PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

Muslims do not "worship" Jesus.

He is only 'revered' and 'reverenced' as one of the Prophets listed in the Quran.

That is all......... :cool:

Freddie would say you need to go to NIGHT SCHOOL----the classic
definition of "worship" in english is "HONOUR OR REVERE"------
it is true that it is used in reference to a "deity"----but its usage is
not at all restricted to the honoring of a deity I am fully aware of the
islamic POV regarding the "MUSLIM ISA"-----I have been hearing it
from muslims for the past 45 years. I even heard about it in a mosque.
----ie the islamic "fact" that the new testament is a pile of manure----

(the pig who thus ranted had a marked egyptian accent----
the idiots sitting on the floor listened to him like he was "allah"--
it was a "GOOD FRIDAY"----about 43 years ago)


worship: definition of worship in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity:

Worship Allah (God) but respect the prophets.

Of course, you can always miss out a few words in order to prove your point but that's hardly reasonable as you'll probably be found out and look stupid.

The word, outside the three major religions, can have other meanings but to use them in this context would make you look equally desperate to prove your point with lies or twisting of the truth.

Just a small note in the hope you won't look like a daft twat.
Muslims do not "worship" Jesus.

He is only 'revered' and 'reverenced' as one of the Prophets listed in the Quran.

That is all......... :cool:

Freddie would say you need to go to NIGHT SCHOOL----the classic
definition of "worship" in english is "HONOUR OR REVERE"------
it is true that it is used in reference to a "deity"----but its usage is
not at all restricted to the honoring of a deity I am fully aware of the
islamic POV regarding the "MUSLIM ISA"-----I have been hearing it
from muslims for the past 45 years. I even heard about it in a mosque.
----ie the islamic "fact" that the new testament is a pile of manure----

(the pig who thus ranted had a marked egyptian accent----
the idiots sitting on the floor listened to him like he was "allah"--
it was a "GOOD FRIDAY"----about 43 years ago)


worship: definition of worship in Oxford dictionary - American English (US)

the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity:

Worship Allah (God) but respect the prophets.

Of course, you can always miss out a few words in order to prove your point but that's hardly reasonable as you'll probably be found out and look stupid.

The word, outside the three major religions, can have other meanings but to use them in this context would make you look equally desperate to prove your point with lies or twisting of the truth.

Just a small note in the hope you won't look like a daft twat.

LOL read your own citation freddie-----you pulled out one of MANY
of the definitions ----of the world "worship" in order to prove that
you are an asshole------and extraordinarily narrow ----do you live in a cave?

I do not----I have encountered people in the USA who,,, if they go to
court ----address the judge as "YOUR WORSHIP" It is --IN ENGLISH---
a word which refers to REVERENCE ----you jerk-----perhaps not in the
gutter in which you live (for the record----I do not address judges as
"your worship")

in the past several decades----muslims have decided to WORSHIP
jesus as a way of making nice with christians In fact, I am quite
sure that the filth I heard in a mosque IN MANHATTAN, NY----some
43 years ago------is not being farted out in that manner ----today. Now---
the name of the game is "LETS MAKE NICE WITH CHRISTIANS"----
at least in the USA------In egypt and nigeria and pakistan and indonesia and
kenya etc etc-------its "LETS SLIT THEIR THROATS"

A very interesting factoid is the silly " "ISLAM NEVER CHANGES"----like
other beliefs do." I heard that one early on an incessantly,, too.
Gee-----what a joke. The history of islam is CHANGING ALLIANCES----
always at the "will of allah"----<<<capricious fellow. One enthusiastic
fellow tried to convince me that there is no problem between shiites
and sunnis<<<its all zionist propaganda ----and a MERRY CHRISTMAS
to you -----too. I predict a christmas tree in MECCA-----in about 50
years and a NEW HISTORY----"we have always celebrated the birth
of prophet isa"
............................................^^^ irosie has started :booze: early today . :lol: :lol:

Maybe she got woken up by the terrible floods.
On the subject in the OP; the floods look like a bit of trouble but hardly an epic biblical event.
I saw as bad here last week but no one bothered to report it.
Even the local papers hardly gave it a mention but, if memory serves, I did upload a couple and post them.
Mine showed kids playing in the floods and a couple of people walking through, I think one was using a pretty much pointless umbrella.
............................................^^^ irosie has started :booze: early today . :lol: :lol:

Maybe she got woken up by the terrible floods.
On the subject in the OP; the floods look like a bit of trouble but hardly an epic biblical event.
I saw as bad here last week but no one bothered to report it.
Even the local papers hardly gave it a mention but, if memory serves, I did upload a couple and post them.
Mine showed kids playing in the floods and a couple of people walking through, I think one was using a pretty much pointless umbrella.

