PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

Not a word there about the Christian God by the Zionist cultist pv in that post!

Why am I not surprised?

Christ shows me God and tells me not to condemn!

Your calls for condemnation come from Satan!
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Israel is in deep waters, facing that wrath of God and judgment for so much evil carried out in the land of Palestine!
Israel is in deep waters, facing that wrath of God and judgment for so much evil carried out in the land of Palestine!

And Gaza is in deep shite from so much evil carried out by Hamas. Pity the children who have to live with such a government.

The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:
Rather difficult to picture Jesus of Nazareth beheading people, isn't it?

Depends on how you picture Jesus of Nazareth------Jesus was a muslim---if
anyone insulted him----he would kill him. SEE? I know because muslims
told me so. The new testament is a complete fabrication----it was written
with the SOLE INTENT------of disputing islam and misrepresenting the
islamic PROPHET------whose real name is "ISA" born of a virgin mother
named MARYAM The christians are such liars that they claim that ISA
was crucified--------of course he was not-------no one can CRUCIFY a
MUSLIM PROPHET ---------now you know. My first real lesson on the
New Testament took place on a GOOD FRIDAY-----about 45 years ago----
in a mosque. I believe that the genius IMAM was from AL AZHAR
UNIVERSITY------he certainly had a very pronounced egyptian accent----
He spoke english very well------and in moderate tones as if what he had
to say--------made sense

I was horrified-----the sermon ended easter as I had known it. I expected
that all the chocolate easter bunnies would RUN AWAY

That mosque was situated walking distance from the site where the WORLD
TRADE CENTER would later be built. During the sermon -----deep in my own
head I heard the screams of dying people------especially when the IMAM -----
raising his voice to only mild hysteria ----declared christians
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

I know you will hate to read the following, but I couldn't care less if it upsets you.

G-d will never ever turn his back on his people. He made a covenant and that will stay forever more.

It is your Islamist brethren who are doomed and they are the immoral and perverted ones.
According to religious history God punished his chosen people often and one out of ten or twenty Israeli leaders was godly.
Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues
Children are risking cholera and worse because they have to walk through raw sewage to get to school. The sewage has flooded the streets in Gaza City because the sewage treatment plant has no electricity. It has no electricity because the Israelis are blockading the strip, including its children (50% of the population). The Israelis are not letting cheap fuel in. Some inexpensive fuel used to come in from Egypt, but the military there has blocked smuggling tunnels leading into the strip from the Sinai Peninsula.

The Israeli military has since 2007 punished the whole Palestinian population because the Hamas Party won the 2006 elections. It actually produced figures on how much nutrition could be let in while keeping both children and adults among the Palestinians “on a diet.” [5] US State Department cables revealed by Wikileaks show that the Israelis are deliberately keeping the Palestinians of Gaza just on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, 56 percent of residents are “food insecure.” They aren’t starving but they are just one or two lost paychecks away from starving. This kind of social engineering experiment on human beings (i.e. keeping Palestinians “on a diet”) is unconscionable to anyone in their right mind. It is also illegal in international law to impose collective punishment on an Occupied population. Some 70% of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are from families expelled from what is now southern Israel by the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign of Jewish settlers. Many could walk home in an hour or two but they are kept in refugee camps by the Israeli military. They are besieged on three sides by Israel and on one by Egypt, whose officers are cooperating with the Israeli-imposed blockade.
Intifada Palestine Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues » Intifada Palestine

What have the youth of Gaza to look forward to, in their life, more of the same? thats what makes being a suicide bomber a positive option, the "leaders" in their ivory towers have protection and see it as positive, as the threat keeps them in power
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Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues
Children are risking cholera and worse because they have to walk through raw sewage to get to school. The sewage has flooded the streets in Gaza City because the sewage treatment plant has no electricity. It has no electricity because the Israelis are blockading the strip, including its children (50% of the population). The Israelis are not letting cheap fuel in. Some inexpensive fuel used to come in from Egypt, but the military there has blocked smuggling tunnels leading into the strip from the Sinai Peninsula.

