PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.
Jeremiah----gazans are free to leave gaza. I have known lots of
gazans over the years in the USA. They do face the problem of finding
a country willing to allow them in. As you know---the USA has limitations
A few decades ago CANADA offered to provide citizenship for lots of
"palestinians" ISLAMIC INTEREST GROUPS threatened terrorist
reprisal. Islamic interest groups are very interested in KEEPING
"palestinians" in refugee status Most islamic countries refuse to give
them citizenship. THEIR problem is more "where to go" than getting out.
In some islamic countries they are locked into refugee camps in order to force
them to retain "refugee status"

Islamic propaganda ----the kind sherri posts up-----does try to create the
impression that Israel has them LOCKED IN. In fact---that crap story
has never been true-----but in order to make the "CONCENTRATION CAMP"
claim-----they have to make that assertion.
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

While it is true G-d is holy and just and does bring judgment G-d also forgives, restores, and heals, Sunni. G-d never threw away his people although I understand that there is a false doctrine taught in some churches which is called "replacement theology".. when I first heard it I was horrified because I realised these men were teaching heresy and that it was not found in the bible at all.

Since then I have learned that many do not even read their bibles and that is why they do not know what it says. They have not read it thoroughly. While I appreciate anyone expressing their desire for righteousness - holy living -including you - I have to tell you that you should turn your attention towards your own nations who are in far greater need of moral correction then Israel. There have been more Christians killed in the name of Allah than in any other generation and this is happening all over the middle east, asia, the continent of Africa, how much longer can God not judge people for such sins?

I do not deny Israel has sin in her camp. She does. But G-d is G-d over his own people and will deal with his own people just as he has dealt with yours. With long suffering, gentleness, kindness, mercifulness, because it is G-ds kindness that leads us to repentance, Sunni. You see? G-d does not wish that any would perish - it is written - 2 Chronicles 7:14 - the greater question is who will reach the House of Esau and warn them of this impending judgment that is upon them even at this hour? Who will do that? Will you? If you love them, you will, Sunni. I believe you will. - Jeri p.s. I provided a link on the suffering of Christians throughout the world and stories which you might otherwise not hear in mainstream media about nations who are oppressing Christians.

I am horrified every time I read your cultist Christian Zionist mumbo jumbo.

Satan certainly does have a presence in this world.

Jesus shows me who God is, not cultist Christian Zionists.

And Jesus says about the land, the meek shall inherit it, no distinctions are made by Him between Hebrews and nonHebrews or their descendants.
its not my fault its a shiity peice of land full of sewage..

God brought the floods to Israel.

Israel brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

Maybe, we see some of God's judgment on Israel in operation here.

You are right. God brought the rains / floods to Israel.
God also brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

You are seeing some of the judgment of God in operation here, Sherri.

What happens in the spiritual realm first is then manifest in the natural realm upon the earth. It is tied together. Israel hasn't done anything here. This is God. Open your eyes and warn the people. When you love people, you must warn them. They are not striving against a nation or a people in this matter. They are striving against G-d Almighty and one who strives against G-d is in great peril unless they repent from it.

What the Holy Spirit has revealed to me is choosing God is choosing peace and choosing violence and war is choosing Satan.

I really cannot say all on either side are making the right choices. They are not.

But the fact that there is a choice to be made by each person remains true. And their fate for eternity is affected by their choices.
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

While it is true G-d is holy and just and does bring judgment G-d also forgives, restores, and heals, Sunni. G-d never threw away his people although I understand that there is a false doctrine taught in some churches which is called "replacement theology".. when I first heard it I was horrified because I realised these men were teaching heresy and that it was not found in the bible at all.

Since then I have learned that many do not even read their bibles and that is why they do not know what it says. They have not read it thoroughly. While I appreciate anyone
expressing their desire for righteousness - holy living -including you - I have to tell you that you should turn your attention towards your own nations who are in far greater need of moral correction then Israel. There have been more Christians killed in the name of Allah than in any other generation and this is happening all over the middle east, asia, the continent of Africa, how much longer can God not judge people for such sins?

I do not deny Israel has sin in her camp. She does. But G-d is G-d over his own people and will deal with his own people just as he has dealt with yours. With long suffering, gentleness, kindness, mercifulness, because it is G-ds kindness that leads us to repentance, Sunni. You see? G-d does not wish that any would perish - it is written - 2 Chronicles 7:14 - the greater question is who will reach the House of Esau and warn them of this impending judgment that is upon them even at this hour? Who will do that? Will you? If you love them, you will, Sunni. I believe you will. - Jeri p.s. I provided a link on the suffering of
Christians throughout the world and stories which you might otherwise not hear in mainstream media about nations who are oppressing Christians.

