Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Take the most basic general science class you can find, and find out.
How would you know, since you do not believe in science?

Probably 90% of my college education was science. I've spent the last 30 years working in naval research & development.

How about you Koos? How much science education have you had? How much science do you use in your typical day?

ps: have you figured out what to do with that source code and those data files yet? I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

Now that's funny, I have very little science in my years in school and I know more than you. Now that's not saying much for the college you went to. See CO2 is not a sun and cannot add warming. If it could see, you'd have provided that nice little experiment that proves your point. Didn't they teach you that in college?
Maybe you could make a comment with some significance. If you want to babble, speak to your children.

an insult to include my family, glad to see I have your attention and that you took the opportunity to display that you are an asshole as well as an idiot not to mention a hypocrite, seeings how your comment has zero relevance to the thread.

Making Biscuits releases CO2, comes from baking soda and baking powder, should we not ban Biscuits to save the World?
Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change | ThinkProgress
When not refuting the 97 percent of scientists who believe in human-caused global warming, climate change deniers often draw upon the conspiracy that it’s is a fabricated theory invented by those in a position to gain financially or otherwise from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A Texas-based physicist is turning that notion on its head by offering $10,000 of his own money to anyone who can disprove mainstream, accepted climate science.

Dr. Christopher Keating, a physicist who has taught at the University of South Dakota and the U.S. Naval Academy, says in his blog post that the rules are easy: there is no entry fee, participants must be over 18, and the scientific method must be employed.

“Deniers actively claim that science is on their side and there is no proof of man-made climate change,” Keating told the College Fix by email. “You would think that if it was really as easy as the deniers claim that someone, somewhere would do it.”

Keating is planning to post entries on his blog along with comments. He is willing to field a wide array of submissions and is also offering $1,000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that climate change isn’t real. “They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said.

Keating is the author of the recent book “Undeniable: Dialogues on Global Warming,” which employs a Socratic-style discussion between three friends over email in a climate change polemic.

Actually, he is offering a $30,000 reward:

?Physicist offers $30,000 reward to disprove climate change - CBS News

Get to work, deniers.
Climate change is caused by time change. Stop time change and naturally climate stops changing.

Did you know?

Time change causes all humans deaths know to man. No lie.
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It is impossible to disprove climate change. All you have to do is drive from Texas to Colorado and the climate changes. Seriously, it is like pinning jello to a wall. The climate changes from day to day, year to year. We have had many changes throughout history. Big deal.

The only thing that has changed for certain is the title that they use for their sham. It used to be called "Global Warming" but when they realized that we began having record breaking cold weather they "changed" it to "Climate Change."

It's all about the money.
Take the most basic general science class you can find, and find out.
How would you know, since you do not believe in science?

Probably 90% of my college education was science. I've spent the last 30 years working in naval research & development.

How about you Koos? How much science education have you had? How much science do you use in your typical day?

ps: have you figured out what to do with that source code and those data files yet? I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

And you should get your money back as they did not teach you any science..

And more proof that your religion trumps any science that you claim to have had..

All I will tell you is I have had dealing with the hack James Hansen, so probably more real science than you have ever seen in one minute of your life.

And I am still waiting for that link to the datasets and source code that proves CO2 drives climate, the entire basis for your religion.

If you truly believed in science you would know that AGW is bunk!

So if you truly have had all this "science" then you are nothing more than a Hack!
Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change | ThinkProgress
When not refuting the 97 percent of scientists who believe in human-caused global warming, climate change deniers often draw upon the conspiracy that it’s is a fabricated theory invented by those in a position to gain financially or otherwise from efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A Texas-based physicist is turning that notion on its head by offering $10,000 of his own money to anyone who can disprove mainstream, accepted climate science.

Dr. Christopher Keating, a physicist who has taught at the University of South Dakota and the U.S. Naval Academy, says in his blog post that the rules are easy: there is no entry fee, participants must be over 18, and the scientific method must be employed.