The Israeli military has since 2007 punished the whole Palestinian population because the Hamas Party won the 2006 elections. It actually produced figures on how much nutrition could be let in while keeping both children and adults among the Palestinians “on a diet.” [5] US State Department cables revealed by Wikileaks show that the Israelis are deliberately keeping the Palestinians of Gaza just on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, 56 percent of residents are “food insecure.” They aren’t starving but they are just one or two lost paychecks away from starving. This kind of social engineering experiment on human beings (i.e. keeping Palestinians “on a diet”) is unconscionable to anyone in their right mind. It is also illegal in international law to impose collective punishment on an Occupied population. Some 70% of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are from families expelled from what is now southern Israel by the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign of Jewish settlers. Many could walk home in an hour or two but they are kept in refugee camps by the Israeli military. They are besieged on three sides by Israel and on one by Egypt, whose officers are cooperating with the Israeli-imposed blockade.
Intifada Palestine Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues » Intifada Palestine

Not Israel's concern. You can't blame Israel for the shite the Gazans prefer to wallow in.
Not a word there about the Christian God by the Zionist cultist pv in that post!

Why am I not surprised?

Christ shows me God and tells me not to condemn!

Your calls for condemnation come from Satan!

Because not everyone believes in your " God" you fake " Christian" Racist, Bigoted, Jew Hater !!!!!

Why am I not surprised?

Because you are bigoted, Racist, Having plenty to say about Israel but NOTHING to say about the way Muslims treat CHRISTIANS; Something you're SUPPOSED to be !!!

There are many Religions who don't believe in your " God"; Why pick on Just the Jews??

• Confucianism
• Hinduism
• Islam
• Janism
• Judaism
• Paganism
• Sikhism
• Shintoism
• Taoism
• Zoroastrianism

Jews don't believe in Satan but you do. Your calls for condemnation come from Satan !!!:evil:
Israel is in deep waters, facing that wrath of God and judgment for so much evil carried out in the land of Palestine!

" Palestine" doesn't exist and never will. :lol:

Well----the word PALESTINE or "PALESTINA" was used
by the romans to describe a large part of the world that now
includes Israel, part of Lebanon, Probably all of Syria and Jordan
and parts of the SINAI-----I think it included GAZA ----buy maybe
not Some day the place we call ANTARCTICA may
be a homeland for lots of different nations-------and then there is MARS ---
etc etc. Just because a bunch of arabic speaking rejects from this and
that country and some Bedouins now call themselves PALESTINIANS ---
is no reason to disparage the term. It is not the fault of the
ERSTWHILE "palestine" ------that such scum have squatted therein
Israel is in deep waters, facing that wrath of God and judgment for so much evil carried out in the land of Palestine!

" Palestine" doesn't exist and never will. :lol:


During the time of the BRITISH MANDATE PALESTINE-----
the brits printed money and postage stamps in english,
arabic, and hebrew. Persons who had legal residency
in British Mandate Palestine-----designated according
to their nationality. Muslims were designated on their
official papers as "ARABS" --sometimes

For almost 2000 years the ONLY people called
"PALESTINIANS" were jews living in the land that
had been ISRAEL/JUDEA------but was later called
PALESTINA by the romans-----The name PALESTINA
was used but a nationality "PALESTNIAN" did not actually
exist at all------it was "JEW" In fact---in general----
the people who USED the term "PALESTINIAN"------
were------virtually all jews. Look around in old books and
magazines------'PALESTINIAN' shows up in books about JEWS
in the late 1800s -----and that's about it. If an institution
had the world PALESTINE in it------it was a jewish institution.
UNIVERSITY. Jews used the word PALESTINE so much that as
a kid-----I thought it was a hebrew word
God brought the floods to Israel.

Israel brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

Maybe, we see some of God's judgment on Israel in operation here.

You are right. God brought the rains / floods to Israel.
God also brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

You are seeing some of the judgment of God in operation here, Sherri.

