PHOTOS: Israel's in deep waters

The idea that Muhammad didn't like dogs is somewhat of a misnomer. He only said that their saliva was impure and not to keep them as pets inside your home. And many muslims during Muhammad's time kept dogs for herding livestock, hunting big game, and homestead protection.

Some sources say the city where Prophet lived had several packs of 'wild' undomesticated dogs who plagued the city. And where also a prime candidate to carry rabies. So Muhammad had all of the stray dogs killed in the interest of public safety for the citizens.

Since he only called for the destruction of 'black' dogs within the city limits. Some Islamic scholars think that referred to packs of wild 'Hyena's' not dogs.

Rabies was endemic among feral dogs in those times - most cultures had prohibitions against them, and dogs were not well regarded in the ME and even in Europe. I don't think even the bible has anything good to say about them. That all came much later.

Actually Coyote----you are to some extent right and some extent wrong
about the ancient world and dogs Dogs show up in ancient literature as
symbols of LOYALTY ----even in the ancient Hindu scriptural writings.-----However
you are correct in stating that they had a negative image in the middle east---
as things to keep in the tent for company. HOWEVER---I have correctly stated that
TODAY (got that ---today---21st century) muslims still denigrate the practice of
keeping dogs as pets and in some shariah cesspits ---so much so ---that doing is is
considered IMPIOUS how do I know? I have known lots of muslims-----
go right ahead and sling the usual ----- OH SURE---MORE OF YOUR "STORIES"----vulgar
character that you are. In parts of europe----dogs were VERY HIGHLY REGARDED----
no manor did not have a many roaming about

cats carry TOXOPLASMOSIS-----which produces an intrauterine infection
resulting in deformed mentally retarded babies-----they are very highly
regarded in islamic "culture"
When I want to order a cab to take me and my dog out, I have to specifically request for a non-Muslim driver. They don't even regard healthy tame dogs as kosher.
How can you NOT love animals who offer such love and loyalty in return?

When I want to order a cab to take me and my dog out, I have to specifically request for a non-Muslim driver. They don't even regard healthy tame dogs as kosher.
Actually, the term is 'halal' not kosher.

It's the saliva of the dog that muslims consider impure and offensive.

So they don't want a dog licking on the upholstery of the taxi cab. . :cool:
When I want to order a cab to take me and my dog out, I have to specifically request for a non-Muslim driver. They don't even regard healthy tame dogs as kosher.
Actually, the term is 'halal' not kosher.

It's the saliva of the dog that muslims consider impure and offensive.

So they don't want a dog licking on the upholstery of the taxi cab. . :cool:

Why would a dog lick upholstery of a cab?
When I want to order a cab to take me and my dog out, I have to specifically request for a non-Muslim driver. They don't even regard healthy tame dogs as kosher.
Actually, the term is 'halal' not kosher.

It's the saliva of the dog that muslims consider impure and offensive.

So they don't want a dog licking on the upholstery of the taxi cab. . :cool:

Why would a dog lick upholstery of a cab?
It seems to me that...

If a cabbie is engaged in highly-regulated Public Transportation for Hire...

And if those regulations permit pets (dogs, cats, etc.) to ride in the taxicab...

No cabbie... black, white, brown, yellow, red, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, native, immigrant, religious, atheist, whatever...

No cabbie should be allowed to refuse to pick-up and transport a fare, for such a reason.

Doing so should constitute grounds for a Licensing Hearing, to determine whether the cabbie should have his cab-driver's license revoked...

Don't like it?

Change the law, or get a different job.
When I want to order a cab to take me and my dog out, I have to specifically request for a non-Muslim driver. They don't even regard healthy tame dogs as kosher.
Actually, the term is 'halal' not kosher.

It's the saliva of the dog that muslims consider impure and offensive.

So they don't want a dog licking on the upholstery of the taxi cab. . :cool:

Why would a dog lick upholstery of a cab?
Most dogs are lickers and will lick most anything; including their genitals and butt.

So yea, dog saliva is nasty, and no muslim wants to sit where a dog was transported. . :doubt:
Actually, the term is 'halal' not kosher.

It's the saliva of the dog that muslims consider impure and offensive.

So they don't want a dog licking on the upholstery of the taxi cab. . :cool:

Why would a dog lick upholstery of a cab?
Most dogs are lickers and will lick most anything; including their genitals and butt.