“Deniers actively claim that science is on their side and there is no proof of man-made climate change,” Keating told the College Fix by email. “You would think that if it was really as easy as the deniers claim that someone, somewhere would do it.”

Keating is planning to post entries on his blog along with comments. He is willing to field a wide array of submissions and is also offering $1,000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that climate change isn’t real. “They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said.

Keating is the author of the recent book “Undeniable: Dialogues on Global Warming,” which employs a Socratic-style discussion between three friends over email in a climate change polemic.

Actually, he is offering a $30,000 reward:

?Physicist offers $30,000 reward to disprove climate change - CBS News

Get to work, deniers.

Wow even more hack scientists. It really is time to take these people down and have them removed and never be allowed to call themselves scientists.

Just like James Hansen is a Hack and should never been allowed to teach anything that was related to science.
Now these K00ks want people to prove a negative.

Trivial to do. I can easily prove there are no elephants in my living room. Only the logically deficient -- that is, nearly every denier -- say you can't prove a negative.

It is on those who assert that need to provide proof of claim.

Done and done, over and over. That's why the burden of proof is on you now, just as it's on anyone who would want to deny gravity or the round earth theory. So, do it, and collect your easy cash.

Actually you can't. Perhaps someone can corroborate that there are no elephants in your living room but you can't actually prove it.

That said, notice how this guy isn't offering money to disprove Anthropogenic Climate Change. Of course the climate is changing, it always has and it probably always will.
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Defying predictions, the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season ended with a whimper rather than a bang on Thursday, without a single hurricane hitting U.S. shores.

Only three tropical storms made landfall, a welcome relief from the previous two years, when nearly a dozen hurricanes battered the country.

The sense of quiet was relative. Although 2006 might have seemed tame compared with the devastation of 2004 and 2005, the season's totals -- nine named storms, five hurricanes, two of them major -- were actually right at the historical average for the past 150 years, according to data from the National Hurricane Center.

This year's tropical activity fell well short of predictions made at the beginning of the season that called for an above-average number of storms -- although not as many as last year's record-shattering season of 28 named storms.

2006 hurricane season bows out quietly -

Just to remind folks, these "experts" don't really ever get it right.
There are numerous ways to falsify AGW. I've listed several before. Let's see:

1) Show that humans have not produced significant amounts of greenhouse gases.

You must first prove that increased CO2 causes warming. CO2 has increased steadily for damned near the past 20 years and the climate hasn't fact, it may have cooled a bit.

) Show that the greenhouse effect is not real - that greenhouse gases do not trap infrared

So called greenhouse gasses absorb and emit...that is neither trapping and doesn't cause warming. Quantify the greenhouse effect, show actual observed measurements of it in the atmosphere.

) ) Show that the AMOUNT of infrared that greenhouse gases trap is grossly inadequate to have caused the observed warming

Show that any IR is being trapped. TOA measurements show that outgoing long wave is increasing...absorption and emission do not equal trapping...and do not equal warming.

) ) Show that the incoming and outgoing radiation at the ToA are equal - that there is no imbalance

There has been no warming now for almost 2 decades and perhaps some cooling while CO2 has increased...LW escaping at the TOA is increasing which coincides with the cooling over the past 2 decades

) ) Show that the world's temperature has not increased significantly since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

The temperature has a been increasing for 14K years....the industrial revolution coincides with that increase. Most of the 20th century warming happened prior to 1940 when CO2 levels were "safe"

) ) Show that there is no overlap between the frequencies of IR absorbed by CO2 and that radiated by the warmed Earth

Prove that absorption and emission equal warming.

) ) Show that the frequencies of IR absorbed by CO2 are also absorbed by water vapor and thus there's simply no energy left for the CO2 to affect

Show that absorption and emission cause warming...quantify the so called greenhouse effect, and provide some actual atmospheric measurements.

) ANY of these points would falsify AGW. And I bet you've heard almost every one of these presented here by one denier or another. So why hasn't anyone picked up the $10G?

