PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues
Children are risking cholera and worse because they have to walk through raw sewage to get to school. The sewage has flooded the streets in Gaza City because the sewage treatment plant has no electricity. It has no electricity because the Israelis are blockading the strip, including its children (50% of the population). The Israelis are not letting cheap fuel in. Some inexpensive fuel used to come in from Egypt, but the military there has blocked smuggling tunnels leading into the strip from the Sinai Peninsula.

The Israeli military has since 2007 punished the whole Palestinian population because the Hamas Party won the 2006 elections. It actually produced figures on how much nutrition could be let in while keeping both children and adults among the Palestinians “on a diet.” [5] US State Department cables revealed by Wikileaks show that the Israelis are deliberately keeping the Palestinians of Gaza just on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. As a result, 56 percent of residents are “food insecure.” They aren’t starving but they are just one or two lost paychecks away from starving. This kind of social engineering experiment on human beings (i.e. keeping Palestinians “on a diet”) is unconscionable to anyone in their right mind. It is also illegal in international law to impose collective punishment on an Occupied population. Some 70% of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are from families expelled from what is now southern Israel by the 1948 ethnic cleansing campaign of Jewish settlers. Many could walk home in an hour or two but they are kept in refugee camps by the Israeli military. They are besieged on three sides by Israel and on one by Egypt, whose officers are cooperating with the Israeli-imposed blockade.
Intifada Palestine Israel forces Gaza Children to Wade through Sewage as Creepy, Evil Blockade Continues » Intifada Palestine

What have the youth of Gaza to look forward to, in their life, more of the same? thats what makes being a suicide bomber a positive option, the "leaders" in their ivory towers have protection and see it as positive, as the threat keeps them in power

The youth in Gaza are an inspiration to me, what I saw from them in Facebook campaigns seeking the release of unlawfully detained Palestinian prisoners. They are not choosing to be suicide bombers, suicide bombings stopped years ago in Palestine.

Sewage swamps Gaza streets as Egypt tunnel closures cut off power

Reuters - By Nidal al-Mughrabi - Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:32am EST

GAZA, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Children waded through sewage submerging the streets of a central Gaza neighbourhood on Thursday, a day after one of the blockaded Palestinian enclave's largest waste water treatment plants stopped for lack of fuel.


Egypt's months-long crackdown on cross-border smuggling tunnels that used to bring fuel in cheaply has already forced Gaza's only power plant to stop, meaning two weeks of daily 12-hour blackouts for the territory's 1.8 million residents.


Egypt's closure of most of the estimated 1,200 tunnels run by the Islamist Hamas group has virtually stopped Egyptian fuel coming into Gaza, forcing Palestinians to buy Israeli imported petrol at double the price - 6.7 shekels ($1.9) a litre.


Israel has imposed its own blockade on Gaza, allowing in fuel and a restricted list of imports since Hamas took control in 2007. Hamas has spurned Western calls to recognise Israel and renounce violence.


"The first question someone asks when invited over by a friend is 'will there be electricity? I don't want to climb the stairs'," said Ali Mohammed, an electrician.

"I blame the whole world," he said.

Sewage swamps Gaza streets as Egypt tunnel closures cut off power | Reuters


And this from a Reuters correspondent widely reputed to be anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian !!!

And even HE says that...

1. it was the Egyptian closure of supply tunnels that is bringing-about the fuel shortage

2. it is this fuel shortage, shutting down the waste treatment plant, that is responsible

3. the Israelis DO allow fuel supplies into Gaza, whereas the Egyptians no longer do

4. some Gazans themselves blame the 'whole world', and not just Israel.


I'm guessing that most folks (myself included) would rather take the word of Reuters as to who is most likely responsible (the Egyptians) for the fuel shortage that shut down the sewage processing plant...

Rather than taking the word of (
) where that ridiculous claim appeared, above...
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International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.

Well there has been this one teensy weensy tiny little change. So minute that I'm not surprised you missed it. It is this: Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. Go on - face up to reality.
I look at the history of Palestine and think we could all learn lessons from it.

Let us compare two incidents.

Jesus lived under Roman Occupation in the land known as Palestine going all the way back to the days of Herodotus. He did not choose armed resistance to Occupation, but He was not silent in the face of Injustice. He opposed it and confronted it through nonviolent methods. He sacrificed Himself to save mankind, dying on a cross. And He arose, opening a pathway to eternal life for those who believe in Him.