So yea, dog saliva is nasty, and no muslim wants to sit where a dog was transported. . :doubt:
The Rich Man and Lazarus

19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

"Just LOOK what you made me do to your mother!" classic - hardly new, or defensible

Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

Israel built the fence and Israel blocks supplies.
It's called, "collective punishment" and is illegal.

Israel has NOTHING to do with Egypt's blocking of the HamASS smuggling tunnels - which is the reason for the sewage situation cited in the article. When one is busy denying facts, one's conclusions are not apt to be worth even reading.......
Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

"Just LOOK what you made me do to your mother!" classic - hardly new, or defensible


Right: It's indefensible to blame Israel for what either Egypt or HamASS have chosen to do. Why do some posters persist in ignoring Egypt's actions????
Sherriliar "logic": Egypt blocks smuggling tunnels to Gaza, so it's somehow Israel's fault.

LOL. It's HamASS which has forced the child of Gaza to wade through literal sewage. But the l'il sherriliar chooses to lie about that, too.

"Just LOOK what you made me do to your mother!" classic - hardly new, or defensible


Right: It's indefensible to blame Israel for what either Egypt or HamASS have chosen to do. Why do some posters persist in ignoring Egypt's actions????

Calling the tunnels "smuggling" tunnels when you don't let them bring in supplies for basic survival is bullshit
"...Calling the tunnels "smuggling" tunnels when you don't let them bring in supplies for basic survival is bullshit"
Stop the rocket attacks and the blockade ends.

Continue the rocket attacks and (1) the blockade continues, and (2) Palestinians continue to die in hugely disproportionate numbers.

The Palestinians have a clear choice.
The Blockade is collective punishment and a war crime.

There is no defense for it.

The rockets have killed 13 in a decade, Israel has killed thousands in that decade.

What a pathetic claim, justifying the Zionist Barbarian massacre of 1519 children in Palestine with rockets that have killed 13 Israelis in the last decade.

ZIONISTS ARE simply baby killing scum of the earth and they fully deserve to be wiped off the map of time.

God will take care of them soon.
The Blockade is collective punishment and a war crime.

There is no defense for it.

The rockets have killed 13 in a decade, Israel has killed thousands in that decade.

What a pathetic claim, justifying the Zionist Barbarian massacre of 1519 children in Palestine with rockets that have killed 13 Israelis in the last decade.

ZIONISTS ARE simply baby killing scum of the earth and they fully deserve to be wiped off the map of time.

God will take care of them soon.

Isn't it just wonderful how Mrs. Sherri spams the same old nonsense like some broken record? You want to say "Polly want a cracker?" Meanwhile she will never tell you about the baby killing scum of the earth who are busy murdering babies, toddlers, teenagers and adults in many places. Why should she? These are her lovely friends, and it looks like she has no qualms about what they are doing. Could Mrs. Sherri actually be a robot who has some tape shoved into a slot in her robot body each day that will blurt out the same stuff Ad infinitum until the tape wears out?
Meanwhile she will never tell you about the baby killing scum of the earth who are busy murdering babies, toddlers, teenagers and adults in many places.
You just described the Israeli IDF ... :thup:

How do these Muslim converts like Sunni Man do it??? So many stories about his Muslim brothers operating in many countries, busily murdering innocent human beings, and they manage to close their eyes to it and just obsess over Israel. Doesn't he think that many of the people whose relatives and friends have been killed by Sunni Man's fellow Muslims know just what scum his friends are. I certainly hope that Sunni Man is not contributing anything to help his fellow Muslims kill others. There have been cases here in the U.S. where Muslims have been abetting Muslim terrorists.
Meanwhile she will never tell you about the baby killing scum of the earth who are busy murdering babies, toddlers, teenagers and adults in many places.
You just described the Israeli IDF ... :thup:

How do these Muslim converts like Sunni Man do it??? So many stories about his Muslim brothers operating in many countries, busily murdering innocent human beings, and they manage to close their eyes to it and just obsess over Israel. Doesn't he think that many of the people whose relatives and friends have been killed by Sunni Man's fellow Muslims know just what scum his friends are. I certainly hope that Sunni Man is not contributing anything to help his fellow Muslims kill others. There have been cases here in the U.S. where Muslims have been abetting Muslim terrorists.
.............^^ blah, blah, Sunni Man, blah, blah, muslims, blah blah, blah.......... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

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