They are all false and yet, you believe. Are you stupid?
There are numerous ways to falsify AGW. I've listed several before. Let's see:

1) Show that humans have not produced significant amounts of greenhouse gases.

You must first prove that increased CO2 causes warming. CO2 has increased steadily for damned near the past 20 years and the climate hasn't fact, it may have cooled a bit.

You don't seem to get how this works. Several of you have repeatedly charged that AGW was so ill-defined that it was unfalsifiable and therefore pseudoscience. I was listing here, as I have done elsewhere, obvious falsifications of AGW. I was not making a case for AGW. I was proving that it is easily falsifiable - were it false. Showing that humans have not produced significant amounts of greenhouse gases would falsify the theory's contention that human activity is the primary cause of our observed warming. That you cannot show any of these tests to fail is not the fault of the test, it's the fault of your position. AGW is valid.

Show that the greenhouse effect is not real - that greenhouse gases do not trap infrared

So called greenhouse gasses absorb and emit...that is neither trapping and doesn't cause warming. Quantify the greenhouse effect, show actual observed measurements of it in the atmosphere.

This mantra of yours: "absorbing and emitting is not warming" is specious and has become tiresome. I asked you some time back to explain how radiative heat transfer works in SSDD-world, but I didn't see a response. Let's make this simple. I've put a turkey in the oven. All three heat transfer functions will take place: conduction, convection and radiation. But we'll just concentrate on radiation for now. The burner at the bottom of the stove is red hot, perhaps 1500F. The turkey is initially at room temperature. Both are radiating but, of course, there's a lot more energy going from the burner to the bird than vice versa. So the bird, not being that perfectly mirrored version they sold down at Sharper Image, absorbs a significant amount of infrared radiation. This radiative transfer takes place solely at the skin of the bird, since neither did I pick up the transparent turkey so fashionable last year. But the increased temperature of the skin is transferred inward via conduction. So that absorbed radiation causes the bird's temperature to rise.
Even when it was room temperature, the bird radiated to its surroundings. Now that its temperature is rising, the amount of IR radiation its emitting is increasing. Fortunately for those of us who don't like our turkey bloody pink, it is not radiating away heat as quickly as it's picking it up. Some of this has to do with the heat its also picking up through conduction from the air in the stove, but mostly it has to do with the continuing delta-T between the skin of the turkey and that 1500F burner element sitting underneath it.

Despite the fact that it is both absorbing and emitting IR (;-)), the bird DOES accumulate thermal energy and its temperature does rise. Your meme is crap. Your batting average at basic and fundamental functions of physical science is still a perfect .000.

Show that any IR is being trapped.





TOA measurements show that outgoing long wave is increasing.

That only indicates that, Surprise! Surprise!, the Earth is getting warmer. The imbalance between energy in and energy out shows, irrefutably, that the Earth is accumulating solar energy and is warming. See Net radiative imbalance and ocean heat content increase in POGA-H and HIST. : Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

..absorption and emission do not equal trapping...and do not equal warming.

I'd love to hear you try to explain this meme someday, but for now, it's still specious and even more tiresome.

There has been no warming now for almost 2 decades and perhaps some cooling while CO2 has increased...LW escaping at the TOA is increasing which coincides with the cooling over the past 2 decades



The temperature has a been increasing for 14K years....the industrial revolution coincides with that increase.


[Present time at left side of graph]

I think not.

Most of the 20th century warming happened prior to 1940 when CO2 levels were "safe"

A large portion did take place between 1900 and 1940 (recall its not the absolute CO2 level, it's the change in level - so it wasn't "safe"), and you're cherry-picking to take advantage of the significant cooling period between 1941 and 1979. But even if we look at the absolute numbers we will find more heating between 1980 and 2000 (a 20-year period) than we will between 1900 and 1940 (a 40 year period). So you're both irrelevant and wrong.

Prove that absorption and emission equal warming.

