Pigs in a blanket - fry'em like bacon

Is "black lives matters" a criminal movement?

  • Yes, for losers only

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Yes, a disgusting organization for criminals

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
Yes. O'Malley said that. He was making the same mistake that you and ChrisL are making. He was then informed of his mistake. Unlike you two, he understood the explaination and acted accordingly.

I have already noted that the chant was not reasonable. Are you having trouble reading?

And what explanation is that? That you say it doesn't matter? What?

No. Sigh. So boring.

Right after the "Black Lives Matter" grassroots organization started......social media was inundated with BIGOTS AND RACISTS whining that it was saying that white lives don't matter. That was not the point that the movement was making. It was simply drawing attention to the fact that many young black men were being killed in police custody. But.....as you know.......nuance and facts are weak in the face of a right wing social media storm.

The "all lives matter" phrase thus became a DOG WHISTLE.

O'Malley didn't know this and he made an innocent comment that all lives matter as an aside. He was not minimizing the BLM movement with that statement....but he had inadvertently repeated the standard dog whistle.

Shit.....you people use it to this day. "Foul!!!!!!! All Lives Matter!!!!!" Blah blah blah.

Do you believe that the police, as a whole, do NOT think black lives matter? Do you know that some cops actually ARE black? In fact, in a lot of inner cities where this kind of turmoil occurs, black police officers are the majority in these neighborhoods.

Police as a whole do think black lives matter. Everything else you said is accurate. But...the BLM movement is a response to a real problem.....is it not?

Well yes, but the chanting thing . . . still really bad and tasteless to be chanting such things though, especially after what just happened. It really doesn't get more cold blooded than that.

I've already agreed with you on this. Why keep stating it as though I haven't?
It happened after the murder. Think for a moment.

Perhaps, but the fact remains that an officer was just shot and killed in cold blood, and we now have these people chanting these types of things? There is no excuse for such vile behavior. They seem quite uncivilized, IMO.

They acted stupidly. They are quite civilized. They took there frustration too far with the chant. We agree. It isn't a good thing and should be corrected.

It has nothing to do with the killing in Houston. Combining them in your posts is dishonest.

These types of things give some people "encouragement" and give people a "victim" mentality. Most police are completely innocent and just do their jobs. Like ANYTHING, there are always going to be a few bad eggs.

The real problem is that those bad eggs are rarely prosecuted and when they are, they rarely are found guilty. Many people have lost faith in the system as we see cops killing people in cold blood and then walking away as if nothing happened. This is what is causing the outrage.

Well, what case are you talking about where the cop killed in cold blood and walked away and was not prosecuted?

Cops Escape Charges For Killing Walmart Shopper Holding A BB Gun Sold At The Store

Here is the video of the kid holding the BB gun while he is talking on his phone. He made no threats at all toward anyone, but you see him fall to the ground as he is shot and killed by the police. The police weren't even charged. If this had been my son, I'd be looking to kill the cops that killed my son, without a doubt. I don't care if I went to prison for the rest of my life. This is the crap that people are excusing, and it's not acceptable.

Ohio Walmart CCTV captures John Crawford shooting - video

The cops said they told him to drop the gun. Yea, right. You be the judge. To me this simply was a police execution of a Black kid.
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They acted stupidly. They are quite civilized. They took there frustration too far with the chant. We agree. It isn't a good thing and should be corrected.

It has nothing to do with the killing in Houston. Combining them in your posts is dishonest.

These types of things give some people "encouragement" and give people a "victim" mentality. Most police are completely innocent and just do their jobs. Like ANYTHING, there are always going to be a few bad eggs.

The real problem is that those bad eggs are rarely prosecuted and when they are, they rarely are found guilty. Many people have lost faith in the system as we see cops killing people in cold blood and then walking away as if nothing happened. This is what is causing the outrage.

That most recent killing I remember where the cop shot the guy who was running away 8 times in the back, I believe he has been charged with murder, hasn't he?

