Piers Morgan Counter-Petition: UK Doesn't Want Him Back

Piers Morgan is an opinionated blowhard who is nothing more than a liberal shock jock like Ed Schultz with a British accent masquerading as a journalist.

Here's why the Brits don't want him back.

Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos

Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan has been sacked after the newspaper conceded photos of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi were fake.

In a statement the Mirror said it had fallen victim to a "calculated and malicious hoax" and that it would be "inappropriate" for Morgan to continue.

In his recklessness to pursue his anti war agenda, Piers stopped at nothing. He is widely detested for endangering British troops by printing fake photos.

Here's one. This fake photo shows a "British soldier" urinating on an Iraqi prisoner.


The BBC's Nicholas Witchell said it appeared Piers Morgan remained unrepentant right to the end

"According to one report Mr Morgan refused the demand to apologise, was sacked and immediately escorted from the building," he said.

And some comments as to the appropriateness of his sacking. Some defended him; most did not.

Absolutely. He clearly made a fatal error of judgement, and on top of that went on to sensationalise something that would not only damage the reputation of the armed forces but put innocent lives at risk.

Being fired was the least the Mirror could do, and clearly it was taking interest, as always, in itself. Not the truth, not good journalism, not the lives of soldiers, civilians, nor even the real instances of human rights abuse, just its own sales, its own survival.
Dave, Huddersfield, UK

The sacking of Piers Morgan was absolutely justified. As he was the editor of the Mirror it should have been his responsibility to ensure that the photographs were verified as being genuine before publishing.
Adam Walker, Sheffield

I would have thought as an experienced journalist Mr Morgan should have fully researched his sources etc prior to publishing to prevent exactly what has happened.
John Baxter, Ruislip, Middx

He had to go. Not only was he badly duped by the worst hoax since the Hitler diaries, but the repercussions his mistake has caused for British troops couldn't be more serious.
Paul Askew, Leeds, England

At last we have justice! Yes, the Mirror was right to take this action. The irresponsible actions of this man have put our lads in Iraq at serious risk. It's about time the gutter press became more responsible and less self-seeking.

Let this be a lesson to all of them.
Liz, Brighton

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Editor sacked over 'hoax' photos

Thanks for factually backing up Piers as a member of the 'gutter press'! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
A British version of Dan Rather.........
What parent would name their son "Piers?"
Jesus Christ - talk about setting someone up for a lifetime of asskicking and assfucking.

I dunno. Wonder how the parent(s) who named these NFL players feel about Piers?

Ishmaa'ily...Ahtyba...D'Qwell...Akwasi...Chimdi...D'Brickashaw...Sen'Derrick...Alterraun...just to name a few.
What parent would name their son "Piers?"
Jesus Christ - talk about setting someone up for a lifetime of asskicking and assfucking.

I dunno. Wonder how the parent(s) who named these NFL players feel about Piers?

Ishmaa'ily...Ahtyba...D'Qwell...Akwasi...Chimdi...D'Brickashaw...Sen'Derrick...Alterraun...just to name a few.

Wait, hold up.
How could you compose such a list and leave out "Plaxico"??

I mean what kind of combination of substances do you have to do in just the right measure to come up with Plaxico? :dunno:

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