Pick a POTUS for 2024

Pick a POTUS for 2024

  • Unless someone better comes along Trump' my guy. Gets things done, America 1st, probably best opt.

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • I'll support Trump but can't admit it because my moral compass is off and things like that.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll support a different Republican, hopefully, whose name is?

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Unless someone better comes along Biden is my guy.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I'll support Biden but can't admit it, because my sense of moral compass & stuff are miss-wired.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll support a different Democrat, hopefully, whose name is?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I recently read how Trump supporters can't admit to the fact they support Trump, while the left doesn't have this problem. It was stated as a moral compass thing and stuff like that, and the right are simply far too ashamed to say they support Trump.

Anyway, that motivated some "curiosity", and I thought a poll would clear out some of the fog. Plus this gauges how the board would like to see the election go. So pick a POTUS for 2024.

Note: I purposely left off independent options. You know how some "independents" are, they're independent in declarations alone, which in code means they're say Democrat for instance, but won't own up to it. So this is all the choices you have. If you're 'Independent" then simply choose the best option.

Sounds like leftist propaganda lying rhetoric to me.
I've NEVER heard of anybody denying they voted for Trump. Most people I've talked to about Trump are proud to have voted for someone that is PRO-American and PRO-tax paying citizens.
So -- -- -- the one-size-fits-all candidate. Good for all seasons like a road tire. You just might have given the best reason NOT to vote for her.
Well that would be the whole monument/Confederate Flag removal/moving craze she got started.

It started with her giving-in to pre-BLM blacks over the SC church shooting when she was Governor. Just another in a long line of Tea Party darlings that disappointed.

I'd never vote for her in a primary just because of that. Oh she acted all big-n-bad at the UN but, you know, it was the UN.....Big hairy deal.

Of course the above does not matter to anyone but "old heads" who respect history/heritage so I fear we will be stuck with her but Pepperidge Farms damn sure remembers.
She's a better choice than Trump or Biden.
I'd like a Romney-Liz Cheney ticket. :abgg2q.jpg: Just kidding.

Haley or Graham would be a disastrous setback for the America first movement. Trump was the right man with the right message for the right time, but America needs somebody with his tenacity and blunt force sans the superfluous trash-talk. I like DeSantis, Rand, Noem, Pompeo, Tim Scott, Cotten, and Jordan. DeSantis-Rand would be the "pipe-hitting" ticket Pompeo talks about, but perhaps a DeSantis-Scott ticket would be a political stroke of genius in the face of BLM, Antifa, and CRT as they take on the three bigs: educatonal liberty, border security, and that friggin' defiicit.

But make no mistake about it, I'll vote Trump again without the slightest reservation if he's the candidate!
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I recently read how Trump supporters can't admit to the fact they support Trump, while the left doesn't have this problem. It was stated as a moral compass thing and stuff like that, and the right are simply far too ashamed to say they support Trump.

Anyway, that motivated some "curiosity", and I thought a poll would clear out some of the fog. Plus this gauges how the board would like to see the election go. So pick a POTUS for 2024.

Note: I purposely left off independent options. You know how some "independents" are, they're independent in declarations alone, which in code means they're say Democrat for instance, but won't own up to it. So this is all the choices you have. If you're 'Independent" then simply choose the best option.
Trump for me…no prez got more done with less support…PLUS, he proved he’ll spend his days stepping on the necks of leftist filth.
I just don’t think any other Republican is tough enough to deal with the ruthlessness from Mexicrats.
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Yeah, I'd vote for Lindsay Graham over Trump.
And get more standard pressed suit GOP giving you the GOP version of Joe Biden as they have since the 1980s.

DJT is just too damn polarizing,
Yes but that makes him the litmus acid test exposing the flaws of DC necessary to really reform it.

too many independents can't stand him.
Yeah well, part of that is just effective liberal media psych-ops, the rest is up to Trump 2.0 to reinvent himself to still stay true to himself but with just a bit of humility, self-reflection and team-mindedness like he started with back in 2015.
I love Trump and I like DeSantis, but if I could pick, and don't laugh now, I'd pick Rand Paul. He knows money. He knows the Fed. Right now debt and spending is the biggest threat to America. He could fix that.

If Trump or someone else wins I pray they nominate Rand Paul for the Fed
Rand Paul is a doctor, not a banker!
Sounds like leftist propaganda lying rhetoric to me.
I've NEVER heard of anybody denying they voted for Trump. Most people I've talked to about Trump are proud to have voted for someone that is PRO-American and PRO-tax paying citizens.

Correct, but what's kind of ironic is if remember when Trump was first elected, anyone admitting to it could expect Karen to get up in their shit? So speaking for one, I don't like Karen, so I was mindful of the room.

That was shortly followed by fuck it, the Democracks are insane.
The federal Deep State and the state Deep States cannot be purged even if we elect someone that Trump promised he would be last time.
The federal Deep State and the state Deep States cannot be purged even if we elect someone that Trump promised he would be last time.
It takes time, but it can be done. There are so many fucked-up policies to reverse we need 8-years to get back on track. From open borders, to wokeness in the military, to the commie DOJ/FBI threatening parents, to the DOE & school boards, to inflation, energy, China policies, NATO policies, immigration policies...
I recently read how Trump supporters can't admit to the fact they support Trump, while the left doesn't have this problem. It was stated as a moral compass thing and stuff like that, and the right are simply far too ashamed to say they support Trump.

Anyway, that motivated some "curiosity", and I thought a poll would clear out some of the fog. Plus this gauges how the board would like to see the election go. So pick a POTUS for 2024.

Note: I purposely left off independent options. You know how some "independents" are, they're independent in declarations alone, which in code means they're say Democrat for instance, but won't own up to it. So this is all the choices you have. If you're 'Independent" then simply choose the best option.
I'm for a Tim Scott/Niki Haley ticket, not necessarily in that order. I would love to see how democrats run a campaign against a black man and a woman who isn't even technically white. They would be so lost.
So far it's Biden in a runaway
Keep believing that it's Xiden in a landslide. Polls show he's 15 points under water and sinking.
You really think he'll get nominated in 2024? At 82??? OK, let's hope so.


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