Fast forward to 70AD, we see a different choice, we see armed Resistance to Occupation led by a group called the Zealots and it brutally put down. What happened next is a matter historian Shlomo Sand writes about.

And the Occupier Roman Empire ultimately fell. That is always the fate of Occupiers and Empires, they rise and they fall.

Violence leads to destruction of people.

Sacrifice of self and persecution and dying to self and living for Christ leads to Life.

And I really do not want to end my comments with this idea I am all about pushing Christianity on people. I have looked upon so many people who I do not believe who are Christian who I watch from a distance believing they are following God too, at least what I see of them at specific points in time.

How God chooses to show Himself to another and establish a relationship with them which I do believe is through Jesus is all up to God and not for me to judge.

But I do certainly believe in a God who is mighty to save, who loves all and desires all to turn to Him. He desires all of us to be His people and for Him to be our God.

Salvation is for individuals, not nations.

That is not true, Sherri. Jesus didn't live in Palestine. He lived in Israel and it was called Israel. In fact in the New Testament Israel is mentioned 259 times and in the Old Testament I believe it is 369 times which is a total of 628 times Israel is mentioned in the bible.

Palestine is not mentioned at all in the New Testament, neither is it mentioned at all in the Old Testament. No. Not once.

Jesus was not ever referred to as a Palestinian.

In fact the arabs who call themselves Palestinians never did so until 1960.

On the matter of saving nations:

God does save nations as we can see from the story of when Ninevah repented.. it is written - The great salvation of Ninevah

Jonah 1: 10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil, and God repented of the evil that he has said he would do unto them and he did it not.

And again it is written:

Jonah 1: 11 And should I not spare Ninevah that great city wherein there are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand.......

And again it is written: All Israel shall be saved.

But lets go back to your other claims about Jesus and what you claim about him. We can verify from scripture the term "Palestine or Palestinian is never mentioned in the New Testament or the Old Testament for that matter...

On the matter of violence leads to destruction of people - yes and no... the violence that has been commited against Israel which is a sovereign nation with a people - the Israelites recognized as the rightful deed holders - according to the written Word of God which supercedes everything - that will lead to the destruction of the House of Esau as it is prophesied - Obadiah 1:18

On the matter of Israel defending against herself against enemies attacking her civilians is not violence but self defense. They are a sovereign nation and have every right to defend themselves.

I believe you are confused, Sherri, about these arab people who started calling themselves Palestinians in 1960 - they do not have sovereign state of their own and have never missed the opportunity in order to "miss the opportunity" to have one because quite honestly the people representing them - terrorist organizations including the original terrorist Arrafat - never wanted peace.

What they wanted was to drive Israel into the Med. Sea and when they saw it was not possible they opted to a propaganda warfare of lies and terrorism which has been their strategy since they lost six wars in a row and realizing this would not be profitable to continue along those lines then adopted the new term "Palestinian" in order to give the appearance that they had some claim to the land when in fact they had none.

Even the Egyptians will tell you the peope there today came from Jordan and other places, Sherri. None of these people have any claim to Israel and the end result will not be a solution but an outcome. Yes. An outcome. The time of a two state solution has come and gone. It is no longer even a possibility. The outcome is all that is left.

The outcome will be most devastating because God isn't going to delay his judgment much longer so the right thing to do - as you say you wish these people salvation - is to preach the gospel to them and convince them to vacate the area and go back to Jordan and the other nations that grant them asylum if their own nations refuse them a home.

That is what I would do if I were in your shoes because you have obviously gained an audience with them and they will realize that as a christian you are required to do what is right in the eyes of the LORD and the written word of God and not what your friends are hoping you will do. After all, it is God we shall be answering to one day. On that day we will hear one of two things, well done good and faithful servant or depart from me ye worker of iniquity. - Jeri
Israel is in deep waters, facing that wrath of God and judgment for so much evil carried out in the land of Palestine!