I am horrified every time I read your cultist Christian Zionist mumbo jumbo.

Satan certainly does have a presence in this world.

Jesus shows me who God is, not cultist Christian Zionists.

And Jesus says about the land, the meek shall inherit it, no distinctions are made by Him between Hebrews and nonHebrews or their descendants.

Sherri still seems to think that Jesus spoke english and used english idiom.

THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH------is a typical pharisee dictum----
in fact it has nothing to do with "LAND" per se. and certainly not
ZION--------- it is a kind of EXPANSIVE IDEA in which "meekness"---which
is an approximate translation of "ANAV" is highly prized ------Moses is
described as the guy MOST ANAV in the world ---which is supposed to be a
big COMPLIMENT -------it describes his CHARACTER which is one of
selflessness and modesty. sherri seems to imagine it means something
like ----persons afflicted and impoverished------NOPE!!!!!!
Inheritance of land-----in those days was based on family----land--meaning--
this or that plot of land------where you build a house and plant---
potatoes------if they had potatoes----which they did not. It actually had
nothing to do with a person's character Most land was inherited by law.
The people of the tribe of moses LEVI-----did not inherit land ----is
that not interesting sherri? There is no LEVI family land -----there is
JUDAH family land-----but no levi

sheeeesh she is dim Explain it to her Jeremiah
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

I know you will hate to read the following, but I couldn't care less if it upsets you.

G-d will never ever turn his back on his people. He made a covenant and that will stay forever more.

It is your Islamist brethren who are doomed and they are the immoral and perverted ones.
The "Chosen People" broke the covenant with God and are now on their own without divine protection.

It will be interesting to see how God destroys Israel and where he scatters the Jews.

(he has done it before when they embraced immorality and turned their backs on him)


I tell you the truth. According to the Hebrew prophets and the biblical prophecy coming to pass at this hour the ingathering of the Jews to Israel is final this time. The Jews shall not go into exile again. This is the final return and there are still more to make aliyah yet. G-d shall not detroy Israel but He shall destroy the House of Esau and use the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph to do it. This is his recompense for the House of Esau troubling the house of Jacob.

It is written:

And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the LORD hath spoken it. - Obadiah 1:18

And again it is written:

And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau, and they of the plain of Philistines, and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. and the captivity of the host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Caanites, even unto Zarephath, and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.

Even Gaza is going back into the hands of Israel and all of Jerusalem and there shall never again be any of Esau's house / foreigners living amongst them.

They shall take the bars off their doors and windows and their gates away and they will take down their walls. They will be at rest. It is written:

Ezekiel 38: 10,11 - read it - Israel shall be dwelling at peace and rest at the time of the Russian led islamic invasion which shall also end in the demise of Israels enemies.

Those who strive against Israel are striving against God. You cannot win. You cannot. Those in Ezekiels war will perish on the mountain of Jerusalem. It is written: Ezekiel 39:17.

Flee from the wrath to come. Repent to God and seek him while he can be found. That is using wisdom in the matter. I pray the Lords will be done in all of your lives. He has the best plan. - Jeri
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The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:
International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.

What does that mean??? Gaza has a nice big border with EGYPT---
which egypt controls------contrary to the lies of the isa-respecting excrement
tongues-------ISRAEL DOES NOT CONTROL the gaza/egypt border----
and ISRAEL does not enter gaza except when its isa-respecting baby murderers
attack "OCCUPIED" was a really nice status for JAPAN------and is even
better for GAZA---------before that "occupied" status------gaza did not have running

Of course the occupied japanese did not entertain their women by murdering
american infants as to the isa respecting colleagues of sherri
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:
Rather difficult to picture Jesus of Nazareth beheading people, isn't it?
International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.
We weren't talking Occupiers...

We were talking Blockaders...


Focus, Grasshopper...
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I know you will hate to read the following, but I couldn't care less if it upsets you.

G-d will never ever turn his back on his people. He made a covenant and that will stay forever more.

It is your Islamist brethren who are doomed and they are the immoral and perverted ones.
The "Chosen People" broke the covenant with God and are now on their own without divine protection.

It will be interesting to see how God destroys Israel and where he scatters the Jews.

(he has done it before when they embraced immorality and turned their backs on him)


I tell you the truth. According to the Hebrew prophets and the biblical prophecy coming to pass at this hour the ingathering of the Jews to Israel is final this time. The Jews shall not go into exile again. This is the final return and there are still more to make aliyah yet. G-d shall not detroy Israel but He shall destroy the House of Esau and use the House of Jacob and the House of Joseph to do it. This is his recompense for the House of Esau troubling the house of Jacob.