Now, I would be upset if THAT guy was not charged. That was obviously murder by the cop in that situation. The man was unarmed and was running away with his back to the cop. Terrible and scary to think that a cop would just open fire on a person in a public setting like that . . . for running away.

The likelihood of that cop,being charged with murder had there not been a video is slim to none. That is what the problem is.

I don't have a problem with outfitting the police with body cameras or something so that their actions can be monitored. That would protect them too.

Doing so has already saved lives. My son wears one. It's actually on his eyewear.

The video technology has actually been one of the sparks that has made the BLM movement so large. Twenty years ago......none of this would have been possible as the general populace simply didn't believe that injustice was taking place on a regular basis. Now they do.
Perhaps, but the fact remains that an officer was just shot and killed in cold blood, and we now have these people chanting these types of things? There is no excuse for such vile behavior. They seem quite uncivilized, IMO.

They acted stupidly. They are quite civilized. They took there frustration too far with the chant. We agree. It isn't a good thing and should be corrected.

It has nothing to do with the killing in Houston. Combining them in your posts is dishonest.

These types of things give some people "encouragement" and give people a "victim" mentality. Most police are completely innocent and just do their jobs. Like ANYTHING, there are always going to be a few bad eggs.

The real problem is that those bad eggs are rarely prosecuted and when they are, they rarely are found guilty. Many people have lost faith in the system as we see cops killing people in cold blood and then walking away as if nothing happened. This is what is causing the outrage.

Well, what case are you talking about where the cop killed in cold blood and walked away and was not prosecuted?

Cops Escape Charges For Killing Walmart Shopper Holding A BB Gun Sold At The Store

Here is the video of the kid holding the BB gun while he is talking on his phone. He made no threats at all toward anyone, but you see him fall to the ground as he is shot and killed by the police. The police weren't even charged. If this had been my son, I'd be looking to kill the cops that killed my son, without a doubt. I don't care if I went to prison for the rest of my life. This is the crap that people are excusing, and it's not acceptable.

Ohio Walmart CCTV captures John Crawford shooting - video

The cops said they told him to drop the gun. Yea, right. You be the judge. To me this simply was a police execution of a Black kid.

Well, there is no denying that it looks REALLY bad. There is no audio, so no way to tell if they told him to drop it, but by appearances, since the boy doesn't seem to react before he is shot, it really looks very, very bad.

Look, I'm not saying these things don't happen and that some cops aren't trigger happy or frightened or lack training, but I think the entire police force as a whole is getting a bad rap for a few isolated instances. I don't know, I was brought up to respect and to trust the police . . .
these are primarily all black people who have the mental capasity of a three year old, never want to work, expect handouts, and dont see a problem murdering innocent people.
They acted stupidly. They are quite civilized. They took there frustration too far with the chant. We agree. It isn't a good thing and should be corrected.

It has nothing to do with the killing in Houston. Combining them in your posts is dishonest.

These types of things give some people "encouragement" and give people a "victim" mentality. Most police are completely innocent and just do their jobs. Like ANYTHING, there are always going to be a few bad eggs.

The real problem is that those bad eggs are rarely prosecuted and when they are, they rarely are found guilty. Many people have lost faith in the system as we see cops killing people in cold blood and then walking away as if nothing happened. This is what is causing the outrage.

Well, what case are you talking about where the cop killed in cold blood and walked away and was not prosecuted?

Cops Escape Charges For Killing Walmart Shopper Holding A BB Gun Sold At The Store

Here is the video of the kid holding the BB gun while he is talking on his phone. He made no threats at all toward anyone, but you see him fall to the ground as he is shot and killed by the police. The police weren't even charged. If this had been my son, I'd be looking to kill the cops that killed my son, without a doubt. I don't care if I went to prison for the rest of my life. This is the crap that people are excusing, and it's not acceptable.

Ohio Walmart CCTV captures John Crawford shooting - video

The cops said they told him to drop the gun. Yea, right. You be the judge. To me this simply was a police execution of a Black kid.

Well, there is no denying that it looks REALLY bad. There is no audio, so no way to tell if they told him to drop it, but by appearances, since the boy doesn't seem to react before he is shot, it really looks very, very bad.

