremiah and Amos write as if they had a telephone
conversation with G-d --------but you have to be really stupid to imagine
that they themselves were making that claim.

I wonder if sherri imagines that the raven said "NEVERMORE" ---to
Edgar Allen Poe
Well there has been this one teensy weensy tiny little change. So minute that I'm not surprised you missed it. It is this: Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. Go on - face up to reality.

International legal authorities say Israel still occupies Gaza.

On the one hand we have the real world. On the other the fantasy dystopia of the 'International Legal Authorities', venal, partisan and corrupt tools of Islamic barbarism.

In the real world Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. But why should you care? There will always be people to believe your pathetic little lies.

Real World as distinquished from Zionist Fantasyland!

UN We Still Consider Gaza Occupied

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Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

Those words are from the l'il pious pustule whose siggy whines that other posters make personal attacks..... LOL, indeed.
Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

Those words are from the l'il pious pustule whose siggy whines that other posters make personal attacks..... LOL, indeed.
Why attack Sherri??

There wasn't a 'Wailing Wall' during the time of Jesus.

True story....... :cool:
The OP

Storms and heavy rains reaches Israel this morning, causing injuries and
infrastructure's collision.

The southern desert and towns, which in most of the year stay dry, today were covered with pouring rains, as streets were blocked and flooded.








Storms and heavy rains reaches Israel this morning, causing injuries and
infrastructure's collision.

The southern desert and towns, which in most of the year stay dry, today were covered with pouring rains, as streets were blocked and flooded.









Do you have a link to the story?
Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

The l'il pious pustule whines about people attacking Islam as being so disgusting: then she goes and makes asinine and banal attacks against Judaism. That makes her no better than anyone she's sneered at. In fact, it shows her as being even lower than absolutely anyone else involved :lol:

And that has nothing to do with anything BUT the l'il sherriliar's BIG LIES. One of those lies is that she's a 'person of conscience' - but she's just demonstrated that she's anything but. Oh, and did I mention sherrishit's continual slander of others?

I suppose I could g into the whole 'holestain' bit, where she's cheered on the Nazi-sucker that even ol' Jew-hater sealie could tell was a major racist bigot. But sherrishit doesn't care how vile any poster is - as long as they talk trash about Jews and Judaism, she's right there brown-nosing 'em , while still pretending to 'follow Jesus'......

Isa-respecters care. Genocide is the main agenda of those who
worship "isa/allah" Isa/allah worshippers----

Isa, also known as Jesus, is not worshipped by Muslims, just respected.
Your rant is about Christians, mainly Catholic sect Christians.

I'm sorry your education is lacking but there are excellent night schools available ..... if you're bright enough to understand the work.
Who cares?

Isa-respecters care. Genocide is the main agenda of those who
worship "isa/allah" Isa/allah worshippers----

Isa, also known as Jesus, is not worshipped by Muslims, just respected.
Your rant is about Christians, mainly Catholic sect Christians.

I'm sorry your education is lacking but there are excellent night schools available ..... if you're bright enough to understand the work.

sherri endorsed the utterly meaningless post of freddie. It is clear that the clueless
fred has some objection to the content of my post-----but simply does not know just
what his objection is. The word "WORSHIP" ----can ---of late---be ascribed to the
manner many muslims wish to claim they view ISA which they claim is another name
for Yeshua aka Jesus. About 20 years ago----the meccaist pig ARAFART---
actually went into a church---knelt and put his hands together and ADDRESSED
"LORD JESUS" ------it was a bout tht time that muslims began to EMPHASIZE
their "LOVE" for jesus. The word "worship" does not NECESSARILY mean
that the object of worship is considered a "god" btw. Freddie needs to learn
a bit about the english language------what arafart did and what many muslims NOW
claim in their bid to MAKE NICE with christians is that musims "worship" aka
adore "jesus" aka 'isa'

sherri is just as clueless as is freddie and -------even more disgusting
Muslims do not "worship" Jesus.

He is only 'revered' and 'reverenced' as one of the Prophets listed in the Quran.

That is all......... :cool:

Freddie would say you need to go to NIGHT SCHOOL----the classic
definition of "worship" in english is "HONOUR OR REVERE"------
it is true that it is used in reference to a "deity"----but its usage is
not at all restricted to the honoring of a deity I am fully aware of the
islamic POV regarding the "MUSLIM ISA"-----I have been hearing it
from muslims for the past 45 years. I even heard about it in a mosque.
----ie the islamic "fact" that the new testament is a pile of manure----

(the pig who thus ranted had a marked egyptian accent----
the idiots sitting on the floor listened to him like he was "allah"--
it was a "GOOD FRIDAY"----about 43 years ago)

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