Pit bulls are safe around children!

Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)
More proof of misidentification

Dog In Attack Misidentified As A Pit Bull

In a front page article on November 21, 2006 the Houston Chronicle reported "two pit bulls" had fatally mauled a 4 year old child, Pedro Rios. Authorities reported they shot one pit bull and wounded the other. A pit bull task force planned to study the reason for an increase in bites in the Harris County, Texas area which includes Houston.

By Laura Allen, Best Friends Staff

Now, it appears at least the wounded dog which was later put down, was not a pit bull. Dawn Blackmar, a veterinarian and director of the Harris County Veterinary Public Health Department, disputed that the dog had the characteristics of a pit bull breed. It is not clear the deceased dog was actually a pit bull breed either. It does appear these dogs may have been malnourished and otherwise treated poorly.

The mis-identification of these dogs as pit bulls illustrates one problem with breed specific legislation. It is often very difficult to determine whether a dog belongs to a particular breed or breed mix. This has almost certainly meant numbers of dogs that do not belong to the banned breed or breed mix have died as a result of mis-identification.

The smear effect on this type of rush to judgement is difficult to undo. When the story was on the friont pages, the dogs involved were Pit Bulls. That is the image that has gone into the public consciousness. The correction is really too little too late to counter the false accusation.

Harris County isn't unique in their doggie ID deficiencies. A well documented Denver case (Margolius v Denver) provides another example. In that case it was proven animal control officers could not identify a "pit bull terrier" beyond a reasonable doubt under the Denver ordinance which includes along with the banned purebred "any dog displaying the majority of physical characteristics of any of these breeds".

There is a catalog of such stories from all over the country where the rush to judgement and a press deadline has wrongly pointed the finger at a Pit Bull that was later cleared. You can be sure there was never a headline like this: "Pit Bull Cleared of All Charges."

There was no "mis-identification". Pedro Rios was killed by pit bulls.

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Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)

My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".
Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)

My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?
Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)

My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?

You can ask whatever you wish. But I will soon be off the board until late tonight.

I loved Buddy and I still miss him. I have owned and/or been raised with dogs all my life. Here is a quick recap of my theory. Buddy was unique. Examples: every dog I owned would run away when you turned on a garden hose. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the stream of water coming out. When my wife would vacuum, every dog I ever owned would leave the room and try to get as far away as possible from the vacuum. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the vacuum.

I believe ALL the dogs were reacting to FEAR. Buddy attacked fear.
My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?

You can ask whatever you wish. But I will soon be off the board until late tonight.

I loved Buddy and I still miss him. I have owned and/or been raised with dogs all my life. Here is a quick recap of my theory. Buddy was unique. Examples: every dog I owned would run away when you turned on a garden hose. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the stream of water coming out. When my wife would vacuum, every dog I ever owned would leave the room and try to get as far away as possible from the vacuum. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the vacuum.

I believe ALL the dogs were reacting to FEAR. Buddy attacked fear.

That I understand.

Did you raise Buddy from a puppy? If you bought him later than 5 months, something could have happened that caused him to lash out. I've never had the pit bulls attack me, over the course of many years. Him biting the stream of water or attacking the vacuum cleaner doesn't seem abnormal for a dog. I once owned a loving Cocker Spaniel mix, and she would bite the stream of water and fight the wayward demon, "Vacuum." Even seen a weiner dog violently attack a streaming hose, only to get completely soaked? In my experience cats avoid vacuums and water at all costs, but dogs fight those evil things.
If you want a companion dog, a guard dog, a service dog, or even an attack dog, there are other breeds better suited to the role than a pit bull. The only area in which a pit bull is the better choice is a vile, immoral, illegal activity that only scumbags like you-know-who participate in.
If you want a companion dog, a guard dog, a service dog, or even an attack dog, there are other breeds better suited to the role than a pit bull. The only area in which a pit bull is the better choice is a vile, immoral, illegal activity that only scumbags like you-know-who participate in.

Not so. King, Josa, Beth and foxy were my Dads dogs when I was a kid. Best damn pig dogs on the planet.
Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)

My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?

JESUS CHRIST! Who the fuck cares what "reason" Buddy had to violently attack his master for picking up his leash on the floor? Very little brain activity there other than the short-circuit that's in all Pits due to over-breeding. With Shepherds and Golden Retrievers it's hip-displacia. With Pits it's sudden violent attacks. And with the power, speed, and athleticism they have, that attack often turns fatal because they do not stop.
JESUS CHRIST! Who the fuck cares what "reason" Buddy had to violently attack his master for picking up his leash on the floor? Very little brain activity there other than the short-circuit that's in all Pits due to over-breeding. With Shepherds and Golden Retrievers it's hip-displacia. With Pits it's sudden violent attacks. And with the power, speed, and athleticism they have, that attack often turns fatal because they do not stop.