I (and several others) have already explained the basics of radiative heat transfer to you. It's your turn. Explain to us what radiative heat transfers you believe take place when I put that turkey into my oven.

Show that the frequencies of IR absorbed by CO2 are also absorbed by water vapor and thus there's simply no energy left for the CO2 to affect

Show that absorption and emission cause warming...quantify the so called greenhouse effect, and provide some actual atmospheric measurements.

Take your mantra and shove it up your ass. As for actual atmospheric measurements, see the first two graphics above. You've seen them before on more than one occasion. Makes me wonder why you're asking for them again. Do you think they cease to exist when you stop looking at them?

ANY of these points would falsify AGW. And I bet you've heard almost every one of these presented here by one denier or another. So why hasn't anyone picked up the $10G?

They are all false and yet, you believe. Are you stupid?

All false?!?!? You haven't shed the slightest iota of doubt on ANY of them. In your entire post you did not make a SINGLE CORRECT STATEMENT. For christ's sake dude, get back in touch with reality.
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Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change

Physicist Offers $10,000 To Anyone Who Can Disprove Climate Change | ThinkProgress

Actually, he is offering a $30,000 reward:

?Physicist offers $30,000 reward to disprove climate change - CBS News

Get to work, deniers.

Wow even more hack scientists. It really is time to take these people down and have them removed and never be allowed to call themselves scientists.

Just like James Hansen is a Hack and should never been allowed to teach anything that was related to science.

Fortunately, ignorant asses like you do not get to decide who is and is not a scientist. Those of us that actually see scientists in universities on a daily basis from Sept. to June find that virtually all accept AGW as valid on the basis of evidence.

You 'Conservatives' keep flap-yapping about this scientist or that one, completely ignoring that within the scientific community, there is no debate at all as to whether the GHGs that we create are changing the climate. A scientific community that is worldwide. You can post silly tirades denigrating Dr. Hansen and Dr. Mann all you want, they are not noticed or considired relevent by anyone within the scientific community. Both men have international stature as scientists, considered leaders in their respective fields. And you and I are but posters on a board not relevant to the science involved in the study of the ongoing climate change.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
So the global warming thing went tits up, so the discussion shifts to "climate change", which cannot be shot down since climates have never been fixed or constant.
Hey you guys, so where's that experiment showing CO2 drives climate? LOL mumbo jumbos all you got.
Actually, he is offering a $30,000 reward:

?Physicist offers $30,000 reward to disprove climate change - CBS News

Get to work, deniers.

Wow even more hack scientists. It really is time to take these people down and have them removed and never be allowed to call themselves scientists.

Just like James Hansen is a Hack and should never been allowed to teach anything that was related to science.

Fortunately, ignorant asses like you do not get to decide who is and is not a scientist. Those of us that actually see scientists in universities on a daily basis from Sept. to June find that virtually all accept AGW as valid on the basis of evidence.

You 'Conservatives' keep flap-yapping about this scientist or that one, completely ignoring that within the scientific community, there is no debate at all as to whether the GHGs that we create are changing the climate. A scientific community that is worldwide. You can post silly tirades denigrating Dr. Hansen and Dr. Mann all you want, they are not noticed or considired relevent by anyone within the scientific community. Both men have international stature as scientists, considered leaders in their respective fields. And you and I are but posters on a board not relevant to the science involved in the study of the ongoing climate change.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Another AGW Hack who has no clue about science.


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth
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Actually you can't. Perhaps someone can corroborate that there are no elephants in your living room but you can't actually prove it.

Yes, I can most definitely prove it.

A -> B means !B -> !A.

If there is an elephant in my living room, I will see a huge grey pachyderm.

I do not see a huge gray pachyderm, therefore there is no elephant in my living room.

Not every negative can be proven, but they can be proven in cases where A always leads to B.
If there were a clear statement of exactly what must be disproved and an unbiased judge to determine success, then this so called challenge might mean something.

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