" Palestine" doesn't exist and never will. :lol:

Well----the word PALESTINE or "PALESTINA" was used
by the romans to describe a large part of the world that now
includes Israel, part of Lebanon, Probably all of Syria and Jordan
and parts of the SINAI-----I think it included GAZA ----buy maybe
not Some day the place we call ANTARCTICA may
be a homeland for lots of different nations-------and then there is MARS ---
etc etc. Just because a bunch of arabic speaking rejects from this and
that country and some Bedouins now call themselves PALESTINIANS ---
is no reason to disparage the term. It is not the fault of the
ERSTWHILE "palestine" ------that such scum have squatted therein

The Romans have always been blasphemers who worshiped idols and took away from the Word of God - added to the Word of God -everything they were told not to do they did including claiming a hand maiden was the mother of God. She was not. She was a vessel through whom Jesus was born into the world. He was before Mary. From the beginning. Genesis 1: 1 John 1: 1 When have they ever given honor to the G-d of Israel. Never. The G-d of Israel has never called Israel Palestine nor did He mention it in His Book. Only G-ds word matters, the words of men mean absolutely nothing. Nothing.
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The Romans have always been blasphemers who worshiped idols and took away from the Word of God - added to the Word of God -everything they were told not to do they did including claiming a hand maiden was the mother of God. When have they ever given honor to the G-d of Israel. Never.
Paul was a Roman citizen........ :cool:
The Romans have always been blasphemers who worshiped idols and took away from the Word of God - added to the Word of God -everything they were told not to do they did including claiming a hand maiden was the mother of God. When have they ever given honor to the G-d of Israel. Never.
Paul was a Roman citizen........ :cool:

Completely irrelevant, Sunni. ( you are referencing mere geographical local - so what? ) Who do you think is speaking in Romans 1: 1? That is Paul. Paul the Apostle. Listen to him as he describes himself.

It is written:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid, For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew......Romans 1: 1,2 Yes. The words of Paul the Apostle. I wonder if it is not perhaps spiritual envy at the inheritance the Jews received and that salvation is of the Jews ( John 4:22 ) that troubles you, Sunni. Could that be the trouble? Spiritual envy is a very difficult matter and I will pray for you about that because I do not see many recover from it. Still if you would recognize the eternal loss you will incur over it perhaps you could by an act of your will turn from it at once? I will pray you do! - Jeri
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The Romans have always been blasphemers who worshiped idols and took away from the Word of God - added to the Word of God -everything they were told not to do they did including claiming a hand maiden was the mother of God. When have they ever given honor to the G-d of Israel. Never.
Paul was a Roman citizen........ :cool:

Completely irrelevant, Sunni. ( you are referencing mere geographical local - so what? ) Who do you think is speaking in Romans 1: 1? That is Paul. Paul the Apostle. Listen to him as he describes himself.

It is written:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid, For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew......Romans 1: 1,2 Yes. The words of Paul the Apostle. I wonder if it is not perhaps spiritual envy at the inheritance the Jews received and that salvation is of the Jews ( John 4:22 ) that troubles you, Sunni. Could that be the trouble? Spiritual envy is a very difficult matter and I will pray for you about that because I do not see many recover from it. Still if you would recognize the eternal loss you will incur over it perhaps you could by an act of your will turn from it at once? I will pray you do! - Jeri
Don't get your panties in a twist Jeri.

I just pointed out a with it. . :cool:
Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

Israel built the fence and Israel blocks supplies.
It's called, "collective punishment" and is illegal.
"...It's called, 'collective punishment'..."
For 'collectively' electing and sustaining a government which constantly launches rocket-barrages at Israeli civilian population centers, no doubt.

Best to keep the Barbarian Crazies colletively fenced-off where the harm they do can be minimized.

"...and is illegal."
"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now, let him enforce it."
Collective punishment is a war crime.

The illegal Blockade Israel imposes on Gaza is a war crime.

Israel occupies Gaza and owes responsibilities to the civilian population.

Depriving Gaza of electricity and medicines for cancer patients are violations of responsibilities Israel owes to the civilian population as Occupier.
The Romans have always been blasphemers who worshiped idols and took away from the Word of God - added to the Word of God -everything they were told not to do they did including claiming a hand maiden was the mother of God. When have they ever given honor to the G-d of Israel. Never.
Paul was a Roman citizen........ :cool:

Completely irrelevant, Sunni. ( you are referencing mere geographical local - so what? ) Who do you think is speaking in Romans 1: 1? That is Paul. Paul the Apostle. Listen to him as he describes himself.

It is written:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid, For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew......Romans 1: 1,2 Yes. The words of Paul the Apostle. I wonder if it is not perhaps spiritual envy at the inheritance the Jews received and that salvation is of the Jews ( John 4:22 ) that troubles you, Sunni. Could that be the trouble? Spiritual envy is a very difficult matter and I will pray for you about that because I do not see many recover from it. Still if you would recognize the eternal loss you will incur over it perhaps you could by an act of your will turn from it at once? I will pray you do! - Jeri

Your interpretation of this Bible verse is in conflict with the words of Jesus Himself in John 3:16 . There ,Jesus clearly tells all that salvation is for whosoever believeth in Him. There is no preference there for one people above another people.
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.