Now you see why I have Sunni Man on "ignore." Rather than provide a fact/link for what he has to say, he makes an allegation of alcoholism. It's that third-world barbarian education of his. Sunni Man stalks me with negative rep. - like it really matters. Don't waste your time with Sunni, there is nothing between the ears.

............................................^^^ irosie has started :booze: early today . :lol: :lol:

Maybe she got woken up by the terrible floods.
On the subject in the OP; the floods look like a bit of trouble but hardly an epic biblical event.
I saw as bad here last week but no one bothered to report it.
Even the local papers hardly gave it a mention but, if memory serves, I did upload a couple and post them.
Mine showed kids playing in the floods and a couple of people walking through, I think one was using a pretty much pointless umbrella.

Now you see why I have Sunni Man on "ignore." Rather than provide a fact/link for what he has to say, he makes an allegation of alcoholism. It's that third-world barbarian education of his. Sunni Man stalks me with negative rep. - like it really matters. Don't waste your time with Sunni, there is nothing between the ears.

Its a cultural thing--------in order to understand the followers of the filthy rapist pig---
you have to know just what the filthy rapist pig DID NOT LIKE. if the filthy rapist
pig did not like it-----his followers consider it UTTERLY VILE. Interestingly
enough---the filthy rapist pig liked cats but did not like dogs. Therefore----
a word that lays on the tongues of the followers as A GRAVE INSULT----is
KHALB (dog) Do not expect the depraved to fart out 'CAT'----even if their
sluts DO have the morals of ALLEY CATS the 'insult' is never "cat"----it is

For reasons not clear----the pig decided that his followers should not drink alcohol.
The proscription actually never worked to keep them from narcotics---but they
do claim that the pig was referring to all intoxicants----in any case----the same slobs
who kiss the asses of dogs who slit the throats of children------"look down"---
on anyone who drinks a glass of wine.
Now you see why I have Sunni Man on "ignore." Rather than provide a fact/link for what he has to say, he makes an allegation of alcoholism. It's that third-world barbarian education of his. Sunni Man stalks me with negative rep. - like it really matters. Don't waste your time with Sunni, there is nothing between the ears.

Its a cultural thing--------in order to understand the followers of the filthy rapist pig---
you have to know just what the filthy rapist pig DID NOT LIKE. if the filthy rapist
pig did not like it-----his followers consider it UTTERLY VILE.

I neither do reds, nor do I have an ignore list.
As for Sunni, he has views far more extreme than I do, but Rosie has even worse, as we see from he silly posts, designed to cause as much trouble as she can.

I have no clue if she's a drinker, stupid, a paid Israeli shrill or just what but she really gets going with the insults but very rarely manages anything constructive.
A very poor debater so I just speed read her stuff but don't pay much attention.
Now you see why I have Sunni Man on "ignore." Rather than provide a fact/link for what he has to say, he makes an allegation of alcoholism. It's that third-world barbarian education of his. Sunni Man stalks me with negative rep. - like it really matters. Don't waste your time with Sunni, there is nothing between the ears.

Its a cultural thing--------in order to understand the followers of the filthy rapist pig---
you have to know just what the filthy rapist pig DID NOT LIKE. if the filthy rapist
pig did not like it-----his followers consider it UTTERLY VILE.

I neither do reds, nor do I have an ignore list.
As for Sunni, he has views far more extreme than I do, but Rosie has even worse, as we see from he silly posts, designed to cause as much trouble as she can.

I have no clue if she's a drinker, stupid, a paid Israeli shrill or just what but she really gets going with the insults but very rarely manages anything constructive.
A very poor debater so I just speed read her stuff but don't pay much attention.

Freddie-----in fact,, I CORRECTLY stated that the meccan 'nabi' did not like dogs,
but did like cats, proscribed the drinking of alcohol, and-----whatever----well---he
also liked the color green. My post is actually correct and informative-----and I learned
about it from muslims who actually did PREFER to adopt those particular preferences and
DENIGRATED those who do not. So what is "silly" about my post? Is there a detail
you wish to dispute? "she is a stupid paid shill"-----is the BEST YOU CAN DO?
It is clear that you are jealous of my ERUDITION
DENIGRATED those who do not. So what is "silly" about my post? Is there a detail
you wish to dispute? "she is a stupid paid shill"-----is the BEST YOU CAN DO?
It is clear that you are jealous of my ERUDITION

Your posts suggest you're something short of an erudite, more an error.

However, I'm assured, the Almighty in infallible, so I assume, when he created you, he was showing the world he has a sense of humour.
The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.
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The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.

you made no point---you just repeated what I wrote. In fact ----I did not accuse
muhummad of not knowing the difference between a dog and a hyena
The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.

you made no point---you just repeated what I wrote. In fact ----I did not accuse
muhummad of not knowing the difference between a dog and a hyena
Get a grip nitwit.