Look, I'm not saying these things don't happen and that some cops aren't trigger happy or frightened or lack training, but I think the entire police force as a whole is getting a bad rap for a few isolated instances. I don't know, I was brought up to respect and to trust the police . . .

The problem is that these bad cops almost always walk away with zero consequences. People are sick of it. I know a number of cops. I know a few who are decent people, but I also know a few of them who are real pricks and would be happy to shoot anyone that looked at them the wrong way. We have a major problem within our police departments, and it's a nationwide problem. If it is not dealt with soon, we will see more and more of this type of thing happening.
These types of things give some people "encouragement" and give people a "victim" mentality. Most police are completely innocent and just do their jobs. Like ANYTHING, there are always going to be a few bad eggs.

The real problem is that those bad eggs are rarely prosecuted and when they are, they rarely are found guilty. Many people have lost faith in the system as we see cops killing people in cold blood and then walking away as if nothing happened. This is what is causing the outrage.

Well, what case are you talking about where the cop killed in cold blood and walked away and was not prosecuted?

Cops Escape Charges For Killing Walmart Shopper Holding A BB Gun Sold At The Store

Here is the video of the kid holding the BB gun while he is talking on his phone. He made no threats at all toward anyone, but you see him fall to the ground as he is shot and killed by the police. The police weren't even charged. If this had been my son, I'd be looking to kill the cops that killed my son, without a doubt. I don't care if I went to prison for the rest of my life. This is the crap that people are excusing, and it's not acceptable.

Ohio Walmart CCTV captures John Crawford shooting - video

The cops said they told him to drop the gun. Yea, right. You be the judge. To me this simply was a police execution of a Black kid.

Well, there is no denying that it looks REALLY bad. There is no audio, so no way to tell if they told him to drop it, but by appearances, since the boy doesn't seem to react before he is shot, it really looks very, very bad.

Look, I'm not saying these things don't happen and that some cops aren't trigger happy or frightened or lack training, but I think the entire police force as a whole is getting a bad rap for a few isolated instances. I don't know, I was brought up to respect and to trust the police . . .

The problem is that these bad cops almost always walk away with zero consequences. People are sick of it. I know a number of cops. I know a few who are decent people, but I also know a few of them who are real pricks and would be happy to shoot anyone that looked at them the wrong way. We have a major problem within our police departments, and it's a nationwide problem. If it is not dealt with soon, we will see more and more of this type of thing happening.

I agree that some are big time asses, but if you compare things to the way they were years ago (like during the 60s and stuff), things must have and be improving.

Last year, 15 police officers were killed. In 2013, only 5 were killed. That is something to remember too. When the police are doing their jobs, they are not only responsible for their own safety, but for the safety of any innocent bystanders. I think in some instances they are willing to sacrifice the "perp" in order to not put innocent people and themselves at risk. Perhaps that isn't always the right decision, but the police sometimes have to make a snap decision and they are only human beings.

Make all the fun you want asshole, 24 police officers have been shot to death this year, of those 13 were killed by black thugs. BTW 6 of those 13 were black officers so evidently all black lives don't matter to this despicable group.
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God I cant wait for November when it will be too cold and snowy to protest again.
If the white snow is falling and they can't protest is the snow racist?
i thought al sharpton had already declared that snow is racist. thank god i live in Florida where only the catagory five Hurricanes with "White Male Names" have been declared racists".
Black lives matter is a despicable group.

Their tactics are despicable, yes, but they didn't come about because they are despicable people per se. If you and others believe that they have no legitimate beef with their bad treatment from police and the rest of society, then that is where the problem lies. This is not an argument that all cops are bad or that any group should be calling for attacks on our police, but it really is important to understand how we got here, and it's not because all cops are following the law.

