Picture from 1950's catalog would have leftists going crazy

Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...
actually, if you really want to be responsible, once you shoot him and incapacitate him with the birdshot, he is no longer an immediate threat, at this point you do have an obligation to call and wait for the police to show up and take over.
This way, you get in no trouble.
Now if you incapacitate him with the birdshot, then finish him with a 9mm to the forehead, you stand a chance of being charged with murder.
Fucked up I know, but that's how the law works right now.
Thank God that's the way the law works. Given that simple human morality has been tossed under the bus and the Ten Commandments are mere suggestions.
Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...
actually, if you really want to be responsible, once you shoot him and incapacitate him with the birdshot, he is no longer an immediate threat, at this point you do have an obligation to call and wait for the police to show up and take over.
This way, you get in no trouble.
Now if you incapacitate him with the birdshot, then finish him with a 9mm to the forehead, you stand a chance of being charged with murder.
Fucked up I know, but that's how the law works right now.
Thank God that's the way the law works. Given that simple human morality has been tossed under the bus and the Ten Commandments are mere suggestions.
in the case of an actual break in, I think you should be allowed to finish off the one breaking in. The law may save his life but the law will also let him right back out to do it again, plus your chance of being sued is pretty high for injuring him.
However, there has been at least once case that I know of that a drunk guy walked into the wrong house without intent of robbing or harming anyone. Would he deserve to die for making that drunken mistake? I dont think so. even though it was only one case of something like that happening, to me that is enough to establish some sort of safety protocol when dealing with these things.
And never shoot someone in the back as they are leaving the home, this is without any chance of reprieve, murder or attempted murder. Its real hard to prove that you felt your life was in danger if the guy was running out the front door away from you
If you are going to keep a gun in the house for protection, its good to know how each specific occurrence is going to play out for you.
View attachment 95477

Wholesome WHITE Family with more than 1 child,admiring rifles in a safe fashion. Father probably works,mother takes care of home and kids. Oh yeah I can see the snowflakes getting triggered.

Damn, that is so many offences in one. Thankfully they can go cry in their safe spaces.
Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...
actually, if you really want to be responsible, once you shoot him and incapacitate him with the birdshot, he is no longer an immediate threat, at this point you do have an obligation to call and wait for the police to show up and take over.
This way, you get in no trouble.
Now if you incapacitate him with the birdshot, then finish him with a 9mm to the forehead, you stand a chance of being charged with murder.
Fucked up I know, but that's how the law works right now.
Check out the very fine print on the bottom of my post above....
Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...
actually, if you really want to be responsible, once you shoot him and incapacitate him with the birdshot, he is no longer an immediate threat, at this point you do have an obligation to call and wait for the police to show up and take over.
This way, you get in no trouble.
Now if you incapacitate him with the birdshot, then finish him with a 9mm to the forehead, you stand a chance of being charged with murder.
Fucked up I know, but that's how the law works right now.
Check out the very fine print on the bottom of my post above....
Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...
actually, if you really want to be responsible, once you shoot him and incapacitate him with the birdshot, he is no longer an immediate threat, at this point you do have an obligation to call and wait for the police to show up and take over.
This way, you get in no trouble.
Now if you incapacitate him with the birdshot, then finish him with a 9mm to the forehead, you stand a chance of being charged with murder.
Fucked up I know, but that's how the law works right now.
Check out the very fine print on the bottom of my post above....
thanks for pointing that out.
My faith in gun owners is restored. You can come play at my gun club or my back yard range anytime. LOL
The OP is illustrative of the RW myth that libs are coming for your guns...and hate guns period. Where are all the hunters? We've got deer coming out of our ears...
The problem is the bs background check system at this point...
for one that whole background check disproportionately affects the blacks in a negative way. What it does is gives white people more access to the second amendment rights than it does blacks.
The OP is illustrative of the RW myth that libs are coming for your guns...and hate guns period. Where are all the hunters? We've got deer coming out of our ears...
The second was not added to preserve the right to hunt. If it was, then there would be substantial cause to not allow hunting seasons or bag limits.
RWNJ's won't be happy until America looks just like the pic in the OP, white families armed to the teeth -- including their children. They dream of a utopia where their kids go to school every day with a gun. They won't ever be happy until America is the most dangerous place in the world to live.
Shouldn't people be more responsible about killing one another? Self defense does not mean shoot on sight. And what about shooting your political opposition? Is there now a place in our rapidly coarsening culture for gunplay due to politics?
Who was supporting such things? For instance for home defense you shoot bird shots to incapacitate the intruder. Bird shot will cause less damage in neighboring rooms injuring your loved ones. When the intruder is incapacitated then you shoot him in the head with your handgun and call it a day...

Skip the birdshot. You'll be picking out of the walls for weeks.
RWNJ's won't be happy until America looks just like the pic in the OP, white families armed to the teeth -- including their children. They dream of a utopia where their kids go to school every day with a gun. They won't ever be happy until America is the most dangerous place in the world to live.
Yes it will be much safer as soon as we can totally open the border and let anyone at all in that wants in.
I say to make it even safer, we should get rid of our military and our police force, after opening the borders and taking away guns, there will be no need for anything at all as far as safety goes.
The U.N will protect us.
RWNJ's won't be happy until America looks just like the pic in the OP, white families armed to the teeth -- including their children. They dream of a utopia where their kids go to school every day with a gun. They won't ever be happy until America is the most dangerous place in the world to live.
Sure, who has problem with that? Maybe Globalists, who successfully disarmed the citizenry of the whole globe and there is a reason for that. Coming for political opponents at night since they are defenseless....good plan...

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