PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

Natural floods are one thing.

The sewage issue in Gaza is caused by the illegal Blockade of Gaza.

The policies of ISLAMIC EGYPT toward ISLAMIC GAZA has been causing misery
for Gazans for more than 65 years In fact the policies of the UMMAH have resulted
in the murder of tens ---if not hundreds---of thousands of innocent muslim arabs
who lately call themselves "palestinians" ----------their plight is a tragic one
Natural floods are one thing. The sewage issue in Gaza is caused by the illegal Blockade of Gaza.
Yeah... those danged Egyptians, closing-off the access tunnels through which cheap Egyptian fuel had heretofore been brought to power the sewer treatment plant, amongst other things, and preventing more fuel from getting through! Even the Egyptians and Jordanians fence-off these Palestinian Crazies.
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The RED CROSS has no authority In fact, it has discredited itself many times .

Clara Barton would be horrified at the disgusting politicized lump
of filth it has become. It has gone the way of many self-serving
institutions UNESCO is another one. In fact---the UN has no
value at all. ---------THE ICC has just been rendered a joke, too.

right now------I would trust the opinion of the POPE above all of them---
which is quite a stretch for me-----but ----TRUE---now.
International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law

International Red Cross Denounces Israeli Blockade of Gaza As Violation of International Law | JONATHAN TURLEY

Goods allowed or banned for import into Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Red Cross official: Gaza isn't experiencing a humanitarian crisis

By Haaretz Service | Apr. 21, 2011 | 10:52 AM | 93


Gazan boy shopping
A Palestinian youth shopping at a supermarket in Gaza City. Photo by AP

The Gaza Strip is not experiencing a humanitarian crisis, the Israel Defense Forces quoted a Red Cross official as saying on Wednesday.

In an interview conducted by Rotem Caro-Weizman and published on the IDF website, Mathilde Redmatn, deputy director of the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip, said that there "is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza," adding: "If you go to the supermarket, there are products. There are restaurants and a nice beach."

Rather, according to Redmatn, the issue in Gaza was "mainly in maintenance of infrastructure and in access to goods, concrete for example."

Referring to Israel's blockade on the Strip, Redmatn said that while "Israel has the legitimate right to protect the civilian population, this right should be balanced with the right of 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip."

"Despite the easing of the closure and the partial lifting of export bans in the wake of the flotilla incident, continued restrictions on the movement of people and difficulties in importing building materials hampered sustainable economic recovery and dashed any hope of leading a normal and dignified life," the Red Cross official was quoted as saying.

"Our goal is not to negotiate peace, but to ensure the well-being of the civilian population," Redmatn told the IDF website.

"We understand and recognize Israel's right to security but it needs to maintain the balance between that and the right of Palestinians living in Gaza to [earn] a living and to [access] proper medical care. Of course this is also the responsibility of Hamas to its citizens and therefore we also have relations with them."

Redmatn also reiterated her condemnation of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, saying that "rocket-fire from the Gaza Strip is against international law because it is directed at civilians," adding that the Red Cross conducts a "confidential or bilateral dialogue with Hamas on the matter. As time passes, the dialogue also develops."

Red Cross official: Gaza isn't experiencing a humanitarian crisis Israel News | Haaretz

Goods allowed or banned for import into Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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When I saw the photos, Lipush , it reminded me of a Word that the Lord gave a woman named Carol Brown many years ago. I've had the book for many years and used to like to refer to it but had misplaced it. Prior to Superstorm Sandy I found the book. I opened it to this page about the latter rains and the Lord quickened my spirit, this is now. This a right now word! Within 2 weeks the Superstorm Sandy devastation happened in the northeast and afterwards I realized it was a manifestation of what had already taken place in the spiritual realm just as the Lord had spoken it.
( G-d can use anything - even a book! )

I went and got the book so I can write down the Word the Lord gave her. It is from Speak Lord - Your Servant is Listening by Carol Brown page 43 and it is only a small excerpt but powerful. Very powerful as it is clear that this must be what is happening in the midwest with the storms in America and now by you in Israel. Listen to this and be encouraged. After quoting this I have to tell you that I have been sensing in my spirit for a few weeks that Israel is about to have a Breakthrough.