In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad. It may be that Buddy, like other pit bulls, was abused when young. That may not be the case for Buddy, but it is the case for many pit bulls that attack. If a pit bull is raised lovingly while young, I see no reason for that sort of dog to just suddenly snap for no reason. The dogs are actually quite intelligent, depending on the kind of pit bull. As for the short-circuit you mention, do you have biological evidence of it? When those certain pit bulls attack, it's because they were abused and trained to not stop. They're violently trained to be tough, aggressive, destructive guards. A friend of the family bought a pit bull "trained" that way, and while working in down-town Milwaukee he'd leash the dog to his work van with a long chain, because thieves were known to burglarize those vans in a very short period of time.

I'm curious to know if there's a study regarding pit bulls that were raised with love and attention, since being puppies.
In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad.
Nobody is saying that ALL Pit Bulls are bad, but enuff are bad that we notice the difference
Same here Ashtara and Asclepias. The pit I live with is just a snuggle-bug, and is always looking for someone to snuggle with. :D

Do you guys know how, when they get playful, they move like ninjas, getting silly and funny? I'll slowly come close to him with both hands out and apart, like i'm going to playfully get him, and he moves incredibly quickly in response, like he's "READY." ;)

But any breed can be that way. All of them can be playful, be fun, be loving etc. The thing about a pit though, is they are capable of doing a lot more damage than other breeds.
Yea pit bulls are sooo safe you have to use a ships anchor chain to hold them. perfect animal to have around children. :cuckoo:

Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.

You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.

Well duh....if a pit bull is loose and coming at me, how am I supposed to conquer my fear knowing what I know about them?

Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.

You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.

Of course....now you're an attack dog trainer. :lol:

Folks, believe NOTHING this dork says....it's all bullshit to keep somebody replying to him. I'd be amazed if Assplaster has ever petted a dog that wasn't a toy poodle. :doubt:
Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D
Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.
Pitbulls are the Tourette's Syndrome of dogs. They're also a waste of good dog food.
Yea pit bulls are sooo safe you have to use a ships anchor chain to hold them. perfect animal to have around children. :cuckoo:


True dat. I wonder how many aggressive dog owners keep an eye on the condition of their leash. Take a look at it from time to time because each time a larger dog tugs on it, it loses something....especially around the pivot that snaps on the dogs collar. That's all that's between your manhood substitute and it's victim.
Pit bulls, like any dog, will release with a hard punch to the throat.

Crush their ears, pinch their neck or ass hard - that tells them you're the alpha dog.

Bad idea. Some react by holding on tighter. If you have ever had a pit on your bare arm you would be in too much pain to do that.
Don't you love it when some moron here claims giving a dog a "hard punch to the throat" will work?
Why would one need to give your beloved doggie a "hard punch to the throat"? I'm sure that is a best way to deal with a dog that has ahold of someone.
How about a .38 between the eyes? That works every time.
Fucking stupid idiots here.
JESUS CHRIST! Who the fuck cares what "reason" Buddy had to violently attack his master for picking up his leash on the floor? Very little brain activity there other than the short-circuit that's in all Pits due to over-breeding. With Shepherds and Golden Retrievers it's hip-displacia. With Pits it's sudden violent attacks. And with the power, speed, and athleticism they have, that attack often turns fatal because they do not stop.

In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad. It may be that Buddy, like other pit bulls, was abused when young. That may not be the case for Buddy, but it is the case for many pit bulls that attack. If a pit bull is raised lovingly while young, I see no reason for that sort of dog to just suddenly snap for no reason. The dogs are actually quite intelligent, depending on the kind of pit bull. As for the short-circuit you mention, do you have biological evidence of it? When those certain pit bulls attack, it's because they were abused and trained to not stop. They're violently trained to be tough, aggressive, destructive guards. A friend of the family bought a pit bull "trained" that way, and while working in down-town Milwaukee he'd leash the dog to his work van with a long chain, because thieves were known to burglarize those vans in a very short period of time.

I'm curious to know if there's a study regarding pit bulls that were raised with love and attention, since being puppies.

Right, and violent criminals are simply "misunderstood" eh? Let's say for instance your dog picks up on a stranger's fear of it. And what stranger wouldn't be apprehensive about coming around a corner to confront a Pitbull, given their reputation. Now you can say the "reason" for the attack was....what? Sure there is always a reason....who cares what it is with an aggressive dog? All dogs can sense fear. The gentle breeds usually start wiggling and trying to lick the stranger instead of ripping his balls off. Is a child putting it's face in a dog's face reason enough for it to grab the kid's face? I don't mean to be combative, but trying to "understand" a violent breed does little to mitigate the damage it does when it attacks. And I can tell you from a recent experience of mine with a Pit, that they attack MOVEMENT. Run from one and you're prey. Fortunately I deboarded and blocked the Pit with my bike....my crime was riding by him half a block away. I saw him coming or I'd have had my hands full.

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