What happens in the spiritual realm first is then manifest in the natural realm upon the earth. It is tied together. Israel hasn't done anything here. This is God. Open your eyes and warn the people. When you love people, you must warn them. They are not striving against a nation or a people in this matter. They are striving against G-d Almighty and one who strives against G-d is in great peril unless they repent from it.

What the Holy Spirit has revealed to me is choosing God is choosing peace and choosing violence and war is choosing Satan.

I really cannot say all on either side are making the right choices. They are not.

But the fact that there is a choice to be made by each person remains true. And their fate for eternity is affected by their choices.

Well Sherri this is very exciting for me to read your response here because I do agree with you. The Holy Spirit has surely revealed that truth to you. God is for choosing peace - the scriptures declare we are to follow peace with all men and holiness, without no one will see the LORD - Hebrews 12:14 - which is a very severe and sobering warning - once saved always saved is certainly not the deal as we see according to Hebrews 10:26 - and so when a person chooses violence - especially violence that is unprovoked but comes out of an evil intent to exact a response - that is most definitely a choice to serve Satan.

I also agree that neither you, nor I nor any human here can say whether all people are making right choices - it is most likely there are people not only on both sides of that conflict but throughout the earth making bad choices that are going to effect where they spend eternity. As each of us have to work our own salvations out with fear and trembling - that is our first call as Christians. To make sure that we are not calling good what God calls evil and calling evil that which God calls good. It was nice to read your response. I am glad to see you agree that those serving Satan use violence to achieve their agendas. That can only result in an outcome - not a solution and the outcome will be according to Gods own judgment. - Jeri
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Hate and more hate.

I wonder what future is ahead for the kids.
The more exreme on both sides blame all for the actions of some.

Please explain why all Arabs are evil but most Jews are good then,
Please explain why all Jews are evil but most Arabs are good.

Stereotypes always fall down when you look at them from both sides because they only work when you use them on people you don't know.

In fact, the extremists on both sides cause all the problems; not all Arabs or all Jews.
"...For almost 2000 years the ONLY people called 'Palestinians' were Jews living in the land that had been Israel/Judea but was later called 'Palestina' by the Romans..."
Yeppers... the modern-day polity known as 'Palestine' (in actuality, 'Rump-Palestine or 'Vestigial Palestine' or 'Residual Palestine') is an artificial construct used to mask Pan-Arab goals and is much newer and far more artificial than the modern-day polity known as 'Israel'. In our present context, 'Palestine' is a farcical label for a Failed-State Wannabe That Never Was.
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Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues
Children are risking cholera and worse because they have to walk through raw sewage to get to school. The sewage has flooded the streets in Gaza City because the sewage treatment plant has no electricity. It has no electricity because the Israelis are blockading the strip, including its children (50% of the population). The Israelis are not letting cheap fuel in. Some inexpensive fuel used to come in from Egypt, but the military there has blocked smuggling tunnels leading into the strip from the Sinai Peninsula.

The Israeli military has since 2007 punished the whole Palestinian population because the Hamas Party won the 2006 elections. It actually produced figures on how much nutrition could be let in while keeping both children and adults among the Palestinians “on a diet.” [5] US State Department cables revealed by Wikileaks show that the Israelis are deliberately keeping the Palestinians of Gaza just on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, 56 percent of residents are “food insecure.” They aren’t starving but they are just one or two lost paychecks away from starving. This kind of social engineering experiment on human beings (i.e. keeping Palestinians “on a diet”) is unconscionable to anyone in their right mind. It is also illegal in international law to impose collective punishment on an Occupied population. Some 70% of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are from families expelled from what is now southern Israel by the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign of Jewish settlers. Many could walk home in an hour or two but they are kept in refugee camps by the Israeli military. They are besieged on three sides by Israel and on one by Egypt, whose officers are cooperating with the Israeli-imposed blockade.
Intifada Palestine Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues » Intifada Palestine

What have the youth of Gaza to look forward to, in their life, more of the same? thats what makes being a suicide bomber a positive option, the "leaders" in their ivory towers have protection and see it as positive, as the threat keeps them in power

The youth in Gaza are an inspiration to me, what I saw from them in Facebook campaigns seeking the release of unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners. They are not choosing to be suicide bombers, suicide bombings stopped years ago in Palestine.
I look at the history of Palestine and think we could all learn lessons from it.