Carol Brown writes:

For the latter rains will surely come, the earth will be flooded with My Spirit, and the earth will experience physical floods. The earth will be shaken by spiritual warfare, and the power of God will shake all that can be shaken.....and there will be great earthquakes. Spiritual darkness will bring forth physical darkeness, and the light of the Son, and the light of the sun cut off. For every spiritual event there will be a physical counterpart. This is true in every area. Think about this and write down all you can think of and pray that this revelation will be understood and take hold and that My people will apply this principle to their lives. Whatever happens in the spiritual realm is manifested in the material. Watch this principle, learn how it operates, and use it to bring forth my will in your life, and pray that others will do the same. When this is done, the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
end of quote from page 43 Speak Lord your Servant is Listening by Carol Brown.

Okay, let me tell you that when I heard about the devastation in the Philipines the first thing that came to me was it was the physical manifestation of spiritual warfare happening in that region. When I heard about the storms in the midwest that did not come to me until I read this. So I believe that also is reflecting warfare in the spiritual realm. Now this story to me speaks of the coming breakout of God's glory coming to Israel to his people. It is to me speaking of the latter rains which are spoke of in Joel. Something is about to break forth. Joel is about God destroying his enemies while bringing about unparalleled blessings to his people who faithfully obey him ( In Israel ) It is a time of tremendous judgment and tremendous blessing - it is also a time of judgment on the Gentiles and on the nations.

One of the most powerful verses concerning this prophecy is in Joel 3:14,15 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon shall be darkened and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
We already know some very dark days are coming upon the earth. No question about it. As I believe this word that Carol Brown got back in 2004 is for this season - I do believe all of this will occur in our lifetimes including the time of nuclear war which is referring to spiritual darkness will bring physical darkness ( then the Son of God will be seen in Believers like the stars in the firmament shine brightest in the darkest night ) and when the Lord told her the light of the sun will be cut off he is speaking of nuclear war which I believe we will also see in our lifetime. - Jeri p.s. nuclear war is depicted by the Hebrew prophets as well-everything lines up with scripture.. that is when the house of Esau perishes.. ( I believe )
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Takes one to know one, You Pro Palestinian Scumbag :cool:

its not my fault its a shiity peice of land full of sewage..

God brought the floods to Israel.

Israel brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

Maybe, we see some of God's judgment on Israel in operation here.

You are right. God brought the rains / floods to Israel.
God also brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

You are seeing some of the judgment of God in operation here, Sherri.

What happens in the spiritual realm first is then manifest in the natural realm upon the earth. It is tied together. Israel hasn't done anything here. This is God. Open your eyes and warn the people. When you love people, you must warn them. They are not striving against a nation or a people in this matter. They are striving against G-d Almighty and one who strives against G-d is in great peril unless they repent from it.
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its not my fault its a shiity peice of land full of sewage..

God brought the floods to Israel.

Israel brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

Maybe, we see some of God's judgment on Israel in operation here.

You are right. God brought the rains / floods to Israel.
God also brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

You are seeing some of the judgment of God in operation here, Sherri.

What happens in the spiritual realm first is then manifest in the natural realm upon the earth. It is tied together. Israel hasn't done anything here. This is God. Open your eyes and warn the people. When you love people, you must warn them. They are not striving against a nation or a people in this matter. They are striving against G-d Almighty and one who strives against G-d is in great peril unless they repent from it.

Unfortunately the civilians' suffering in Gaza doesn't bother the Gazan government of Hamas one little bit.

Mushir al-Masri, a top Hamas terrorist and member of the PA parliament, declared today speaking on behalf of Hamas at the College for Science and Technology in Khan Yunis that the next conflict with Israel would be underground, and that "we will enter your homes, your schools, your positions and your strongholds."

Hamas: 'We'll Come to Your Homes, Your Schools' - Middle East - News - Israel National News
I do not know alot about the civilians in Gaza but I am wondering are they permitted to leave and move go to another nation with their families? I would hope they have that freedom as I am sure that Israel is not demanding they stay there but does Hamas tell them they cannot leave? Does anyone know that can answer me about that?