Well there has been this one teensy weensy tiny little change. So minute that I'm not surprised you missed it. It is this: Gaza is NOT occupied by Israel. Go on - face up to reality.

International legal authorities say Israel still occupies Gaza.
I look at the history of Palestine and think we could all learn lessons from it.

Let us compare two incidents.

Jesus lived under Roman Occupation in the land known as Palestine going all the way back to the days of Herodotus. He did not choose armed resistance to Occupation, but He was not silent in the face of Injustice. He opposed it and confronted it through nonviolent methods. He sacrificed Himself to save mankind, dying on a cross. And He arose, opening a pathway to eternal life for those who believe in Him.

Fast forward to 70AD, we see a different choice, we see armed Resistance to Occupation led by a group called the Zealots and it brutally put down. What happened next is a matter historian Shlomo Sand writes about.

And the Occupier Roman Empire ultimately fell. That is always the fate of Occupiers and Empires, they rise and they fall.

Violence leads to destruction of people.

Sacrifice of self and persecution and dying to self and living for Christ leads to Life.

And I really do not want to end my comments with this idea I am all about pushing Christianity on people. I have looked upon so many people who I do not believe who are Christian who I watch from a distance believing they are following God too, at least what I see of them at specific points in time.

How God chooses to show Himself to another and establish a relationship with them which I do believe is through Jesus is all up to God and not for me to judge.

But I do certainly believe in a God who is mighty to save, who loves all and desires all to turn to Him. He desires all of us to be His people and for Him to be our God.

Salvation is for individuals, not nations.

That is not true, Sherri. Jesus didn't live in Palestine. He lived in Israel and it was called Israel. In fact in the New Testament Israel is mentioned 259 times and in the Old Testament I believe it is 369 times which is a total of 628 times Israel is mentioned in the bible.

Palestine is not mentioned at all in the New Testament, neither is it mentioned at all in the Old Testament. No. Not once.

Jesus was not ever referred to as a Palestinian.

In fact the arabs who call themselves Palestinians never did so until 1960.

On the matter of saving nations:

God does save nations as we can see from the story of when Ninevah repented.. it is written - The great salvation of Ninevah

Jonah 1: 10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil, and God repented of the evil that he has said he would do unto them and he did it not.

And again it is written:

Jonah 1: 11 And should I not spare Ninevah that great city wherein there are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand.......

And again it is written: All Israel shall be saved.

But lets go back to your other claims about Jesus and what you claim about him. We can verify from scripture the term "Palestine or Palestinian is never mentioned in the New Testament or the Old Testament for that matter...

On the matter of violence leads to destruction of people - yes and no... the violence that has been commited against Israel which is a sovereign nation with a people - the Israelites recognized as the rightful deed holders - according to the written Word of God which supercedes everything - that will lead to the destruction of the House of Esau as it is prophesied - Obadiah 1:18

On the matter of Israel defending against herself against enemies attacking her civilians is not violence but self defense. They are a sovereign nation and have every right to defend themselves.

I believe you are confused, Sherri, about these arab people who started calling themselves Palestinians in 1960 - they do not have sovereign state of their own and have never missed the opportunity in order to "miss the opportunity" to have one because quite honestly the people representing them - terrorist organizations including the original terrorist Arrafat - never wanted peace.

What they wanted was to drive Israel into the Med. Sea and when they saw it was not possible they opted to a propaganda warfare of lies and terrorism which has been their strategy since they lost six wars in a row and realizing this would not be profitable to continue along those lines then adopted the new term "Palestinian" in order to give the appearance that they had some claim to the land when in fact they had none.

Even the Egyptians will tell you the peope there today came from Jordan and other places, Sherri. None of these people have any claim to Israel and the end result will not be a solution but an outcome. Yes. An outcome. The time of a two state solution has come and gone. It is no longer even a possibility. The outcome is all that is left.

The outcome will be most devastating because God isn't going to delay his judgment much longer so the right thing to do - as you say you wish these people salvation - is to preach the gospel to them and convince them to vacate the area and go back to Jordan and the other nations that grant them asylum if their own nations refuse them a home.