Let us compare two incidents.

Jesus lived under Roman Occupation in the land known as Palestine going all the way back to the days of Herodotus. He did not choose armed resistance to Occupation, but He was not silent in the face of Injustice. He opposed it and confronted it through nonviolent methods. He sacrificed Himself to save mankind, dying on a cross. And He arose, opening a pathway to eternal life for those who believe in Him.

Fast forward to 70AD, we see a different choice, we see armed Resistance to Occupation led by a group called the Zealots and it brutally put down. What happened next is a matter historian Shlomo Sand writes about.

And the Occupier Roman Empire ultimately fell. That is always the fate of Occupiers and Empires, they rise and they fall.

Violence leads to destruction of people.

Sacrifice of self and persecution and dying to self and living for Christ leads to Life.

And I really do not want to end my comments with this idea I am all about pushing Christianity on people. I have looked upon so many people who I do not believe who are Christian who I watch from a distance believing they are following God too, at least what I see of them at specific points in time.

How God chooses to show Himself to another and establish a relationship with them which I do believe is through Jesus is all up to God and not for me to judge.

But I do certainly believe in a God who is mighty to save, who loves all and desires all to turn to Him. He desires all of us to be His people and for Him to be our God.

Salvation is for individuals, not nations.
Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues
Children are risking cholera and worse because they have to walk through raw sewage to get to school. The sewage has flooded the streets in Gaza City because the sewage treatment plant has no electricity. It has no electricity because the Israelis are blockading the strip, including its children (50% of the population). The Israelis are not letting cheap fuel in. Some inexpensive fuel used to come in from Egypt, but the military there has blocked smuggling tunnels leading into the strip from the Sinai Peninsula.

The Israeli military has since 2007 punished the whole Palestinian population because the Hamas Party won the 2006 elections. It actually produced figures on how much nutrition could be let in while keeping both children and adults among the Palestinians “on a diet.” [5] US State Department cables revealed by Wikileaks show that the Israelis are deliberately keeping the Palestinians of Gaza just on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, 56 percent of residents are “food insecure.” They aren’t starving but they are just
one or two lost paychecks away from starving. This kind of social engineering experiment on human beings (i.e. keeping Palestinians “on a diet”) is unconscionable to anyone in their right mind. It is also illegal in international law to impose collective punishment on an Occupied population. Some 70% of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are from families
expelled from what is now southern Israel by the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign of Jewish settlers. Many could walk home in an hour or two but they are kept in refugee camps by the Israeli military. They are besieged on three sides by Israel and on one by Egypt, whose
officers are cooperating with the Israeli-imposed blockade.
Intifada Palestine Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade
through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues » Intifada Palestine

What have the youth of Gaza to look forward to, in their life, more of the same? thats what makes being a suicide bomber a positive option, the "leaders" in their ivory towers have
protection and see it as positive, as the threat keeps them in power

The youth in Gaza are an inspiration to me, what I saw from them in Facebook campaigns seeking the release of unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners. They are not choosing to be suicide bombers, suicide bombings stopped years ago in Palestine.

The youth in Gaza are far better off today than they were pre 1967 when they
depended on filth like sherri for a cup of beans. Unfortunately they are taught
to BE filth like sherri. Of course it is true that their OWN ISA RESPECTING
--could do something for them---
but they will not because such is the nature of the disgusting filth of the rock
KISSING baby murdering creed that the perverted sherri so loves

It is fascinating that the vile rock kissing pigs BLAME other for their own
perversions -----not news-----the pigs and dogs have been so engaged
for centuries------it give them an excuse to rape and murder and pillage
and mutilate in the obscene manner their sluts so enjoy
Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

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