I tell you why I am asking. I was reading Psalms today and as I see news stories about Israel to be prophetic in nature many times I could not help but notice the alignment of a future nuclear attack in which those of the house of Esau recompensed for the trouble brought upon the house of Jacob......

Psalm 11

In the LORD I take refuge
How then can you say to me:

"Flee like a bird to your mountain.

For look, the wicked bend their bows,
they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows
at the upright in heart

When the foundations are being destroyed,
what can the upright do?

The LORD is in his holy temple,
the LORD is on his heavenly throne,

He observes the sons of men, his eyes examine them.
The Lord examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates.

On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur,
a scorching wind will be their lot.

For the LORD is righteous,
he loves justice,
upright men shall see his face.

Consider this:

The House of Esau who have afflicted the House of Jacob are to burn with nuclear fire according to the hebrew prophets and even the Psalms. Consider this Psalm...... and think of how this aligns with not only King David's day but today in Israel! God uses the words - raining down fiery coals and burning sulfer..

I wonder about this because I was told by a Pastor who told me he had a vision of America and a nuclear attack that sounded like a train coming and afterwards he even smelled this awful smell of burning rotten eggs. He said he was told that the aftermath of a nuclear attack smells like sulfer. It has the stench of burning rotten eggs. For those who believe the sewage to be bad? Yes it is.. but imagine staying for the day in which such a thing as nuclear fallout becomes the matter.. it would be better to leave now.. would it not? I am praying that all who are in Gaza will leave and go to a far off land where they can have a normal life and come away from this impending judgment - that they would no longer be drawn into this by Hamas or any other terror group but rather flee from it immediately.
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Gazans can leave and get their medical treatment in Israel should Israel be able to provide the expertise Gazans cannot.

With a passport they can move out of Gaza through Israel, but I am not sure if they can through Egypt - they may be able to but it is just I don't know about it.

Gaza travel guide - Wikitravel
God brought the floods to Israel.

Israel brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

Maybe, we see some of God's judgment on Israel in operation here.

You are right. God brought the rains / floods to Israel.
God also brought the overflowing sewage to Gaza.

You are seeing some of the judgment of God in operation here, Sherri.

What happens in the spiritual realm first is then manifest in the natural realm upon the earth. It is tied together. Israel hasn't done anything here. This is God. Open your eyes and warn the people. When you love people, you must warn them. They are not striving against a nation or a people in this matter. They are striving against G-d Almighty and one who strives against G-d is in great peril unless they repent from it.

Unfortunately the civilians' suffering in Gaza doesn't bother the Gazan government of Hamas one little bit.

Mushir al-Masri, a top Hamas terrorist and member of the PA parliament, declared today speaking on behalf of Hamas at the College for Science and Technology in Khan Yunis that the next conflict with Israel would be underground, and that "we will enter your homes, your schools, your positions and your strongholds."

Hamas: 'We'll Come to Your Homes, Your Schools' - Middle East - News - Israel National News

This is prophesied about in the bible - this invasion which is described as the day of Rachel's trouble but it will end with a nuclear response in which all Israels neighbors in the middle east will be destroyed ( Zephaniah 2, Also Isaiah 13 - 23 chapters) some by nuclear fire - the Word says they will be as Sodom and Gomorrah in that day - destroyed - then Gaza will be emptied and return back to Israel - Obadiah 1: 18 and it is also prophesied about in Joel chapter two as the imminent invasion of Judah which results in the salvation of Judah - to those who cry out to the LORD and then also the judgment on the Gentiles and finally in Joel 3: 16- 21 the restoration of Judah. ( which will result in them having no more enemy neighbors as they will all be wiped out in that war ) But your fortress will cease because Jacob will wax thin which means this will be a horrific battle and military is hit hard & ceases so many will perish but the House of Jacob shall prevail against the house of Esau and the house of Esau will be burned like stubble and cease to exist from the face of the earth. Obadiah 1: 18 again.
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Gazans can leave and get their medical treatment in Israel should Israel be able to provide the expertise Gazans cannot.

With a passport they can move out of Gaza through Israel, but I am not sure if they can through Egypt - they may be able to but it is just I don't know about it.