My post had zero to do with whatever rambling nonsense you posted. . :cool:
The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.

you made no point---you just repeated what I wrote. In fact ----I did not accuse
muhummad of not knowing the difference between a dog and a hyena
Get a grip nitwit.

My post had zero to do with whatever rambling nonsense you posted. . :cool:

try again sunni baby----your post was responsive to mine. My information
has been obtained from muslims I have known both as friends and colleagues----
I do have eyes and ears and can observe how they respond to situations and hear
what they say. Every word of my post was accurate. Muslims express DISGUST
as the idea of having dogs as pets. Their disgust does not bother me in a practical
sense. ----I cannot tolerate being in the same room with a dog -----a kind of weird
phobia. However I do not DENIGRATE the practice as do muslims I have known.

AS to my comment about CATS as being very nice pets in the eyes of muslims---
you want to DISPUTE that one too? If I remember correctly----"cat as nice pet" ---
even shows up a a "muhummad preference" somewhere in the koran.
You are being childish and petty. I will comfort you. There is also a rabbinical
opinion from ancient times---that DOGS AS HOUSE PETS ----is not a good idea-----
because dogs often frighten children and might discourage persons needing help
from coming to one's door--------it's in the talmud. Is that not interesting?
Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

Those words are from the l'il pious pustule whose siggy whines that other posters make personal attacks..... LOL, indeed.
Why attack Sherri??

There wasn't a 'Wailing Wall' during the time of Jesus.

True story....... :cool:

SHERRI ENDORSED the above idiotic post

an interesting factoid of history is that the term "WAILING WALL" ---
came into use because both muslims and christians so described it----
since they noted jews gathered near it and wept. I do not even
know how to say "wailing wall" in hebrew------anyone got the arabic?
----or for sherri-----the GREEK
Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

Those words are from the l'il pious pustule whose siggy whines that other posters make personal attacks..... LOL, indeed.
Why attack Sherri??

There wasn't a 'Wailing Wall' during the time of Jesus.

True story....... :cool:

SHERRI ENDORSED the above idiotic post

an interesting factoid of history is that the term "WAILING WALL" ---
came into use because both muslims and christians so described it----
since they noted jews gathered near it and wept. I do not even
know how to say "wailing wall" in hebrew------anyone got the arabic?
----or for sherri-----the GREEK

The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel (Hebrew: About this sound &#1492;&#1463;&#1499;&#1465;&#1468;&#1514;&#1462;&#1500; &#1492;&#1463;&#1502;&#1463;&#1468;&#1506;&#1458;&#1512;&#1464;&#1489;&#1460;&#1497; (help·info), translit.: HaKotel HaMa'aravi; Ashkenazic pronunciation: Kosel,Koisel,Keisel,Kausel; Arabic: &#1581;&#1575;&#1574;&#1591; &#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1585;&#1575;&#1602;*, translit.: &#7716;&#257;'i&#7789; Al-Bur&#257;q, translat.: The Buraq Wall) is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount.
Speaking of words, I'm wondering just how the following accords with 'following Jesus':

"Reading to a wall with little beanies on their head, lol! It really is a funny thing to watch! And then there is the head banging too!
So liberating my religion is, no talking to walls or beanies or head banging required!
Having to live like they do is reason to cry, I guess that is one way to answer the question raised in the OP!"

Those words are from the l'il pious pustule whose siggy whines that other posters make personal attacks..... LOL, indeed.
Why not face it, Marg. Frau Sherri gets excited when she sees a group of her friends do this. I wonder if this show is coming to a town in the South. Perhaps if Frau Sherri can arrange it they will be appearing all over Dixie to Frau Sherri's delight.
New York: Muslims beat themselves bloody (video) | Creeping Sharia
............................................^^^ irosie has started :booze: early today . :lol: :lol:
When Sunni Man doesn't like what an Infidel has to say against his newly-adopted religion, he will accuse her of drinking. Never in Sunni Man's narrow mind would he ever consider that IRosie probably has had more experience throughout the years with Muslims, experience which was gleaned from her working with Muslim doctors and patients as well as hearing from her in-laws from Middle East countries who certainly knew what was going on. Has anyone seen Sunni Man criticizing the one who posts day and night and apparently feels she starts the day with having coffee with Jesus and a late night snack with Him before collapsing into bed for a few hours sleep?
Well, Irosie certainly has a lot of stories....something to fit every occassion.

....don't know about actual experience :lol:
The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.

Rabies was endemic among feral dogs in those times - most cultures had prohibitions against them, and dogs were not well regarded in the ME and even in Europe. I don't think even the bible has anything good to say about them. That all came much later.

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