Pipe Line

sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?

Because he's not invested in Flint. Trump DOES however hold interests in the Keystone pipeline.

Besides.............Flint's water is already undrinkable, so Trump is gonna try for an even bigger screw up by letting them put the pipeline across the Ogalala Aquifier and having it pollute all the drinking water for the entire midwest.

No he doesn't have any interest in the Keystone line.

Uh................yeah he does......................

Trump owned ETP stock through at least mid-2016, according to financial disclosure forms, and ETP's chief executive, Kelcy Warren, donated $100,000 to his campaign.

Trump clears way for controversial oil pipelines
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?

Because he's not invested in Flint. Trump DOES however hold interests in the Keystone pipeline.

Besides.............Flint's water is already undrinkable, so Trump is gonna try for an even bigger screw up by letting them put the pipeline across the Ogalala Aquifier and having it pollute all the drinking water for the entire midwest.

Oh bullshit on the Ogalala. It's got thousands of miles of pipelines crossing it. Look up a map.

If what you claim is true, then you should have no problems finding a link or two to back it up.

Check the map. BTW. Being a water conservationist for eons at this point I chose my poison wisely when dealing with pipelines as compared to rail and barges.

You get a spill in the Athabasca or the Mississippi you have truly "the big one". You get an off the rail moment like what happened in Quebec you get deaths and destruction as the town burned for days.

Pick your poison and most importantly the technologies of being able to contain a spill. Pipeline is the way to go hands down.

OPEC and Obama Team Up to Fight Major Energy Breakthrough
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?
'Michigan is seeking additional assurances over pledged federal funding for the Flint water crisis, but state officials say the Environmental Protection Agency has indicated it will be able to provide enabling grants.

President Donald Trump’s administration reportedly ordered the agency to temporarily halt all new contracts or grants, raising concerns the freeze could jeopardize or delay at least $100 million in congressionally approved funding that is expected to help Flint replace lead service lines and make other infrastructure improvements.

While it’s not clear what parts of that freeze may remain intact, the EPA Office of Public Affairs sent an interagency notice to Michigan and other states on Tuesday indicating it will continue to award environmental program grants and revolving loan grants, according to Snyder’s office.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Director Heidi Grether thanked EPA Acting Administrator Catherine McCabe in a Wednesday letter but told her “any additional clarification you can provide regarding future federal funding to the states would be greatly appreciated.”'

EPA: No ‘freeze’ on Flint funding under Trump

Your great President Trump is taking care of it.

Oh fuck you. They've had years to deal with it.

EPA is getting the fuck out and the people who live there will deal with it.
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?
'Michigan is seeking additional assurances over pledged federal funding for the Flint water crisis, but state officials say the Environmental Protection Agency has indicated it will be able to provide enabling grants.

President Donald Trump’s administration reportedly ordered the agency to temporarily halt all new contracts or grants, raising concerns the freeze could jeopardize or delay at least $100 million in congressionally approved funding that is expected to help Flint replace lead service lines and make other infrastructure improvements.

While it’s not clear what parts of that freeze may remain intact, the EPA Office of Public Affairs sent an interagency notice to Michigan and other states on Tuesday indicating it will continue to award environmental program grants and revolving loan grants, according to Snyder’s office.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Director Heidi Grether thanked EPA Acting Administrator Catherine McCabe in a Wednesday letter but told her “any additional clarification you can provide regarding future federal funding to the states would be greatly appreciated.”
Flint funding may flow despite Trump’s EPA freeze

Your great President Trump is taking care of it.
So, we have the city and state neglecting their own infrastructure and we are paying for it? They should cough up the money.
Even if the city and state don't do their jobs, we should still make sure the people in Flint have clear drinking water.

Elections have consequences, maybe they should have kept a closer eye on the shit politicians they elected to run the city. Now they want us to pay for their decisions, screw them.
I disagree. I don't want to see children dying because their parents voted for the wrong people.

There's not enough money in the entire world to fix stupid people.
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?

Because he's not invested in Flint. Trump DOES however hold interests in the Keystone pipeline.

Besides.............Flint's water is already undrinkable, so Trump is gonna try for an even bigger screw up by letting them put the pipeline across the Ogalala Aquifier and having it pollute all the drinking water for the entire midwest.

No he doesn't have any interest in the Keystone line.

Uh................yeah he does......................

Trump owned ETP stock through at least mid-2016, according to financial disclosure forms, and ETP's chief executive, Kelcy Warren, donated $100,000 to his campaign.

Trump clears way for controversial oil pipelines


Spokesman: Trump sold all his stock in June
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?

Because he's not invested in Flint. Trump DOES however hold interests in the Keystone pipeline.

Besides.............Flint's water is already undrinkable, so Trump is gonna try for an even bigger screw up by letting them put the pipeline across the Ogalala Aquifier and having it pollute all the drinking water for the entire midwest.

No he doesn't have any interest in the Keystone line.

Uh................yeah he does......................

Trump owned ETP stock through at least mid-2016, according to financial disclosure forms, and ETP's chief executive, Kelcy Warren, donated $100,000 to his campaign.

Trump clears way for controversial oil pipelines
mid 2016?

You realize it is 2017, right?
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?
/---- Libtards complaining that Trump isn't fixing Dems screw ups fast enough. Patience Grasshopper.
sure lets lay some pipelines ,, But what about water lines in Flint Mi.? why isn't this a topic ? why is our great President Trump not talking about it ?
'Michigan is seeking additional assurances over pledged federal funding for the Flint water crisis, but state officials say the Environmental Protection Agency has indicated it will be able to provide enabling grants.

President Donald Trump’s administration reportedly ordered the agency to temporarily halt all new contracts or grants, raising concerns the freeze could jeopardize or delay at least $100 million in congressionally approved funding that is expected to help Flint replace lead service lines and make other infrastructure improvements.

While it’s not clear what parts of that freeze may remain intact, the EPA Office of Public Affairs sent an interagency notice to Michigan and other states on Tuesday indicating it will continue to award environmental program grants and revolving loan grants, according to Snyder’s office.

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Director Heidi Grether thanked EPA Acting Administrator Catherine McCabe in a Wednesday letter but told her “any additional clarification you can provide regarding future federal funding to the states would be greatly appreciated.”'

EPA: No ‘freeze’ on Flint funding under Trump

Your great President Trump is taking care of it.

I blame Trump for the Michigan water crisis 100%. He is a water tainting deplorable. It's all his fault.
Your great President Trump

Say it ... OUR great President Trump.


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