Piers Morgan: Our Sore Loser Elites Are Losing Their Minds


if you're going to whine every time anyone criticizes the orange sociopath, you're going to be spending all of your time trolling this board.....

since most people detest your guy and every brain dead insane thing he does.

Most people?

You mean, most people on Daily KOS.

Tell me Mz. Fakelawyer, why are you Stalinists such racist, violent thugs who crush civil rights are every turn?

Voltair: "I may not approve of what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

Soros democrats: "I don't like ideas that challenge the dogma I follow, so I will fight to the death to violently suppress them."

Democrats, silencing all dissent through violence for 150 years.
Analysis: True

People are literally losing their minds over the mere thought of him sitting in the Oval Office.

A mental faculty failure that is driven, I fear, by sore loser syndrome.

The protestors wanted, and expected, Hillary Clinton to sweep this ghastly man to crushing defeat in the election two months ago and become the first female president.

When it didn’t happen, mainly because Hillary was a terrible candidate who fought a terrible campaign, they were collectively struck down by Post Trump Success Disorder.

This is an awful affliction that causes victims to lose the power of calm, rational thought and instead resort to uncontrollable, unrelenting outbursts of shrieking, screaming, wailing and teeth-gnashing.

Every single thing President Trump now does, says or tweets or is greeted by instant paralysis of perspective.

He is, and must remain, a ‘MONSTER!’

Piers Morgan:Trump is no monster and he's not mad either | Daily Mail Online

if you're going to whine every time anyone criticizes the orange sociopath, you're going to be spending all of your time trolling this board.....

since most people detest your guy and every brain dead insane thing he does.

Didn't read the link, did ya sweetie.
Analysis: True

People are literally losing their minds over the mere thought of him sitting in the Oval Office.

A mental faculty failure that is driven, I fear, by sore loser syndrome.

The protestors wanted, and expected, Hillary Clinton to sweep this ghastly man to crushing defeat in the election two months ago and become the first female president.

When it didn’t happen, mainly because Hillary was a terrible candidate who fought a terrible campaign, they were collectively struck down by Post Trump Success Disorder.

This is an awful affliction that causes victims to lose the power of calm, rational thought and instead resort to uncontrollable, unrelenting outbursts of shrieking, screaming, wailing and teeth-gnashing.

Every single thing President Trump now does, says or tweets or is greeted by instant paralysis of perspective.

He is, and must remain, a ‘MONSTER!’

Piers Morgan:Trump is no monster and he's not mad either | Daily Mail Online

if you're going to whine every time anyone criticizes the orange sociopath, you're going to be spending all of your time trolling this board.....

since most people detest your guy and every brain dead insane thing he does.
I think it's funny you people are consistently whinning. Even better Obama's legacy is being erased daily, and we are winning daily! Life is good!
that's so funny from a bigot who voted for the white supremacist ticket.

I wish I had voted for Trump. But then, I've never heard anything even approaching "supremacist" from him. You think because he FAILS to engage in the anti-white racism your filthy party promotes, that he must be just like you, a racist fuck, but on the other side.

But that isn't true, fakelawyer. Your rulers used hatred to manipulate you. Emotion is a powerful tool of manipulation, and hate is a strong emotion. So Soros has your rulers incite your to racist hatred. Because your are envious of everything, and everyone, flaming your to hatred is easy.

We've seen this before, in Germany in the 1920's. They had Hitler, you have Soros, but the program is the same. Hitler told his followers that The Jews were the reason they didn't succeed, Soros tell you that The Whites are why you don't. The use of a scapegoat to focus the strong emotion of hatred and thus control the sheep.

You are a racist, but you are manipulated by those who are smarter than you for their own evil purpose.

you need to start focusing, dum dum.... calling you on your bigotry and hate isn't bigotry and hate.

Hate defines you, it is virtually all that you are. Look at the violence your fellow Sorosazis are engaging in, AGAIN.

You Sorosazis are vicious and stupid creatures.
I wonder if the Hebrew groundhog saw her shadow this morning, and will crawl back into her hole for a few more weeks. :up:

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