That is what I would do if I were in your shoes because you have obviously gained an audience with them and they will realize that as a christian you are required to do what is right in the eyes of the LORD and the written word of God and not what your friends are hoping you will do. After all, it is God we shall be answering to one day. On that day we will hear one of two things, well done good and faithful servant or depart from me ye worker of iniquity. - Jeri

We have writings of the Historian Herodotus to tell us the land was called Palestine, he lived about 2500 BC, I think.

Palestine is mentioned as Philistine, the name Palestine derived from the name Philistine.

Israel was not the name of the land when Jesus lived, the name refers to a people. There was a kingdom called Israel that once existed, but that was thousands of years before the time of Jesus. Places we read about are Roman provinces, like Judea and Samaria.

The word Jew did not appear in the Bible until the 18th Century.

Jesus was called a Nazarene. His parents lived in Nazareth.

When I say God saves people and not nations I base that on the words of Jesus Himself in John 3:16, because I believe Jesus words. A nation is not a person who believes in Jesus, only a person can do that, believe in Jesus. When there are words addressing nations being saved outside of The Gospels, those words have to be interpreted in a way they are consistent with the words of Jesus for a person who follows Jesus. Jesus tells us in The Gospels He shows us who God is.

As for your claim all Israel shall be saved , a number of issues arise. One, there is no nation of Israel being referred to. Two, Israel in The New Testament refers to the Church, believers in Jesus, Spiritual Israel. Three, in Revelation inconsistent things are said. Fourth, John 3:16 tells us who is saved.

The story of Ninevah is about God not destroying a nation who has sinned, it is not addressing Spiritual Salvation.

The wages of sin are death. God is love. Jesus teachings are to love, to love God, with all our heart and mind and soul and strength, and the 2d command, to love our neighbor as ourselves. And Jesus new ccommand is love one another as I have loved you. His life is the example to follow. Jesus says love your enemy, for God made the sun rise on and the rain come down on them too, He loves them too. We cannot love and kill, killing is always sin against God. And I end where I started, the wages of sin are death. We choose to love or we choose to hate . We choose the world or we choose God. We choose Peace and the Prince of Peace or we choose war and violence and Satan.

Back to your comments, I must look to Jesus and who He shows me God is because that is what His words in The Gospels tell me to do. I cannot let words in Obadiah in The Old Testament define God for me, a believer in Jesus. And I must look to Jesus to lead me, not Obadiah.

You wrote: "On the matter of violence leads to destruction of people - yes and no... the violence that has been commited against Israel which is a sovereign nation with a people - the Israelites recognized as the rightful deed holders - according to the written Word of God which supercedes everything - that will lead to the destruction of the House of Esau as it is prophesied - Obadiah 1:18"

When I said violence leads to destruction of people, it was in the context of comparing two ways we have to respond to Injustices like Occupation. Jesus response was nonviolence, that is the example He sets for His followers. That may lead to physical death, we see most all of early Christians martyred. But that path leads to eternal life. The second choice is violence, that is turning from God and leads to physical death and no eternal life. Matthew 23, Jesus is telling the Pharisees and Jewish leaders the choices before them and the consequences of those choices.

Jesus says the meek will inherit the land, He gives no preferences to Jew or Gentile and grants no land exclusively to anyone, but the meek.

Jesus does not say anywhere His teachings are inapplicable when people are defending themselves. Remember Peter cutting off the ear of a soldier and Jesus response? Jesus reprimanded Peter. Jesus way was nonviolence. And this explains why for hundreds of years Christians were Pacifists, until the time of Constantine. Violence was simply not Jesus way.

Palestinians are the indigenous peoples who were living in the land of Palestine when Zionist Jewish Colonists came to Palestine to settle Palestine, this Zionist movement began in the late 1800s. Under intl law, the indigenous Palestinian people have a right of self determination in the land. They belong to the land. Christians in Bethlehem and Beit Sahour and the Galilee trace their ancestors back to the first Christians.
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The work Jew comes from the largest tribe, Judah, that survived the dispersion after the Roman invasion.
Jesus is the Spanish derived word from the Greek Iosus meaning Son Of God.

And when the US gives most of the US back to it's original Native Americans and Mexicans we'll talk about the Jews giving the land of Israel to the Arabs.
By the way, the "Palestinians" backed Hitler.
And guess what?
Hitler lost.
The work Jew comes from the largest tribe, Judah, that survived the dispersion after the Roman invasion.
Jesus is the Spanish derived word from the Greek Iosus meaning Son Of God.