Gaza travel guide - Wikitravel

If they can leave they should leave as soon as possible. I believe this is the generation that is spoken of in Obadiah 1: 18. The modern day house of Esau is the palestinians who are there now. If they leave and repent and go live in peace some other place on the earth I believe G-d will be merciful to them. My prayer is that those who would turn to the G-d of Israel and repent would leave with their families and save their own lives. Both now and eternally.. God does not wish that any should perish but that they should repent and turn from evil and live. That is always Gods heart for the lost. G-d takes no delight in the death of a wicked person because then there is no hope left.
Jeremiah------in general----stinky stuff is sulphur----sulphuric bonds
-----in organic molecules-----are very important-----TO LIVING THINGS
uhm......even non rotten eggs have SULPHURIC BONDS ----
other smelly phenomena----owe their smelliness to SULPHUR---
too. Smelliness------protects us------just as does bitter taste. ---
unfortunately SWEET ----rots our teeth If sugar were smelly
like SULPHUR.......... I would still be a size 5 junior petite and some
of my missing molars would still be in place. BIBLICAL SULPHUR
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

I know you will hate to read the following, but I couldn't care less if it upsets you.

G-d will never ever turn his back on his people. He made a covenant and that will stay forever more.

It is your Islamist brethren who are doomed and they are the immoral and perverted ones.
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

FECES FLING------the friday entertainment in the hall of stink and
perversity and pimps and whores.------asses upturned.
The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

While it is true God is holy and just and does bring judgment God also forgives, restores, and heals, Sunni. God never threw away his people although I understand that there is a false doctrine taught in some churches which is called "replacement theology".. when I first heard it I was horrified because I realised these men were teaching heresy and that it was not found in the bible at all.

Since then I have learned that many do not even read their bibles and that is why they do not know what it says. They have not read it thoroughly. While I appreciate anyone expressing their desire for righteousness - holy living -including you - I have to tell you that you should turn your attention towards your own nations who are in far greater need of moral correction then Israel. There have been more Christians killed in the name of Allah than in any other generation and this is happening all over the middle east, asia, the continent of Africa, how much longer can God not judge people for such sins?

I do not deny Israel has sin in her camp. She does. But God is God over his own people and will deal with his own people just as he has dealt with yours. With long suffering, gentleness, kindness, mercifulness, because it is Gods kindness that leads us to repentance, Sunni. You see? God does not wish that any would perish - it is written - 2 Chronicles 7:14 - the greater question is who will reach the House of Esau and warn them of this impending judgment that is upon them even at this hour? Who will do that? Will you? If you love them, you will, Sunni. I believe you will. - Jeri p.s. I provided a link on the suffering of Christians throughout the world and stories which you might otherwise not hear in mainstream media about nations who are oppressing Christians.

See the rest of the story on newsroom Link.......

Eritrea: 185 Arrested for Praying
Nearly 200 Christians were arrested at a prayer meeting in late October in Eritrea’s capital city, Asmara. As concerns increase about the refugee crisis in Eritrea, a group of 185 people had gathered for a prayer meeting in Maitemenay, a northern suburb of Asmara. While praying for their country, security forces raided the building and arrested everyone in the group, including around 80 women and children.

According to VOM sources, at least 83 people from the underground church group known as Hiyaw Amlak (Living God) have now been released. All were sternly warned against meeting with other believers in the future. Before they were released, they were made to sign an agreement indicating they would not meet again.

However, the men in the group as well as anyone who refused to sign the agreement not to meet remain in detention. VOM contacts fear those of military age will be sent to military training centers and detained there.

See the story on newsroom link.
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The Israeli jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long time ago.

Modern zionist Israel is a predominately non-religious secular society complete with government sanctioned Gay Parades and legal sodomite marriage.

God has turned his back on that immoral and perverted nation. . :cool:

I know you will hate to read the following, but I couldn't care less if it upsets you.

G-d will never ever turn his back on his people. He made a covenant and that will stay forever more.

It is your Islamist brethren who are doomed and they are the immoral and perverted ones.
The "Chosen People" broke the covenant with God and are now on their own without divine protection.

It will be interesting to see how God destroys Israel and where he scatters the Jews.

(he has done it before when they embraced immorality and turned their backs on him)


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