No, their problem has a lot to do with self entitlement and how they needlessly support policy that keeps them on some type of generational welfare, the dissolution of the family, and high abortion rates among african americans. This really has nothing to do with cops. But, yes, black lives matters is a despicable group of people..along with their tactics.
Yes and No.
Similar to the Iraq War, there were people in the fight for the right reasons.
But the deliberate hijacking of the war effort and destructive criminal corruption by abusers were so atrocious and blatantly exploiting the nationalism for genocide,
that this outshadowed the real cry for justice through civil means that got censored.

Here, there are people who are sincerely trying to address the racial relations and issues,
but by being so open to allow anyone to express anger in any form, this is enabling the
same type of "lynch mob" mentality that the KKK is criticized for when they want their free speech also!

It's "not okay" for the White KKK and white police to express how they feel threatened and targeted by Black crime, but it's okay for the Blacks to express anger in any form about White/Police corruption, even if to chant or rap about killing cops.

If one side is allowed free speech to vent and receive sympathy instead of blame, what about the other side?
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You are a mentally ill POS..... :evil:

Dear Sunni Man and TheOldSchool Whatever is being posted back and forth, to try to incite anger in the next person,
how is this solving anything that either side cares about?

You know the game. Inciting the opposition only creates more backlash.
Chaos in the media means more money for the hounds and the politicians
profiting and benefiting politically off the conflict to seize more power and
control from the people paying for these exploits.

Is this what we want? To keep the game going so millionaires can
make more money off the pain and suffering of people at the bottom?

If you two can think of ONE good idea or solution you both agree
would be a step in a positive direction, I will post that to the Diversity
and Anti-Racism team at KPFT Public Radio and promote it nationally
as a unifying focus.
God I cant wait for November when it will be too cold and snowy to protest again.
If the white snow is falling and they can't protest is the snow racist?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he really did think that this was an interesting comment. You have witnessed the peak of his comedic ability. Praise him.

It makes about as much sense as anything you've ever posted.

Ohhh! Ouch! You nailed me with that one! Mercy!
Black lives matter is a despicable group.

Their tactics are despicable, yes, but they didn't come about because they are despicable people per se. If you and others believe that they have no legitimate beef with their bad treatment from police and the rest of society, then that is where the problem lies. This is not an argument that all cops are bad or that any group should be calling for attacks on our police, but it really is important to understand how we got here, and it's not because all cops are following the law.

No, their problem has a lot to do with self entitlement and how they needlessly support policy that keeps them on some type of generational welfare, the dissolution of the family, and high abortion rates among african americans. This really has nothing to do with cops. But, yes, black lives matters is a despicable group of people..along with their tactics.

Yes and no LordBrownTrout
1. To say that ALL of the activists are this way is like
saying ALL of the police are generally corrupt and caused their own members to get shot for not doing more to solve their own internal corruption
2. To say that NONE of the activism is abusive or deadly is
like saying NONE of the police are corrupt and killing people

Can you see it is NEITHER 1 or 2.
There are no shortcuts in painting ALL the police good or bad and causing their
own backlash
or ALL of the activists in opposition to "institutionalized racism" part of the problem or not.

There are both corrupt forces mixed in on both sides.
And there is good intent on both sides.

if the good people with good intent on both sides team up,
that can lead to solutions to correct the problems that
are being complained about on both sides. We are suffering equally
regardless which side we identify and sympathize with. Both sides
suffer in fear and losing constituents to preventable violence and to
abuses that need to be corrected -- on ALL sides. No one is immune or untouched by this.

There is collaboration happening, but we won't see that in the media
until these solutions are better developed and ready to be promoted.

There have been lots of people working on this behind the scenes,
but all we tend to see in the media are the people yelling and screaming
blaming each other. That's easy to cover in the news as 'black and white'
but it's much harder to explain the solutions that require years to put together.

We don't see the work of the people building bridges and resolving the problems at the root source, because that takes a long process of internal work and stretching by both sides to work it out to overcome division. We may see this come out in public in the near future, when all this anti/anti rhetoric that gets us nowhere blows over and demands better answers.

With the shooting in Virginia that affected media professionals directly,
that's where I see we have an opportunity to get a better unifying msg
and approach out to the public to stop any more senseless killings.

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