And when the US gives most of the US back to it's original Native Americans and Mexicans we'll talk about the Jews giving the land of Israel to the Arabs.
By the way, the "Palestinians" backed Hitler.
And guess what?
Hitler lost.

You are wrong about the name Jesus, its origin, the name is not Spanish.

"English form of*Ιησους*(Iesous), which was the Greek form of the Aramaic name*יֵשׁוּעַ*(Yeshu'a).*Yeshu'a*is itself a contracted form of*Yehoshu'a*(see*JOSHUA). Yeshua ben Yoseph, better known as Jesus Christ, was the central figure of the*New Testament*and the source of the Christian religion."

Behind the Name: Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Jesus

Yes, Hitler and his party, the Nazis, lost power and his progeny, the Zionazis in Israel, shall fall too.

And Palestinians are not the ones unlawfully settling and colonizing lands of others, only the Zionists are doing that.
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Paul was a Roman citizen........ :cool:

Completely irrelevant, Sunni. ( you are referencing mere geographical local - so what? ) Who do you think is speaking in Romans 1: 1? That is Paul. Paul the Apostle. Listen to him as he describes himself.

It is written:

I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid, For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew......Romans 1: 1,2 Yes. The words of Paul the Apostle. I wonder if it is not perhaps spiritual envy at the inheritance the Jews received and that salvation is of the Jews ( John 4:22 ) that troubles you, Sunni. Could that be the trouble? Spiritual envy is a very difficult matter and I will pray for you about that because I do not see many recover from it. Still if you would recognize the eternal loss you will incur over it perhaps you could by an act of your will turn from it at once? I will pray you do! - Jeri

Your interpretation of this Bible verse is in conflict with the words of Jesus Himself in John 3:16 . There ,Jesus clearly tells all that salvation is for whosoever believeth in Him. There is no preference there for one people above another people.

I must respectfully disagree with you on that, Sherri. You see it was Jesus Christ himself who said Salvation is from the Jews. He isn't in conflict with his own words, Sherri. Look it up. John 4:22 Salvation is from the Jews. Who was he speaking to? The woman at the well. He said that to her towards the end of their conversation. Jesus told her point blank...........Salvation is from the Jews. Am I grateful to the Jewish people for my salvation? You bet I am. I am very grateful and I never take for granted their kindness and graciousness either. The Jewish people have been very kind to me all my life. I thank G-d for them, Sherri. Which is why I have to tell you that earlier tonight I was feeling very undone over some things you and Sunni said over here. You know why? Because it was a trap that others fell into - something to draw them into anger over - it was wrong.. it was all wrong. The Lord showed it to me and I saw how the whole thing unfolded. In fact, Sherri, I'm asking those who read this that for the sake of their own peace with G-d that they do not respond to those type of threads here any longer because it only leads to sin and if that is what you and your friends desire then I cannot change that but you won't have any of my company. I cannot afford to be drawn into these type of discussions because what you are doing is leading people into temptation, Sherri. It is something the Lord people warns about and even says, Woe unto the one who does it. ( who tempts another to sin ) So I will withdraw myself from your company because I believe it is using wisdom to avoid this. I do feel that I should tell you that so that you can think about what it means to actually be active in trying to draw someone else into sinning. Ask the Lord, I'm telling you the truth, he showed me that tonight and that no such people would be in his presence. It is called reviling and revilers cannot enter heaven. - Jeri
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jeremiah----sherri never read the bible

Sherri is a muslim. She said Inshah Allah last month. No Christian who reads the bible would ever say that.

well----sherri need not be a muslim. ---I have often and correctly stated that
islamo nazi literature fell into my hands when I was still a child (circa 1960)

Because I read the stuff-----I understand the AFFINITY that nazis have----
and HAD since at least the early 1900s ----for ISLAM. Adolf abu ali
admired islam. Muslims, in the course of their "GOLDEN AGE"----
comitted genocides that left hundreds of millions dead. An interesting
factoid is that muslims often cite-----THE GOLDEN AGE OF JEWS
IN SPAIN as having taken place during islamic dominion----<<< true.
The GOLDEN AGE OF JEWS involved ----a whole lot of philosophical
literature, poetry and music. As to THAT WHICH IS GOLD---
it is a matter of perspective

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