It is written:

And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the LORD hath spoken it. - Obadiah 1:18

And again it is written:

And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau, and they of the plain of Philistines, and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. and the captivity of the host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Caanites, even unto Zarephath, and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD's.

Even Gaza is going back into the hands of Israel and all of Jerusalem and there shall never again be any of Esau's house / foreigners living amongst them.

They shall take the bars off their doors and windows and their gates away and they will take down their walls. They will be at rest. It is written:

Ezekiel 38: 10,11 - read it - Israel shall be dwelling at peace and rest at the time of the Russian led islamic invasion which shall also end in the demise of Israels enemies.

Those who strive against Israel are striving against God. You cannot win. You cannot. Those in Ezekiels war will perish on the mountain of Jerusalem. It is written: Ezekiel 39:17.

Flee from the wrath to come. Repent to God and seek him while he can be found. That is using wisdom in the matter. I pray the Lords will be done in all of your lives. He has the best plan. - Jeri

More Christian Zionist Nonsense!
That's nice...

Did they say anything about the EGYPTIAN blockade while they were at it?

The Egyptians know a Mad Dog when they see one, too...

Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.
We weren't talking Occupiers...

We were talking Blockaders...


Focus, Grasshopper...

Israel imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza and that has been addressed by The International Red Cross and other intl legal authorities.
Israel remains the only Occupier of Gaza, none of that has changed.
We weren't talking Occupiers...

We were talking Blockaders...


Focus, Grasshopper...

Israel imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza and that has been addressed by The International Red Cross and other intl legal authorities.
Doesn't matter, in this narrow context.

You were bitching about The Blockade.

I suggested you were talking about the Egyptian Blockade of Gaza.

You then came back with a ridiculous non sequitor about Occupiers.

I called you on the ridiculous non sequitor.

You're still wiggling and squirming on the hook trying to find a way out.

You have had no luck with that so far.

Fashion Tip: quit while you're behind.
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The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:

Reminds me of a Seventh Day Adventist I encountered once speaking about the Israelites and all that ethnic cleansing they did. He came to believe their God was Satan, he could not be the Christian God who Jesus shows us. The Christian God would not ethnically cleanse. He said love one another. We cannot love one another as we are ethnically cleansing and taking their lives.

We all see very clearly today who Zionists are and who they serve.

Actions speak louder then any words ever can.

What do I believe about the Israelites? Something is wrong with the story or we see Truth from different perspectives and times and places and our capacity to understand how God reaches different people in different places and times is limited.
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The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:

Reminds me of a Seventh Day Adventist I encountered once speaking about the Israelites
and all that ethnic cleansing they did. He came to believe their God was Satan, he could not be the Christian God who Jesus shows us. The Christian God would not ethnically cleanse. He said love one another. We cannot love one another as we are ethnically cleansing and taking their lives.

We all see very clearly today who Zionists are and who they serve.

Actions speak louder then any words ever can.

What do I believe about the Israelites? Something is wrong with the story.

OH gee-----sherri found something that calls itself a "seventh day adventist" who ---like
herself is a worshipper of the rapist pig and adolf abu ali. For the record---
seventh day adventists are very ardent zionists----but---in all populations 1% is
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

Beheading was Mohammed's Idea and he practice it

This is what Islam is all about. Uncivilized, depraved Savages. They were born in Hell and will Rot there . In their " religion" there is no " God" :eusa_angel:

Reminds me of a Seventh Day Adventist I encountered once speaking about the Israelites and all that ethnic cleansing they did. He came to believe their God was Satan, he could not be the Christian God who Jesus shows us. The Christian God would not ethnically cleanse. He said love one another. We cannot love one another as we are ethnically cleansing and taking their lives.

We all see very clearly today who Zionists are and who they serve.

Actions speak louder then any words ever can.

What do I believe about the Israelites? Something is wrong with the story or we see Truth from different perspectives and times and places and our capacity to understand how God reaches different people in different places and times is limited.

Let's talk about the " Christian God" this fake " Christian " believes in; She states her " God" would not ethnically cleanse. We know that if the Arab/ Muslim World could do this to the Jews they would. Does this fake " Christian" object to that? Of course not.

Don't see her condemning any of this;

Muslims Kill And Behead Christians

However, that isn't quite true. Hate and Actions frequently start with inaction and words.
(Graphic) Muslim trophy in Syria: lifeless body of decapitated Christian child |

Yes, you Fake Christian. Actions speak louder then words ever can. The " Zionists" believe that Israel has the Right to exist unlike you; the Bigoted, Racist Anti Semite :lol:

Atlas Shrugs: Mufti of Jerusalem: Islam's Role in the Holocaust

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